View Full Version : UK shooting spree

02-Jun-2010, 05:43 PM
Seems some nutcase has gone on the rampage in the Lake District :eek::stunned: http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/Body-Of-Suspected-Gunman-Found-After-Shootings-Across-Cumbria/Article/201006115642129?lpos=UK_News_Carousel_Region_0&lid=ARTICLE_15642129_Body_Of_Suspected_Gunman_Foun d_After_Shootings_Across_Cumbria

Now awaiting the media/public/government knee jerk reaction that will probably see even shotgun & rifle ownership banned. Not that it will affect me as I dont shoot anymore anyway, but my dad owns a .22 rifle for pest control on his farm, and a few shotguns for the same purpose, as well as partaking in game shoots through the winter, it will be a shame if he has to give those up as a result of this.
RIP to the victims though as it is a truly shocking crime :(

02-Jun-2010, 05:45 PM
We all know this guy is really who's to blame:


03-Jun-2010, 10:16 AM
RIP to the victims though as it is a truly shocking crime :(

Indeed. Always a tragedy when something like this happens.

With a Conlib coalition in charge of blighty, I don't blame the nutty fucker. Hell, I've been close to it myself.

Killing random innocent people in response to an undesired election result?