View Full Version : AICN like "The Karate Kid" remake...

28-May-2010, 04:40 PM

28-May-2010, 05:40 PM
I have it in my Netflix queue to check out when it comes out for rent (eh, I figure it's only going to cost about a buck, can't hurt to rent it and if it sucks I can just turn it off).

I don't know that I have alot of faith in this. Yet another unnecessary remake for the sake of cashing in on some extra $$$ by a studio. It works though, so they keep doing it. I don't think there is anyone here that will argue it can come anywhere near competing with the original though.

Wouldn't this technically be a second re-make if you count "The Next Karate Kid" with Hillary Swank? Wasn't the great Michael Ironside in that flick too?

That does it, this officially won't compare to the first re-make unless the great Michael Ironside is in it...:)


28-May-2010, 06:54 PM
I thought the first one was crap, even as a kid! Wont be giving it a second chance!

28-May-2010, 07:34 PM
I thought the first one was crap, even as a kid! Wont be giving it a second chance!

Yeah, but I bet you and your mates still spent all summer delivering "crane kicks" to each others balls.:D

As for remaking the Karate Kid, philistines! :mad:

28-May-2010, 07:39 PM
Wouldn't this technically be a second re-make if you count "The Next Karate Kid" with Hillary Swank?

No. That was just a sequel.

28-May-2010, 08:14 PM
Yeah, but I bet you and your mates still spent all summer delivering "crane kicks" to each others balls.:D

As for remaking the Karate Kid, philistines! :mad:

nah I used to watch all the classic war films as a kid, like a bridge too far & Zulu etc, me and all my mates spent our summers dressed in mismatched army surplus firing cap guns at each other, or in the absence of caps, making that "ehehehehehehe" machine gun sound :lol:

This video says it all...


ps. sorry for thread hijack with this post, as you were :p

28-May-2010, 10:38 PM
No. That was just a sequel.
Or a halfhearted reboot attempt.

I'm boycotting this movie. Not even renting. Fuck Jackie Chan.

Rancid Carcass
28-May-2010, 11:01 PM
Come on, be honest. How many people here still do the 'wax on, wax off' thing while washing the car? :lol:

Mr Miyagi FTW!

28-May-2010, 11:40 PM
I thought the first one was crap, even as a kid! Wont be giving it a second chance!

I wouldn't call it flat out crap, but the acclaim it gets seems misplaced. Especially considering it was just an eighties "you can do it!" kids film. That's all this remake is....a feel good/choices film just like the original, but geared toward kids of this generation....

29-May-2010, 06:14 AM
dude, the original karate kid is the shit if only for nostalgia's sake. it's one of those films i where i can recall exactly where i was the first time i saw it...it's no "gone with the wind", yeah, but you can't deny that it's a great and memorable film.

29-May-2010, 07:48 PM
Save your boycot for something more worthy, like the Back to the Future remake with Sean William Scott as Marty McFly. I hope it don't happen but it was on E! last night. :confused:

I hope that this is some joke. It has to be.

29-May-2010, 10:01 PM
Save your boycot for something more worthy, like the Back to the Future remake with Sean William Scott as Marty McFly. I hope it don't happen but it was on E! last night. :confused:

no, that was the announcement for american pie 8: TIME STIFFLER.

29-May-2010, 10:11 PM
BTTF was lightning in a bottle. No way they can capture that magic again. It's a movie of the 80's, but at the same time it's strangely timeless. Hopefully Zemeckis and Speilberg will stand against this if it's true...

11-Jun-2010, 12:57 PM
Another good review from Joblo.com. 8/10 (http://www.joblo.com/review-the-karate-kid).:stunned:

And looking at rottentomatoes.....this apparently isn't a bad flick. Most are enjoying it and some are even saying it lives up to the "classic" original film. Shouldn't be too hard to live up to.:p

11-Jun-2010, 06:57 PM
Why not call it the "Kung Fu Kid"? That would at least be fucking accurate!
"I'm sorry, I'm pissed!!" - Steve Martin
A Jackie Chan film? I'm seeing it.
Still, though, it won't top the original for me. I mean, the kid's too young to go on dates, so there's half of the story gone right there...

12-Jun-2010, 02:02 AM
it wasnt bad, but just like the dawn remake, it had very little to do with the original. but they had some awesome nods to the original and added a SERIOUS character flaw to han