View Full Version : 'Joaquin Pheonix not so crazy after all'

07-May-2010, 09:30 PM

The hangover beard, the goodbye to acting, the epic fail of a 'rap' debut?

apparently all an act.

Hes saying it was all part of a movie he's produced, if hes telling the truth then this crafty motherfucker trolled the world and i tip my hat to him :lol:

07-May-2010, 09:32 PM
It wasn't an act.

he was "dehydrated".

07-May-2010, 10:19 PM
His bearded appearance on Letterman was hilarious. Check it out on youtube for a laugh.

I've been laughing along with the whole thing, but I was never quite sure if he was kidding or getting into drugs like River. It would be a shame to lose him. I think his greatest accomplishments are yet to come...

08-May-2010, 10:47 AM
It was mentioned as a possiblitiy absolutely ages ago, and I went along with that assumption - that it was a movie-in-secret all along, so I wasn't in the least bit surprised by this announcement.

10-May-2010, 02:16 PM
Regardless, it's good news. Now I wonder if he got hooked on any elicit substances whilst 'researching' his role or in 'deep character' :rolleyes:

Guess we'll find that out eventually.

10-May-2010, 11:01 PM
I called it!