View Full Version : Funny Story.

12-May-2010, 06:09 PM
I live in a super nosy neighborhood....
Type of neighborhood where if you do something to your yard or house that is not "stylish" youll be subject to all sorts of ridicule, and passive aggressive behavior.
Well suddenly a "registered sex offender" moves into the neighborhood....

Everyone starts going bat shit crazy... That he shouldnt be allowed to live in the neighborhood or that he should be run out of the place (When asked where should he live, if not here, many would answer prison, or hell)...

I would say to people "How do you know his crime wasnt statutory rape when he was younger or something else?" (many people have been burdened with this "registered sex offender" label unnecessarily).

Well no one listened to this...even my mother who thought "Oh no way they would label someone a sex offender for doing something so minor"....


Police say the concern of his neighbors provoked his probation officer to tell him to move on Tuesday. Since he didn't, he was arrested on Wednesday.

The guy was only on probation for a charge of not registering as a sex offender, not for his original conviction, for which he pleaded guilty.

The guy is a registered violent sex offender, who's 2003 conviction was for taking indecent liberties with children.

So hes a registered violent sex offender and Guess what he did to get this title?

He was arrested for urinating off his porch "in front" of children.
Can you believe it? hes a registered violent sex offender for urinating off his porch....LOL...

I mean how likely is it that he was just retarded drunk and had no idea kids could even see him doing this....
(apparently he has a history of DUIs so probably pretty likely)

So his likely story:
1)Gets Drunk
2)Pees Off Porch
3)Kids See him peeing
4)Gets convicted for taking indecent liberties with children
5)Receives Punishment
6)Fails to Register as a Violent Sex Offender
7)Gets Put on Probation and is Registered as a violent sex offender (for life)
8)Registration alerts nosy neighborhood.
9)Complaints drive Probation Officer to demand he move.
10)He Does not move
11)So He is Arrested for Probation Violation.

His whole life is "ruined" for peeing off his porch

13-May-2010, 04:56 PM
It was you, wasn't it?

13-May-2010, 04:58 PM
Heheh the many times I have peed outside I do not think anyone has seen me....

and I have no criminal record.

So no, this was not me.

13-May-2010, 05:01 PM
Mental note: Do not urinate outside....

13-May-2010, 05:10 PM
Mental note: Murder all witnesses of my public urination.

Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem.
--Uncle Joey Stalin

13-May-2010, 06:51 PM
If that was Britain, he would have been a charred corpse hanging from a lamp-post as soon as anyone heard he was on the sex offenses register for a child-related offense, long before anyone read deeply enough to see exactly what he did. Sadly, we're a bunch of easily-riled knee-jerkers with an over-zealous paranoia of sex criminals. :p

13-May-2010, 06:58 PM
Sadly, we're a bunch of easily-riled knee-jerkers with an over-zealous paranoia of sex criminals. :p

I blame parents for the vast majority of the world's problems....

Damn breeders. :|

14-May-2010, 12:23 AM
I blame parents for the vast majority of the world's problems....

Damn breeders. :|


For too many who declare themselves advocates for children's welfare these days, watch out. We just had another Witch Hunt in The States, and thankfully the jury saw that the Prosecution hadn't removed Reasonable Doubt from the equation.
I'd thought we had this nonsense out the door after the McMartin scandal so years ago, but folks just don't think things through.
Kids can lie, they want to please the authority figures around them, and adults can help put words into thier mouths. Evidently the proof of previous misconduct by this woman was lacking.
I despise the monsters who would mess with kids, and on my own I'd be strongly tempted to put some serious hurt on them. But the price of error is too great to allow for mob rule.
Steppin off the soapbox now.

Wayne Z

14-May-2010, 07:40 AM
scary stuff....his "crime" was really not a crime at all and his life is ruined by the insane...he must feel pretty alone right now - this reminds me of the woman sueing the guy who was seen walking naked in his own house, at 4am, as she and her daughter happened to walk past the house....the boogeyman is coming!!

14-May-2010, 03:08 PM
So his likely story:
1)Gets Drunk
2)Pees Off Porch
3)Kids See him peeing
4)Gets convicted for taking indecent liberties with children
5)Receives Punishment
6)Fails to Register as a Violent Sex Offender
7)Gets Put on Probation and is Registered as a violent sex offender (for life)
8)Registration alerts nosy neighborhood.
9)Complaints drive Probation Officer to demand he move.
10)He Does not move
11)So He is Arrested for Probation Violation.

His whole life is "ruined" for peeing off his porch

Sort of reminds me of a scene in a drama I saw over here once where a teach was going for a run. He needed to go to the toilet so went into some bushes, was about to let fly, turned around and there was a young child looking at him...

Of course the situation got misunderstood and he lost his job and the community jumped all over him...

14-May-2010, 03:12 PM
It's a shame that people jump to conclusions in these types of situations, but in today's world - who can blame them? Not everybody wants to do bad things to children, but there are quite a few of them out there that do.

It is very creepy when you look at the registered list and there about six of these guys around your neighborhood. SIX around my house. I don't know what these guys did, but i'm not taking any chances. My kid stays in the fenced-in back yard, thank you.

14-May-2010, 03:29 PM
It is very creepy when you look at the registered list and there about six of these guys around your neighborhood. SIX around my house.

I agree that its very creepy. "Sex Offender" and especially "Violent Sex Offender" is a loaded term that generates strong reactions from the public.

What I find scary is how liberally this term is mandated.

Its like going 20mph over the speed limit and instead of getting reckless driving you get attempted murder.