View Full Version : In adult films, condom question looms large

darth los
30-Apr-2010, 08:50 PM
First off, condoms suck, so why would i want them in my fantasy? These people are crazy.

Second the people bringing this up are anti porn activists and religious groups, not exactly disinterested parties.

If there's a scene with a condom in it i'll skip it 90% of the time. I'll take my smut condomless thank you much.




30-Apr-2010, 08:53 PM
Why would one want to make their cock look like a mugger?


30-Apr-2010, 09:14 PM
I personally only care about looking at the women anyway, so I don't give a shit about rubbers. I'm not there to scope the dude's prick.

So if people are anti-porn or whatever, they should focus on that, not try to single out one specific, mostly irrelevant aspect of it.

30-Apr-2010, 09:24 PM
Meh, I can see the point in encouraging male "performers" to use condoms. Porn has had a massive influence on the sexual norms and expectations of this generation, and I think if more porn producers used condoms in their films it could have some positive impact on unwanted pregnancies and STDs across the board.

I am completely not interested in looking at wangs anyway, in fact I find the "cock" fixation in male-oriented porn rather confusing, so it makes bugger all difference to me.

01-May-2010, 03:27 AM
Personally, I've never really understood why hard-core pornography isn't covered by prostitution laws.

01-May-2010, 04:59 AM
I want hazard pay!

01-May-2010, 02:41 PM
Don't these assholes realize that people in that industry are required to be tested for stds on a regular basis.

01-May-2010, 03:55 PM
The first thing that comes to mind is what are the guys who object to condoms being used looking at anyway?:p

The next thing that comes to mind is, testing or not, you can NEVER be 100% sure someone is disease free, especially if it's casual sex.


01-May-2010, 05:36 PM
First of all, I like to imagine my self with said female(s?!) It's porn it's fantasy. That's like saying there should be no explosions in space during sci fi movies or or no talking dogs in Wishbone.

No Condoms and no uncircumcised penis's for me in Porn, Nothing worse then watching a turtle neck eat sandwich.

01-May-2010, 05:58 PM
No Condoms and no uncircumcised penis's for me in Porn, Nothing worse then watching a turtle neck eat sandwich.

Interesting - over here it's completely the opposite; we consider circumcised penises to look gross and unnatural.

Personally, I'd rather not watch anything with penises at all. I don't mean that in a homophobuic way, I just have no interest in it...

01-May-2010, 07:33 PM
Several times a year I tell my parents that I am upset with them circumcising me as a child.

01-May-2010, 07:38 PM
Interesting - over here it's completely the opposite; we consider circumcised penises to look gross and unnatural.

Personally, I'd rather not watch anything with penises at all. I don't mean that in a homophobuic way, I just have no interest in it...

Does seem that way, when ever something in the European porn category plays it's always like a gang of hungry hungry hippo's popping out to grab something.

I'm pretty happy. Besides it being bastardy un right for a good Jew like me not to have one. Circumcision also helps fight aids.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8473838/ (Up to 70% reduction in HIV chances?!)

02-May-2010, 02:02 AM
I bet, cutting off one's penis entirely would more effectively "fight aids".

02-May-2010, 10:24 AM
Interesting - over here it's completely the opposite; we consider circumcised penises to look gross and unnatural.

Personally, I'd rather not watch anything with penises at all. I don't mean that in a homophobuic way, I just have no interest in it...

First of all, that's so going in my signature.

All dicks look gross and unnatural ... how you ladies put up with them is beyond me. :lol:

Yeah, why the fuss over the condoms? You're supposed to be looking at the chick. Speaking of which, what is more annoying in porn is when they cut away to be a big, gurning close up of the dude right before he blows his load. I mean wtf is that? Yeah you need a cut away, but ... cut away to the chick's face, or a wide shot, or a spot on the wall, don't show some red-faced, gurning, sweaty slab of dude heaving over the camera lens.

Also - shots from behind the dude's arse as he gets bizzy ... wtf is that all about?


What were we talking about again? Oh yeah, knob wraps ... yeah, what's the big deal having them in porn? I don't see a problem with it, likewise as long as unprotected sex in porn is handled properly then I'm fine with that too.

02-May-2010, 10:35 AM
I'm pretty happy. Besides it being bastardy un right for a good Jew like me not to have one. Circumcision also helps fight aids.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8473838/ (Up to 70% reduction in HIV chances?!)

That's fair enough. But I'd be careful about "circumcision helps fight disease" claims. There are a lot of studies on both sides of the argument and a lot of debate. I fall somewhat on the anti-circumcision side of the fence, because, aside from anything else, it seems to have commonsense on its side: if, across the population as a whole, foreskins were a significant health danger for men and/or their sexual partners, then at some point in the last two or three million years we'd have evolved to not have them at at all.

Chic Freak
02-May-2010, 02:56 PM
Personally, I've never really understood why hard-core pornography isn't covered by prostitution laws.

Me neither, it's stupid. Although I fall on the side of the fence that says you should therefore legalise prostitution. How does having a camera rolling and selling the footage make it any better/ worse, other than the fact that it's getting taxed??

Don't these assholes realize that people in that industry are required to be tested for stds on a regular basis.

Yeah, but you're still more likely to catch something if you're having sex with tons of people (even if they have their certificates) than if you're not. Some infections might not show up on tests for a while and of course some don't have symptoms right away. It only takes one person to fuck up when it comes to the certs and introduce an infection into the "pool" for a lot of people to catch it in quick succession.

Interesting - over here it's completely the opposite; we consider circumcised penises to look gross and unnatural.

Speak for yourself! :p

I fall somewhat on the anti-circumcision side of the fence, because, aside from anything else, it seems to have commonsense on its side: if, across the population as a whole, foreskins were a significant health danger for men and/or their sexual partners, then at some point in the last two or three million years we'd have evolved to not have them at at all.

Mmm. As far as I can tell the only thing having your foreskin removed definitely helps stop you from getting is foreskin cancer!

EDIT: I went so far off topic there that I forgot to actually say what I think about this "debate", which is, how can there even be a debate? Of course adult actors/ models should use condoms. 1. to protect themselves and 2. to protect the public. If people could bring the concepts of passionate sex and condoms together in their minds and automatically associate condoms with sex the world would be a happier place.

02-May-2010, 03:14 PM
All dicks look gross and unnatural ... how you ladies put up with them is beyond me. :lol:

Speak for yourself. Mine is beautiful and healthy. The world should know of it. I must tell them.

03-May-2010, 01:50 PM
I'm sorry, this is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. How can I be happy with my fantasy if people aren't in harm's way for HIV, gonorrhea or unwanted pregnancies.

That's no fun. :rolleyes:

I say CGI to the rescue! :D

Also, the idea of an uncircumcised penis freak me out.

/picks nose

darth los
03-May-2010, 07:50 PM
EDIT: I went so far off topic there that I forgot to actually say what I think about this "debate", which is, how can there even be a debate? Of course adult actors/ models should use condoms. 1. to protect themselves and 2. to protect the public. If people could bring the concepts of passionate sex and condoms together in their minds and automatically associate condoms with sex the world would be a happier place.

But what they are selling is a fantasy. No way would the average joe be able to sleep with that many hot women. This allows a man to look and masturbate over as many pieces of ass as he wants.

And I'm sorry if a condom is not a part of that fantasy, because honestly, they suck. (Yes, yes i know, and so does having hiv.) But the get in the way and annoy me in real life and it doesn't change any in my fantasy.

I'll bet dollars to donuts that it stops alot of men from cheating as well. Yeah, you might want to cheat on the missus but after i watch porn and rub one out all those thought go out the window.

All i want is and sandwich and to roll over and go to sleep. :lol:

So... potentially relationship ruining event averted !

Now that's a public service. !! :sneaky:


03-May-2010, 08:09 PM
It's a tribal/cultural kink, I guess - like that African tribe where women are considered ugly unless they stretch their necks to unnatural lengths by adding metal ring necklaces one at a time.

You could argue that you can make your face look more streamlined and reduce the risk of gum disease by cutting off your lips. Doesn't mean we should neccessarily do it to babies.

Like I said, I'm not strongly anti-circumcision, just pointing out that being uncircumcised is the natural, default state, not vice versa.

03-May-2010, 08:38 PM
Well, of course it's all cultural. Personally, I love my mutilated genitals, but I could foresee a day where circumcision is seen by first worlders to be as barbaric as female genital mutilation.

I gotta say though, the idea of having an uncut penis seems laborious, but that may just be because I'm American :D

03-May-2010, 10:49 PM
Without being too gross and overly detailed about the whole thing, the foreskin only covers the glans when the penis is flaccid or semi-flaccid; it rolls back and sort of integrates with the shaft skin when the penis is fully erect, so it doesn't get in the way and isn't laborious at all.

Okay, that WAS kind of gross and overly detailed, but hey ho... :D

04-May-2010, 12:45 AM
Well, of course it's all cultural. Personally, I love my mutilated genitals, but I could foresee a day where circumcision is seen by first worlders to be as barbaric as female genital mutilation.

There's a great many of us that already do consider it barbaric. The whole practice of cutting off the foreskin through circumcision is just archaic (IMO) in INDUSTRIALIZED society. It's another matter if you're living in a third world country. But, there's just no point in developed societies. It's like putting a tattoo of a bird on your arm. Your dad did it, his dad did it, and such and so forth... but ultimately one day you ask the question: "Hey, why do all the men in our family tattoo a bird on our arm?" to which the response is: "Eh, we've just always done that."

Circumcision is a type of genitalia mutilation, it just disturbs me (just like female clitoral mutilation). But, the reasoning behind it is much more theologically/culturally driven than it is for any potential health benefits. It's a generational theological/cultural carry-over just like not eating pork or not eating meat on Friday's (except fish or if you have a special dispensation) during the Lenten season.


04-May-2010, 08:17 AM
Ok, this thread, really hard to masturbate to.

04-May-2010, 09:00 AM
Ok, this thread, really hard to masturbate to.

Gross. :shifty:

Chic Freak
04-May-2010, 12:33 PM
Personally, I love my mutilated genitals, but I could foresee a day where circumcision is seen by first worlders to be as barbaric as female genital mutilation.

FGM is worse because it actually causes infections, ongoing chronic pain, ongoing difficulties in going to the toilet and menstruating and prevents the person who has been mutilated from having sex. Male circumcision does none of these things.

I personally would not have my son circumcised, if I had one, because there is no medical need for it. He could always get it done after the age of 18 as a cosmetic surgery, if he wanted to.

But what they are selling is a fantasy...

I know that. But the fantasy has to be created in the real, concrete world, and as such health and safety needs to be observed, the same as in any other workplace.

And I'm sorry if a condom is not a part of that fantasy, because honestly, they suck. (Yes, yes i know, and so does having hiv.) But the get in the way and annoy me in real life and it doesn't change any in my fantasy.

No-one is saying that you shouldn't fantasise about not using condoms. I'm saying that the actors and models in hard adult movies/ photos are medically at risk if they don't use them. It's a sad fact of life.

I'll bet dollars to donuts that it stops alot of men from cheating as well.

Interesting, but I doubt it. It probably only influences the positions etc that they cheat in ;)

04-May-2010, 01:38 PM
the foreskin only covers the glans when the penis is flaccid or semi-flaccid; it rolls back and sort of integrates with the shaft skin when the penis is fully erect, so it doesn't get in the way and isn't laborious at all.

Kind of like a convertible sports car, then. Gotcha.

Chic Freak
04-May-2010, 02:10 PM
I had no idea that "foreskins get in the way of sex" was a kind of urban myth in the US (as you guys probably know, most people in the UK and Europe aren't circumcised). They don't!

04-May-2010, 02:36 PM
He could always get it done after the age of 18 as a cosmetic surgery, if he wanted to.

And THAT is what really freaks me out about circumcisions. It doesn't matter to me which way it goes, but to have it done later in life is just...wrong. I know a lot of people do it, but damn that seems cruel. At least have it done when they're a baby so they won't remember it, for fucks sake.:lol: I once new a guy that had it done in his late teens. I don't see how he did it...

But a bit more back on topic - You know what's really funny about condoms in porn? When they use the condom and then try to quickly remove it for a "shot". Anybody else seen one of those? The look of sheer panic as the dude quickly pulls and claws at the condom is hilarious....

04-May-2010, 02:54 PM
While not fussed either way about whether I see a johnnie on a chap's winky in a porno, I can see how having more condoms in porn might have a beneficial effect. HOWEVER - I also get immediately cautious, because you're in similar territory to the whole nonsense about smoking in movies - how some freaks want a flick like Casablanca to be rated 18 because there's smoking in it.

I'd think that real-life situations would have more influence over whether anyone smokes or doesn't smoke, e.g. isn't it the case that those from smoking households are more likely to smoke themselves?

Likewise, regardless of what happens in porn, I'd hope that real-life situations would educate people about proper condom use/contraception. Porn is porn ... it's grossly fictional in its approach to sex, it's all an act, a set-up, by-and-large (no pun intended :p) ... for example, porn performers are almost entirely unlike the average person bumping uglies. There was an interesting documentary on the BBC a while back about Teens Hooked on Porn (or something lurid like that), and it had a bunch of teenagers around GCSE age consuming porn and how it affected their perception of sex in real life.

That's where the danger of porn comes in - because there's not enough (or any) education to counter the message of porn. A violent movie is fine, because you're brought up to know the difference between right and wrong, and killing is bad etc (generally speaking) ... whereas there isn't the education about porn and the perception of sex that it puts out there.

I never had internet porn when I was in high school, about the most we got was Max Power magazine (a mally boy car magazine :lol:) and the 10 minute freeview on Television X ... it's a different ball game now. By the time I was able to access internet porn my perception of sex was much more developed than those who are accessing it - without being educated about it as a media force - at the age of 13, say.

I'm NOT saying, however, that porn is evil and should be banned. Far from it, I'm a pro-porn dude, but I do think that it is necessary for kids to be educated about pornography ... indeed a couple of years ago I shot & edited a series of educational films on the topic of "Sex & Ethics", and these issues (as well as many others) were investigated. However it's aimed at Sixth Form students ... I do think that from Year 7 or 8 there must be proper sexual education.

Not just the mechanics of how a baby gets made, but two very important things:

1) Contraception and proper contraceptive use.
2) Understanding pornography in context.


Where were we? Something about raincoats and turtle necks, wasn't it? :sneaky:

---------- Post added at 03:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 PM ----------

And THAT is what really freaks me out about circumcisions. It doesn't matter to me which way it goes, but to have it done later in life is just...wrong. I know a lot of people do it, but damn that seems cruel. At least have it done when they're a baby so they won't remember it, for fucks sake.:lol: I once new a guy that had it done in his late teens. I don't see how he did it...

But a bit more back on topic - You know what's really funny about condoms in porn? When they use the condom and then try to quickly remove it for a "shot". Anybody else seen one of those? The look of sheer panic as the dude quickly pulls and claws at the condom is hilarious....

lol ... yeah I have noticed that ... also once I saw the contents being drained out of one for a different kind of facial. :rockbrow:

As for circumcision - it's not so clear-cut ... ... *ahem* ... ... as if done incorrectly, it can lead to a whole manner of problems. If too much is cut off, it can lead to agonising pain when the penis is erect - I remember seeing something about that on telly a few years ago. :stunned:

Scared me, alright ... and as Bassman says, having your Todd Johnson scissored at the end when you're fully aware of what's going on? GOOD GOD, NO! :eek:

I once briefly considered it, but then I saw that aforementioned TV show, and thought "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that!"

You see, that's another thing, a lot of porn is circumcised porn ... although amateur porn can be anything ... indeed, thinking about it, surely amateur porn is, in a weird way, better for teenagers to consume (instead of professional porn), as the people in amateur porn are usually normal people of all shapes, sizes, looks, and indeed cut or uncut downstairs.

I think female circumcision does 'pip' male circumcision at the post easily though, as wasn't that practice kind of a 'male dominance' thing? Power over women and all that ... plus the complications ... although as I said, male circumcision can, if done incorrectly, lead to agony and all sorts of trouble. Indeed, apparently an uncut knob has more sensitivity - because of the foreskin movement, or something like that ... I think I saw that on Channel 5. :shifty:

Chic Freak
04-May-2010, 05:07 PM
While not fussed either way about whether I see a johnnie on a chap's winky in a porno, I can see how having more condoms in porn might have a beneficial effect. HOWEVER - I also get immediately cautious, because you're in similar territory to the whole nonsense about smoking in movies - how some freaks want a flick like Casablanca to be rated 18 because there's smoking in it.

I'd think that real-life situations would have more influence over whether anyone smokes or doesn't smoke, e.g. isn't it the case that those from smoking households are more likely to smoke themselves?

That is true, but when it comes to sex, most people don't have real-life examples to look at because they don't see people having sex anywhere except in porn.

Regardless of whether porn has an unwanted but unavoidable inherent responsibility to set a good example to its viewers with the use of condoms, it is true that not using a condom can lead to several deaths in the adult industry (as has sadly happened before). It doesn't happen often, but how many times constitutes "enough" to warrant change? It is a tragedy that could easily be avoided by the simple use of condoms.

Whereas acting alongside someone who has to smoke a cigarette in a scene will do no worse for you than make your clothes smell ;) I've had to puff away at cigarettes and cigars before to get a certain shot but I'd never risk unprotected sex (even if I did do that sort of work, which I don't, btw! :p).

You see, that's another thing, a lot of porn is circumcised porn ... although amateur porn can be anything ... indeed, thinking about it, surely amateur porn is, in a weird way, better for teenagers to consume (instead of professional porn), as the people in amateur porn are usually normal people of all shapes, sizes, looks, and indeed cut or uncut downstairs.

Could be! Sort of like using "real" girls to model clothes in magazines to help stop teenage girls thinking they're fat. Do you think boys feel pressurised to get circumcised because of porn?

I think female circumcision does 'pip' male circumcision at the post easily though, as wasn't that practice kind of a 'male dominance' thing? Power over women and all that ... plus the complications ...

Yes, and you can speak in the present tense because it is still going on right now- millions of girls around the world every year are circumcised against their will :( Traditionally, the father is supposed to have his daughter's clitoris removed and her labia sewn together while she is still a child, to prevent her from having sex as a teenager, and then when she gets married, her husband is supposed to open it up again on their wedding night. It is openly intended to dominate and control women and pass them from one owner to another like cattle, and as you can imagine, the rates of infection are high *getting upset*

Indeed, apparently an uncut knob has more sensitivity - because of the foreskin movement, or something like that ... I think I saw that on Channel 5. :shifty:

Yeah I think the glans is more sensitive because being sheathed most of the time prevents it from kind of toughening up.

04-May-2010, 05:24 PM
No thank you to having a "natural" dick. A flap of skin rolled over the head would be uncomfortable as hell. Just thinking of that disgusting feeling gives me chills.

And on the topic, condoms in porn won't accomplish anything. People who use rubbers will, and people who don't like them won't. Doesn't matter if they see someone else using them. If they refuse to use them when their women DEMAND it, they sure as hell aren't going to do it just because they see some fool named "Larry Slapnuts" wearing one in a flick.

darth los
04-May-2010, 06:52 PM
I know that. But the fantasy has to be created in the real, concrete world, and as such health and safety needs to be observed, the same as in any other workplace.

No-one is saying that you shouldn't fantasise about not using condoms. I'm saying that the actors and models in hard adult movies/ photos are medically at risk if they don't use them. It's a sad fact of life.

Imo, adults who are of sound mind who are INFORMED (key word there) about what they are getting into and the risks involved should be able to do whatever they want, that includes drugs and yes sex.

Whether it's heterosexual, homosexual, unprotected or protected, or whther it's pay for play. If two consenting adults choose to engage in an act who is anyone to tell them not to.

The fact that others might take what they do and perpetuate it is not their fault or responsibility.


04-May-2010, 07:33 PM
Could be! Sort of like using "real" girls to model clothes in magazines to help stop teenage girls thinking they're fat. Do you think boys feel pressurised to get circumcised because of porn?

Don't know about pressurised to be circumcised, but I guess it could have an affect on male perceptions. It shouldn't though, as the idea is for the foreskin to retract ... although, thinking about it, if a chick can have an over-sized clitoris (*ahem* Clerks 2 *cough* :p), then a dude could have a ... well ... bigger turtle neck ... ... could that cause a problem?

Blimey, this is a weird old thread ... I'd have never thought, when I woke up this morning, that I'd be contemplating the above thought ... my mind works in mysterious ways. :eek:

No thank you to having a "natural" dick. A flap of skin rolled over the head would be uncomfortable as hell. Just thinking of that disgusting feeling gives me chills.

I can categorically confirm that an uncut wang is not in the slightest bit uncomfortable. Indeed, I'd have thought that a cut knob would feel weird, at least at first ... referring back to Chic's "toughening up" comment ... I'd imagine, say if an 18 year old had themselves cut, they'd feel really weird and perhaps a bit uncomfortable, with a newly exposed helmet rubbing all over the inside of their undercrackers.

I've just thought as well, the 'ant eater' or 'turtle neck' could actually be quite beneficial in a tricky zipper situation. What would you rather get caught in a zipper? The turtle neck, or the helmet?

Well, you'd prefer neither, but well ... for sake of argument ... ... I'd go with turtle neck ... indeed I have to say I did once get my todd johnson stuck in my zipper - gave me a cold chill of a shock ... not like in There's Something About Mary, I hasten to add ... but it drew blood. *shudders*

04-May-2010, 08:25 PM
Indeed, I'd have thought that a cut knob would feel weird, at least at first

Most of us wouldn't know. It's done soon after birth, when you remember nothing.

I can't speak for everyone, but if it weren't done at that point, I personally would never have it done. Nobody is getting anything sharp anywhere near my dick, regardless of reason. That's the one area of the body that doesn't need to experience any pain. I'm probably not alone on that.

04-May-2010, 08:51 PM
Most of us wouldn't know. It's done soon after birth, when you remember nothing.

I can't speak for everyone, but if it weren't done at that point, I personally would never have it done. Nobody is getting anything sharp anywhere near my dick, regardless of reason. That's the one area of the body that doesn't need to experience any pain. I'm probably not alone on that.

That's what I was saying earlier. If I was never circumsized as a baby, I would just NEVER be. No way in hell I could put myself through such trauma. I mean....I'm sure they give you something for it and it doesnt hurt all that bad, but just the thought is enough to make me get the shivers. That's why I was so surprised when an old friend told me he was going to have it done at the age of 17.:|

darth los
04-May-2010, 08:53 PM
That's the one area of the body that doesn't need to experience any pain.

And to think some people actually pay to have stuff like that done to them ! :stunned:

04-May-2010, 09:08 PM
Actually their can be some benefits to circumcision. I was born with Hypospadiais(SP) Thanks to dad being a Vietnam vet and Agent orange getting handed down to me. Well basically my urethra wasn't fully developed down there and ended up coming out the side. Well, they used the tissue from my circumcision to help make everything perfect down their. Nothing like a two day old dick job to set you up for life.

Combined with the fact that it has been linked to a drastically lower risk of catching HIV then my turtleneck brethren. Not having to worry about hygiene as much when I'm out their on the battlefield. Although I imagine it could be a nice place to store snacks or hide important documents.

04-May-2010, 11:11 PM
No thank you to having a "natural" dick. A flap of skin rolled over the head would be uncomfortable as hell. Just thinking of that disgusting feeling gives me chills.

Having a foreskin doesn't feel like anything. You literally don't feel it. In fact, it protects the head from discomfort and unwanted "stimulation" that would occur by rubbing/chafing while wearing rough fabrics, sitting in the back of a shaking/vibrating vehicle, etc. :D

There was one guy at my school who had a circumcision (the ONLY guy, as far as I know, that had one) when he was a baby for medical reasons as his foreskin was too tight at birth. His name was Willy, which was approriate as he once got an involuntary erection in PE and never lived it down, but he used to say the doctor told him it was because he had no foreskin to prevent him getting "stroked" by tight-fitting underwear and whatnot, and apparently he had major problems with embarrassing boners for years. That's anecodtal evidence obviously, and I don't know how much of that was just him being a gross, filthy, disgusting teenager and how much of it was down to his circumcision, but that always stuck with me...

04-May-2010, 11:22 PM
There was one guy at my school who had a circumcision (the ONLY guy, as far as I know, that had one) when he was a baby for medical reasons as his foreskin was too tight at birth. His name was Willy, which was approriate as he once got an involuntary erection in PE and never lived it down, but he used to say the doctor told him it was because he had no foreskin to prevent him getting "stroked" by tight-fitting underwear and whatnot, and apparently he had major problems with embarrassing boners for years. That's anecodtal evidence obviously, and I don't know how much of that was just him being a gross, filthy, disgusting teenager and how much of it was down to his circumcision, but that always stuck with me...

You know, Kraken, the thing that disturbs me the most about the above information is the fact that you just happen to know all this about dear ol' Willy. How is it that you know this information exactly? :confused:

"Hey Willy, what's up with jr.?":shifty:

Not exactly a regular conversation I strike up with my drinking buddies at my bar: "Hey Bill, pass me that pitcher, and by the way, are you circumcised?"


04-May-2010, 11:36 PM
But what they are selling is a fantasy. No way would the average joe be able to sleep with that many hot women. This allows a man to look and masturbate over as many pieces of ass as he wants.

And I'm sorry if a condom is not a part of that fantasy, because honestly, they suck. (Yes, yes i know, and so does having hiv.) But the get in the way and annoy me in real life and it doesn't change any in my fantasy.

I'll bet dollars to donuts that it stops alot of men from cheating as well. Yeah, you might want to cheat on the missus but after i watch porn and rub one out all those thought go out the window.

All i want is and sandwich and to roll over and go to sleep. :lol:

So... potentially relationship ruining event averted !

Now that's a public service. !! :sneaky:


Never thought of it quite like that... Good point. Although, on the other side of the fence would argue it leads to all of which you say it does not, and leads to rape... The rape thing boggles me because after rubbing one out most men go flaccid and end up going to sleep. I know I do...

And before anyone jumps in about my masturbating habits some of you showed your cards pretty early on. I am only chiming in on page 3 at best.

05-May-2010, 12:01 AM
You know, Kraken, the thing that disturbs me the most about the above information is the fact that you just happen to know all this about dear ol' Willy. How is it that you know this information exactly? :confused:

"Hey Willy, what's up with jr.?":shifty:

Not exactly a regular conversation I strike up with my drinking buddies at my bar: "Hey Bill, pass me that pitcher, and by the way, are you circumcised?"


Haha, yeah. This started when we were about 13 - there was a rumour that he was circumcised and subsequently that he was Jewish (both extremely rare in rural Scotland), so I guess eventually someone asked him and he openly admitted to being the former but not the latter. He got some minor ribbing at the time but it soon died off until about a year later, when boner-gate took place and everyone started calling him gay (he was trying to disguise an obvious lob-on in a changing room full of half-clothed guys) and he afterwards swore on his life it was all the fault of his lack of foreskin causing his "other head" to rub unprotected against his underwear causing a result that (he said) happened to him all the time.

05-May-2010, 12:28 AM
Is it uncommon to see other mens' packages? I don't know about where everyone else is, but it's a regular thing around gyms and locker rooms in my neck of the woods . Or if they get really trashed and end up doing something stupid while naked.:lol:

I guess everyone is too uptight these days to have a skinny dip with friends while camping?:p

05-May-2010, 12:34 AM
I guess everyone is too uptight these days to have a skinny dip with friends while camping?:p

Which friends do you hang out with, Bassman?



No, I couldn't resist...


05-May-2010, 01:31 AM

Great movie, btw....

I guess i'm just old fashioned that way. It's not like i'm frequently nude around my friends, but the rare times it happens it's not even an issue. As long as you aren't staring at their crotch it's all okay.:lol:

Besides, any and every adult has seen all of the private areas before. You've seen one, you've seen them all.

05-May-2010, 01:33 AM
That doesn't make any sense since circumcision reduces sensitivity not increases it. Sounds like that fellow just wanted an excuse haha.

05-May-2010, 09:47 AM
Never thought of it quite like that... Good point. Although, on the other side of the fence would argue it leads to all of which you say it does not, and leads to rape... The rape thing boggles me because after rubbing one out most men go flaccid and end up going to sleep. I know I do...

And before anyone jumps in about my masturbating habits some of you showed your cards pretty early on. I am only chiming in on page 3 at best.
Interesting point in there Deej - after a dude does his business, he's not interested anymore ... they might even feel a little dirty or ashamed, or just tired and relaxed. Point being, apparently in places like Japan - where there's all sorts of filthy porn - the rape rate is very low compared to other countries with more prudent porn habits.


Chic Freak
05-May-2010, 11:29 AM
Imo, adults who are of sound mind who are INFORMED (key word there) about what they are getting into and the risks involved should be able to do whatever they want, that includes drugs and yes sex.

Whether it's heterosexual, homosexual, unprotected or protected, or whther it's pay for play. If two consenting adults choose to engage in an act who is anyone to tell them not to.

The fact that others might take what they do and perpetuate it is not their fault or responsibility.

But if they know that people's sexual habits are influenced by porn, that forces responsibility upon them, non? It's not fair, but it's the way it is. Just like the fashion industry has an arguably unfair but nevertheless unavoidable responsibility to present health as a beautiful thing, due to the many children developing anorexia/ bulimia.

As for the two consenting adults bit... I've met several (female) hard adult models and they were all f*cking weird in one way or another. They should really have to present bills of mental as well as physical health before they agree to have lots of unprotected sex with people who have already had lots of unprotected sex methinks :p

Don't know about pressurised to be circumcised, but I guess it could have an affect on male perceptions.

As in, what a penis "ought" to look like?

... although, thinking about it, if a chick can have an over-sized clitoris (*ahem* Clerks 2 *cough* :p), then a dude could have a ... well ... bigger turtle neck ... ... could that cause a problem?

I shouldn't think so. I believe the clitoris is the female penis (as in, if the hormones had gone slightly differently in utero, it would have grown into one).

... indeed I have to say I did once get my todd johnson stuck in my zipper - gave me a cold chill of a shock ... not like in There's Something About Mary, I hasten to add ... but it drew blood. *shudders*

Awwwwwwwww man! I don't even have a penis and that made me cringe!

Never thought of it quite like that... Good point. Although, on the other side of the fence would argue it leads to all of which you say it does not, and leads to rape...

As far as I'm aware there's no evidence that watching porn --> rape, so don't panic ;)

Point being, apparently in places like Japan - where there's all sorts of filthy porn - the rape rate is very low compared to other countries with more prudent porn habits.


Mm. Turns out that being open about sexuality and not repressing is actually a good thing! Who knew?! :p

05-May-2010, 11:46 AM
:lol: at this thread

I was circumcised when I was about 10 years old, a couple of weeks of soreness is all, aint no thang! Was far better than not being able to pee properly! Plus smeg is a non issue! Maybe there is a loss of sensation but as I was too young to be knocking one out, never mind having sex so its not like I miss it!

Ahh the things we talk about on HPoTD, im sure you all feel much better for me sharing that! :lol:

05-May-2010, 11:50 AM
Is it uncommon to see other mens' packages? I don't know about where everyone else is, but it's a regular thing around gyms and locker rooms in my neck of the woods . Or if they get really trashed and end up doing something stupid while naked.:lol:

I guess everyone is too uptight these days to have a skinny dip with friends while camping?:p

It is the same up here, though I must add, the folks that waddle around the gym I used to frequent, were always really damn quick to remove their clothing, and 'shake the heat out' so to speak. The 2 most memorable ones were the overweight ginger guy, and the creeper old man. I remember having a shower, and literally 5 minutes after I had turned the water on, the curtain swings open, and the fat guy is standing their smiling at me.

"Oops, I uhh...I didn't know that this stall was being used." He said to me, with a very very very creepy grin on his face, as water continued to spurt loudly from the shower head.

The old man would always follow me around the gym, and try to talk to me.

"So, using the bench press eh? You look like you been doing a lot of those. How much can you bench? Mind if I watch?"

He would also follow me into the sauna, and was very very liberal with his nudity. The towel would fly off, tossed to a far corner of the room, and he would be standing their, hands on hips with this big shit eating grin on his face, right in the open doorway, flashing the rest of the locker room his craggly ass. He would often walk up (I imagine that he thought he was being sexy or something), bend down reallllllly low, and dump water all over the rocks/heater thing. Then, he would slink up to where I was sitting, place his foot on the seat, and being to stretch in the middle of the sauna. With his tiny willy jiggling all over the place. Inches away from my face.

"So, ya get a good workout today? You look pretty tired, and I noticed that you were sweating alot. That's good, work hard when your young, otherwise you'll end up like me". He says as he stretches in the nude near me, genitalia flopping wildly; my view filled with wrinkly skin and white thigh hair.

Needless to say, I stopped going to that gym.

Chic Freak
05-May-2010, 11:52 AM
That's vile, Mo. You should have reported the pair of them.

05-May-2010, 12:09 PM
That's vile, Mo. You should have reported the pair of them.

Or wet towel whipped them, right on the cheb end! :lol:

05-May-2010, 01:18 PM
That's vile, Mo. You should have reported the pair of them.

I know, but for some reason, I felt bad. Maybe their entire life revolved around creeping out nubile, handsome young hulks like myself. Can you imagine the trauma that I would cause them if I got them booted from the exercise establishment?

Although...I still see the vile jiggling of wrinkly genitalia, and hear the constant sound of soft belly flesh grinding against lower abdominal flesh in my nightmares from time to time. Seriously, I will never forget that, and Those 2 memories are going to stick with me until the day I expire, and am thrown into some school yard one day.

I did find a far better gym afterwords though, so maybe it was the Lord telling me to look for greener pastures, as it were.

05-May-2010, 05:36 PM
As in, what a penis "ought" to look like?

I shouldn't think so. I believe the clitoris is the female penis (as in, if the hormones had gone slightly differently in utero, it would have grown into one).

Awwwwwwwww man! I don't even have a penis and that made me cringe!

Mm. Turns out that being open about sexuality and not repressing is actually a good thing! Who knew?! :p

1) Indeed, what one "ought" to look like ... but then again, I'd imagine the average porno dick is nothing like the average real-life dick ... and I'd have thought that size, girth, etc is a more worrying issue than whether the wang in question is cut or uncut. Girls have the porno-boob worry, guys have the porno-knob worry.

2) I was meaning 'would an over-sized turtle neck cause a problem?' ... not an oversized clitoris ... ... as in, would it get in the way, or be restrictive? There's such a thing as a "tight foreskin" which requires circumcision to correct ... :eek:

See what HPOTD gets us all thinking about? Good lord...

3) Wang or no wang, you have a soul ... and anyone with a soul can empathise with the cold shuddering chill of the moment you realise you've caught your todd johnson in your zipper. :stunned:

4) I know, right? :D:p:D

:lol: at this thread

I was circumcised when I was about 10 years old, a couple of weeks of soreness is all, aint no thang! Was far better than not being able to pee properly! Plus smeg is a non issue! Maybe there is a loss of sensation but as I was too young to be knocking one out, never mind having sex so its not like I miss it!

Ahh the things we talk about on HPoTD, im sure you all feel much better for me sharing that! :lol:


You know what, cut or uncut, I think most guys can't pee straight. Different times of day, different circumstances, you name it, the pee comes out different almost every time. While us fellas can pee standing up, it's like trying to strike the head of a pin with a shotgun from a mile away ... quite frankly it can sometimes be harder that rocket science ... ... the pissing part, not the dick ... although, dicks do do that sometimes too. :lol:

Every guy has had to wrestle their todd johnson just to get the whizz in the goal ... FACT. :lol:


Just thinking about it ... perhaps that's why men's toilets are the way they are in public - either great big metal troughs, or urinals that are like whizzing into a great big target and you can hit any part of it just fine, it's all porcelain. The former is like pissing up a wall, practically ... and you never wanna be the poor bastard at the drain end. :barf:

darth los
05-May-2010, 06:04 PM
Which friends do you hang out with, Bassman?



No, I couldn't resist...


That's classic dude. laugh of the day. He did set himself up tho. :lol:


---------- Post added at 02:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:03 PM ----------

1) Indeed, what one "ought" to look like ... but then again, I'd imagine the average porno dick is nothing like the average real-life dick ... and I'd have thought that size, girth, etc is a more worrying issue than whether the wang in question is cut or uncut. Girls have the porno-boob worry, guys have the porno-knob worry.

2) I was meaning 'would an over-sized turtle neck cause a problem?' ... not an oversized clitoris ... ... as in, would it get in the way, or be restrictive? There's such a thing as a "tight foreskin" which requires circumcision to correct ... :eek:

See what HPOTD gets us all thinking about? Good lord...

3) Wang or no wang, you have a soul ... and anyone with a soul can empathise with the cold shuddering chill of the moment you realise you've caught your todd johnson in your zipper. :stunned:

4) I know, right? :D:p:D


You know what, cut or uncut, I think most guys can't pee straight. Different times of day, different circumstances, you name it, the pee comes out different almost every time. While us fellas can pee standing up, it's like trying to strike the head of a pin with a shotgun from a mile away ... quite frankly it can sometimes be harder that rocket science ... ... the pissing part, not the dick ... although, dicks do do that sometimes too. :lol:

Every guy has had to wrestle their todd johnson just to get the whizz in the goal ... FACT. :lol:


Just thinking about it ... perhaps that's why men's toilets are the way they are in public - either great big metal troughs, or urinals that are like whizzing into a great big target and you can hit any part of it just fine, it's all porcelain. The former is like pissing up a wall, practically ... and you never wanna be the poor bastard at the drain end. :barf:

Dude, and what about when you wake up with the morning pee hard on ! :lol::stunned:

Your all groggy and on top of that you have to lean against a wall in order to get the propper angle. lol


05-May-2010, 06:57 PM
You know what, cut or uncut, I think most guys can't pee straight. Different times of day, different circumstances, you name it, the pee comes out different almost every time. While us fellas can pee standing up, it's like trying to strike the head of a pin with a shotgun from a mile away ... quite frankly it can sometimes be harder that rocket science ... ... the pissing part, not the dick ... although, dicks do do that sometimes too. :lol:

Its worse when you get a new girlfriend, and you go round to hers for the first time & halfway through the film or whatever you need a wazz, and as soon as you pee a stream shoots off to a side leaving spots of piss on your socks, jeans, toilet seat (if you forgot to lift it), the loo roll, & carpet, so your in there desperately stamping bog roll into the spots to soak it up so she doesnt notice :lol: was even worse when I was in my late teens/early 20's & dates like that were inevitably round at girls parents houses :lol:

Chic Freak
05-May-2010, 07:09 PM
Its worse when you get a new girlfriend, and you go round to hers for the first time & halfway through the film or whatever you need a wazz, and as soon as you pee a stream shoots off to a side leaving spots of piss on your socks, jeans, toilet seat (if you forgot to lift it), the loo roll, & carpet, so your in there desperately stamping bog roll into the spots to soak it up so she doesnt notice :lol: was even worse when I was in my late teens/early 20's & dates like that were inevitably round at girls parents houses :lol:

Good lord, man! Why not just save yourself the agony and pee sitting down? No-one ever has to know...

---------- Post added at 08:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:08 PM ----------

And MZ, try taking a piss when you got a raging stonk on, goes up the wall diagonally and everything!

I didn't even know you could pee with an erection. This is an educational thread.

05-May-2010, 07:30 PM
Its worse when you get a new girlfriend, and you go round to hers for the first time & halfway through the film or whatever you need a wazz, and as soon as you pee a stream shoots off to a side leaving spots of piss on your socks, jeans, toilet seat (if you forgot to lift it), the loo roll, & carpet, so your in there desperately stamping bog roll into the spots to soak it up so she doesnt notice :lol: was even worse when I was in my late teens/early 20's & dates like that were inevitably round at girls parents houses :lol:

Reads too specific to be anything other than truth. :lol:

Christ, I've more than once been standing practically at a right angle to the bog, but whizzing into the water ... ... indeed ... ... and just think what happened before I realised I had to stand at a right angle on those occasions...:shifty:

Good lord, man! Why not just save yourself the agony and pee sitting down? No-one ever has to know...

If you're given the gift of peeing while standing up, you don't just throw it away. :D If you're in the middle of a job though, then you have to. But a dude sitting down to have a slash is pretty emasculating ... it's just not acceptable "dude behaviour" ... in fact, your license can be revoked if you're found out. :sneaky::p:sneaky:

I didn't even know you could pee with an erection. This is an educational thread.

It can be tricky, but it can be done also. What's most annoying is post 'how-do-you-do' whizzing ... it's like your wang is busy going from one mode of operation to another and doesn't want you disturbing the process. :p

Well, I have an experimental sex life, y'know? :D


Dirty bastard. :p

darth los
05-May-2010, 07:31 PM
I didn't even know you could pee with an erection. This is an educational thread.

Which goes to show you how out of the question peeing while sitting under those circumstances is.

Unless you want a piss covered chin that is...


05-May-2010, 07:33 PM
Good lord, man! Why not just save yourself the agony and pee sitting down? No-one ever has to know...

Then Id have to sit in another person's Pee!... It's a survival mechanism of growing up with two other brothers when pranks and general torment are common practice....
because of this I am also uncomfortable pooping sitting-down until the toilet has been thoroughly inspected...:|

05-May-2010, 07:40 PM
Then Id have to sit in another person's Pee!... It's a survival mechanism of growing up with two other brothers when pranks and general torment are common practice....
because of this I am also uncomfortable pooping sitting-down until the toilet has been thoroughly inspected...:|
Not to mention in public toilets/at pubs ... if a pub has a grotty bog, then it's going to be covered in piss. Indeed at one pub in my town the bogs are rank, and the stall bog is awful. No lock on the door, so you have to hold it shut with your foot, and ... well ... the floor ain't dry ... by any stretch of the imagination ... nor is the toilet seat ... or toilet ... or the surrounding walls.

Any guy needing a shit in that pub is ... shit out of luck. :sneaky:


Yeah ... pretty rank.

Plus my cheeks very rarely, if ever, hit a bog seat other than my own. Mine is always clean and I'm the only one using it ... anything other than that is weird and potentially horrific.

05-May-2010, 07:52 PM
I didn't even know you could pee with an erection. This is an educational thread.

ive got to ask, why did you think we couldnt? like theres one valve for pee and another for sploodge and they cant be open at the same time or something? or the urethra closes up like a a trachea when your chocking? :lol:

-also, on the topic of the circumcision thing the biggest put off thing i ever heard was the immediate time after where getting a boner could "open the wound", brrr, just thinking about waking up with a 'bloody-woody' is enough to put the shits up any bloke.:dead:

05-May-2010, 08:13 PM
Us blokes have to sit every now and then. You might need to take a banging shit, but you will do the wee-wee too. Who tucks? And if they do, who bungs a bit of bog paper between the chappie and seat? :D

:lol: So true.

Dropping the kids off at the pool always gets the old waterworks on red alert, so I've found ... so that's the only time I'll be parked and draining ... ... and yes, there's something a bit "hmmm" about leaving your wang to directly contact the bog seat, isn't there?

ive got to ask, why did you think we couldnt? like theres one valve for pee and another for sploodge and they cant be open at the same time or something? or the urethra closes up like a a trachea when your chocking? :lol:

-also, on the topic of the circumcision thing the biggest put off thing i ever heard was the immediate time after where getting a boner could "open the wound", brrr, just thinking about waking up with a 'bloody-woody' is enough to put the shits up any bloke.:dead:

1) lol ... although it does create a bit of a "traffic jam" situation. Todd Johnson doesn't know which you want first, so you have to coax him a bit to get the flow going. FACT. :lol:

2) Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that! :eek::stunned:

Unless medical science demands one of me, I'm never getting a circumcision. Such a practice, if it's ever going to be done, must be done in infancy ... which is kinda freaky in itself ... ... at least the one receiving the cut would have no idea about it anyway.

Also - what about pissing after having the cut and before it's healed up?! :shifty:


Circling back to the pee flying any way it wants, I remember being utterly paranoid about an errant stream after I had my hernia operation last year, which was quite close to my Todd Johnson. The thought of getting any on the bandage, or worse, the incision itself (which resembled an axe wound in my mind) ... didn't bear thinking about.

Actually, that's the worst ever time I've had going number one - post operation - especially that first whizz when I got home, still chock full of general anaesthetic and in agony ... took me like ten fucking minutes. The following two-to-three weeks was not an easy time of it either.

05-May-2010, 09:53 PM
ive got to ask, why did you think we couldnt? like theres one valve for pee and another for sploodge and they cant be open at the same time or something? or the urethra closes up like a a trachea when your chocking? :lol:

Actually there is a muscle in front of the bladder that closes off before orgasm, preventing the fluid that is emitted from the prostate and testes from back-surging into the bladder, and ensuring it is properly channeled out the end of your custard chucker.

This makes voluntarily urination whilst highly aroused almost impossible, but since peeing and having sex are things best kept apart, it's not an issue most people ever have to contend with or will even noticeably experience.

It is possible to urinate with mostly full erection, provided orgasm isn't imminent, but since the tissues within the shaft are expanded and full of blood, the urethera is pinched/squeezed into a smaller than usual size, which can make it uncomfortable and clumsy, with a thinner stream of pee coming out at higher pressure than usual, sometimes split into two streams by the distortion of the urethera (like when you pinch the end of a hose). Also, the angle of the erection makes it difficult to aim; you have to force it to point downwards against the muscles in your groin and thus further squeezing the urethera.

It's gross being a guy. :p

Chic Freak
05-May-2010, 10:07 PM
ive got to ask, why did you think we couldnt? like theres one valve for pee and another for sploodge and they cant be open at the same time or something? or the urethra closes up like a a trachea when your chocking? :lol:

Actually there is a muscle in front of the bladder that closes off before orgasm, preventing the fluid that is emitted from the prostate and testes from back-surging into the bladder, and ensuring it is properly channeled out the end of your custard chucker.

This makes voluntarily urination whilst highly aroused almost impossible, but since peeing and having sex are things best kept apart, it's not an issue most people ever have to contend with or will even noticeably experience.

It is possible to urinate with mostly full erection, provided orgasm isn't imminent, but since the tissues within the shaft are expanded and full of blood, the urethera is pinched/squeezed into a smaller than usual size, which can make it uncomfortable and clumsy, with a thinner stream of pee coming out at higher pressure than usual, sometimes split into two streams by the distortion of the urethera (like when you pinch the end of a hose). Also, the angle of the erection makes it difficult to aim; you have to force it to point downwards against the muscles in your groin and thus further squeezing the urethera.

Erm, what he said! :D

It's gross being a guy. :p

That's not gross. Try having semi-permanent reproductive tissue that regularly and painfully drops out of your body over a period of days via your genitals :dead: Hopefully that'll be the first thing to go in our next evolutionary leap.

05-May-2010, 10:22 PM
Hopefully that'll be the first thing to go in our next evolutionary leap.

fuck that, muvafukkas need some gills.:lol:

06-May-2010, 12:01 AM
That's not gross. Try having semi-permanent reproductive tissue that regularly and painfully drops out of your body over a period of days via your genitals :dead: Hopefully that'll be the first thing to go in our next evolutionary leap.

You could be like a Baboon and when your in heat(estrus) your "gentiles" would swell all up with "fluid"!...like a big pink water balloon.....And then instead of having a period you would reabsorb most of the "fluid" and be left with a deflated sac for a couple weeks..

I assume it saves calories....

Yeah that would be pretty sweet......:stunned:

06-May-2010, 12:04 AM
You could be like a Baboon and when your in heat(estrus) your "gentiles" would swell all up with "fluid"!...like a big pink water balloon.....And then instead of having a period you would reabsorb most of the "fluid" and be left with a deflated sac for a couple weeks..

I assume it saves calories....

Yeah that would be pretty sweet......:stunned:

rumour has it rosie o'donnel already does that.

06-May-2010, 10:55 AM
Point being, apparently in places like Japan - where there's all sorts of filthy porn - the rape rate is very low compared to other countries with more prudent porn habits.

On the other hand, their rate of all kinds of crime is very low. The rape rate in the US is 20 times higher than in Japan, but the robbery rate is over 100 times higher. This suggests that the difference lies in cultural attitudes towards individual responsibility to the community (shame) and policing practices (criminal defendants in Japan have fewer rights) rather than porn.

fuck that, muvafukkas need some gills.:lol:
