View Full Version : George A. Romero's APP of the DEAD for iPHONE

20-May-2010, 12:21 AM

20-May-2010, 01:08 AM
Mentioned this in the US release thread the other day. Anyone tried it? I'm wondering how cheap it looks outside of the ads....

darth los
20-May-2010, 03:01 AM
Shouldn't be too much. They normally don't go for much more than 10 bucks.


20-May-2010, 06:42 AM
Considering it, but something jus doesnt look right here!

20-May-2010, 12:19 PM
Yeah, the fact someone would pay ten bucks to snap a picture of their friend to morph them into a zombie to put on facebook.

I smell waste of ten bucks.

I would rather buy a dimebag. I would get much more enjoyment out of it. :D

20-May-2010, 12:45 PM
dont buy any of these kinds of apps, there not worth it. buy plants vs zombies for 2 bucks instead.

20-May-2010, 04:43 PM
dont buy any of these kinds of apps, there not worth it. buy plants vs zombies for 2 bucks instead.

I Gave that a brief look in the app store then decided against it as every other zombie app ive tried was utter shite.. is PvZ the same?

20-May-2010, 05:07 PM
I Gave that a brief look in the app store then decided against it as every other zombie app ive tried was utter shite.. is PvZ the same?

its a swank ass tower defence game done right y the guys behind peggle. its like £1.79 totally worth it brah.

20-May-2010, 05:35 PM

God, all this stuff about iPhone, iPadd, iShit, whatever else makes me feel old and out of the times (I guess we all get to that point eventually where we just aren't with the times any longer).

My cell phone has numbers on it, and if I hit 7 of them I can usually get ahold of people to talk to them. Sometimes it takes 10 numbers to do the trick, but that usually works and then I can speak to them at great distances away.

I'm not interested in my phone doing anything else other than allowing me to speak to someone. I'm just old I guess, but I don't get the point of all this other stuff (apps and internet and all the rest of it). My phone is for talking to people through it, my computer is for internet. I guess my outlook on using a phone for internet/apps/etc. would be a bit like using a refrigerator to make toast instead of a toaster.


20-May-2010, 05:41 PM
I agree with you about phones now where the phone service is actually an extra feature. "You have this great Iphone where you can play games, message friends, get on facebook, etc, etc....and oh yeah. It's also a phone!"

But dude....the ipod is one of the greatest inventions, EVER. If you do any sort of manual labor, yard work, work in the garage, or whatever....you need a small ipod. I can never go back to mowing the lawn without my ipod....

20-May-2010, 05:44 PM

God, all this stuff about iPhone, iPadd, iShit, whatever else makes me feel old and out of the times (I guess we all get to that point eventually where we just aren't with the times any longer).

My cell phone has numbers on it, and if I hit 7 of them I can usually get ahold of people to talk to them. Sometimes it takes 10 numbers to do the trick, but that usually works and then I can speak to them at great distances away.

I'm not interested in my phone doing anything else other than allowing me to speak to someone. I'm just old I guess, but I don't get the point of all this other stuff (apps and internet and all the rest of it). My phone is for talking to people through it, my computer is for internet. I guess my outlook on using a phone for internet/apps/etc. would be a bit like using a refrigerator to make toast instead of a toaster.


enjoy checking your email or listening to music or downloading music or video or reading a book wherever you want on the planet form the palm of your hand with your desktop pc?:sneaky:

Honestly the neo luddite approach of "i just want to have a brick that i hold next to my head and yell at" bugs me. Maybe your just not the market for such a device but most of the world likes having multiple ways to stay i touch with each other in one device that fits in your pocket. The fact that it can play game is neat but smartphones are just about every device and function you need on the go or in an emergency in one device in your pocket. you only charge one thing. you only carry one thing. internet email phone camera music/video player ebook reader ect. ect.
I mean the only person i know who still see's these in the "ohgodhowigethereidonotliketousecomputers" way carries a phone "i just need to call and nothing else" a fucking pager!, a notepad, a watch, a pda and a gameboy.
i carry my iphone. he is the savvy one. right? :lol:

darth los
20-May-2010, 05:46 PM
I would rather buy a dimebag. I would get much more enjoyment out of it. :D

And if it's good enough stuff it might cause you to see something comparable. :lol:


20-May-2010, 07:05 PM
I mean the only person i know who still see's these in the "ohgodhowigethereidonotliketousecomputers" way carries a phone "i just need to call and nothing else" a fucking pager!, a notepad, a watch, a pda and a gameboy.
The Gameboy should have been a clue.

A friend of mine that works as an IT professional is one of the biggest iGeeks on the planet and even he has stated that his iPhone would be a waste if he wasn't using it for work.

darth los
20-May-2010, 07:23 PM

God, all this stuff about iPhone, iPadd, iShit, whatever else makes me feel old and out of the times (I guess we all get to that point eventually where we just aren't with the times any longer).

My cell phone has numbers on it, and if I hit 7 of them I can usually get ahold of people to talk to them. Sometimes it takes 10 numbers to do the trick, but that usually works and then I can speak to them at great distances away.

I'm not interested in my phone doing anything else other than allowing me to speak to someone. I'm just old I guess, but I don't get the point of all this other stuff (apps and internet and all the rest of it). My phone is for talking to people through it, my computer is for internet. I guess my outlook on using a phone for internet/apps/etc. would be a bit like using a refrigerator to make toast instead of a toaster.


I agree with you about phones now where the phone service is actually an extra feature. "You have this great Iphone where you can play games, message friends, get on facebook, etc, etc....and oh yeah. It's also a phone!"

But dude....the ipod is one of the greatest inventions, EVER. If you do any sort of manual labor, yard work, work in the garage, or whatever....you need a small ipod. I can never go back to mowing the lawn without my ipod....

Well, I guess it's our age group (I'm 31 by the way) but I don't use my phone for anything much more than calling people and I don't by any means consider myself old.

I'm a big kid actually. :lol:

imo, people are way too dependent on those things.


21-May-2010, 06:39 PM
I have never owned a cell phone and don't plan to own one anytime in the near future. I just don't have a desire to be able to call people on a whim. The closest thing I have to "new" communication technology is a magicjack.

When I was given an ipod touch I thought I would never really ever use it until I saw all of the features it had beyond playing MP3s. Wifi access, web browsing, youtube, apps, etc. To be honest, it has replaced reading books while sitting on the can. Now only if apple would enable adobe flash on these things...

Don't get me wrong, I think all of these new gadgets are amazing. If you think about it, an iphone is, as a friend of mine said, "real shit from star trek, son".

21-May-2010, 06:45 PM
i just have to chime in and say i absolutly love my iPhone, best peice of kit ive ever bought and i wouldnt have another phone now, it does everything.

I love listening to music on it, i love watching tv on it, it has some truely addictive games (traffic rush being my top one at the moment) and 9 times out of 10 when im browsing HpotD, its off my iPhone!

21-May-2010, 06:57 PM
Now only if apple would enable adobe flash on these things...

dont count on it dude, apples pretty much declared war on adobe and flash in general. there trying to replace flash with html5.

28-May-2010, 08:40 PM
I Got PvZ on your recomendation hellsing and you were right man, i havnt put it down since i downloaded it earlier.

Am on 3-2 (adventure mode) now lol

02-Jun-2010, 01:03 AM

God, all this stuff about iPhone, iPadd, iShit, whatever else makes me feel old and out of the times (I guess we all get to that point eventually where we just aren't with the times any longer).

My cell phone has numbers on it, and if I hit 7 of them I can usually get ahold of people to talk to them. Sometimes it takes 10 numbers to do the trick, but that usually works and then I can speak to them at great distances away.

I'm not interested in my phone doing anything else other than allowing me to speak to someone. I'm just old I guess, but I don't get the point of all this other stuff (apps and internet and all the rest of it). My phone is for talking to people through it, my computer is for internet. I guess my outlook on using a phone for internet/apps/etc. would be a bit like using a refrigerator to make toast instead of a toaster.


I used the feel the same way as you, but finally gave in after my wife begged to get the iphone. Believe me, you would be surprised at how quickly you become accustomed to having this sort of technology in your pocket everywhere you go.

Sure, there are times (especially when the bill comes around - these things are not cheap) when I miss the simplicity of my old pay as you go cell, but I have to admit that the iphone has made doing my job a lot easier, especially when I am out in the field and away from my office pc.

02-Jun-2010, 07:10 PM
I absolutly love my iPhone and use it for alot more than the phone/texting, it has a full featured web browser and as ive already mentioned 9 times out of 10 when you see me on here during the day, its on my iPhone and it can connect to my laptop and be used as a modem so i can go online with my laptop anywere. i love watching TV and listening to music and podcasts on it, i read the news on it (skynews app) seeing as we dont get a newspaper anymore, were-ever i am in the country it can tell me where there is a macdonalds, kfc, bank, petrol station or any other business i can think of near me, give me the address and phone number and directions (around me app), if im listening to a song i like but i dont know what its called, my iPhone can listen to it for 30 seconds and then actually tell me the artist, album and song title (shazam app), there is literally millions of applications.

I dont see what anybody could possibly have against this kind of technology.. Quite frankly, its called progress and to quote homer simpson, 'if you dont like it, go to russia.'