View Full Version : MMA fighter takes shrooms - RIPS HEART OUT OF TRAINERS CHEST!

02-Jun-2010, 05:34 PM
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2010/05/31/2010-05-31_mma_fighter_jarrod_wyatt_allegedly_ripped_out_t raining_partner_taylor_powells_he.html

Holy shit. Dude definitely gulped down way too much of that tea.

02-Jun-2010, 05:38 PM
Strangely enough, that kind of behaviour fits in perfectly with these dudes...


02-Jun-2010, 05:46 PM
Aside from the horrible nature of the case, this did get my attention:

"My client was trying to silence the devil," Fallman said.

I know he's talking about the dayyyy-vil of hallucinogenic tea, but I gotta stop and take a breath when I see courtroom guff like that. Yeah, yeah, I know it's out of context.

I just hope the prosecutor countered with: "Now ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I'm just a simple country-type lawyer, but..."

the act of removing Powell's heart, tongue and face took enough time to prove evidence of intent.

darth los
02-Jun-2010, 05:56 PM
If he could take his trainer apart like that then he had no business training in the first place.


02-Jun-2010, 06:28 PM
The title of this thread is misleading. He cut out the heart. Not rip it out. I was expecting something more along the lines of the dream sequence in Dumb and Dumber. :p :lol:

And where the f*ck did he get shrooms that made him go that nuts? Acid, sure....but shrooms? Damn...

02-Jun-2010, 06:31 PM
Never tried shrooms, but I've tried something similar. I don't know. I'm pretty sure that given the right (or "wrong" rather) circumstances, anyone could go crazy when under the influence of those things.

02-Jun-2010, 07:15 PM
One of my mates went barmy on shrooms when we all went to Amsterdam a couple of years back, obviously nothing as crazy as this dude, but for some reason he thought that we thought he'd been stealing from us, I was on my own having a nap in a room we were renting while they were all smoking skunk & eating trays of mushies in the other (I stopped doing drugs way before that), and he came wandering in saying "for fucks sake what is it you think ive stolen from you???" and he wouldnt let it drop, I was getting pretty scared of him & worried he was going to get violent, eventually I went & got the others and we all set about calming him down, but it took well over 3 hours to stop him being a paranoid wreck & just when we thought we'd got him back down to earth he would flip again! he kept crying, then getting angry, then babbling paranoid shit, then crying again, then acting as if something we couldnt see was winding him up! Normally he was always a wreckhead who never reacted badly to drugs, but those mushies combined with everything else he took that day really sent him over the edge!

02-Jun-2010, 07:22 PM
Well, I'll be odd man out here and just admit it: I've done both (acid and shrooms), and in some pretty large quantities - neither of them made me want to rip out the guts of any of my friends. I might want to laugh at them all night, or get a major case of "get the hell away from me, you're getting on my nerves" syndrome, but that's as far as it went.

Now, that being said, I did these things willfully and knew what I was in for when I ingested them. It sounded like in this story, the guy's drink was spiked and had no idea what was coming. If that's the case, and you have never experienced these things before, I could see someone flipping out. Not sure if they'd go as far as to tear someone apart like this, but I guess it's possible...? People can apparently have some very different reactions to the stuff.

02-Jun-2010, 07:26 PM
Good point, Lou. But still...Shrooms?? Maybe I just had weak shrooms, but they were always the least effective of the hallucinogens. Acid was first, Peyote(mescaline) second, and shrooms last. I could've taken shrooms and passed a driving test.:lol:

The only bad trip I ever had was on acid and I just got sick. It was shitty, but I definitely didn't consider cutting out a person's heart...

02-Jun-2010, 07:30 PM
Good point, Lou. But still...Shrooms??

I know, shrooms (for me, at least) were always the weakest of the group no matter how much I took. I've never had major hallucinations on shrooms, but on acid, ooooooh yeah. Nothing that took me completely out of reality, but boy was it interesting (for lack of a better word). :lol:

I guess it also depends on the shrooms. P. Cubensis (which is what most people end up taking and use it as the reference point for 'shrooms') isn't the most potent, either. There's also P. Cyanescens which, from what I understand, is the same as cubensis only 10-20x more poweful.

I'm sad to say I've never had an experience with them. lol

For the record, out of all the times I took these things, I never had a "bad" trip. I had one or two that were a bit uncomfortable (because of surroundings) but I always made it a rule that before you ingest anything that's going to possibly "change your reality" you had better be in a good fucking mood and mindset prior to taking them. Otherwise, you're in for a world of shit.

02-Jun-2010, 07:40 PM
While it can be said that one never knows exactly how an individual will react to a given drug, I can safely say mixing shrooms and hash was, for me anyway, inexplicably wonderful, I guess are the only words that I can use in summation.

But, yeah...I wonder how quickly they got a blood sample out of this guy. It'd be nice to know exactly what was in that cup of excuses...I mean tea.

02-Jun-2010, 07:40 PM
I have only seen one person become violent after taking shrooms. But she also had mental problems to begin with. This could be the case, also.

02-Jun-2010, 07:41 PM
I speak for myself, mind you, and would never do them again.

I wouldn't either....but you know you would want to. I've had all of the above offered at a few shows since starting the whole family thing and daaaamn was i tempted.:lol:

02-Jun-2010, 07:48 PM
I wouldn't either....but you know you would want to. I've had all of the above offered at a few shows since starting the whole family thing and daaaamn was i tempted.:lol:

In a heartbeat I'd do acid again! Sheeeit, I'm pushing 40 and I'd do it no questions asked (as long as the time/place was right). Some of the best experiences of my lifetime were had under that influence. :D

I'm wondering if it was something else in that cup other than mushrooms... Now I'm starting to wonder. I know Salvia (evil shit, let me tell you) will stomp you into the ground and leave you begging for mercy, but you have to either A) smoke it, or B) chew a fair amount of the leaves. But, that stuff? I could imagine someone ripping out someone else's guts and not even realizing they did it afterwards. Spooky shit, so just say no.

Unless it comes on a small square of paper, then say YES! and eat it.

"This is your half of the sunshine acid... EAT IT!" :lol:

02-Jun-2010, 07:56 PM
I have to admit, I've always been too afraid to try acid.

I know Salvia (evil shit, let me tell you) will stomp you into the ground and leave you begging for mercy, but you have to either A) smoke it, or B) chew a fair amount of the leaves. But, that stuff? I could imagine someone ripping out someone else's guts and not even realizing they did it afterwards. Spooky shit, so just say no.

Unless it comes on a small square of paper, then say YES! and eat it.

http://files.posterous.com/pourmecoffee/YRwily6Nd4Bo5tJcEAKFB5SVeHJku7SUYzpPgAEwlso0UIIYrt aCQAWQvXJE/the_more_you_know2.jpg.scaled.500.jpg?AWSAccessKey Id=1C9REJR1EMRZ83Q7QRG2&Expires=1275508801&Signature=o1%2FTYHpKnDZUjBYvaKERWWWtSlM%3D

02-Jun-2010, 08:08 PM
Shrooms were fun, like being really stoned on good Kind. Would do it again. Probably will some weekend.

LSD was a let down. I never even got trails. it was either crummy stuff every time (@ 6-7 times in a 2-3 year period), or my brain chemistry veers from the norm just enough to be unaffected.

I would try peyote, but I'd need a big bucket, a spare couple days, and the right enviornment to get the most out of it. Prolly the woods.

02-Jun-2010, 08:12 PM
Anyone ever try 2C-B? I had a good experience with it.

02-Jun-2010, 08:18 PM
Anyone ever try 2C-B? I had a good experience with it.

This is the first I've heard of it, but I just did some reading up on it and it sounds quite nice!

darth los
02-Jun-2010, 08:19 PM
The title of this thread is misleading. He cut out the heart. Not rip it out. I was expecting something more along the lines of the dream sequence in Dumb and Dumber. :p :lol:

And where the f*ck did he get shrooms that made him go that nuts? Acid, sure....but shrooms? Damn...

Or the Temple of Doom !!


If anything it serves as a good valentine's day email.


02-Jun-2010, 08:32 PM
This is the first I've heard of it, but I just did some reading up on it and it sounds quite nice!

If you've got a few friends who are up for it, try to go somewhere nice and peaceful, like out to a cabin in the woods a nice summer weekend. You can get some real nice "Look at the stars, man!" moments if you get your timing right, and you won't feel the least hungover the next day. The weirdest thing about it the morning after was just how normal I felt, compared to how... strange (in a funny, good way) I'd been a few hours earlier.

darth los
03-Jun-2010, 12:54 AM
Can still get such substances but I do worry about taking them. When I was a kid, great, but there's no telling what that shit can do to you now.

Agreed. As our bodies get older it can't do many things it used to. And that's definitely one of them. Stick to the weed lou.


03-Jun-2010, 03:18 AM
Shit... all you people are druggies! :D

I stick with beer. I'm a drunk (not an alcoholic, I don't go to damn meetings) and am perfectly content with copious amounts of beer. Liquor? Eh, no thanks... I'm not a pleasant fellow to be around after lots of liquor ("I can't believe that bitch did that to me!" after a rough night with Jack... ugh... no... ). The only drug I ever got into or tried was the White Mistress (insufflation to the sweet vibrations of that Columbian candy). And yes, I certainly enjoyed my time with it. I had many a good nights staying up 20 plus hours talking my head off with people at the bar thinking everything in the world said was an epiphany of brilliance when it came to philosophy, theology, etc. on that stuff (not paying any attention to nose bleeding). But, alas... seen too many people get into too much trouble with it, so finally just said; "No, enough is enough."

I stick with my beer now and that's good enough for me. I have zero interest in doing anything else except for beer. Besides, I've sold my soul to corporate America. ;)


03-Jun-2010, 12:18 PM
Shit... all you people are druggies! :D

I stick with beer. I'm a drunk

DRUGGIE! :lol: :lol: :D

03-Jun-2010, 12:22 PM

:lol: That's exactly what I was thinking. It's not like Beer is much better, dude.

03-Jun-2010, 12:37 PM
im the poor innocent child here. never smoked anything, taken anything and the only liqour i ever choose to have is beef coocked in red wine, Which is awesome.

Its not a moral highground thing, i gotta admit i dont like the negative effects drugs have on some people- but thats a unique case per person y'know. Ive known people smoke weed and just get mellow and others who i swear regress to an infantile state and lose about 60 points off there i.q.

The only drugs i have a problem with are the ones like ice, cocacaine, heroin that life ruining shit. i said to my brother when he asked me about drugs when he whent off to college "i dont do it, but if you choose to stick with stuff that grows naturally. if you turn into a junkie i will beat the shit out of. im the older brother, i kinda have to in that situation" :lol:

-back to beer though fuck budweiser that is tasteless root mash for wannabe cowboys, i hate it.

03-Jun-2010, 01:43 PM
-back to beer though fuck budweiser that is tasteless root mash for wannabe cowboys, i hate it.

I just flat out dislike the taste of most beers. Certain types I can handle, like a good hefeweisen, but I'd rather drink a nice wine to relax or enjoy alongside dinner, and I'd certainly rather do shots if I was in the mood to get plastered, which is somewhat rare for me nowadays.

03-Jun-2010, 01:56 PM
I just flat out dislike the taste of most bears

i would imagine a bear doesnt taste very nice.


03-Jun-2010, 02:03 PM
i would imagine a bear doesnt taste very nice.




03-Jun-2010, 02:14 PM
i would imagine a bear doesnt taste very nice.


I don't know how ANYONE drinks beer to be honest. I've never been able to get past the taste. Hard liquor, sure, but beer? http://enderzero.net/smilies/puke2.gif

03-Jun-2010, 02:36 PM

I don't know how ANYONE drinks beer to be honest. I've never been able to get past the taste. Hard liquor, sure, but beer? http://enderzero.net/smilies/puke2.gif

See, I feel the complete opposite. I've never been able to stand liquor -- I think it's nasty and it messes with my mind, but I LOVE beer -- cheap American piss-beer, Irish Guinness (ray's of light from Heaven!) or Boddington's or it doesn't matter... I'm perfectly content with a good 12 pack of Milwaukee's Best. I just enjoy beer, I think the taste is great and it gets me where I'm going without messing around with my mind too much (like liquor).

I guess I'm just weird I suppose... but I will grant that beer is an acquired taste. Some people really enjoy it (like me) and some people don't.


03-Jun-2010, 02:39 PM
I stick with beer. I'm a drunk (not an alcoholic, I don't go to damn meetings) and am perfectly content with copious amounts of beer. Liquor? Eh, no thanks... I'm not a pleasant fellow to be around after lots of liquor ("I can't believe that bitch did that to me!" after a rough night with Jack... ugh... no... ). The only drug I ever got into or tried was the White Mistress (insufflation to the sweet vibrations of that Columbian candy). And yes, I certainly enjoyed my time with it. I had many a good nights staying up 20 plus hours talking my head off with people at the bar thinking everything in the world said was an epiphany of brilliance when it came to philosophy, theology, etc. on that stuff (not paying any attention to nose bleeding). But, alas... seen too many people get into too much trouble with it, so finally just said; "No, enough is enough."

I'm with you here, man. Tons of my friends are potheads, but I rarely touch the stuff. I just don't enjoy how it turns me into a zombie. I also used to go big on partying with the snow then I saw some people going down a really bad path and it opened my eyes. Also had a few "close calls" - IE: feeling like "holy shit, I fucked up and now I'm going to die".


I don't know how ANYONE drinks beer to be honest. I've never been able to get past the taste. Hard liquor, sure, but beer? http://enderzero.net/smilies/puke2.gif

Lou, have you ever had a good beer? I mean a good beer, not some multinational alcoholic water disguised as beer.

If yes, then maybe beer really isn't for your pallet (or maybe you should try some more). If no, then get out there and try some nice microbrews or at least something that's independently/family owned.

03-Jun-2010, 02:40 PM
I guess I'm just weird I suppose... but I will grant that beer is an acquired taste. Some people really enjoy it (like me) and some people don't.

True, because I know people who actually love the taste of beer, and others who tell me "meh, you just get used to it"

I don't think I could ever "get used to it" - I've tried, but I just couldn't do it. :D

03-Jun-2010, 02:40 PM
My personal drink of choice.


I would rather have a nice glass of JD(or gentlemen's jack) on the rocks over a beer anyday. I enjoy beer too, but mmmm mmmm I love my jack. *drools on keyboard*

03-Jun-2010, 02:42 PM
I guess I'm just weird I suppose... but I will grant that beer is an acquired taste.

Yup, bajillions of people acquire the taste for it and I always figured I would, but it just never took. Go figure, right.

03-Jun-2010, 02:47 PM
My personal drink of choice.


I would rather have a nice glass of JD(or gentlemen's jack) on the rocks over a beer anyday. I enjoy beer too, but mmmm mmmm I love my jack. *drools on keyboard*

This brings up something we can all agree on- a mutual hatred of poser fucks who drink hooch like jack and jeagermeister because of the scene around the drink and not because they like it or not.

that pisses me off quite a bit for no good reason.

03-Jun-2010, 03:13 PM
This brings up something we can all agree on- a mutual hatred of poser fucks who drink hooch like jack and jeagermeister because of the scene around the drink and not because they like it or not.

that pisses me off quite a bit for no good reason.

Wait a minute....are you saying that I'm one of these poser fucks? I know jack is a popular brand, but I just drink it because I like it. Jager though....ugh. Pussy drink that gives me nothing but heartburn. It's like drinking syrup. And I've noticed it's "cool" to drink that, as well.

Jack though....I don't usually see younger people drinking it. It seems to be more for the old men sitting on their porches.:p I just genuinely enjoy the taste and buzz of it....

darth los
03-Jun-2010, 03:16 PM
tequilla's mine.

Figures coming from the hispanic dude huh? :lol:


03-Jun-2010, 03:20 PM
tequilla's mine.

Figures coming from the hispanic dude huh? :lol:

Mine's kind of the stereotypical choice as well. A Georgia boy drinking Tennessee's whiskey - Who would of thought?:p

Alright....where are the asians and their saki? Any black members that drink Colt 45? Hennesey?:lol:

03-Jun-2010, 03:27 PM
Wait a minute....are you saying that I'm one of these poser fucks? I know jack is a popular brand, but I just drink it because I like it. Jager though....ugh. Pussy drink that gives me nothing but heartburn. It's like drinking syrup. And I've noticed it's "cool" to drink that, as well.

Jack though....I don't usually see younger people drinking it. It seems to be more for the old men sitting on their porches.:p I just genuinely enjoy the taste and buzz of it....

not you dude. over here jack is what 14 year old burn outs to be steal from there parents drinking cabinest to get shit faced and yell "im so wasted!" after a sip.:rolleyes:

03-Jun-2010, 03:28 PM
I'm surprised it seems that popular over there. Judging by the way you guys hate our beers, I thought the same would be said about our whiskey...

03-Jun-2010, 03:30 PM
I'm surprised it seems that popular over there. Judging by the way you guys hate our beers, I thought the same would be said about our whiskey...

its the 2nd white trash drink of choice after smirnoff mixed with white lightning or tizer.

03-Jun-2010, 03:32 PM
its the 2nd white trash drink of choice

Jesus Christ Danny.....insult me and my drink again, why dontcha?:p

03-Jun-2010, 03:35 PM
Jesus Christ Danny.....insult me and my drink again, why dontcha?:p

sorry dude but when that "taste of tennesse" good ol'e boys adverts go on for jack in the cinema you always hear someone mutter "bollocks" as the inevitable, niegh, mandatory theatre chavs all whoop and cheer and yell stuff like "FUKKIN QUALITY CHOICE BREW BRUV!".

over here its noteriety is not a good one.

Its like faygo over there.

darth los
03-Jun-2010, 03:49 PM
Mine's kind of the stereotypical choice as well. A Georgia boy drinking Tennessee's whiskey - Who would of thought?:p

Alright....where are the asians and their saki? Any black members that drink Colt 45? Hennesey?:lol:

As I always say buddy. Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason...:confused:


03-Jun-2010, 03:49 PM
sorry dude but when that "taste of tennesse" good ol'e boys adverts go on for jack in the cinema

In the cinema? I don't think we have liquor ads in the cinemas. Hell....it wasn't until recently that they were allowed to promote their drinks on TV and magazines. America is weird....

03-Jun-2010, 03:55 PM
In the cinema? I don't think we have liquor ads in the cinemas. Hell....it wasn't until recently that they were allowed to promote their drinks on TV and magazines. America is weird....

bizaarely we have ads for liqour, beer, videogames and tv shows. but never food. youd think theyd advertise like mcdonalds or dominoes to get people thinking when the films over where to eat yknow?

---------- Post added at 04:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:52 PM ----------

Any black members that drink Colt 45?


03-Jun-2010, 04:22 PM


Hey...they shared the same costume in Empire, so why not share the name?

darth los
03-Jun-2010, 04:47 PM
Oh that's awful. :dead:

I could see if he was black or something but damn...


03-Jun-2010, 05:34 PM
I'd like to try one of those telekinetic Guinesses (Guinessi?) that the Capn' was going on about. Brilliant!

03-Jun-2010, 05:47 PM
I'd never touch acid, but apparently this video is pretty realistic with the visual effects & sounds...

darth los
03-Jun-2010, 06:01 PM
Speaking for myself I would never ingest something that I wasn't sure what the effects were going to be. :dead:


03-Jun-2010, 07:00 PM
I'd never touch acid, but apparently this video is pretty realistic with the visual effects & sounds...

Sorta, kinda, but not quite.. I don't have sound here, but the visuals are close, but you gotta remember, it won't be just your face morphing - it would be everything in your field of vision, so those walls in the background? breathing... changing colors.. :D It's close, but I don't think there's any way to really 'capture' what you see... unless you eat some acid. :lol: :D

03-Jun-2010, 07:17 PM
Yeah, that video isn't really close to my experiences either. That looks more like an anti-drug commercial. The demonic faces and such? Nah....didn't happen.

As Lou said, it's really hard to describe but I would say that colors are more vibrant(not the case in that video) and everything has a slight motion, waving, or twitch to it. I remember just lying in the back of my truck watching trees "dance". Not literal dancing like looney tunes, but just a sort of swaying or waving but there was no wind. It felt like everything around me had a life of it's own. Then of course you got your basic euphoria and good vibes. I also would sweat a whole lot, so I had to drink water throughout.

So no....that video isn't accurate. In my experiences, that is. I'm sure it's different for everyone.

03-Jun-2010, 07:35 PM
i've not touched hallucinogens in quite some time, i think i've been through/seen too much to have a good time of it.

used to trip a couple of times a week about a decade ago when i was in my hard-partying prime. was doing coke, meth, shrooms, acid, drinking, poppin' pills, or just about anything to get a buzz back then, it seemed like the thing to do at the time.

then i got arrested about 5 times within 18 months (all for underage drinking or possession of cannabis, less than 10 grams) and decided to join the Marines to get out of jail-time, probation, and away from the crowd i'd been buddying up with.

the last time i tripped was about a week before i left for boot-camp. took about half a dozen hits of liquid acid from a little "sweet breath" bottle and started playing tiger woods golf on the playstation....things were okay, i felt fine and then i was about to hit a joint and realized i'd fail my drug test at MCRD if i took a toke, then the acid kicked in big-time and i started having a (not bad, but not good) very strange trip. buddies were all trying to flip me out about leaving for the military, so i ditched them and ended up walking home and having a big talk with my father (he knew i was jacked up big time and was very cool about it) about my future. went back and told my buddies off, they were cool after that.

haven't tripped since then, and given some of my experiences while in the Marines, i doubt i'd ever like to do that shit again.

03-Jun-2010, 07:58 PM
but I don't think there's any way to really 'capture' what you see... unless you eat some acid. :lol: :D

Not a chance for me, my minds too fragile with my OCD & anxiety, it was doing a lot of speed & E's about 6 years ago that left me a nervous wreck, and I've never quite got back to the way I was before drugs, im not a fruitloop or anything, but i've been a lot more prone to mild depressions and racing unwanted thoughts ever since. I think acid would put me in a very bad place if I ever tried it.

06-Jun-2010, 07:43 AM
My "Ingested Chemical History"

LSD x30-35, an average of 4-5 decent hits in a 12-14hr period.

Mescaline: x4 (My 2nd favorite hallucinogen. Pretty easy on the system, cool sensory disturbances. Not much access down here in the South.)

Peyote: x1 (Entire button). NO THANK YOU. Made me sick as a dog, then I had to fight the damned trip for hours, because relaxing into it and calming was worse. Do NOT recommend this one.

Morning Glory Tea: x1 **DON'T RECOMMEND** Paranoia, very elevated heart rate, felt very ground down in the morning, and don't even wanna talk about the hallucinations.

Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide: AKA "Robo-tripping". Active ingredient in a lot of cough syrups, but tons better if you can get the pure powder, as they put stuff in the cough syrup to make you sick if you try to take enough to use it for fun.

Best trips, give it 5 Stars as a hallucinogen/cool mental journey inducer/awesome music enhancer. Downside: Can't be affected by marijuana while under its influence, though (THIS IS IMPORTANT) if you do a lot of Dex in one night (and btw, totally recommend the use of mentholated sinus inhalers while using Dex)...you're going to want some weed around in the morning for a Wake and Bake. Will chase out the cottony after-feel, and completely counter any trace oddness. Plus its just a great high under those circumstances. Can do Dex without it easily enough, but its a definite Twofer Bonus.

Marijuana: Of course. Nothing more needs be said. Lots.

Ectasy/MDMA/"X": Not bad, much better with female company. Make sure the damn pills don't have dark specks in them. Gets cut with Heroin on occasion. Look for solid white/faint blue pill.
Vicodin/AKA: Hydracodone, Vikuprofen
Oxycodone/AKA: Oxycontin (Been on 9 30mg Oxy's/day prescribed for my agony-inducing back problems for years now.) IF YOU AREN'T SCREWED UP, STAY AWAY FROM THESE. You WILL end up HOOKED, and you WON'T enjoy the PROTRACTED WITHDRAWAL.
Demoral: Several days of 150 of this 4x/day when I landed in the hospital all messed up. Fun, definitely killed the pain, ended up with a paper written about my unusual tolerance to Demoral-related toxicity. NOT FOR RECREATION.
Fentanyl (sp?): Same deal as the Demoral.

Alcohol: Of course. Don't much care for it.

"Special K"/AKA Ketamine (sp?): Truly strange high. Interesting, but recommend extensive experience with mind-altering substances before trying this beast out, ESPECIALLY if there's ANY chance you could end up in public.
Stimulants: Nicotine
Cocaine: Brief but intense usage-period. Quit cold-turkey by force of will over an absolute nightmarish week at my best friend's house, who helped me/stayed with me through it. THIS STUFF IS THE DEVIL.

All that comes to mind at the moment. On par, I don't really regret any of it EXCEPT the Cocaine. Would do a lot of them again.

Edit: Just had a twinge of conscience. I'll let what I wrote stand, cuz its my life, but I'll add this. You often bite off more than you can chew when you play Trustee of Modern Chemistry. Let the Ingester/User beware, lest the drugs end up using you.