View Full Version : Smoking tot puffs 40 cigs a day !?! WTF!?!

darth los
26-May-2010, 06:12 PM
Believe it peeps ! :stunned:



26-May-2010, 06:35 PM
Normally with smoking I take the stance of "Everyone knows it's bad for them, but they want to do it anyway. If they want to, let them do it." But in this case where the kid DOESN'T know it's bad for him....that's pretty f*cked up of the parents.:stunned:

And any parent knows that kids throw tantrums. That's just what they do. They do it to get what they want. But a f*cking cigarette? If you can't deal with a tantrum at all....you shouldn't have kids.

26-May-2010, 08:06 PM
Normally with smoking I take the stance of "Everyone knows it's bad for them, but they want to do it anyway. If they want to, let them do it." But in this case where the kid DOESN'T know it's bad for him....that's pretty f*cked up of the parents.:stunned:


^ This. Can't state it any better than bassman already did.

I'm a smoker, and while not a "heavy" smoker (I rip through almost a pack a day), how the HELL does a kid this age puff down FORTY per day?! I just can't see how that's possible.

darth los
26-May-2010, 08:44 PM

^ This. Can't state it any better than bassman already did.

I'm a smoker, and while not a "heavy" smoker (I rip through almost a pack a day), how the HELL does a kid this age puff down FORTY per day?! I just can't see how that's possible.

And WTF is up with the child protection laws in that country?


26-May-2010, 09:13 PM
I'm a smoker, and while not a "heavy" smoker (I rip through almost a pack a day), how the HELL does a kid this age puff down FORTY per day?! I just can't see how that's possible.

He probably drinks a lot. You know how you can smoke more when drinking. :lol:

27-May-2010, 12:28 PM
He probably drinks a lot. You know how you can smoke more when drinking. :lol:


27-May-2010, 02:30 PM
40 cigarrettes? Sure, but I heard they were Virginia slims.


27-May-2010, 03:08 PM
That's gonna stunt his growth for sure...

darth los
27-May-2010, 04:51 PM
That's gonna stunt his growth for sure...

That kid already looks like a carny so...

(Am i going to hell for that?) :lol:


27-May-2010, 08:00 PM
Rock 'ard Geordie, loving his tabs...obviously.

28-May-2010, 09:16 PM
He probably drinks a lot. You know how you can smoke more when drinking. :lol:

Might as well give him a bottle of Jack and buy him a hooker too.

01-Jun-2010, 06:14 AM
Apparently his father doesn't see anything wrong with him teaching the boy to smoke at 18 months of age. Nearby townsfolk are trying to bribe the father with a new car if he has his son quit smoking, though, so maybe he'll take that incentive since his common sense doesn't seem to work.

darth los
01-Jun-2010, 05:03 PM
The kid should be taken into care and the father imprisoned for abuse of a child.

Seeing as that hasn't happened yet, as I said in an earlier post, WTF is up with their child protection laws?

They seem to be non existent...

In this country you can't even use harsh language at a kid, which imo, is a huge reason American kids are the terrors they are nowdays.

Child protective services in this country has gone to the other extreme ,imo, and it has effectively newtered parents.

Newsflash: Sometimes kids needto be popped on the ass, but just try that in supermarket and you'll have acs up your ass with a microscope for the forseeable future. :dead:


darth los
02-Jun-2010, 08:49 PM
Probably the same here law-wise but as Bernie Mac once said, "Old enough to talk back, old enough to get fuuuccckkked up!" :D

In my day and age (late 70's - early 80's), you got a clump around your ear (harshly) for doing fuck alll.

My best friend, Graham, he's a good decade older than me (late 40's) and said that when he laid in bed pleading, "Muuum... I'm ill... I got a headache... I can't go to school... pleaseee!" She would get a freezing wet cold towel and rub it hard around his face and neck. He told me, "If you were faking or not, it hurt, and startled you awake."

Such actions are considered child abuse now, proving the incredible fail that modern day life is.

I don't beat kids senseless. I will never be tested as much that I have to question my violence (which I am quite happy to administer to an adult in certain cases :)) in regards to a small child. Sure, when my boy got lippy, he got a swift clump around the ear. Yes, he cried. Yes, he stopped.

When a kid is able to sue his own parents for being disciplined (I'm sure others will start an argument against this, and I respect it in exceptional cases), the laws are ultimately proved to be a total joke.

Well cap, this is the way i see it.

Our countries have nuclear weapons but they're never going to use them although we always reserve the right to employ the "nuclear option". If countries believe we'll shove a nuke up their asses them no one is going to invade or mess with us.

Now let's look at this subject. I'm not saying that we should beat the tar out of our children. However, in their bag of parenting tricks parents need a "nuclear option". Kids have to believe that if the situation warrants that their going to get the snot kicked out of them.

The problem is that no kid nowdays believes that so they do whatever they please because they no mommy and daddy are limited in how they can deal with them.

Put it like this, no you don't have to hit them. In my experience one of the greatest deterents to a child's bad behavior is:


And we all know why that is. Because we know dad is going take cae of business. :dead:


darth los
03-Jun-2010, 12:51 AM
"You throw that Star Wars toy at me once more, you midget fucker, and just you wait until dad gets home."

And that's the bottom line. We can't hit them and they know it. Yes very depressing. :(
