View Full Version : Dredd (film) - Judge Dredd movie

12-May-2010, 08:54 AM
I'm quite looking forward to this!


12-May-2010, 10:39 AM
To paraphrase another Sylvester Stallone sci-fi flick: "In the future, every movie is a remake."

12-May-2010, 11:46 AM
"I knew you'd say that"

13-May-2010, 03:37 PM
Great news. Stallone interfered and ruined the 1st one. The set designs and costumes where spot on and Danny cannon was a massive 2000AD fan. All the ingredients were there until Stallone started throwing his weight around. Clint Eastwood would have made a brilliant Dredd years ago.

13-May-2010, 03:44 PM
So long as it's better than the 1995 version, I'll be happy.

And Dredd should be a non-star and NOT take off his helmet...ever.

I won't hold my breath though.

19-Nov-2010, 06:10 PM

Looks....well....like Stallone's flick.

19-Nov-2010, 06:26 PM
Looks....well....like Stallone's flick.

Been a long time since I saw it, but IIRC the look was one of the few things they got RIGHT. It was EVERYTHING ELSE that was wrong...:)

19-Nov-2010, 06:27 PM

Looks....well....like Stallone's flick.

Looks like Judge Dredd, too ;)

19-Nov-2010, 06:29 PM
Yeah I know it's the look from the pages. Just pointing out that if you didn't know this was from a different film, you would think it was Stallone...

19-Nov-2010, 06:37 PM
Yeah I know it's the look from the pages. Just pointing out that if you didn't know this was from a different film, you would think it was Stallone...

True, true...the ascetic of the helmet seems especially similar from little i can remember, which is a good thing in this case.

19-Nov-2010, 06:39 PM
Average Joe Movie Goer is going to see that and think "I saw that movie ten or fifteen years ago!". Even the awesome Batman Begins struggled a bit after the failure of Batman and Robin ten years prior. It wasn't until DVD and TV that most people realized it was an all new deal and not linked to the sub-par efforts that came before.

These guys definitely have their work cut out for them...

19-Nov-2010, 07:06 PM
I could take or leave this, tbh. I never really felt the first was watchable, but it seems like a rather innane movie to try and remake.

19-Nov-2010, 07:08 PM
I can imagine this being a bigger hit in Britain/Overseas than in the US.

Judge Dredd's never been as big over here. He doesn't even have claws...

19-Nov-2010, 07:11 PM
I can imagine this being a bigger hit in Britain/Overseas than in the US.

Judge Dredd's never been as big over here. He doesn't even have claws...

Why you're right! I don't even think they managed to copy & paste a 'trained as a ninja' background into his past...oh, so stylish in the 80s.

19-Nov-2010, 07:13 PM
I'm waiting for the fan-film to come out...made by hardcore fans, they even have "munce-burger" wrappers flying about. :)


The only saving grace from the Stalone film was "Hammerstein" the ABC warrior, he looked JUST like he should have.


19-Nov-2010, 07:56 PM
gonna have to pass on this........if it makes alot of money it wont make any sense because it looks just like the stallone version

19-Nov-2010, 07:58 PM
gonna have to pass on this........if it makes alot of money it wont make any sense because it looks just like the stallone version

See? SEE?!? This is exactly what I was talking about.

Thanks for proving my point, Ace.:thumbsup:

19-Nov-2010, 08:13 PM
Yeah I know it's the look from the pages. Just pointing out that if you didn't know this was from a different film, you would think it was Stallone...

True, true...the ascetic of the helmet seems especially similar from little i can remember, which is a good thing in this case.

Average Joe Movie Goer is going to see that and think "I saw that movie ten or fifteen years ago!". Even the awesome Batman Begins struggled a bit after the failure of Batman and Robin ten years prior. It wasn't until DVD and TV that most people realized it was an all new deal and not linked to the sub-par efforts that came before.

These guys definitely have their work cut out for them...

I can imagine this being a bigger hit in Britain/Overseas than in the US.

Judge Dredd's never been as big over here. He doesn't even have claws...

All good points. Plus Dredd's "hot" phase over here was the 80's, which is long gone now...

---------- Post added at 04:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:10 PM ----------

gonna have to pass on this........if it makes alot of money it wont make any sense because it looks just like the stallone version

See? SEE?!? This is exactly what I was talking about.

Thanks for proving my point, Ace.:thumbsup:

You just HAD to go there, didn't you Aces. Now, he's going to be insufferably pleased with himself for at least a week.


19-Nov-2010, 08:16 PM
You just HAD to go there, didn't you Aces. Now, he's going to be insufferably pleased with himself for at least a week.


You underestimate me. Two weeks!

19-Nov-2010, 10:04 PM
See? SEE?!? This is exactly what I was talking about.

Thanks for proving my point, Ace.:thumbsup:

thanks LOL. i mean literally they pulled a back to the future. same everything,different lead actor. and apparently stallone was the change. the comic version was boring because u never see his face. this one got it right.........now they're fucking with it

19-Nov-2010, 10:14 PM
Hey....if they kept Diane Lane in the cast, that alone would be worth the price of admission. :evil:

07-Oct-2011, 09:04 PM
The director's been booted from the editing room, reshoots with another director, this movie is destined to fail. http://www.joblo.com/movie-news/has-the-director-of-dredd-been-booted-from-the-editing-room

The LA Times is reporting that director Pete Travis has been booted from the editing room by angry executives and has been replaced by the film's writer, Alex Garland. Post-production has gotten so contentious, they say, that Garland may seek a co-director credit on the film.

The struggles seemed to begin when Travis began working in the edit bay and producers realized they didn't like the footage they had or how Travis was cutting it. A source said that Travis is being kept up-to-date on the film's progress via the internet. It's also possible that the film could see some significant reshoots, without Travis as the director.

07-Oct-2011, 09:16 PM
Studio interference is in 90% of the times bad. Anyone remember Brazil?

That said, I fucking love Judge Dredd.

10-Oct-2011, 12:26 AM

Look, nobody's going to EVER make a good Judge Dredd film, because it won't transfer to a hollywood formula. Dredd isn't a Marvel superhero, he's a c*nt and a uniform in a facist system, controlling a huge city in a completely distopian setting. Dredd's universe is grim.

Judge Dredd is a totally British concept (albeit about an American future). It just cannot be handled by people that don't have a clue and unfortunately, the majority who approach projects like this don't. Hollywood just won't get Dredd.

10-Oct-2011, 01:13 AM

Look, nobody's going to EVER make a good Judge Dredd film, because it won't transfer to a hollywood formula. Dredd isn't a Marvel superhero, he's a c*nt and a uniform in a facist system, controlling a huge city in a completely distopian setting. Dredd's universe is grim.

Judge Dredd is a totally British concept (albeit about an American future). It just cannot be handled by people that don't have a clue and unfortunately, the majority who approach projects like this don't. Hollywood just won't get Dredd.

didnt this same thing with the director happen in the first film?

10-Oct-2011, 01:53 AM
didnt this same thing with the director happen in the first film?

In the original, it was slightly different. Stalone was being a fascist about how he wanted the movie done, and it ended up being a different vision than that of the director.

21-Jun-2012, 03:06 PM

21-Jun-2012, 04:56 PM

The Stallone one was a bit of cheesy fun (although I'm sure 2000AD fans were royally pissed) ... it's certainly far from perfect, and more of a Stallone vehicle, than a Dredd movie when all is said and done.

Now - this new version looks much more like a Dredd movie ... or so I'd assume (I've never read 2000AD). I do hope that, if the majority of the movie takes place in that tower block, that it doesn't feel too constricted. There's some excellent wide open shots to really get a look at Mega City One, so hopefully the movie doesn't 'shrink' considerably once they take on the big bad (that's Lena Heady isn't it, from Sarah Connor Chronicles?) ... hopefully it turns out good. It's often hard to tell from a trailer these days if a movie will be good or bad ... hopefully this will be good.

21-Jun-2012, 08:19 PM
Well. I'm officially excited.
A large part of my teen years were spent reading 2000AD. Some excellent storylines are there to be mined if they can get a successful franchise going. Judgement Day is truly awesome.
A Rogue Trooper movie announcement would have me doing cartwheels.

Shit. Rogue Trooper is in development. Woooooohooooo :D

21-Jun-2012, 10:16 PM
Anderson looks good.

Suit looks bad.

Don't know why they just can't copy the suit from flippin comic. Fck sake, is that hard to make a bleedin Judge Dredd movie?

21-Jun-2012, 11:05 PM
Fck sake, is that hard to make a bleedin Judge Dredd movie?

Yes. MBAs can screw up a one float parade.

21-Jun-2012, 11:26 PM
It always happens with sammich's MBA's! They're the problem with EVERYTHING!

22-Jun-2012, 01:28 AM
I've absolutely no idea what an MBA is.

22-Jun-2012, 03:30 AM
I've absolutely no idea what an MBA is.

They are people that paid a "school" lots of money for a pretty piece of paper to hang on the wall that claims they are "qualified" to tell others how to do their jobs even though the MBAs have no clue of doing the jobs themselves.

Why a Rise in M.B.A.s Coincided with the Fall of American Industry - TIME (http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2081930,00.html)

Reasons why your MBA degree is worthless (http://www.businessamateur.com/education/reasons-why-your-mba-degree-is-worthless/)

Actually, 40 Years Of Data Show The MBA Effectively Does Nothing -- It Has No Impact (http://www.businessinsider.com/the-mba-effectively-does-nothing-it-has-no-impact-2010-10)

If you want a recent example of how destructive MBAs are look at what happened to THQ games:

THQ devs call for execs to be fired, "uDraw failure is the largest and most recent" (http://www.strategyinformer.com/news/16286/thq-devs-call-for-execs-to-be-fired-udraw-failure-is-the-largest-and-most-recent)

THQ was driven to the edge of bankruptcy, didn't even show up to E3 and resorted to selling off it's game licenses.

Christopher Jon
22-Jun-2012, 11:01 AM
Don't know why they just can't copy the suit from flippin comic. Fck sake, is that hard to make a bleedin Judge Dredd movie?

Black tights and giant armor that makes no practical sense? Stallone version already tried that.

I like the changes made for Dredd. Inspired by the comic but actually looks like a functional futuristic law enforcement uniform.

What looks good for a comic doesn't always translate well to film.

22-Jun-2012, 01:32 PM
They are people that paid a "school" lots of money for a pretty piece of paper to hang on the wall that claims they are "qualified" to tell others how to do their jobs even though the MBAs have no clue of doing the jobs themselves.

Why a Rise in M.B.A.s Coincided with the Fall of American Industry - TIME (http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2081930,00.html)

Reasons why your MBA degree is worthless (http://www.businessamateur.com/education/reasons-why-your-mba-degree-is-worthless/)

Actually, 40 Years Of Data Show The MBA Effectively Does Nothing -- It Has No Impact (http://www.businessinsider.com/the-mba-effectively-does-nothing-it-has-no-impact-2010-10)

If you want a recent example of how destructive MBAs are look at what happened to THQ games:

THQ devs call for execs to be fired, "uDraw failure is the largest and most recent" (http://www.strategyinformer.com/news/16286/thq-devs-call-for-execs-to-be-fired-udraw-failure-is-the-largest-and-most-recent)

THQ was driven to the edge of bankruptcy, didn't even show up to E3 and resorted to selling off it's game licenses.

Ah right, so you mean people with "Masters" degrees that the did in night courses, or whatever.

Yep, there's a lot of that going on over here too. People going to night school for a year and coming out with a Masters in this and that and still not having a clue what they're going on about.

Most people tend not to buy into them as a relevant qualification though.

-- -------- Post added at 02:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 PM ----------

Black tights and giant armor that makes no practical sense? Stallone version already tried that.

I like the changes made for Dredd. Inspired by the comic but actually looks like a functional futuristic law enforcement uniform.

What looks good for a comic doesn't always translate well to film.

Dredd's uniform is an integral part of his "character". Of course, it's no real practical use, but so what? It's a comic. Dicking about with elements like that will just alienate fans and keeping the original uniform, or Lawmaster (for that matter) wouldn't have made the film any less "realistic".

Stalone's abortion of a film didn't even get a single thing correct, never mind the uniform.

At least Karl Urban will keep his helmet on.

22-Jun-2012, 08:28 PM
Ah right, so you mean people with "Masters" degrees that the did in night courses, or whatever.

Yep, there's a lot of that going on over here too. People going to night school for a year and coming out with a Masters in this and that and still not having a clue what they're going on about.

Most people tend not to buy into them as a relevant qualification though.

I am talking specifically about Master of BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. Other masters desgrees require that one has knowledge in the appropriate fields of study, i.e. a masters in engineering requires one knows about engineering. The vast majority of MBAs on the other hand are straight out of school with little to no experience in the industries they get hired. I know of people that have worked years, some decades, in a profitable business, only to be told by some newly hired snot nosed kid (isn't neoptism fun?) with a MBA that they are doing their jobs completely wrong and instructed how to their work more "efficiently". Some were outright laid off or fired. The positions were either completely eliminated and work piled onto others without proper compensation or outsourced to some 3rd world country. All of which were done by MBA nobheads who were merely doing so to justify their own jobs because in reality they don't know anything else but to order others around. This is one of main reasons why the quality of products from the U.S. has taken a nosedive.

The MBA was created as a way for the very rich families to show that junior has a "degree" and "network" with others who breathe rarified air from their ivory towers. Most of all it is a mechanism protect their kiddies from having to get real jobs where one would have to work their way up the ladder like the rest of us peons. This system doesn't work if you don't go to an Ivy League school as mentioned in the "Reasons why your MBA degree is worthless" article.

Companies in Japan take a different route. It doesn't matter if you are newly hired CEO, EVERYONE has to spend time doing work at all levels of the company. The example I saw was for a motorcycle manufacturer where the new execs were placed on the assembly line. Not only does this give them an idea of how the company functions but also an appreciation for the work done by those below them.

That is all I have to say about MBAs for now and return you to the Judge Dredd thread...

Christopher Jon
23-Jun-2012, 10:44 AM
What the hell do MBA's have to do with Judge Dredd?

12-Jul-2012, 01:15 PM
Some comments from footage of the new one - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/56944

03-Sep-2012, 08:33 PM
Currently 100% on RottenTomatoes after 13 reviews:


Sounds awesome!

03-Sep-2012, 09:01 PM
Currently 100% on RottenTomatoes after 13 reviews:


Sounds awesome!
Nice! Recon I'll see it in 2D though... Although I believe it has some bullet time effects which could be cool in 3D??!

04-Sep-2012, 09:41 AM
I've heard it's rating 18 in the UK - a rare (nowadays at least) situation of a studio not opting to cut the movie for a 15 rating here in the UK (it's now somewhat de rigour to trim a flick from an 18 to a 15, or a 15 to a 12A in the UK). I'll hold off on the cinema, mind, and see how it is received. Perhaps I'll go straight for the DVD/Blu-Ray option. I'm opting for that more-and-more these days with flicks that I know I'll rather enjoy, so why spend half (or more) of the DVD/Blu-Ray price on a one-time trip to the cinema, which is a 75mile round-trip for us, visiting a cinema staffed by morons where it's all digital projection? I can spend a few quid more and get a copy of my own to watch as many times as I want replete with extra features.

Anyway, Dredd certainly looks like good fun - nice to see a 'comic book movie' going for the full guts n gore, rather than softening itself down to try and be part of the pack. I think it was made for a relatively modest budget, so that'll be why they could afford to go bloody, just like with Kick Ass.

11-Sep-2012, 08:47 AM
Any opinions on it yet?

13-Sep-2012, 07:14 AM
Hard 'R', violent, true to the comic's spirit, perfect 'midnight' movie ... And so on. Haven't read a single negative review for this.
Consider me hyped.


13-Sep-2012, 09:53 AM
Hard 'R', violent, true to the comic's spirit, perfect 'midnight' movie ... And so on. Haven't read a single negative review for this.
Consider me hyped.


Here's IGN's review of it (a review that, for a change, has been intelligently written and has an actual structure to it, rather than the typical lazy ramblings) - they dig it.


While I'm unlikely to see it in the cinema, with so many good reviews, this is shaping up to be a Blu-Ray purchase for sure. Looks right up my street, and I'm very glad that it's a hard "R", rather than pussifying the source material to get a lower rating. I've got "The Raid" pre-ordered, so I'll see that first, then catch Dredd on Blu-Ray when it's available. :)

13-Sep-2012, 03:49 PM
I am going to give this film a chance. i enjoyed the comics as a kid. plus, there is absolutely NO WAY this film could be any worse than that titanic piece of cinematic dog crap that stallone was in.

13-Sep-2012, 06:58 PM
Just found out that i'll be attending an early screening of this in a few days. Looking forward to it.

I believe it's already out in the UK?

13-Sep-2012, 11:35 PM
me and the mrs saw it today and I have to say... it's bloody good! The 3D is just right and Olivia Thirlby is perfect as Judge Anderson.

To be honest though, It couldn't be any worse than that piece of crap that stallone was in...

14-Sep-2012, 04:16 PM
To be honest though, It couldn't be any worse than that piece of crap that stallone was in...

hey - you stole my line. :lol:

so, in your opinion it is worth seeing? has anyone else over there taken a gander or is that on anyone's weekend plans?

14-Sep-2012, 06:50 PM
it really is worth seeing and Alex Garland (the writer of this film) said that if this one does well, he has plans for two more and they will involve "The Dark Judges"

If u have no idea what i'm talking about, google it

14-Sep-2012, 07:08 PM
Lots of hate for the Stallone film in here. I actually enjoy it. I recognize that it's awful, but still enjoy it on some weird level.

14-Sep-2012, 07:12 PM
Lots of hate for the Stallone film in here. I actually enjoy it. I recognize that it's awful, but still enjoy it on some weird level.

That's pretty much how I feel about it...it's just a step below Demolition Man in that guilty pleasure area, for me.

14-Sep-2012, 07:15 PM
I'm going this weekend, the comics were a staple part of my youth and pretty much every review I've read says its highly enjoyable! Can't wait!

14-Sep-2012, 07:23 PM
I'm going this weekend, the comics were a staple part of my youth and pretty much every review I've read says its highly enjoyable! Can't wait!

Give us a review :)

14-Sep-2012, 07:25 PM
That's pretty much how I feel about it...it's just a step below Demolition Man in that guilty pleasure area, for me.

Yeah, the Stallone flick was a mess with some awesome bits in it (that war robot thing, Hershel as a cannibalistic outlander :D), so it was iffy in general. I am rather looking forward to seeing Dredd sometime, even though I've never once read any of the comics.

As for Demolition Man - I love that flick - it's several steps above Judge Dredd (Stallone) in my opinion. It's a sci-fi action flick that really works, it's cool and funny and has good action in it. A really enjoyable movie.

14-Sep-2012, 08:19 PM
As for Demolition Man - I love that flick - it's several steps above Judge Dredd (Stallone) in my opinion. It's a sci-fi action flick that really works, it's cool and funny and has good action in it. A really enjoyable movie.

He doesn't know about the three seashells....

14-Sep-2012, 09:52 PM
ahhh... the memories

15-Sep-2012, 12:17 PM
He doesn't know about the three seashells....

Long live toilet paper and bum wipes! :D



18-rated Dredd tops UK box office chart

Futuristic 3D action movie Dredd has become the first film carrying an 18 certificate to top the UK and Ireland box office chart since 2010.

Based on 2000AD character Judge Dredd, it claimed the top spot after taking £1.05m between Friday and Sunday.

The last 18-rated release to top the chart was horror movie Saw 3D, which made £3.6m in its opening weekend.

Overall cinemas were hit hard by the warm weather, with takings down 42% on the previous weekend.

Dredd was the only title to break the £1m barrier, with several new releases making disappointing debuts.

Prohibition-era gangster movie Lawless claimed second place with receipts of £973,234, a figure that includes £82,469 from previews.

The combination of such rising talents as Tom Hardy, Shia LaBeouf and Jessica Chastain was not enough to attract the public to John Hillcoat's violent period thriller.

Literary adaptation Anna Karenina also failed to entice audiences in from the sunshine, making just £875,702 from its 496 screens.

Last week its producer Tim Bevan told the BBC he feared the weather might mean empty seats for Keira Knightley's latest collaboration with Atonement director Joe Wright.

Adam Sandler comedy That's My Boy, another new release, fared particularly poorly, opening outside the Top 10 in 11th place.

Exhibitors will be hoping that this week's new releases will prove more of a draw in a weekend in which there will be no Olympics or Paralympics to keep people at home.

New titles include British crime film The Sweeney, an update of the popular ITV police series that plays in cinemas from Wednesday.

15-Sep-2012, 02:35 PM
Might be heading to this tomorrow.

Still can't get over the uniform though.

It's going to be better than Stallone's pile of rubbish, no doubt, but that wouldn't be hard.

I doubt anything will live up to the Dredd that I have in my head. But, even the comic has changed beyond recognition to what I was reading in the 80's.

Good to hear new about the dark Judges though. If it's done well, that would be great. There's already tons of great stories to chose from. 'City of the Damned' would make a great film too.

15-Sep-2012, 04:42 PM
The problem with the uniform, practically speaking, is that it's not very practical - those massive feck off golden shoulder pads. Clunky as all get out, they'd obstruct your view, restrict your movement etc, I can totally understand why they changed it for the movie ... plus it makes your head look piss-small. :D

It can work in the comics, sure, but quite often such concepts never work in real three-dimensional life on an actual human body.

15-Sep-2012, 06:40 PM
I know, but still. Sure, they can make them out of rubber and bob yer uncle. Of course it's obstructive and stupid, but so's his helmet.

I always liked the 2000AD shoulder/knee pad fascination and the big boots. Just looked weird. A navy suit and big feck off yellow knee and shoulder pads. He's missing the chained name badge too. :(

At least he's going to keep the bloody helmet on!

The only reason I'm going to see this in the pics is because John Wagner's involved.

The uniform can be done though and quite successfully without much sacrifice to practicality. I think the producers just took the lazy option, TBH.


16-Sep-2012, 10:49 AM
I loved it, bloody excellent film! No issue with the uniform for me, it looked good, as well as all scratched up & grubby like its seen some action, & no gold codpiece thankfully! The whole film is gritty as it should be, very violent & the effects are great. The slo mo sequences are hypnotic, including one where a drug den is raided by Dredd & you see bullets ripping through people's heads in slow motion, grim but uber cool. Go see it! The 3D is good too I thought.

17-Sep-2012, 10:39 PM
!!!!!Warning: May contain traces of spoil!!!!!

Saw this today. It's pretty decent. The good stuff:

It has a very tight script and there's little flab and its 90 odd minutes go by well. It was a good idea to confine it to a city block too and not burst the budget and the general mechanism of using a kind of "hotdog run" was an excellent way to introduce Anderson. Speaking of Anderson, Olivia Thirlby is spot on and really brings her to life. She's one of the best things about the filmand I really hope she returns in any particular sequels. Whoever cast her was right on the money. If rumour is correct and the Dark Judges make an appearance at some stage, then Anderson is a must. Karl Urban has the right jaw, his voice is ok, but threatens to go OTT at times and his Dredd is decent. In fact, most of the roles are carried off very well.

The violence. In a film where "justice" is carried out on the spot and is often terminal, 'Dredd' quite rightly doesn't skimp. The film is incredibly violent and all the better for it. This is not a film for kids. Brains are splattered, bullets rip through flesh, people are skinned and thrown from balconies etc. There's a great non-nonsense approach to 21st Century post-apocalypse Mega City One "justice" and suits the setting perfectly.

There's a nice few bits and pieces thrown in for old fans, like Chopper's tag written on a wall, "Kennywho?" and passing mention of facilities like "Resyk" and "Pat-wagons".

The bad:

It's not 2000AD's Judge Dredd. It's a Judge Dredd, but not the one from 2000AD. It gets close, but no cigar, I'm afraid. I've mentioned the suit before, so I won't go into that again. But, I think it was a very bad call just to basically put Dredd in a bikers outfit. Totally doesn't work for me and I just don't accept the "practicality" excuse. Conversely, the helmet is great and when Dredd is shown from the neck up, it's fine.

Mega City One doesn't look like it should either. It's way too open-plan and not as cluttered as it should be. Mega City One's city blocks should be almost on top of one another, as the Block Wars story showed. It also looks a little too "now", if you know what I mean. It's just not futuristic enough. Although that was probably a limitation of budget, so you can kind of let it go.

The "Lawmaster" looks rubbish. It wouldn't have been that hard to get it a little closer to the comic book version. I understand that there's limits, like the huge silly wheels, but really, it's just a Kawasaki with some bits welded on.

Dredd's "Lawgiver" ain't what it should be either.

I didn't like that way that Anderson was shown as unique. A mutant. She's not. Her psychic abilities are not hers alone and the PSI Division are a firmly established unit within the Justice Department. That angle didn't work and shouldn't have been portrayed in that way...and PSI Judges don't wear their name on their badges.

All in all though, the film works well enough for me to want to see it succeed and produce a number of sequels. There's plenty of existing material for the film makers to adapt too. I'd be worried that some people who have never seen a Judge Dredd story in print won't have a clue what's going on, though and general audiences may not return. I can't see it appealing to the broader spectrum, like Nolan's Batman trilogy.

24-Oct-2012, 06:09 PM
Loved it!!!

- - - Updated - - -

Ok, more in-depth...

I loved this film because of the setting and presentation. You're immediately thrown into a world full of squalor and grease. Violence and death. Society is dangerous and fast paced, and the majority of the population live in extreme poverty.
Now, the film could make a statement about how poverty and unemployment forces people into a world of crime and selling drugs... But it doesn't.

This is a film about violence and action. There's no message here. Soul searching. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Essentially, it's no bullshit. No kidding around. Just like I want it. It's just a story about two Judges (future police force) and a day in their job.

Karl Urban's Judge Dredd is awesome. He's got very few one-liners, but rather his dialoge is simply observational. But it's so observational that it becomes hilarious at times. Lines like "Perps were... uncooperative." and "You don't look ready." are delivered with such serious demeanor that you can't help but to smile or chuckle given the situations in which they're heard.

Olivia Thirlby plays a psychic Judge-to-be and we follow her and Dredd on her first day out. She's getting assessed by the Ministry of Justice and it's up to Dredd to decide if she's fit for the role of Judge or not. Together they get caught up in a what's referred to as a Mega Block (a huge, 200 story apartment building with 75,000 inhabitants) and are forced to fight their way to the top to kill the leader of the local gang controlling the building. Apart from being the "emotional" couterpart to Dredd, Thirlby is also drop-dead gorgeous. I usually don't pick up on this kind of stuff, but damn she's hot. Also her character is not as weak as you'd expect from such a character and on occasion she shows off just the same amount of cold bloodedness required for someone in their line of business.

There's plenty of action and bloody violence to go around, most of it rather extreme. It's a gory flick. It's a gory world.

In the end, the film has grown on me. I enjoyed the hell out of it in the cinema. But today, the day after, I find myself still thinking about it. And I want to see it again! I can't wait for the Blu-ray release.

11-Feb-2013, 06:25 PM
Watched this again last night on Blu-Ray and still stand 100% behind what I said after seeing it at the cinema! Such an awesome arse kicking film, one of those like Aliens or Robocop that I can watch repeatedly without getting bored of it, which I can't say about many other films I've seen in the past 10 or more years.

"Ma-Ma is not the law, I'm the law" YESSSSSSS! :D

"Do you know how often we get a Judge up in Peach Trees??" Dredd growls "Well ya got one now"

Awesome :evil:

11-Feb-2013, 06:34 PM
Here's what I made of it after seeing it for the first time (on Blu-Ray) t'other week:


What's it about?
A fresh attempt at turning the long-running British comic book Judge Dredd, from 2000AD, into a movie, after the not-exactly-great Sylvester Stallone version in the 1990s. Dredd and rookie Judge Anderson head to a mega block of flats called Peach Trees after a triple homicide is reported - however, in this crime-ridden 200-storey slum, they're going to be trapped alone together versus the MaMa gang who are pushing a new drug called Slo-Mo on Mega City One.
Who would I recognise in it?
Karl Urban, Olivia Thirlby, Lena Heady, Wood Harris.
Scripted by Alex Garland (28 Days Later), shot by Anthony Dod Mantle (127 Hours, Oscar winning DoP), and directed by Pete Travis (Vantage Point), this fresh take on Judge Dredd is a welcome shot in the arm. Clocking in at a focused 95 minutes, the action comes thick and fast - not-to-mention blood-drenched - as blunt force Dredd and rookie try-out Anderson (a psychic) battle their way through a hellish skyscraper controlled by drug-addled miscreants. Parallels have been drawn to The Raid (tower block, bad guys, lots of arse kicking violence), but the two sit well by themselves and need no comparison. Extremely stylish (the Slo-Mo drug is realised on the screen in super-slow-motion that turns bullets ripping through cheeks into hypnotically beautiful moments), Dredd is sheer balls-out fun.

While I'm unfamiliar with the Judge Dredd source material, Karl Urban fits the bill as the grimacing law man - a gruff sort who dishes out justice according to hard-and-fast rules and never takes his helmet off (cue hordes of cheering fans) ... meanwhile Olivia Thirlby provides a more heart-felt access door for the wider audience and acts as a fitting counter-balance to Dredd's brutal law enforcement for a brutal world. Filled with crowd-pleasing, squishy, darkly comic violence, and with a focused approach, Dredd is total entertainment - here's hoping there's a sequel. It's a proper, full-on bloke's movie - guns, gore, dark humour, lashings of style, and a grinding electro/guitar soundtrack - as soon as it was over I wanted to watch it again. Great.

I'm really looking forward to watching it again. It was just so much damn fun! I really hope we get a sequel too!!!

11-Feb-2013, 07:44 PM
I just watched this the other day for the first time, expected a cheesy action flick. Got a siege movie starring judges. id gush but ill leave it at 'f*ck son, that shit be bangin yo' :lol:

11-Feb-2013, 08:54 PM
I fell asleep watching it the other day.

11-Feb-2013, 11:01 PM
Shame about the budget on this, because Carl Urban fucking nailed it for me, really enjoyed his Dredd, "the big meg" looked more like a work in progress than the fully formed MC1 from the comics (which I collected for 20 years), but Dredd eclipsed all faults for me, "old stony face" made flesh, and dealing with perps in that no-nonsense brutal way that Dredd fans know and love!.

Oh, will buy the blu-ray for 2 reasons: 1: to watch in true HD as opposed to a DL, and 2: to boost sales and hope for a 2nd movie with a bigger budget...I want to see a "Manta Prowl Tank" in the next one.

12-Feb-2013, 09:54 AM
Legion - don't expect much in the way of extras on the Blu-Ray. It's all EPK type stuff. A whole list of featurettes, but annoyingly they're all 2-3 minutes each, and the rough-cut interview snippets are just raw EPK tape roll. Still a few snippets to see behind the scenes, but for extra features fans it's a let down.

The picture on the BR is good though - although it's weirdly inconsistent at times - some shots look very crisp and just what you'd expect from BR, while other shots are really grainy, sometimes with post production work done on them to make them a little lighter (oftentimes when it's not really necessary to do so). There was one shot where you could literally see the shape of the patch around Judge Anderson walking down a corridor - it was like a lighter orb amidst the rest of the frame. Weird.

So yeah, at times an inconsistent picture, but for the most part it looks rather snazzy (particularly during the Slo-Mo sequences).

And the music in this movie - very cool stuff indeed.

Yes - this is definitely a movie deserving of our support and hard-earned cash. :cool:

12-Feb-2013, 11:46 AM
My blu ray is waiting for me to get picked up at the post office. Can't wait to see it again.

I rewatched RoboCop the other night and thought two things:

"Man, Robocop is such a great film."


"Man, this film reminds me of Dredd, and that was such a great film".

12-Feb-2013, 12:03 PM
I enjoyed the film, but it could have used a bit of trimming with the slo-mo scenes. Not completely remove them or anything, just slim them down a bit.

12-Feb-2013, 05:36 PM
I enjoyed the film, but it could have used a bit of trimming with the slo-mo scenes. Not completely remove them or anything, just slim them down a bit.

I thought they used it quite a lot up front, but then it's barely used for a considerable chunk, and then they bring it back in a really cool way for the climax. :)

Personally I was all over the Slo-Mo sequences - loved them - so hypnotic, and a nice counterbalance to the general grit and grime of the flick.

27-Feb-2013, 01:03 PM
I watched this last night.

Enjoyed it, and feel it would be nice to see a bigger bolder sequel!

Only bit that didn't quite work for me were the silly gatlin guns. Seemed a very pointless way to try and kill Dredd and how were they going to explain that sort of damage afterwards? :)

27-Feb-2013, 04:51 PM
I watched this last night.

Enjoyed it, and feel it would be nice to see a bigger bolder sequel!

Only bit that didn't quite work for me were the silly gatlin guns. Seemed a very pointless way to try and kill Dredd and how were they going to explain that sort of damage afterwards? :)

Glad you enjoyed it. I almost expect to see "oh dear" when you've seen a movie and post about it. :sneaky::p:lol:

Regarding the mini guns and damage - they've got the block under total control, they don't need to explain jackshit to anyone. A blunt force tool - a hail of bullets - to try and bring down Dredd. He isn't going to come out into the open, so they've got to trap him in a vicinity, and then decimate that vicinity ... plus it makes Dredd look even more like a double-hard bastard after he survives all that flying lead. :elol:

27-Feb-2013, 08:26 PM
I now have a 3D tv and this is SUPERB on it. SUPERB i tells ya. The slo-mo really drags you into the movie.
Personally I think this is about as close as we will get to the comic.

27-Feb-2013, 09:31 PM
I now have a 3D tv and this is SUPERB on it. SUPERB i tells ya. The slo-mo really drags you into the movie.
Personally I think this is about as close as we will get to the comic.

Yeah I saw the 3D version at the cinema, it was awesome!
especially the part when Dredd blows the door open on that drugs den & you see it all happen through the eyes of one of the drugged up perps in slow motion, bullets ripping through cheeks and so forth

27-Feb-2013, 09:50 PM
This film needs a bigger/bolder sequel!

28-Feb-2013, 09:40 AM
This film needs a bigger/bolder sequel!

Definitely. I would love to see them out on the streets of Mega City One for the next flick. Obviously it had to be more confined due to the limited budget and staying with the adult rating (quite right), but hopefully it'll do well enough for a budget boosted sequel on a grander scale. :)

28-Feb-2013, 09:44 AM
Definitely. I would love to see them out on the streets of Mega City One for the next flick. Obviously it had to be more confined due to the limited budget and staying with the adult rating (quite right), but hopefully it'll do well enough for a budget boosted sequel on a grander scale. :)

From what I understand, the profits didn't seem to suggest that was likely though :(

04-Mar-2013, 11:56 AM
From what I understand, the profits didn't seem to suggest that was likely though :(

I read that they sort of expected this and were relying on media sales to push up the profit margin and go for a 2nd movie.

- - - Updated - - -

Glad you enjoyed it. I almost expect to see "oh dear" when you've seen a movie and post about it. :sneaky::p:lol:

Regarding the mini guns and damage - they've got the block under total control, they don't need to explain jackshit to anyone. A blunt force tool - a hail of bullets - to try and bring down Dredd. He isn't going to come out into the open, so they've got to trap him in a vicinity, and then decimate that vicinity ... plus it makes Dredd look even more like a double-hard bastard after he survives all that flying lead. :elol:

I love the conclusion of that scene when Dredd strides back out there with Ma-Ma's head honcho...pure Dredd!

Oh, and you didn't slip a "Game On" reference in there did you? :)

04-Mar-2013, 06:29 PM
Oh, and you didn't slip a "Game On" reference in there did you? :)

Not that I'm aware of - I sort of know of the show, but I've never seen it.

22-Jul-2013, 01:31 PM
Ha! Perhaps some justice ...
Dredd seemingly 'exploded' on the home video market and now this:

Dredd was a fine example of a comic book adaptation done right. Love that film.

22-Jul-2013, 02:09 PM
^^ Fingers crossed!

22-Jul-2013, 02:56 PM
Toes too.

I don't know anyone who didn't like 'Dredd', at least on some level.

Good news to hear that Urban is game. I hope that the little cutie that played Anderson is up for it as well.

22-Jul-2013, 04:09 PM
Toes too.

I don't know anyone who didn't like 'Dredd', at least on some level.

Good news to hear that Urban is game. I hope that the little cutie that played Anderson is up for it as well.

Olivia Thirlby says hi...



I absolutely loved Dredd - never saw it in the cinema, but pre-ordered the Blu-Ray and I've watched it twice so far. It's currently one of the new films on Sky Movies this week and I ended up watching a big chunk of it last night, so it's got that 'suck you in' factor.

It's good to hear that the likes of Urban and Garland are actively pursuing it. Hopefully we fans can get a sequel to it because the movie was feckin' amazing! :cool:

25-Jul-2013, 06:33 PM
Online petition by the 2000AD guys and girls. Going strong. Might work?


25-Jul-2013, 06:39 PM
Olivia Thirlby says hi...

There is not an inch of that womens body i wouldn't lick


31-Jul-2013, 04:38 PM
There is not an inch of that womens body i wouldn't lick


+1 :o:evil::D

08-Sep-2013, 10:07 PM
Finally caught this last night and was so impressed at how they restricted the scope of the film while delivering something so fun and powerful. Very refreshing :)

09-Sep-2013, 09:40 AM
Finally caught this last night and was so impressed at how they restricted the scope of the film while delivering something so fun and powerful. Very refreshing :)

Glad you dug the flick - it is spiffing, isn't it? :)

I've heard pretty much nothing but praise for the movie - until yesterday - when a mate of mine said the film "bored the shit" out of him. :stunned: I've no idea how Dredd could bore any shit out of anyone, and was quite surprised as usually it'd be exactly his kind of movie - I was really quite surprised by that ... each to their own, I suppose, but it I did have to do a double-take when I read what one of my mates said about it. :p

09-Sep-2013, 11:45 AM
There are many flaws with 'Dredd', but a sense of boredom ain't one of them.

09-Sep-2013, 12:26 PM
There are many flaws with 'Dredd', but a sense of boredom ain't one of them.

"Many flaws"? Such as? :confused:

09-Sep-2013, 01:48 PM
Ahem...2000AD flaws, such as the lawmaster being a Kawasaki witha few plates welded on. Mega cty One looking too spacious. Anderson being presented as an anomaly and not part of a regular functioning PSI Division.

Stuff like that.

09-Sep-2013, 02:20 PM
Ahem...2000AD flaws, such as the lawmaster being a Kawasaki witha few plates welded on. Mega cty One looking too spacious.

Interestingly I read the wikipedia article about the film this morning and the design section somewhat addressed two of the issues you mentioned.

. Wagner described the necessity of adaptation from the source material and said that the 1995 film's attempt to directly replicate the comic's motorcycle was unable to steer because the tyres were too large.


The "micro-city state"-like towers were gradually positioned further apart to emphasise their size and allow for a more detailed city to exist between them; highlighting the scale of Mega-City One.

I just thought it was interesting that both criticisms were based on choices that had some specific and well considered reasoning behind them.

09-Sep-2013, 03:30 PM
I think it was a good flick. I'd like another one, but would like to see an improvement if they did do it!

09-Sep-2013, 05:17 PM
Interestingly I read the wikipedia article about the film this morning and the design section somewhat addressed two of the issues you mentioned.

Oh, I'm well aware of the reasons/excuses, but I don't really buy them. The real reasons for those decisions were budgetry, I suspect, except for the bike tires. But the simple solution there is to make the tire thinner than the comic version, while still retaining the over all look of the lawmaster. What we got, though, just looks rubbish.

As for Mega City One, it's a CGI shot, so anything's possible. In short, it just didn't look like the city it should have looked like and it could have.

09-Nov-2013, 10:39 PM
Looks like the numbers might be adding up to justify a sequel with the budget being reported as being $45-$50m. Not sure how the overall cost inc advertising v the return works out though.


Domestic Box Office $13,414,714
International Box Office $27,454,280
Worldwide Box Office $40,868,994

Home Market Performance

Domestic DVD Sales $10,365,798
Domestic Blu-ray Sales $6,244,477
Total Domestic Video Sales $16,610,275

10-Nov-2013, 11:09 AM
I really hope we get a sequel (without compromise - i.e. not PG-13) - Dredd was ace and it deserved to do better at the box office.

America should really have a rating that sits in the middle ground of teenagehood - we've got the 15 rating, but that just means an R in America, and likewise we've had a bunch of R-rated flicks (17+ only) come over here and receive a 15 rating (but then again we also get weak-sauce 15's because they've come from a PG-13 movie).

If America had a range of ratings more akin to what we've got then you'd get a better spread of age ranges while maintaining a better balance of content versus box office return. Look at "The Inbetweeners Movie" - trimmed slightly for a 15 and it became the most successful comedy at the UK Box Office, while still being full of swearing, nudity, and generally crass behaviour as intended.

Take note, 'Merica! :D

10-Nov-2013, 09:04 PM
Two words - "bring it!" :D

I want to see Karl Urban rocking old stony face again, he was fucking awesome, the feel of the movie was fantastic for somebody who collected the comics for well over a decade and owned every back issue before he stopped collecting.

The Big Meg and some other visual aspects of may not have been as good as they could have been (the Stallone film actually "looked" better), but by God, I felt I was seeing a genuine live action Dredd movie and that was enough for me.