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View Full Version : Too Sexy for Her Job?

darth los
03-Jun-2010, 11:39 PM
Well, to be honest I wouldn't get a lick of work done if this woman was in my office either.

I don't know what the hell she was doing as a banker but now that she's on the map believe me ssomeone will pick her up. She'll be fine.

As a matter of law though she has a very good case.

http://jobs.aol.com/articles/2010/06/03/debrahlee-lorenzana-too-sexy/?icid=main|hp-laptop|dl4|link3|http%3A%2F%2Fjobs.aol.com%2Fartic les%2F2010%2F06%2F03%2Fdebrahlee-lorenzana-too-sexy%2F


04-Jun-2010, 12:05 AM
Oh what the hell ever. . . . .I work with many woman just as hot as that woman. . .there is no dist. . . .well. . .there is little distraction due to their hotness. And I work for a VERY large bank. That sounds fishy to me.

04-Jun-2010, 12:44 AM
She probably isn't helping her case any by putting up a group of pics that rivals any office fantasy website out there.

And I wanna work where clang works!!

04-Jun-2010, 06:36 AM
Well, to be honest I wouldn't get a lick of work done if this woman was in my office either.

I don't know what the hell she was doing as a banker but now that she's on the map believe me ssomeone will pick her up. She'll be fine.

As a matter of law though she has a very good case.

http://jobs.aol.com/articles/2010/06/03/debrahlee-lorenzana-too-sexy/?icid=main|hp-laptop|dl4|link3|http%3A%2F%2Fjobs.aol.com%2Fartic les%2F2010%2F06%2F03%2Fdebrahlee-lorenzana-too-sexy%2F

:cool:I suffer from the same issue at work too! The women often complain my dazzling good looks makes it hard for them to work!

04-Jun-2010, 03:34 PM
See, I've always found that working with a large amount of hot women makes it less likely I will frivolously call in sick.

So I think there's an argument for a net increase in productivity.

PS--I wish I still worked with hot women :(

darth los
04-Jun-2010, 03:56 PM
I suffer from the same issue at work too! The women often complain my dazzling good looks makes it hard for them to work!

You mean this is not your day job!?! :p

She probably isn't helping her case any by putting up a group of pics that rivals any office fantasy website out there.

And I wanna work where clang works!!

That's what I was thinking. :lol:

I used to have that problem in school. I'm trying to get some work done in study hall hall but who can concentrate with all that ass shaking and tits bouncing?

Certainly not me. :lol:

Yeah i know, men. :lol:

The funny thing about this is virtually every man who reads it like, "yeah, I can see being distracted by that."


04-Jun-2010, 06:43 PM
The funny thing about this is virtually every man who reads it like, "yeah, I can see being distracted by that."
Yeah, I agree with that. Distraction aplenty.

But I don't understand why this particular person stands out. I mean, so she's a 9.9 out of 10. Distraction starts at a range of about a 7 minus heel height. It doesn't take someone of her attractiveness to cause a distraction.

The caveat to that is if she is behaving in a way that is inherently distracting.

04-Jun-2010, 07:55 PM
Y'know, I read this story a few days ago, and while I agree she's hot as all get out, these people who fired her are stupid for several reasons.

First off, I'd love to have her walking around my office. Talk about good for business! :lol:

Second, the bozos that fired her need to figure out how to have some goddamn self control over their dicks. Give me a break, I've worked with some HOT women before, but it never kept me from doing my job. Sure, I might've had some "thoughts" about her, but that's as far as it went.

If you're distracted by the looks of the people around you so much you can't do your job, YOU should be the one fired, not the hot woman you can't keep your eyes off of.

04-Jun-2010, 09:07 PM
Second, the bozos that fired her need to figure out how to have some goddamn self control over their dicks. Give me a break, I've worked with some HOT women before, but it never kept me from doing my job. Sure, I might've had some "thoughts" about her, but that's as far as it went.

If you're distracted by the looks of the people around you so much you can't do your job, YOU should be the one fired, not the hot woman you can't keep your eyes off of.

From my experience, it's likely that the complaints about her appearance came from other women in her office.

You'd be amazed how catty some of these Officefraus can get.

Chic Freak
04-Jun-2010, 10:19 PM
if you're distracted by the looks of the people around you so much you can't do your job, you should be the one fired, not the hot woman you can't keep your eyes off of.


darth los
04-Jun-2010, 11:09 PM
Y'know, I read this story a few days ago, and while I agree she's hot as all get out, these people who fired her are stupid for several reasons.

First off, I'd love to have her walking around my office. Talk about good for business! :lol:

Second, the bozos that fired her need to figure out how to have some goddamn self control over their dicks. Give me a break, I've worked with some HOT women before, but it never kept me from doing my job. Sure, I might've had some "thoughts" about her, but that's as far as it went.

If you're distracted by the looks of the people around you so much you can't do your job, YOU should be the one fired, not the hot woman you can't keep your eyes off of.

Very pc lou.



05-Jun-2010, 03:05 AM
Im unemployed because I get distracted by idiots...

05-Jun-2010, 01:35 PM
Im unemployed because I get distracted by idiots...

Me too. I've had to work with idiots my entire working life, and remember, there are good looking men in those offices too. I look, but because I'm female I have to look AND not be seen looking, some of those guys circle like sharks if they see any interest.:stunned:


11-Jun-2010, 02:36 AM
apparently, little miss innocent hottie is actually a big fan of plastic surgery, an attention-whore, and a gold digger:


11-Jun-2010, 01:55 PM
apparently, little miss innocent hottie is actually a big fan of plastic surgery, an attention-whore, and a gold digger:

I fail to see the problem... :lol: :lol:

(couldn't resist)

11-Jun-2010, 02:14 PM
Shouldn't the fact that she's making a big scene out of losing her job tipped you off that she's an attention whore? Any normal person would've moved on and that would've been that. Obviously she was grasping for her 15 minutes.

11-Jun-2010, 02:31 PM
She's making a big scene with her boobs, that's for sure..

*insert rimshot here*


11-Jun-2010, 02:36 PM
She's making a big scene with her boobs, that's for sure..

*insert rimshot here*


I would like to insert something in her. :elol:

11-Jun-2010, 03:03 PM
Playboy pictorial in 3...2...1...

11-Jun-2010, 03:17 PM
Playboy pictorial in 3...2...1...

She'll probably just skip that and go straight to the "accidental" sex tape within the next few days. Gotta strike while the iron is hot, ya know?:dead:

darth los
11-Jun-2010, 03:39 PM
Shouldn't the fact that she's making a big scene out of losing her job tipped you off that she's an attention whore? Any normal person would've moved on and that would've been that. Obviously she was grasping for her 15 minutes.

Of course. There's no reason this should be a national story.

But truthfully speaking if i was given the opportunity to be plucked from obscurity and actually do something in life I'd milk it too.


11-Jun-2010, 05:54 PM
She'll probably just skip that and go straight to the "accidental" sex tape within the next few days. Gotta strike while the iron is hot, ya know?:dead:

Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me! Me!

darth los
11-Jun-2010, 06:19 PM
Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me! Me!

I know right? :lol:

Where do i send my application?

Whether it's frivilous or not there's no debating that the chick is hot.


11-Jun-2010, 06:58 PM
Yeah, but... I personally have standards... that, and a steady.

darth los
11-Jun-2010, 07:07 PM
Yeah, but... I personally have standards... that, and a steady.

Everyone cheats dude. It's a fact of life.

And with way uglier women than this one.

To me the biggest diss is when they cheat on you with someone uglier. :lol:


11-Jun-2010, 07:10 PM
As long as it's honest cheating... Nah, I still wouldn't do it. I would feel like shit, and really the payoff isn't worth it for me. Call me old-fashioned, but... yeah.

darth los
11-Jun-2010, 07:15 PM
As long as it's honest cheating... Nah, I still wouldn't do it. I would feel like shit, and really the payoff isn't worth it for me. Call me old-fashioned, but... yeah.

Old fashioned. :p

So what your saying is that people didn't cheat back in the day?

Human beings are essentially the same creatures we've been since the beginning of recorded history. Whatever is going on now has always gone on but on different scales. In terms of tech, it just makes it easier to do so but it doesn't mean our ancestors wouldn't have done so if given the opportunity.

But i see what your saying. To each his own.


11-Jun-2010, 07:17 PM
Yeah... you're right.
Thanks for being cool.

11-Jun-2010, 07:17 PM
Yeah, but... I personally have standards... that, and a steady.

yeah, but damn dude, she's smokin'

Everyone cheats dude. It's a fact of life.

:p 20 years of exclusivity and counting on this end. :D

darth los
12-Jun-2010, 12:23 PM
Nothing personal because i don't know you on that level but that's what everyone says.

So, if you say so...


12-Jun-2010, 01:04 PM
Damn. Sounds like Darth has some real relationship and trust issues.:p

Never cheated on my wife or any of my past girlfriends, for that matter....

13-Jun-2010, 02:33 PM
We've all cheated on darth at one point or another.

14-Jun-2010, 12:24 PM
Damn. Sounds like Darth has some real relationship and trust issues.:p

Never cheated on my wife or any of my past girlfriends, for that matter....

I guess that's if we say so. :D

That whole 'everyone cheats' is a bunch of BS. Perhaps the people who cheat believe that. :p

darth los
14-Jun-2010, 06:45 PM
We've all cheated on darth at one point or another.


See! Trin Knows!


---------- Post added at 02:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:44 PM ----------

Damn. Sounds like Darth has some real relationship and trust issues.:p

No, I just know human Nature. And whenever someone thinks they can get away with something chances are they'll do it.


14-Jun-2010, 06:56 PM

See! Trin Knows!


Ok, look. I cheated on you once, ok? I swear, though, it didn't mean anything!


darth los
14-Jun-2010, 07:04 PM
Ok, look. I cheated on you once, ok? I swear, though, it didn't mean anything!


and honesty is all i ask. :lol:

You know what the most important ingredient in a relationship?



20-Jun-2010, 04:53 PM
You know what the most important ingredient in a relationship?

Trust.Don't underestimate indifference. It can soothe the pain that trust can't begin to touch.

darth los
22-Jun-2010, 01:42 AM
Don't underestimate indifference. It can soothe the pain that trust can't begin to touch.

So true. If you take seriously everything the other person does that relationship is going to last all of 10 minutes.

Ironically that's exactly how your supposed to deal with children as well.

Infer from that what you will.


22-Jun-2010, 03:55 AM
Don't underestimate indifference. It can soothe the pain that trust can't begin to touch.


Yes Sifu!

22-Jun-2010, 05:24 AM
Wasn't he the jedi who commissioned the building of a clone army?