View Full Version : Survival of the dead! "dead?"

25-May-2010, 11:36 PM
man was gonna see this but look @ this shitty review 4 the flick very dissapointing 2 me...:( but its kinda funny!


25-May-2010, 11:52 PM
The link is coming up as 404, so I couldn't read it.

Speaking for myself - and I know there are folks here that feel differently - I think that Survival was a decent film. I've said before in other threads that it does have some problems, and isn't perfect, but I think that it is worth your time and that you will probably enjoy it.

I have come to largely ignore reviews because everyone has their own agenda, and unfortunately it seems that for many of the reviewers that their agenda is to proclaim to the world how clever they are.

26-May-2010, 12:06 AM
so based on one persons opinion you are removing a movie from your life and not going to watch it?

that man must be a wise sage of a critic of incredible power.

or it could just be, like, his opinion man.

26-May-2010, 11:07 AM
Try this:


You included the smilies in the URL tags.

26-May-2010, 11:36 AM
"Like Diary of the Dead, there are no memorable moments in Survival of the Dead. It goes right through the viewer, kinda like Indian food."

Now that's a good review.

26-May-2010, 12:03 PM
Not that i'm comparing the films in any way....but there are negative reviews out there for The Godfather. Everyone's going to have their own (sometimes strange) opinion. Run with your own. You at least owe it to yourself to see it once.

26-May-2010, 12:17 PM
Not that i'm comparing the films in any way....but there are negative reviews out there for The Godfather. Everyone's going to have their own (sometimes strange) opinion. Run with your own. You at least owe it to yourself to see it once.

Too true. Reviews may effect my expectations, to a degree, but I'm definitely checking it out in the theaters if I find it locally.

26-May-2010, 02:17 PM
I have it set to Tivo today... :)

I must say I am excited even though I think it will be shit. I feel if my expectation are low then it may surpass those expectations.

Rancid Carcass
26-May-2010, 02:28 PM
"Like Diary of the Dead, there are no memorable moments in [I]Survival of the Dead.

Some critics only watch films with the sole intention of finding things to dislike about it, and are determined to hate it at all costs because they think it gives them credibility.

There are some great scenes in Survival - this film put me off swimming far more than Jaws ever did!

26-May-2010, 03:19 PM
Not that i'm comparing the films in any way....but there are negative reviews out there for The Godfather. Everyone's going to have their own (sometimes strange) opinion. Run with your own. You at least owe it to yourself to see it once.
I agree that people need to see it themselves. They need to form their own opinion. That would hold true for most any movie, but especialy true for Survival. And especially for people who read these forums (i.e. GAR fans). The movie is just not cut and dried such that one review fits all.

That said, noting that Godfather may have a negative review floating around does nothing to help Survival's case. If the percent of negative reviews was similar between Godfather and Survival that would be something to note.

26-May-2010, 03:43 PM
It is actually a pretty good movie, Jesus Christ.

26-May-2010, 03:44 PM
That said, noting that Godfather may have a negative review floating around does nothing to help Survival's case. If the percent of negative reviews was similar between Godfather and Survival that would be something to note.

You're such a stickler.:p You get what I was trying to say...

It is actually a pretty good movie, Jesus Christ.

Wait....Jesus Christ visits HPotD?!?

26-May-2010, 04:50 PM
I thought Survival was pretty damn good. Sure, it has its flaws, but its still entertaining. Much better than Diary.

darth los
26-May-2010, 04:51 PM
I thought Survival was pretty damn good. Sure, it has its flaws, but its still entertaining. Much better than Diary.

Well, diary is rated as a 3 star film so that would make it a classic your saying?

Anything is better than land so i can ride with that. :lol:


26-May-2010, 05:08 PM
Well, diary is rated as a 3 star film so that would make it a classic your saying?

Anything is better than land so i can ride with that. :lol:


I just watched Land last night, and still loved it. Much like Diary, it has several major flaws that weigh it down....but they were both far better than Diary.

26-May-2010, 05:17 PM
You're such a stickler.:p You get what I was trying to say...
Crap... you sound like my wife. You're right of course... it's just creepy.