View Full Version : Please PLEASE someone stop these idiots!

10-May-2010, 02:28 PM
What a waste of perfectly good film making! Just imagine if these resources were put towards something worth making!


10-May-2010, 02:39 PM
I have to see it just for the cheese factor. Wasn't The Asylum the folks behind Megashark vs. Giant Octopus????

10-May-2010, 02:40 PM
Meh. I've been reading up on The Asylum and the whole 'Mockbuster' thing lately and I don't find what they do particularly objectionable, aside from the whole marketing for people to mistake their films for another (which is thin pretext to invest money in, if that were the only basis for their earnings). It's just a business and they approach the film projects they pursue as though they were tie-ins and they are just meeting the demand for more films in a similar vein.

I'll admit I've never watched a film produced by The Asylum that I'm aware of, but if they can make money and are actually entertaining people, more power to them. There's always been B grade, derivative films, and they have always helped sustain people in the business or trying to break into the business, so I'm not going to hate on the fact they exist.

10-May-2010, 02:43 PM
Meh. I've been reading up on The Asylum and the whole 'Mockbuster' thing lately and I don't find what they do particularly objectionable, aside from the whole marketing for people to mistake their films for another (which is thin pretext to invest money in, if that were the only basis for them earnings rentals/buys). It's just a business and they approach the films projects they pursue as though they were tie-ins and they are just meeting the demand for more films in a similar vein.

I'll admit I've never watched a film produced by The Asylum that I'm aware of, but if they can make money and are actually entertaining people, more power to them. There's always been B grade, derivative films, and they have always helped sustain people in the business or trying to break into the business, so I'm not going to hate on the fact they exist.

Their stuff is appalling! Seriously... APPALLING!

Let them make their stuff without ripping off titles. For example, how well would their "The Day The Earth Stopped" have done if "The Day The Earth Stood Still" not have been on the shelves at the same time?

Their stuff stinks! Give those facilities to someone with at least some mediocre talent and you can only imagine what might come out of it...

"Transmorphers" was also appalling!

Here's some of their track record, which strangely doesn't seem to include "I Am Omega" the "I Am Legend" rip off... http://www.imdb.com/company/co0043571/

Read some peoples comments on them and see then if you don't think a small yield nuclear weapon isn't called for!


10-May-2010, 03:15 PM
The really funny thing is that there are people out there that eat this stuff up. Go into a Blockbuster or Walmart and you'll see what I mean...

10-May-2010, 03:18 PM
Oh. My. God. :stunned:

This has got 'straight to the bargain bin at Blockbuster for five quid on day one' written all over it.

If you watch their "War of the Worlds" film, the production quality is actually pretty impressive, with some of the CGI being pretty damn good... But the script and story are just pi$$ poor and lazy :(

10-May-2010, 03:43 PM
I'm with Aces on this one. I LOVE trash. I've seen two of these guys' films that I actually enjoyed: Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus and I Am Omega. Sue me!

10-May-2010, 04:09 PM
I'm with Aces on this one. I LOVE trash. I've seen two of these guys' films that I actually enjoyed: Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus and I Am Omega. Sue me!

Oh... My... God...

I flicked over just last night to that first piece of $hit you mentioned and saw the shark jumping out of the water to eat San Francisco bridge... Absolute $hit with a capitol $... :)

ps: At least Aces hasn't seen their films... What's your excuse? :)

10-May-2010, 04:20 PM
My excuse? Why the hell do I need an excuse when you have a giant shark eating the GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE!?

10-May-2010, 05:11 PM
My excuse? Why the hell do I need an excuse when you have a giant shark eating the GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE!?

LOL! But on a more serious note :moon:

10-May-2010, 05:48 PM
:lol: Why stop them from making this? It's not like it's going to get theater distribution. It'll be straight-to-video, with 200 sales in the first week (if they're lucky). It will then be on "SyFy" at 11:00 am on a Tuesday.

Now, if it were something with a huge budget and getting a theatrical run, then I'd understand being upset about it.

10-May-2010, 06:07 PM
Frankly, I think we all need to work on our perfect zombie apocalypse script and send it to the Asylum once word breaks that World War Z has started filming.

That's right. Now, who's brilliant today?

<----This guy :D

10-May-2010, 06:21 PM
Frankly, I think we all need to work on our perfect zombie apocalypse script and send it to the Asylum once word breaks that World War Z has started filming.

That's right. Now, who's brilliant today?

<----This guy :D

Utter waste of time... They'll do what they normally do and produce some inane pile of arse like they normally do amongst themselves... Seriously!

10-May-2010, 06:26 PM
As I noted on my facebook page when I referenced this post... someone else said make them stop, but as a filmmaker, I think most up and coming filmmakers, like myself, would probably give their left nut for a smidgen of the success The Aslyum has had.

Hell, look at Ron Howard and some other guys who got their starts working for Roger Corman. Sometimes you gotta start somewhere and even if it is the bottom of the barrel it will possibly lead to bigger and better things.

10-May-2010, 06:35 PM
Utter waste of time... They'll do what they normally do and produce some inane pile of arse like they normally do amongst themselves... Seriously!

Now here's my question. The effects, you and others say, are decent but the scripts always horrible. Do you think they use the same in-house writer each time who happens to suck ass, or do you think their intended ascetic is supposed to be a grade Z style, crappy script?

10-May-2010, 06:43 PM
As I noted on my facebook page when I referenced this post... someone else said make them stop, but as a filmmaker, I think most up and coming filmmakers, like myself, would probably give their left nut for a smidgen of the success The Aslyum has had.

Hell, look at Ron Howard and some other guys who got their starts working for Roger Corman. Sometimes you gotta start somewhere and even if it is the bottom of the barrel it will possibly lead to bigger and better things.

Any success is basically akin to prostitution... They aim at a safe common denominator and basically leach off someone elses talent. Give their films titles different to the originals and see how well they do... They'd just disappear into the crapper even quicker than they currently do.

Again, their production quality is impressive, so that's my real problem. They just cop out and make no real effort at a decent film. In effect, knowing theres plenty of people who will be willing to pay, they just bend over and willingly just take one up the rear...

---------- Post added at 07:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:36 PM ----------

Now here's my question. The effects, you and others say, are decent but the scripts always horrible. Do you think they use the same in-house writer each time who happens to suck ass, or do you think their intended ascetic is supposed to be a grade Z style, crappy script?

I bet it's all inhouse, keep it cheap... I suspect the writer is often the producers/directors... And its all done fast and furious...

10-May-2010, 06:46 PM
Some of their flicks have decent budgets, like $1,000,000 which is low by studio standards, but I know if I had access to $1,000,000 I could do a shitload of stuff with it. They seem to rely on a lot of CG, which i don't care for... more of practical FX guy myself, but they do pull off some nice production values here and there.

However, for them a $1,000,000 is not hard to recoup. The SYFY deals alone would recoup most of the budget and they do manage to sell their titles to a wide variety of INTL and DOMESTIC (Meaning US for me) distributors who seem to make a nice penny.

Yes it is all off the backs of talented filmmakers and film titles that attract the masses, but what they do is really no different from what Roger Corman did for many years and still does... they just take an easier path to success. I will say I have more respect for Corman because although his films are cheesy, his original work, not stuff based off Edgar A. Poe, is some of the best cheesy cinema made.

Chopping Mall is one of my favorite Corman produced films, along with Little Shop of Horrors and Death Race 2000

13-May-2010, 03:58 PM
The problem with these clowns is the blatant deceit of their product. They're dilberately going for the "so bad it's good" angle. However, that fails when you try to do it DELIBERATELY.

The "So bad it's good" vibe has to happen by accident. That's when a bad movie becomes great.

For instance 'The Giant Spider Invasion' was "so bad it's good", because the film makers tired to make a serious genre film and failed. But in their failure they produced cult gold. Ditto for the likes of 'Night of the Lepus'.

'Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus' is just rubbish, on the other hand. It's not "good bad", it's just "bad".

13-May-2010, 04:02 PM
The "So bad it's good" vibe has to happen by accident. That's when a bad movie becomes great.

For instance 'The Giant Spider Invasion' was "so bad it's good", because the film makers tired to make a serious genre film and failed. But in their failure they produced cult gold. Ditto for the likes of 'Night of the Lepus'.

Much like Return of the Living Dead?:sneaky::elol:

13-May-2010, 11:20 PM
I have to see it just for the cheese factor. Wasn't The Asylum the folks behind Megashark vs. Giant Octopus????

This reminded me of that MTV Movie Awards skit where Ben Stiller was trying to convince James Cameron to return to Titanic. Of course his idea of folks living on a sunken ship was done for real ( or reel ) in an 1981 TV movie - Goliath Awaits, with Christopher Lee.

Otherwise, let folks make whatever movie they want to.

Wayne Z