View Full Version : Zombie False Alarms?

12-May-2010, 09:25 PM
Anybody ever had an Undead False Alarm in real life?

I actually did about 4 years ago. No BS! I was still at my old house,it was late at night,between about 11:30 and midite,I was out on the porch having a smoke,nothing unusual. Until.......

I see a dark figure up at the corner about 3 houses away. It was a man shambling under the amber street light,walking slowly and unnaturally down the road! My first thought is "NO WAY!...NOT HAPPENING,DONT EVEN THINK IT!"

But it damn it sure looked for reals. So I quietly walked down my steps down my sidewalk and waited. He didnt appear to notice me,but I soon realized that it was actually just a severely drunken individual walking along. But not to miss an opportunity,I stealthily made my way to my buddies house across the street to try to freak him out.

It worked perfectly as he was out back in his garage when I got his attention. Got him to come have a look at the creeping 'zombie' drunk. By this time the drunk dude was walking directly between our houses. And for several seconds my bud watched in silence,then mumbling "HOLY SH****T!"

It was quite the Shaun of the Dead moment-lol

12-May-2010, 09:54 PM
Anybody ever had an Undead False Alarm in real life?

I actually did about 4 years ago. No BS! I was still at my old house,it was late at night,between about 11:30 and midite,I was out on the porch having a smoke,nothing unusual. Until.......

I see a dark figure up at the corner about 3 houses away. It was a man shambling under the amber street light,walking slowly and unnaturally down the road! My first thought is "NO WAY!...NOT HAPPENING,DONT EVEN THINK IT!"

But it damn it sure looked for reals. So I quietly walked down my steps down my sidewalk and waited. He didnt appear to notice me,but I soon realized that it was actually just a severely drunken individual walking along. But not to miss an opportunity,I stealthily made my way to my buddies house across the street to try to freak him out.

It worked perfectly as he was out back in his garage when I got his attention. Got him to come have a look at the creeping 'zombie' drunk. By this time the drunk dude was walking directly between our houses. And for several seconds my bud watched in silence,then mumbling "HOLY SH****T!"

It was quite the Shaun of the Dead moment-lol

Eh, no... I can't ever really say I've had a moment where I thought to myself: "Oh my God, it's happened! Zombies are really out there!" but anyone who is a regular here that says they have never heard the familiar "...*beeeeppp* This is a test of the Emergency Broadcasting System..." on the radio haven't had the thought somewhere in the back of their mind of "What if this is it?"

Every time I hear the Emergency Broadcast System test on the radio I always have this sinking feeling in my stomach that maybe this time it won't be a test. Maybe this time it will be for real. Not necessarily for zombies really, but just any really great life-changing event.

The only time I can think of in my life that I've been really 'scared' from events in real life (other than some encounters with the police when I was far younger and dumber) as a grown-up is on 9/11. I remember coming back from the park that morning and watching in horror that morning as events unfolded. The scariest part of it, really, was that none of us knew what was happening.

You never know if one morning you may wake up to nuclear war breaking out, for example. It's not as likely as it was when I was a kid (oh, the 80's...) but films like "The Day After" really still terrify me. Imagine being someone out in Omaha or Kansas City watching as our "minutemen" (LGM-30 ICBM's) are launched from the silos in the mid-west and you see them flying off towards some very unfortunate destination. I think the response: "Oh shit" would hardly do the feeling justice.

So yes, every time I hear the familiar sound of the Emergency Broadcast System on the radio (or on the rare occasions it is still tested on TV) I always have that feeling deep inside wondering...


13-May-2010, 12:04 AM
my friend texted me last week from pittsburgh "what should i do if i see a zombie?" i said run like hell. he described the shamblers the OP mentioned and all that. scary shit:stunned:

13-May-2010, 01:59 PM
Fact: I'm more worried about meth/crackheads shambling the streets of my fair city.


13-May-2010, 02:12 PM
Fact: I'm more worried about meth/crackheads shambling the streets of my fair city.

Man....that is exactly what I was going to say. I see zombies every day. They just aren't dead - they're on Meth.

I can't say I've ever thought it was actually happening, but god knows i've gone through situations in my head. I don't think anyone on this board can deny that...

13-May-2010, 02:16 PM
I can't say I've ever thought it was actually happening, but god knows i've gone through situations in my head. I don't think anyone on this board can deny that...

Oh, yeah. You see something, hear something on tv or an emergency vehicle or announcement and you think 'what if?' That's a fun thing to do, as far as I'm concerned :)

13-May-2010, 02:30 PM
hear something on tv

Even though I find it annoying as hell, every time I hear the Emergency Broadcast System test, I keep thinking a voice will come in like Night. "The bodies of the recently deceased....":lol:

Rancid Carcass
13-May-2010, 06:42 PM
Oh, yeah. You see something, hear something on tv or an emergency vehicle or announcement and you think 'what if?' That's a fun thing to do, as far as I'm concerned :)

Ha ha... I do that everytime I see a helicopter flying overhead. You can't help but wonder if they know something you don't... :lol:

13-May-2010, 06:48 PM
Ha ha... I do that everytime I see a helicopter flying overhead. You can't help but wonder if they know something you don't... :lol:

Funny you mention this, literally every time I see a helicopter flying overhead I always get the theme for "DAWN" stuck in my head...

That's just sad, isn't it? :)


13-May-2010, 07:47 PM
Fact: I'm more worried about meth/crackheads shambling the streets of my fair city.


ditto. the reality of zombies is something that never crosses my mind. it is fun to discuss scenarios, etc. but if you think that they could exist you need some professional help.

zombies are, um, fictional. if you see one, you are either tripping on shrooms or having a psychotic break. in the first case, learn to handle your shit. in the second, seek medical help immediately.

13-May-2010, 07:55 PM
I can honestly say to my shame there have been a few times I have heard a noise outside my house that was unusual and I have thought "What if" and once or twice I was even looking as the noise sounded like a grown or a bang on the side of the house.

Of course it never is and I always feel silly after the fact.

13-May-2010, 08:19 PM
Everytime i see old people shambling about I think ZOMBIE!!!!!!!Sometimes I do the there coming to get you thing with my friends.:lol:

darth los
13-May-2010, 08:28 PM
Man....that is exactly what I was going to say. I see zombies every day. They just aren't dead - they're on Meth.

Now you've gone and done it Bassman. You just gave gar his next in film "message".

I hope you're satisfied. :p


13-May-2010, 08:33 PM
Now you've gone and done it Bassman. You just gave gar his next in film "message".

I hope you're satisfied. :p

Addiction of the Dead? Got a nice little ring to it...

13-May-2010, 08:46 PM
Addiction of the Dead? Got a nice little ring to it...

most of the zombies in romero's films have markedly more sense and intelligence than your average methhead.

13-May-2010, 09:28 PM
ditto. the reality of zombies is something that never crosses my mind. it is fun to discuss scenarios, etc. but if you think that they could exist you need some professional help.

zombies are, um, fictional. if you see one, you are either tripping on shrooms or having a psychotic break. in the first case, learn to handle your shit. in the second, seek medical help immediately.

Yo,Chill Out dude!

I Never said I thought IT WAS a real life zombie!-lol

It was just stupid momentary reaction,like the dumb instinct that hits us briefly before we snap out of it. Like when we,um watch a zombie movie!

Needless to say I did not call out the nieghboorhood zombie posse.

Maggot Farmer
13-May-2010, 10:43 PM
What I like to do with the wife (she good-naturdly puts up with my silly bullshit, but I for my part keep it fairly quiet). We'll see a pedestrian out on the street or meandering about in public and I'll ask if she thinks they'd make it during the upcoming apocalypse.
I've asked so often that all I have to do now is ask...
"What about him? What about her?"
She's a real trooper, gang. And she's all mine.

13-May-2010, 10:50 PM
One time, I thought I saw a zombie outside my window. Imagine my relief when I realised I was actually looking at the TV set and Dawn of the Dead was playing!!


14-May-2010, 01:04 PM

Rancid Carcass
14-May-2010, 03:38 PM

I was just about to say that myself... :lol:

14-May-2010, 03:47 PM
Anybody ever had an Undead False Alarm in real life?

I actually did about 4 years ago. No BS! I was still at my old house,it was late at night,between about 11:30 and midite,I was out on the porch having a smoke,nothing unusual. Until.......

I see a dark figure up at the corner about 3 houses away. It was a man shambling under the amber street light,walking slowly and unnaturally down the road! My first thought is "NO WAY!...NOT HAPPENING,DONT EVEN THINK IT!"

But it damn it sure looked for reals. So I quietly walked down my steps down my sidewalk and waited. He didnt appear to notice me,but I soon realized that it was actually just a severely drunken individual walking along. But not to miss an opportunity,I stealthily made my way to my buddies house across the street to try to freak him out.

It worked perfectly as he was out back in his garage when I got his attention. Got him to come have a look at the creeping 'zombie' drunk. By this time the drunk dude was walking directly between our houses. And for several seconds my bud watched in silence,then mumbling "HOLY SH****T!"

It was quite the Shaun of the Dead moment-lol

lol i see that all the time @ family gatherings! lol btw: u wanna pretend your in a real life zombie plague hang out @ a convalescent home! lol i worked @ 1 my first job and lemme tell you talk about a realistic setting! lol:lol:

16-May-2010, 05:05 AM
I was following the (Grateful) Dead tour in 2009 when news of the Swine Flu reached me and my tour buddies ears. I can't say I started freaking out, but I also can't say that 'GOVERNMENT COVER-UP' didn't cross my mind at least once.

21-May-2010, 12:40 AM
Know how you feel.

I was spending the weekend in Houston (April '09)-when I first got word of the Swine Flu,and that it was then sweeping thru Mexico. Heard it on the car radio with my buds,at night in the middle of a raging storm. Sorta eerie.

Didnt really think Zombie just yet,but I'll tell ya I did begin to wonder what kind of supplies I had on hand at the padd for did when I did get back home.

(i.e. rubber gloves,face masks,liquid sanitizers,bottled water,can goods,Guns and Ammo-lol)

21-May-2010, 01:59 AM
i was listening to the rooster teeth podcast a few weeks back and Burnie burns was talking about how back in the 70's his older brother showed him dawn of the dead and told him it was a documentary and the military took care of it and hushed it up but it could happen again at any moment and 3 decades later, now a grown man in his mid thirties he still, knowing he lives near a graveyard, checks out his window to see if theres a zombie on his driveway at 3am.

he laughs how wierd it is and co-host geoff ramnsey goes "i do the exact same thing" :lol:

Rancid Carcass
21-May-2010, 07:24 AM
his older brother showed him dawn of the dead and told him it was a documentary and the military took care of it and hushed it up but it could happen again at any moment and 3 decades later, now a grown man in his mid thirties he still, knowing he lives near a graveyard, checks out his window to see if theres a zombie on his driveway at 3am.


21-May-2010, 06:34 PM

Yeeeeah,when I first saw this movie when I was about 6 yrs old,that dialogue creeped me the hell out!

Being by that age already a huge NIGHT fan,then hearing that bit from RotLD somehow 'Confirmed' my little kid fears.-lol

21-May-2010, 07:18 PM
Yo,Chill Out dude!

I Never said I thought IT WAS a real life zombie!-lol

It was just stupid momentary reaction,like the dumb instinct that hits us briefly before we snap out of it. Like when we,um watch a zombie movie!

Needless to say I did not call out the nieghboorhood zombie posse.

he's made two posts on the thread in the same pissed off mood, i guess he's on the wrong boards??

21-May-2010, 07:44 PM

:lol: Saving this one for re-use at a later date!

22-May-2010, 01:26 AM
he's made two posts on the thread in the same pissed off mood, i guess he's on the wrong boards??

Must be hemroids I guess.:moon:

22-May-2010, 02:51 AM
Must be hemroids I guess.:moon:

or just bad manners. if he really think we're all on here because zombies are real, then i guess he should find another board. we're all here because we can be, and it's entertaining.

22-May-2010, 04:04 PM
Must be hemroids I guess.:moon:

it's spelled "hemorrhoids."

22-May-2010, 06:08 PM

22-May-2010, 08:03 PM
To be fair: I think if some first-world nation really put some cash and leading pathologists, epidemiologists etc. and completely pissed on the treaties concerning bio-weapons, you could probably develop a highly infectious pathogen spread by fluid exchange or even casual contact, that inflamed the limbic center and put the Amygdala out of commission. Coupled with some frontal lobe damage effects and you could *perhaps* create mad-dog homicidal killers out of the virus's victims.

The T-Virus and the like are total fiction, but something like the Rage Virus from 28 Days/Weeks Later? See no biological reason such a pathogen can't be created.

What do the rest of you think? Something with a rabies-like effect and a (relatively) short incubation period before symptoms began?

Not that I think such a monstrosity SHOULD be created, but I imagine there are a variety of individuals nominally part of/funded by the gov't that would have no qualms if they saw a large enough upside. These are the folks that don't blink at sparking conflicts between African warlords to manipulate the diamond market and trafficking in more heroin during Vietnam that's reached the streets since.

Yes? No? Why or why not?

22-May-2010, 08:20 PM
To be fair: I think if some first-world nation really put some cash and leading pathologists, epidemiologists etc. and completely pissed on the treaties concerning bio-weapons, you could probably develop a highly infectious pathogen spread by fluid exchange or even casual contact, that inflamed the limbic center and put the Amygdala out of commission. Coupled with some frontal lobe damage effects and you could *perhaps* create mad-dog homicidal killers out of the virus's victims.

The T-Virus and the like are total fiction, but something like the Rage Virus from 28 Days/Weeks Later? See no biological reason such a pathogen can't be created.

What do the rest of you think? Something with a rabies-like effect and a (relatively) short incubation period before symptoms began?

Not that I think such a monstrosity SHOULD be created, but I imagine there are a variety of individuals nominally part of/funded by the gov't that would have no qualms if they saw a large enough upside. These are the folks that don't blink at sparking conflicts between African warlords to manipulate the diamond market and trafficking in more heroin during Vietnam that's reached the streets since.

Yes? No? Why or why not?

Around the time 28 weeks came out i watched a TED talk or something about the subject and apparently its scary just how possible a rage virus could actually be.:|

22-May-2010, 09:25 PM
Must be hemroids I guess.:moon:

Dude, seriously, spell check is our friend... :p

But hemorrhoids are certainly no laughing matter, they hurt like bloody hell and the cream only helps so much. I can think of few things in this world (being a guy) that are as bad as inflamed hemorrhoids except maybe an extremely bad sunburn that has that constant burning/throbbing sensation. In fact, it's a good comparison, for any of you lucky bastards out there that have never had the privilege of suffering through hemorrhoids it's easy to joke about them, not so funny when you're taking pills and following the instructions on the cream.

In other news... it's far better in being a man than even imagining being a woman. I couldn't imagine dealing with the pain of child birth and the idea of a period every month freaks me the hell out. ("You want me to stick that where?")

Oh yeah, back to the subject of this thread. Yes, I think a virus similar to Captain Trips or the Rage virus already easily exists. They probably have strains/viruses that would wipe out the world within a matter of weeks -- I don't have any doubt about it.


22-May-2010, 09:26 PM
Definately agree with the above being plausible.

By now most everbody on here has seen that movie "QUARANTINE",right??

I hadnt found any posts or threads yet discussing it on here.

22-May-2010, 09:34 PM
amen to that

22-May-2010, 09:34 PM
Dude, seriously, spell check is our friend... :p

But hemorrhoids are certainly no laughing matter, they hurt like bloody hell and the cream only helps so much.

In other news... it's far better in being a man than even imagining being a woman. I couldn't imagine dealing with the pain of child birth and the idea of a period every month freaks me the hell out. ("You want me to stick that where?")

Oh yeah, back to the subject of this thread. Yes, I think a virus similar to Captain Trips or the Rage virus already easily exists. They probably have strains/viruses that would wipe out the world within a matter of weeks -- I don't have any doubt about it.


Hey yo,My Bad! I'll think more before I wisecrack from now on,ok-:shifty:

But yes,lets try to stay on thread. Thanks.

23-May-2010, 03:40 AM


i'm not so bad after all. i just need to fuck with you new guys a bit.

23-May-2010, 05:18 PM

I'm not so bad after all. I just need to fuck with you new guys a bit.


25-May-2010, 12:56 AM
Although I'm sure other people on this forum are aware of this site, I thought I'd share it anyway, as its quite in context with the subject matter.


Note: I sent them the first tip about the Beijing attacks, as seen here...


27-May-2010, 07:47 PM
I vaguely remember neil posting a fake BBC news link on here regarding a zombie outbreak in south america and a couple of members falling for it.

27-May-2010, 08:04 PM
I remember a year or two back there were some guys here in the states that altered road construction signs to read "WARNING Zombies ahead!". It made the national news networks. :lol:

30-May-2010, 04:27 AM
Looking back I think I would have been one of the first infected/killed. There have been times where I encountered people that were messed up by car accidents and one lady that was attacked outside of a bar. She was covered with blood and was stumbling to me. I used to work the night shift security at a downtown building. She ran for a couple of blocks trying to get away and by the time she got to me she lost a lot of blood and was staggering. I didn't think at all she was a zombie and just thought to get her help. Would have got bitten there. Other times I came accross accidents like I saw a man lying in the street and when I approached him, again wasn't thinking he was a zombie. Turned out he had just been the victim of a hit and run, he later died after authorities showed up. The funny thing is in my mind I always have a plan if the zombies come, but real life I have to act realistically. For now zombies are just for fun.

01-Jun-2010, 07:35 PM
he's made two posts on the thread in the same pissed off mood, i guess he's on the wrong boards??

4 sure kills my chubby!:D:stunned::eek:

02-Jun-2010, 03:20 PM
Lmao. Well I Would React In That Exact Manner. Lol.

Its Extremely Difficult For Me To Differentiate Between A Drunk And A Zombie. :P. During Night Of The Living Dead, There Were Quite A Few Zombies That Looked As If They Were Just Out Of Their Faces, Trying To Get In The House For Something To Eat And A Glass Of Water. Lol.

02-Jun-2010, 03:32 PM
I thought a zombie false alarm is when you think a thunder storm is coming them you turn around a realize its just a zombie shittin' his pants! lol :stunned::hyper::clown:

darth los
02-Jun-2010, 03:53 PM
Lmao. Well I Would React In That Exact Manner. Lol.

Its Extremely Difficult For Me To Differentiate Between A Drunk And A Zombie. :P. During Night Of The Living Dead, There Were Quite A Few Zombies That Looked As If They Were Just Out Of Their Faces, Trying To Get In The House For Something To Eat And A Glass Of Water. Lol.

I actually liked that aspect of the film. The bodies aren't supposed to look decayed or anything.


10-Jul-2010, 09:01 PM
This could have turned out much worse than it did:


10-Jul-2010, 09:57 PM
Anybody ever had an Undead False Alarm in real life?

I actually did about 4 years ago. No BS! I was still at my old house,it was late at night,between about 11:30 and midite,I was out on the porch having a smoke,nothing unusual. Until.......

I see a dark figure up at the corner about 3 houses away. It was a man shambling under the amber street light,walking slowly and unnaturally down the road! My first thought is "NO WAY!...NOT HAPPENING,DONT EVEN THINK IT!"

But it damn it sure looked for reals. So I quietly walked down my steps down my sidewalk and waited. He didnt appear to notice me,but I soon realized that it was actually just a severely drunken individual walking along. But not to miss an opportunity,I stealthily made my way to my buddies house across the street to try to freak him out.

It worked perfectly as he was out back in his garage when I got his attention. Got him to come have a look at the creeping 'zombie' drunk. By this time the drunk dude was walking directly between our houses. And for several seconds my bud watched in silence,then mumbling "HOLY SH****T!"

It was quite the Shaun of the Dead moment-lolIf only you'd sprayed ketchup down you arm and told your mate the guy had just bitten you!

26-Jul-2010, 06:33 AM
I vaguely remember neil posting a fake BBC news link on here regarding a zombie outbreak in south america and a couple of members falling for it.

I remember that. Had to of been a good 7 or 8 years ago.

I've been trying to convince friends and family (out of boredom) that the government knows that the end is nigh, and that they are responsible for all the shows like "The Colony" and The History Channel's many Armageddon shows. We saw a billboard yesterday advising people that it's always a good idea to have a 72 hour emergency situation kit in the home.

My rationalization to them is that not everyone can fit in the bunkers, so the best way to assist the American people without causing widespread panic is to use entertainment to educate people the best was to survive during the collapse of civilization. I love making BS conspiracy claims that can't be debunked. LoL

26-Jul-2010, 01:59 PM
I work at a hospital, and the other day heard a pretty creepy scream while I was in the atrium. It sounded far off, so the distance gave it a bit of ambiance, although it sounded very pained, like someones arm was getting sawed off.

I kept my guard up, but not noticeably so, being in public and whatnot.

26-Jul-2010, 03:49 PM
Just the other night on my walk up to the corner store I saw a Shambler creepily walking thru the parking lot of the laundrey matt. It was just a twitchy old man I've seen around my hood a couple times before,so I didnt go for my knife just yet.

He did give me the Zombie stare tho,which was erie enough. But I just walked on by to go get my booze.

26-Jul-2010, 07:04 PM
One day when I was relatively new to my job I was in the morgue at the funeral home prepping one of my cases for a visitation when I heard one of the sheet covered new cases that had just come in for embalming sigh very loudly. It sounded like "Ugghh" and I was suddenly sure that this dude was still alive.

I freaked out and then started to check the remains for vital signs, thinking it was someone who had been prematurely pronounced (I had heard of this happening before in the industry) but I couldn't find any life signs, so I ran out to the office area and got a senior staff member to come and check out the remains. He laughed at me after checking for life signs, and told me to go outside, have a smoke and calm down. He was sure that the new guy - me - had a weird and overactive imagination.

Outside, while gathering my thoughts and trying to let the adrenaline rush pass I thought about NOLD and started to laugh. Later that night I had a nightmare about the guy opening his eyes and looking straight at me while he sat up on the gurney.

I later learned that the recently dead sometimes expel air or bodily gases for up to several hours after death, and that this happens from time to time and it is totally natural. Still freaked me out though, and I have not experienced this phenomena since.

One embalmer said that once at a different mortuary he was working on a case when the corpse grabbed his hand. While I don't know if this is just a tall tale, if that had happened to me when I was green I probably would have quit my job that very same day.

26-Jul-2010, 08:52 PM
One day when I was relatively new to my job I was in the morgue at the funeral home prepping one of my cases for a visitation when I heard one of the sheet covered new cases that had just come in for embalming sigh very loudly. It sounded like "Ugghh" and I was suddenly sure that this dude was still alive.

I freaked out and then started to check the remains for vital signs, thinking it was someone who had been prematurely pronounced (I had heard of this happening before in the industry) but I couldn't find any life signs, so I ran out to the office area and got a senior staff member to come and check out the remains. He laughed at me after checking for life signs, and told me to go outside, have a smoke and calm down. He was sure that the new guy - me - had a weird and overactive imagination.

Outside, while gathering my thoughts and trying to let the adrenaline rush pass I thought about NOLD and started to laugh. Later that night I had a nightmare about the guy opening his eyes and looking straight at me while he sat up on the gurney.

I later learned that the recently dead sometimes expel air or bodily gases for up to several hours after death, and that this happens from time to time and it is totally natural. Still freaked me out though, and I have not experienced this phenomena since.

One embalmer said that once at a different mortuary he was working on a case when the corpse grabbed his hand. While I don't know if this is just a tall tale, if that had happened to me when I was green I probably would have quit my job that very same day.

Haha! Awesome story, man.

If your fellow morticians/funeral home workers/etc. working there that day had known your love for Romero they should have played a nasty trick on you and come running down the aisle or something screaming: "Run! It's coming for us!". :D Hell, I would have done something like this.

Even better would be to have had someone hide under a sheet without you realizing it and as you have your back turned start sitting up slowly and moaning. Haha, talk about a Kodak moment. :)


26-Jul-2010, 10:46 PM
One day when I was relatively new to my job I was in the morgue at the funeral home prepping one of my cases for a visitation when I heard one of the sheet covered new cases that had just come in for embalming sigh very loudly. It sounded like "Ugghh" and I was suddenly sure that this dude was still alive.

I freaked out and then started to check the remains for vital signs, thinking it was someone who had been prematurely pronounced (I had heard of this happening before in the industry) but I couldn't find any life signs, so I ran out to the office area and got a senior staff member to come and check out the remains. He laughed at me after checking for life signs, and told me to go outside, have a smoke and calm down. He was sure that the new guy - me - had a weird and overactive imagination.

Outside, while gathering my thoughts and trying to let the adrenaline rush pass I thought about NOLD and started to laugh. Later that night I had a nightmare about the guy opening his eyes and looking straight at me while he sat up on the gurney.

I later learned that the recently dead sometimes expel air or bodily gases for up to several hours after death, and that this happens from time to time and it is totally natural. Still freaked me out though, and I have not experienced this phenomena since.

One embalmer said that once at a different mortuary he was working on a case when the corpse grabbed his hand. While I don't know if this is just a tall tale, if that had happened to me when I was green I probably would have quit my job that very same day.

My mom yrs ago back in the late 60's early 70's worked in our local hospital in the housekeeping dept. She come home with a story about a corpse someone was talking to the morgue..it sat right up on the gurney!! Scared the crap right out of the orderly that was taking it. Another time mom was helping and the eyes opened up on the corpse. Finally, as you were saying about the hand grabbing the guys arm? that same thing happened to someone mom knew! The person about crapped himself. I think back then the orderlies were the ones that took bodies to the morgue.
Occasionally, housekeeping helped.

To the subj of this thread...weird how you think isn't?
When I hear the emergency broadcast system test..freaks me out everytime I see it. My ears perk up and I run to tv to see what is going on.
I have never had an experience where it was like zombies shuffling around.THANKFULLY! Anything close to it would be when I go out in the morning and it is all quiet..no one moving around outside.DEAD! When I see that I think where has everyone gone? Zombies ooooh nooo! lol Noooo, it is fun to imagine what if?

28-Jul-2010, 09:30 AM

28-Jul-2010, 12:34 PM
I've been trying to convince friends and family (out of boredom) that the government knows that the end is nigh, and that they are responsible for all the shows like "The Colony" and The History Channel's many Armageddon shows. We saw a billboard yesterday advising people that it's always a good idea to have a 72 hour emergency situation kit in the home.

My rationalization to them is that not everyone can fit in the bunkers, so the best way to assist the American people without causing widespread panic is to use entertainment to educate people the best was to survive during the collapse of civilization. I love making BS conspiracy claims that can't be debunked. LoL

The paranoid side of my personality finds your comment insightful & interesting...and a touch scary.