View Full Version : Al & Tipper call it quits...

01-Jun-2010, 07:30 PM

I know there's a global warming joke in there somewhere, i'm just too lazy to pull it out of my brain. :D

darth los
01-Jun-2010, 07:51 PM

I know there's a global warming joke in there somewhere, i'm just too lazy to pull it out of my brain. :D

Let aces or kraken do it. They love to type. :lol:

I was thinking that I bet he regrets giving her that long unconfortable kiss at the dem convention in 2000. The ick factor was through the roof on that one. :hurl:


01-Jun-2010, 07:51 PM
B-b-but their passion...their fire was so convincing!



01-Jun-2010, 08:16 PM
Yeah, he looked like he was holding his breath to keep from dry-heaving.

01-Jun-2010, 08:20 PM
Yeah, he looked like he was holding his breath to keep from dry-heaving.

I can almost hear him mentally counting in his head: "One Mithilsippi...Two Mithilsippi..."

02-Jun-2010, 12:57 AM
Couldn't have happened to a more self righteous fellow.

02-Jun-2010, 03:50 AM
I can almost hear him mentally counting in his head: "One Mithilsippi...Two Mithilsippi..."

Bwaaaaa haaaa haaa haaa!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

02-Jun-2010, 03:57 AM
Pitty to see the proper president and first lady split up. :p

02-Jun-2010, 12:12 PM
I can almost hear him mentally counting in his head: "One Mithilsippi...Two Mithilsippi..."

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Classic.. :D

darth los
02-Jun-2010, 03:16 PM
Pitty to see the proper president and first lady split up. :p

Let's not forget that...


02-Jun-2010, 04:20 PM
Pitty to see the proper president and first lady split up. :p

Yawn, 9 years later and still harping on this are we?

It's a shame about them splitting up though. I'm sure there's an interesting story in there as to why they are doing it (Hey, Al, how's it going with those college girls over at MTSU for your lecturing there, eh?), but it's always a shame to see a husband and a wife break up even though most marriages end in divorce these days (most people don't understand what commitment is apparently).

I remember back in 2000 on the "Welcome to Tennessee" signs that were put up as you were coming into our state there was a sign up saying: "Welcome to Tennnessee -- home of Al Gore!" and I remember thinking: "Why embarass all the fine folks in the state like that?". There was a big issue with people spary painting over the signs with some more 'appealing' messages and vandalism of the signs.

Sad when a candidate can't even come close to carrying his home state though because most of the folks here can't stand the man at all. He's certainly not his father, that's for certain.

I do hope that he and Tipper work their differences out though, I never wish that type of hardship (divorce) on any man or woman.


02-Jun-2010, 04:26 PM
Not trying to be negative to supporters of Al or the person that started this thread, but people split up all the time. Who gives a shit? Just because they're famous i'm supposed to care?

Listen up everyone.....my folks just decided to get a divorce after 40 years of marriage. I bet you're all heartbroken now, right? You're not? Damn....if only they were famous.:confused:

I've seen this "news" on every site i've visited in the last couple of days. ugh...

02-Jun-2010, 05:22 PM
Listen up everyone.....my folks just decided to get a divorce after 40 years of marriage. I bet you're all heartbroken now, right?

Pfft, you children from broken homes...always so dramatic :p

02-Jun-2010, 05:30 PM
Yawn, 9 years later and still harping on this are we?

He's right, you know.

It's technically "FORMER proper President and First Lady."

Thanks for helping to clear that up, JD. :D

02-Jun-2010, 05:37 PM
Listen up everyone.....my folks just decided to get a divorce after 40 years of marriage. I bet you're all heartbroken now, right? You're not? Damn....if only they were famous.:confused:

"If only they were famous" - Therein lies the key.

Lets not forget that people in the US and all over the world thrive and live for this kind of bullshit news.. I hear more about Fergie, Jesse James and Gary Coleman than I hear about real news from around the world. :rolleyes:

I only posted it because any time I get to poke Al Gore with a stick, it makes me a happy camper. :D


darth los
02-Jun-2010, 05:52 PM
He's right, you know.

It's technically "FORMER proper President and First Lady."

Thanks for helping to clear that up, JD. :D

How dare we bring up a stolen election. :rolleyes:


02-Jun-2010, 06:26 PM
How dare we bring up a stolen election. :rolleyes:


Stolen election? Oh, you're referring to the time that Jack Kennedy became president over Nixon because a bunch of dead people in Illinois voted for him thanks to Daley... that's the most recent 'stolen' election I can recall. :)

Hmm, I wonder how that one would have turned out if Nixon had contested it... then again, Nixon had more class than to disrupt the political process of the country unlike some politicians who just cannot be graceful losers. :p


02-Jun-2010, 07:01 PM

02-Jun-2010, 09:40 PM
Ahh look what I started with a single sentence. Thats power I say! power!

03-Jun-2010, 01:09 AM
I only posted it because any time I get to poke Al Gore with a stick, it makes me a happy camper. :D

You're the guy in the back aren't you?

03-Jun-2010, 12:19 PM
You're the guy in the back aren't you?

Hey, how'd you get that picture?! And how did you know that was me?! :D

03-Jun-2010, 05:03 PM
Nixon had more class than to disrupt the political process of the country unlike some politicians who just cannot be graceful losers. :p


I just can't believe you typed this... Now that is :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

darth los
03-Jun-2010, 06:09 PM
I just can't believe you typed this... Now that is :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


The reps haven't exactly been "graceful losers" since obama took office. So ya... :rolleyes:

Everytime a dem takes the white house they go on hissy fits And refuse to cooperate or partticipate in governing.

Your a socialist so we're going to shut the country down. They're notorious for that.


03-Jun-2010, 06:21 PM

The reps haven't exactly been "graceful losers" since obama took office. So ya... :rolleyes:

Everytime a dem takes the white house they go on hissy fits.


Los, I'll have to meet you half-way and say neither Republicans or Democrats have been 'graceful' about losing the last decade or so. Perhaps this is the way the new generation of politico's work, I don't know. It's a terrible shame that politicians cannot lose and still save face. Perhaps if Gore hadn't been such a jack-ass about losing the election in 2000 he would have had a very good chance to come back in 2004 and have a second time around with W. (after all, it worked for Nixon after 1960 coming back in '68 with a bang).

Losing while saving face is hardly a one-sided issue (and I'll definitely concede that to you, my friend).


darth los
03-Jun-2010, 06:34 PM
Los, I'll have to meet you half-way and say neither Republicans or Democrats have been 'graceful' about losing the last decade or so. Perhaps this is the way the new generation of politico's work, I don't know. It's a terrible shame that politicians cannot lose and still save face. Perhaps if Gore hadn't been such a jack-ass about losing the election in 2000 he would have had a very good chance to come back in 2004 and have a second time around with W. (after all, it worked for Nixon after 1960 coming back in '68 with a bang).

Losing while saving face is hardly a one-sided issue (and I'll definitely concede that to you, my friend).


I can't argue with that.

I think more than anything the hypocracy on both sides has people fed up with elected officials on all levels.

Incumbents are going to have a very rough time this fall.


03-Jun-2010, 07:03 PM
I think more than anything the hypocracy on both sides has people fed up with elected officials on all levels.

Y'know what's sad? I've felt this way my entire life (well, once I reached the age of reason). You'll notice I poke fun of all sides - dems, repubs, ind., etc. I've always thought all of them were crooks, thieves and snakes in the grass. When I try and tell people this, I'm just written off as a wacko. :mad:

Remember kids, if honesty was suddenly introduced into politics, the entire system would collapse. :sneaky:

darth los
03-Jun-2010, 07:31 PM
Y'know what's sad? I've felt this way my entire life (well, once I reached the age of reason). You'll notice I poke fun of all sides - dems, repubs, ind., etc. I've always thought all of them were crooks, thieves and snakes in the grass. When I try and tell people this, I'm just written off as a wacko. :mad:

Remember kids, if honesty was suddenly introduced into politics, the entire system would collapse. :sneaky:

It's hypocrisy on two levels my friend.

# 1) It's the finger pointing by the party out of power about things that they used to do themselves when they were running things.

#2) It's the lack of the governing partiy's "courage of their convinctions"

Whether rep or dem those bastards never do in office what they swore on the campaign trail.

It reminds me of a wife that totally flips on her new hubby at the alter after he say I do.

like, " I got you now motherfucker" :evil:


04-Jun-2010, 12:13 PM
It reminds me of a wife that totally flips on her new hubby at the alter after he say I do.

like, " I got you now motherfucker" :evil:


I don't think anyone could've summed it up better. :D

04-Jun-2010, 03:18 PM
Sad to see the Memorial Day "let's throw partisanship out the window" group hug ended so quickly.

Personally, I voted against Clinton twice simply because of Tipper Gore. She might as well be Dan Quayle with a wig.

04-Jun-2010, 03:29 PM
I have nothing of any value to add, so I'll just leave this here: