View Full Version : poor sportsmanship

16-May-2010, 11:55 PM

that coach needs to be fired

17-May-2010, 05:16 AM
She's hot. I'd do her.

17-May-2010, 10:57 AM
"You've got to teach kids that rules are rules." - I think she fucking knows that by now, asshole; she's nearly an adult.

17-May-2010, 12:16 PM
Just another case of someone taking their shit, meaningless job too far.

17-May-2010, 02:08 PM
Just another case of someone taking their shit, meaningless job too far.

indeed, the other coach is a whiny bitch and his last name is knowles. coincidence? i think not.

17-May-2010, 09:19 PM
indeed, the other coach is a whiny bitch and his last name is knowles. coincidence? i think not.

i threw the shot and disc in high school and college and that really is illegal for a coach to do. i forget what rule it's under but it's basically cheating/tattle telling

18-May-2010, 02:12 PM
I'm fine with this outcome. So long as they tie the friendship bracelet around the top of the trophy so everyone remembers what won it for them.

18-May-2010, 03:40 PM

"Organized" Sports are defined by their arbitrary rules.
Hell, sports only exist because of their arbitrary rules.

When they are being played for recreation these rules are less stringently followed and play is flexible.
When they are trying to be considered "professional" the rules are more strictly followed and play is closely guided.

The very nature of a sport being "organized" means there are standards and rules for practically everything you can think of, on and off the field.
Some sports have more of these rules than others.

Does it suck that she got disqualified because of this rule?...Hell yeah
But she is playing in a sport that has specific "professional" rules.

Did the opposing Coach show poor sportsmanship?
I don't think so.

It is any coach's responsibility to do all that is possible within the rules to give his/her team a victory. The coach would have failed his team as a coach if he did not protest her performance.

This "poor-sport" coach served his team brilliantly, consequently he played a crucial part in his team's victory to clench the league title. Additionally it is worth noting that if his team did not perform as well as they did his use of this rule would not have brought the team victory.

The flip side of this,

The bracelet girl's coach failed the girl and the team for not keeping an eye on this sort of thing. His inability to administrate the team played a key role in losing the league title. Additionally it is worth noting that if his team did not perform as well as they did his misstep would not have caused their loss.

I mean this "poor sport" coach did exactly what all coaches are supposed to do.
1)Coaches scout talent, organize practices, and prepare athletes/coachingstaff for competition.
1)Coaches pep-talk, strategize, and administrate atheletes/coachingstaff for greatest win potential over all conceivable threats
2)Coaches communicate, negotiate, and argue with referees over rule violations that would benefit his or her team.

And that's my opinion on this incident. (for perspective on my viewpoint see my post regarding organized sports)

18-May-2010, 07:13 PM

"Organized" Sports are defined by their arbitrary rules.
Hell, sports only exist because of their arbitrary rules.

When they are being played for recreation these rules are less stringently followed and play is flexible.
When they are trying to be considered "professional" the rules are more strictly followed and play is closely guided.

The very nature of a sport being "organized" means there are standards and rules for practically everything you can think of, on and off the field.
Some sports have more of these rules than others.

Does it suck that she got disqualified because of this rule?...Hell yeah
But she is playing in a sport that has specific "professional" rules.

Did the opposing Coach show poor sportsmanship?
I don't think so.

It is any coach's responsibility to do all that is possible within the rules to give his/her team a victory. The coach would have failed his team as a coach if he did not protest her performance.

This "poor-sport" coach served his team brilliantly, consequently he played a crucial part in his team's victory to clench the league title. Additionally it is worth noting that if his team did not perform as well as they did his use of this rule would not have brought the team victory.

The flip side of this,

The bracelet girl's coach failed the girl and the team for not keeping an eye on this sort of thing. His inability to administrate the team played a key role in losing the league title. Additionally it is worth noting that if his team did not perform as well as they did his misstep would not have caused their loss.

I mean this "poor sport" coach did exactly what all coaches are supposed to do.
1)Coaches scout talent, organize practices, and prepare athletes/coachingstaff for competition.
1)Coaches pep-talk, strategize, and administrate atheletes/coachingstaff for greatest win potential over all conceivable threats
2)Coaches communicate, negotiate, and argue with referees over rule violations that would benefit his or her team.

And that's my opinion on this incident. (for perspective on my viewpoint see my post regarding organized sports)

dont be so against it,man. the events i participated in were cut and dry. u throw the furthest, you win.

and the bracelet thing is shitty, they normally dont care unless it's metal.

21-May-2010, 08:14 PM
She's hot. I'd do her.

She can vault my pole any old time she wants.

darth los
21-May-2010, 08:50 PM

that coach needs to be fired

In sports Rules are rules for a reason, no matter how silly they may seem.

The NBA has this rule that I absolutely can't stand. If there is a fight on the other side of the arena and a player leaves the bench area for whatever reason (they could have their pinky toe on the court) even if they are not participating or instigating in any way, it's a mandatory 1 game suspension. And when we're talking playoffs that's devastating. A few championship contenders have been screwed over by that dumb ass rule.

So again, she should read the manual of the sport in which she is competing.

Fair or foul.

Fair all day.

Not to worry. I'll console her if she needs it. :elol:


21-May-2010, 09:17 PM
In sports Rules are rules for a reason, no matter how silly they may seem.

The NBA has this rule that I absolutely can't stand. If there is a fight on the other side of the arena and a player leaves the bench area for whatever reason (they could have their pinky toe on the court) even if they are not participating or instigating in any way, it's a mandatory 1 game suspension. And when we're talking playoffs that's devastating. A few championship contenders have been screwed over by that dumb ass rule.

So again, she should read the manual of the sport in which she is competing.

Fair or foul.

Fair all day.

Not to worry. I'll console her if she needs it. :elol:


ok you know how some rules are in effect and are not enforced? a cloth bracelet give u no advantage, nor is it a distraction...... coaches are overrated

22-May-2010, 01:34 AM
You know what's great about skateboarding? No rules. Seriously, it's true. Just as much exercise, if you do it enough, and more creative than organized sports. What's not to like?

22-May-2010, 01:39 AM
What's not to like?

A torn taint?

:45 and on.


22-May-2010, 01:52 AM
Goddamn! That's a big fucking ollie! No wonder shorty got served. Ooh, I winced there. Hey, but he lived. And what doesn't kill ya... sometimes hurts like hell. Pain is part of the game though, just like american football or what have you. So really... yeah, not a deal breaker. Leg breaker, maybe, but not deal.

22-May-2010, 02:56 AM
A torn taint?

:45 and on.



im sorry but that shit was funny. he got up screaming and then ran behind bushes

22-May-2010, 03:25 AM
Total Grinchmanship on the part of the opposing coach.

But, it's her own coach's fault; she knew any kind of wristwear is illegal in the event, and should have told her athletes that beforehand. A simple, "hey, you've got to take that off before you go out there" would have won them a championship.

22-May-2010, 04:02 AM
Total Grinchmanship on the part of the opposing coach.

But, it's her own coach's fault; she knew any kind of wristwear is illegal in the event, and should have told her athletes that beforehand. A simple, "hey, you've got to take that off before you go out there" would have won them a championship.

see, the judges see all the participants before hand to weigh their objects and look at the people. if they didnt say anything then, it isnt a problem

23-May-2010, 08:29 PM
The other coach did right. Bet he'd be seething if he got screwed by that rule mind.

23-May-2010, 10:33 PM
In sports Rules are rules for a reason, no matter how silly they may seem.

like the rule against banned substances that the player in your signature is talking about?:shifty:

darth los
24-May-2010, 04:07 PM
like the rule against banned substances that the player in your signature is talking about?:shifty:

Yeah, something like that. :lol:

On the steroids issue. I couldn't give two shits about what they put in their bodies.

Honestly, when I look at the physiques and skill sets of MLB'ers, NFL'ers and NBA'ers from 30-40 years ago thye are two different sports.

The players back in the day couldn't hold the jockstrap of the athletes of today. Part of that is the stuff they are putting in their bodies. Now, with that being said they are there to entertain me, nothing more, nothing less.

If shooting that junk provides me better games, Whatever. It isn't my balls that are shrinking to the size of raisins. :stunned:


24-May-2010, 04:33 PM
On the steroids issue. I couldn't give two shits about what they put in their bodies.

i care very much about that sort of thing. it eats away at the integrity of the game. what happened in baseball from the mid 90s to the mid 00s was a travesty and indeed a mockery of the game itself.

if i had my way the stats of ALL of those cheating scumbags would be vacated. bonds, sosa, mcgwire, canseco - all of them.

funny how home run numbers have come back down to earth after those guys left baseball.

24-May-2010, 07:38 PM
i care very much about that sort of thing. it eats away at the integrity of the game. what happened in baseball from the mid 90s to the mid 00s was a travesty and indeed a mockery of the game itself.

if i had my way the stats of ALL of those cheating scumbags would be vacated. bonds, sosa, mcgwire, canseco - all of them.

funny how home run numbers have come back down to earth after those guys left baseball.

you say that, but then baseball would be finished as a sport as we know it because without interest, no one goes to see the live product.

so MLB cried they needed bigger and further home runs,and asses in seats and the players obliged.......now they're getting lambasted for it.