View Full Version : Zombocalypse game.

31-May-2010, 03:23 AM
I mentioned in another thread that I am wrapping up my EMT-I course work in a week. Today in fact I had my last clinical on the ambulance. And just my luck the entire day was nothing but sick people.

So to pass the time, I started playing a game. In this game, you start assuming that the Zombocalypse is just starting. So, with every patient that was sick, I would start looking for signs that they were infected with the dreaded Zombie disease. You know if the patient is pale and sweaty(diaphoretic) or if he/or she is making groaning noise's.

Once you get your patient, you start thinking of options(btw, you still have to do your job so make sure you are actually taking care of these poor souls) how will you escape? Will you just jump out, or throw your snotty Paramedic preceptor in front of you(hey you dont have to be the fastest, just faster than his fat but).

It really passed the time and actually allowed me to focus on the patients.

Do'es anyone else have a zombie game that they like to play to kill time at work?

31-May-2010, 10:56 AM
I mentioned in another thread that I am wrapping up my EMT-I course work in a week. Today in fact I had my last clinical on the ambulance. And just my luck the entire day was nothing but sick people.

wow who would have thought that an emt would have to spend his day dealing with sick people.........its an outrage

01-Jun-2010, 06:27 PM
wow who would have thought that an emt would have to spend his day dealing with sick people.........its an outrage

I believe the distinction was between sick and injured people. As someone who has a large percentage of his family working in and around the hospital in varying roles I have heard them mention that a lot of people came in with whatever the latest flu or illness of the day was and how this can clog up a hospital.

It can actually delay care for people who really require it, like accident victims. People with a cough do not need to show up to the emergency room but they often do. They should instead go to see their primary care doctor.

Rancid Carcass
01-Jun-2010, 07:30 PM
People with a cough do not need to show up to the emergency room but they often do.

Perhaps these people should become part of the game - "I'm sorry Mrs Jones but it looks like Zombie Flu..." Pretty sure that would stop them coming back for no real reason. Sure you'd be sued into the middle of next century but to see the look on their faces when you tell them there is nothing you can do and that they should go home a prepare to walk the earth as a shambling pile of stinking meat would be priceless! :elol:

01-Jun-2010, 10:25 PM
I always imagine that my co-workers could turn at any second. Keeps the blood flowing.

02-Jun-2010, 01:18 AM
Working as a funeral director, I have thought about this from time to time, but the majority of the scenarios end up with my office being overrun and me having to abandon my post.

In reality, I think if the dead did come back most funeral directors and embalmers would be toast. We would be standing there, staring in amazement at the ressurected long enough to let them bite us.