View Full Version : Rob Zombie to Write/Direct new "Halloween"

05-Jun-2006, 01:21 PM
According to http://www.halloweenmovies.com the official Halloween site, Rob Zombie is set to Write and direct the next Halloween film. He plans to "reimagine" and "reinvigorate" the series. I really think this is bad for one reason. The series has already split off 2 times, we really don't need another timeline to follow. Just make something to fit all the Myers films together and end the series that has become so horrible!

05-Jun-2006, 01:44 PM
im not too excited the house of a 1000 corpses was meant to be "more terrifying than the texas chainsaw massacre".

it wasnt.:barf:

it was predictable crap that was leeching off the classic texas chainsaw film and turned out to be a steaming turd of a film, lots of red lighting and metrosexual versions of the creatures from hellraiser do not a good movie make.

05-Jun-2006, 01:49 PM
im not too excited the house of a 1000 corpses was meant to be "more terrifying than the texas chainsaw massacre".

it wasnt.:barf:

it was predictable crap that was leeching off the classic texas chainsaw film and turned out to be a steaming turd of a film, lots of red lighting and metrosexual versions of the creatures from hellraiser do not a good movie make.

You're right about "House of 1000 Corpses", but have you seen "The Devil's Rejects"? I thought "House..." sucked and didn't even care to see "TDR", but when I did.....man was I glad that I watched it. It's a freaking awesome flick. MUCH, much better than "House...".

I heard this "Halloween" thing was just a rumor, but if it's true.....I now have faith for Zombie after seeing "TDR".

05-Jun-2006, 02:07 PM
One of the better news coming out that's horror related. I tend to dismiss House of 1000 Corpses as Zombie feeling his way through a major feature-film project. To me his coming out party is the deliciously nihilistic, hellbilly-exploitation flick (yes flick is the only way to truly call this classic in the making) The Devil's Rejects. I hope it's the latter Zombie that comes through in this reboot of Carpenter's classic.

05-Jun-2006, 02:11 PM
ok ill hold my judgement till i see the devils rejects.

05-Jun-2006, 03:15 PM
ok ill hold my judgement till i see the devils rejects.
It's a great flick! Much better than 1,000 corpses!

06-Jun-2006, 01:53 PM
It's a great flick! Much better than 1,000 corpses!

I agree 100%. The leap between HOTC and TDR is absolutely huge.

If it wasn't Carpenter doing the next installment of the Halloween series, I'm glad it's Rob. If there's anyone who can connect to that 'late 70's horror movie' feel, it's Rob. One glance at TDR makes that pretty evident.

I found this piece of news today:

Rob Zombie has commented further on the announcement over the weekend that he has been tapped to revive the successful "Halloween" franchise, some 28 years after accomplished horror director John Carpenter's influential slasher flick first introduced the world to Michael Myers, an escaped mental patient who massacred his family on Halloween night.

In a message posted on Zombie's MySpace page last week, the rocker shot down rumors that he'd been in discussions with Dimension Films to breathe new life into the pale-masked Myers.

"I don't know how this story all got started but I am not making 'Halloween 9'," he wrote in a post dated June 3. The next morning, he clarified the situation in a separate post, writing, "I am not making 'Halloween 9'. That series is done, complete, over. But what I am doing is starting totally from scratch. Call it a remake, an update, a re-imagining or whatever, but one thing that [is] for sure is this is a whole new start — a new beginning with no connection to the other series. That is exactly why the project appeals to me. I can take it and run with it."

Before accepting the job, Zombie told Variety he'd reached out to Carpenter, seeking his blessing.

"The original 'Halloween' is hallowed ground to me, and I talked to him about it and he was very supportive of what I wanted to do," Zombie said. "He said, 'Go for it, Rob. Make it your own.' And that's exactly what I intend to do. Over 25 years and a lot of movies, a very scary character became something of a Halloween cliché, with Michael Myers dolls that play the Halloween music when you press their stomachs. By the end of the sequel cycle, there was little connection to the original. I take that film very seriously, and I want to make it terrifying again."

Zombie's "Halloween" film is slated for an October 2007 release.

06-Jun-2006, 07:57 PM
Suppose in this era of remakes it was only a matter of time before the Halloween franchise got a retcon.

After the death of Moustapha Akkad in a terrorist attack in Nov 2005, the plans for yet another sequel were put on hold. The jumbled timeline of the Halloween movies was definately due for review.

On one hand there are the "loyalists" who see

H1 - H2 - H20 as the only "true" halloween movies.

Then there are those who follow the Thorn cult subplot outlined in H4, H5, H6 and see it as the underlying motive of the entire Halloween series. If you get the chance watch the Producers Cut of Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers - you get an entirely different take on the series.

Will be interesting to see how Rob Zombie reimagines the franchise. Should have plenty of gore based on his previous horror movies.

06-Jun-2006, 08:14 PM
That's the thing about Zombie that I've noticed as a filmmaker. After the turd that was House of a 1000 Corpses many thought that The Devil's Rejects would be more of the same. Instead Zombie's sophomore effort turned out to be very well done showed just how much Zombie learned from his first film. Despite the gore in TDR I'm of the mind that Zombie may actually pay abit of an homage to Carpenter and limit the amount of blood and gore shown on the screen and maybe try to get back to Halloween's roots and rely on tension and dread. If one was to look at Carpenter's original there really wasn't that much gore and blood.

If Zombie relies on making his reboot of the original more gory and something like Aja's The Hills Have Eyes remake then I'm fine with that. But I'm really interested in seeing if Zombie can grow as a filmmaker and try something new like create a horror film that less about gore but more with the terror and shock.

06-Jun-2006, 09:31 PM
Rob Zombie is wrong for the series. His style is nothing close to what John Carpenter did for the first and partly for the second. Rob Zombie's movies are more gritty while one of reasons I like Halloween so much is because it isn't gritty, rather a bit more stylized. I hope something happens that makes this not happen.

06-Jun-2006, 09:39 PM
I am invisioning Rob dipping into Michael Myers backstory a little more, mixing in some satanism and other goodies. I'm not talking about over-the-top supernatural, just some good clean satanistic fun to give the story a little more bite. Gee, I wonder who'll play Dr. Loomis?

06-Jun-2006, 09:45 PM
Rob Zombie is wrong for the series. His style is nothing close to what John Carpenter did for the first and partly for the second. Rob Zombie's movies are more gritty while one of reasons I like Halloween so much is because it isn't gritty, rather a bit more stylized. I hope something happens that makes this not happen.

Maybe that's what Zombie meant when he said his reboot/reimagining/remake of Halloween is going to be done differently instead of going by the numbers. I know with Aja's remake of The Hills Have Eyes some saw it as a vast improvement style-wise over that of Craven's. Maybe the same might be said about Zombie's remake of Carpenter's classic.

06-Jun-2006, 09:45 PM
I am invisioning Rob dipping into Michael Myers backstory a little more, mixing in some satanism and other goodies. I'm not talking about over-the-top supernatural, just some good clean satanistic fun to give the story a little more bite. Gee, I wonder who'll play Dr. Loomis?

You think so? I think Mr. Zombie is pretty old School when it comes to his films and may just stay a little closer to the basic Myers being crazy angle. I'm not a huge fan of his films but I like the guy when I've seen him in interviews and he knows his old horror (read: PRE 1950's horror) films. I think 'White Zombie' is his fave film of all time.

06-Jun-2006, 09:50 PM
I am invisioning Rob dipping into Michael Myers backstory a little more, mixing in some satanism and other goodies. I'm not talking about over-the-top supernatural, just some good clean satanistic fun to give the story a little more bite. Gee, I wonder who'll play Dr. Loomis?

I know some people have been shouting at the moon since this news to have Sid Haig cast as Dr Loomis, but as much as I like Sid "Captain Spaulding" Haig, I'd rather Zombie cast someone who has the acting chops to give the role the gravitas it needs. Be nice if Zombie scores Anthony Hopkins as Dr. Loomis. :)

06-Jun-2006, 09:54 PM
Yeah I really doubt Sid Haig could really pull it off. I'm guessing Mr. Hopkins may pass on Halloween however...

06-Jun-2006, 10:04 PM
Hmmm...not sure if I like the idea of that, I'd prefer to see an original Rob Zombie piece (like Devil's Rejects - which was fantastic, soooooo good). Although I will be interested to see where he goes with it. But it seems all rather random and pointless, there's too many Halloween films now and only the first and second were any good.

Hmmm...Michael Myers meets the psychoholic world of Rob Zombie ... hmmm.

06-Jun-2006, 10:08 PM
Yeah I really doubt Sid Haig could really pull it off. I'm guessing Mr. Hopkins may pass on Halloween however...

Oh, I don't know. He's been known to slum it and go for the paycheck. I mean he did sign on to be in Meet Joe Black. :lol:

06-Jun-2006, 10:18 PM
You think so? I think Mr. Zombie is pretty old School when it comes to his films and may just stay a little closer to the basic Myers being crazy angle. I'm not a huge fan of his films but I like the guy when I've seen him in interviews and he knows his old horror (read: PRE 1950's horror) films. I think 'White Zombie' is his fave film of all time.

I know that he has a fondness for the Universal classic era of horror, but if you look at House of 1000 Corpses, which he had complete control over, he opted for more recent inspiration like Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Funhouse.

He stated that it would be a reboot, unlike the original series, which leads me to believe that it will be a little more than stalking and slashing. Since I don't think he'll go the completely supernatural route, some good old fashioned satanism could show up.

Sid Haig as Loomis would be pretty silly. If he casts anything like he did with his prior two films, Dr. Loomis will be played by none other than Burt Reynolds :D

07-Jun-2006, 01:37 AM
Maybe that's what Zombie meant when he said his reboot/reimagining/remake of Halloween is going to be done differently instead of going by the numbers. I know with Aja's remake of The Hills Have Eyes some saw it as a vast improvement style-wise over that of Craven's. Maybe the same might be said about Zombie's remake of Carpenter's classic.

The only way I would accept Rob Zombie doing a "reboot" of Halloween would be for him to no characters whatsoever except Michael Myers. Since Halloween does happen to be my favorite horror series I take this a little personally. To me it's like having Tony Scott remake Day of the Dead. Honestly I was not impressed with Devil's Rejects and House of 1000 Corpses. House was just a bad movie and DR was just lame (all 20 people in the theater seemed to agree when they kept asking when this piece of sh*t would be over). I'd just rather have somebody with a more respectable background to do it, or save the trouble and $30 million and not make the movie in the first place and let the series be.

07-Jun-2006, 09:28 AM
Aja's remake of The Hills Have Eyes was really cool I thought, I loved it. I have the original as well, and it's clearly not one of Craven's best works, it's like Last House On The Left rejigged for mainstream audiences. Hills06 was really very good, great script (at last! a good horror script in our present time!), was pieced together expertly and fantastic special effects by KNB ... and it was insanely violent, I myself was shocked - roll on June 20th for the unrated release says I!

Oh yeh, if you haven't already, check out Aja's previous flick "High Tension" ("Haute Tension" / "Switchblade Romance"). I got it for my birthday recently and it's a really good horror movie, the attack on the car near the end is just fantastic and is similarly well written and pieced together like Hills06.

07-Jun-2006, 01:33 PM
According to http://www.halloweenmovies.com the official Halloween site, Rob Zombie is set to Write and direct the next Halloween film. He plans to "reimagine" and "reinvigorate" the series. I really think this is bad for one reason. The series has already split off 2 times, we really don't need another timeline to follow. Just make something to fit all the Myers films together and end the series that has become so horrible!

Never the less I bet his version will be great. I do not have time to visit that link but is it a remake or a new movie all together?