View Full Version : GIANT sinkholes in Guatemala

31-May-2010, 11:08 PM
First they got a volcanic eruption, then a tropical storm, now the people of this are have a new heart stopper to greet them outside there door.



That is horrifying in a bizaare way. like the solid ground just drops in a colossal sinkhole, taking part of your house with it. roll out of your bed and fall with enough time to run out of breath when screaming into a black abyss.

bloody hell fire.


31-May-2010, 11:18 PM
Central America is full of more gaping holes than an Essex girl's hen night at a Swiss cheese warehouse:




01-Jun-2010, 06:28 AM
That's extremely terrifying. I'm surely going to have nightmares at some point this week, due to that photo.

Here's a question: Is Guatemala so poor that they don't have sewer systems in their cities? Don't you think you'd be able to see some of it on the sides of that hole?

01-Jun-2010, 10:23 AM

It should be, though. With a little bit of smoke coming out and a huge pair of glowing eyes in the darkness at the bottom. :p

But seriously, amazing picture.

01-Jun-2010, 12:10 PM
Here's a question: Is Guatemala so poor that they don't have sewer systems in their cities? Don't you think you'd be able to see some of it on the sides of that hole?

Hmm, that's a really interesting point. I'm looking at this on a mobile phone screen so it's difficult to tell, but it looks to me like there are some streams of water pouring down the rock face, starting just below where the roads intersect the hole. Looks like water pouring from subsurface sewerage pipes laid only about a foot or so under the asphalt.

Even in big American and European cities, though, the labrinthine Victorian-arched sewer tunnels you've seen in the movies only make up a tiny percentage of the total sewerage area - main channels and whatnot - most of it is just pipes laid under roads, cut and cover style. In any case, I doubt there would be any major subsurface structures in a spot with such unstable geology.

01-Jun-2010, 12:23 PM
That first pic does look very much like a photoshop to me, are there any other pics of the same hole at different angles? It just has a bit of an unnatural look to it as opposed to the pics others have posted!

01-Jun-2010, 12:39 PM
That first pic does look very much like a photoshop to me, are there any other pics of the same hole at different angles? It just has a bit of an unnatural look to it as opposed to the pics others have posted!

your not alone, every sight ive seen the story on has the usual "this looks like a shop, i can tell from some of the pixels and from having seen a few shops in my time":lol:

same place, different angle.


i think that first ones just a bloody clear picture.

Rancid Carcass
01-Jun-2010, 03:18 PM

Well look on the brightside - at least the locals have somewhere to dump all the zombies when the time comes... actually that would make for a very cool scene in a film, thousands of zombies being herded into a bloody great sink hole. :D

01-Jun-2010, 04:18 PM
Well look on the brightside - at least the locals have somewhere to dump all the zombies when the time comes... actually that would make for a very cool scene in a film, thousands of zombies being herded into a bloody great sink hole. :D

Where they are slowly digested over a thousand years?


01-Jun-2010, 04:40 PM

Is it just me....or are there two, possibly three people hanging near the top of the hole? Center of the photo.:confused:

01-Jun-2010, 04:49 PM
Is it just me....or are there two, possibly three people hanging near the top of the hole? Center of the photo.:confused:

That's debris hanging from building/underbelly of the building at the edge of the hole, I believe. The wire runs through your view of it and it looks like something hanging from the wire. That's my guess. Or they're sneakers! :)

Though I like the guy laying down to get the over-the-edge photo to the right of the sinkhole. He's even a wearing a caution-orange color vest in case he falls in :p

01-Jun-2010, 05:56 PM
your not alone, every sight ive seen the story on has the usual "this looks like a shop, i can tell from some of the pixels and from having seen a few shops in my time":lol:

same place, different angle.

i think that first ones just a bloody clear picture.

Ah thats better, in that first photo it just looks false, like the sides of the hole are unnaturally smooth or something! I have a friend who creates photoshop images for a living (car concept art for the big firms & all that) that look absolutely realistic even though the pictures are impossible, thats why I thought that with the first pic!

01-Jun-2010, 08:01 PM
Compare the first and second pics Hells posted, though. In the first one, the walls of the hole seem to go straight down. In the second pic, it looks like the walls are rounded, as if the hole is more like a bowl shape, and the bottom is 15-20 feet out of view.

That second pic makes me moreso think the first pic is photoshopped.

01-Jun-2010, 08:10 PM
Is it just me....or are there two, possibly three people hanging near the top of the hole? Center of the photo.:confused:

Maybe those are people on safety harnesses, now that I take a look on a screen with different color settings! I just can't say for certain.

Ask Hellsing, he photoshopped them in there :p

For that matter, doesn't the curvature of the walls look different when one compares the walls of the hole in the first pic to the second. The second picture almost gives the impression of the walls starting to taper, whereas the first photo makes it look as though it falls straightaway almost all the way down to hades.

I'm not saying that's the case, it could just be the picture quality of that second photo.

01-Jun-2010, 08:21 PM
like the sides of the hole are unnaturally smooth or something!

That's what I think. It doesn't look like a natural hole; it looks like a tunnel. If so, something had to dig that thing...WE'RE ALL GONNA BE WORMFOOD!:eek:

01-Jun-2010, 08:26 PM
That's what I think. It doesn't look like a natural hole; it looks like a tunnel. If so, something had to dig that thing...WE'RE ALL GONNA BE WORMFOOD!:eek:


01-Jun-2010, 08:30 PM
And here I was so certain it would be a Dune reference.

Well played, Tricky!

01-Jun-2010, 10:17 PM

02-Jun-2010, 04:41 AM
For that matter, doesn't the curvature of the walls look different when one compares the walls of the hole in the first pic to the second. The second picture almost gives the impression of the walls starting to taper, whereas the first photo makes it look as though it falls straightaway almost all the way down to hades.

That's what I said, as well.

I've also seen a video of the hole that looked like it was faked.

Hm. :rockbrow:

02-Jun-2010, 08:10 AM
Though I like the guy laying down to get the over-the-edge photo to the right of the sinkhole. He's even a wearing a caution-orange color vest in case he falls in :p

hey!, that orange hover jacket could make the different between life and falling to your death! :lol: