View Full Version : Preferred Zombie Survival Situation?

07-Jun-2010, 12:22 AM
Your Desired Location? (Whether On A Roof, In A Country Home, In A Basement...)

Your Desired Weaponry? (Firearms, Close Range Makeshift Weapons, Or Both...)

Your Decision Whether To Be Alone Or With A Specific Group? (Friends, Loved Ones, Hystericals, Know-It-Alls...)

Reply With Your Preferred Zombie Survival Situation And/Or Comments. :).

Mine Would Have To Be On A Roof With Easy Access To A Gun And Supply Store a.k.a An Extremely Close Neighbour Store So I Can Jump To It's Roof (But When The Hell Would That EVER Manage To Happen! Lol), And I Would Prefer To Be Alone.
Mainly Because If Im In A Group Of, Say, Loved Ones Or Friends, Being With Them For A Long Time And Knowing Them For A Long Time, Would Probably Drive Me To Physically Saving Their Lives With Mine. And Thus In The Process Killing Me And Hurting Them Emotionally Aswell. And Plus It Would Be A Teamwork Kind Of Situation, Having To Take Someone Elses Decision On Board And My Friends Take An Extremely Long Time To Decide, So By The Time We Finally Make One, It May Already Be Too Late. Lol.
So Being Alone Means I Can Do Whatever I Need To Do To Survive, Put Across My Decisions Alone And Change Them At Will, And I Can Take Care Of Myself. If I Was In An Actual Zombie Situation, I Think My Compassion Would Be Zero And My Survival Skills Would Be Maxed. I Find It Extremely Difficult To Balance The 2.

09-Jun-2010, 02:35 PM
Your Desired Location? (Whether On A Roof, In A Country Home, In A Basement...)

Your Desired Weaponry? (Firearms, Close Range Makeshift Weapons, Or Both...)

Your Decision Whether To Be Alone Or With A Specific Group? (Friends, Loved Ones, Hystericals, Know-It-Alls...)

Reply With Your Preferred Zombie Survival Situation And/Or Comments. .

My preferred location would definetly not be either a roof or a basement, because in either place the escape routes are somewhat limited. A country home would be better, but I'd prefer to be in an open space, such as forest. More space in which to run away!:)

A gun would be my preferred weapon. I wouldn't want to have close contact with a zombie, and if I had to fight one hand-to-hand fear would strike and I'd most likely die...

Yeah, being alone would be the best. Although it'd be lonely, other people would mean decisions were made slower. I'd rather just be responsible for myself.

09-Jun-2010, 03:08 PM
Desired Location to be in during a Zombie Apocalypse: Far outside any cities or towns to begin with, then inside a well-constructed Wholesale Supply/Distribution Center.

Favored weapons: .45 pistol, preferably a Colt or Sig for a sidearm. .30-06 rifle (for "persuading" unsavory living people to leave my "safehouse" the hell alone, and for thinning the ranks of the zombies if I find it necessary to do so from a safe vantage around my hideout/safe-house), 12-gauge pump shotgun. Perhaps a Remington 1100 Tactical Shotgun in 12-gauge as a primary firearm if I need to stay on the move. Could easily change that to any other well-made 12-gauge.

Have a very nice (very expensive) modern swordsmith/blacksmith-made Gladius-type blade. Would NOT RECOMMEND swords for most people, but I've had a more-than-basic instruction in its use, and I assure you its quite capable of dismembering and/or decapitating a human body. Wouldn't want to make a habit of it, but I'm positive if I could survive long enough to get over my initial terror of the living dead, that I could take up to two reasonably intact zombies at once if I absolutely HAD TO.

Who I'd want to be with: I've changed my mind about this decision in particular so many times that I'm honestly not sure anymore. Hooking up with or staying solo have their individual advantages and disadvantages. Would be hard to say until I was faced with the situation.

Then again, who am I kidding? My health has declined so much I'd most likely be forced to eat buckshot to avoid ending up a zombie.

09-Jun-2010, 09:16 PM
Desired Location - everywhere. There is no safe place, no matter how you want to argue it. If you stop for any length of time, you'll eventually get overwhelmed. So, I would stay on the move. My location would change constantly.

Desired Weapon - again, all. Whatever I find while I travel, I can pick up and use. There are very few worthless weapons, as they'll all serve my purpose of "get the hell out of here" whenever I encounter the dead.

Desired Company - none. Alone. Other people get you killed, because they cannot be controlled, and you can't know what they might be doing at all times.

14-Jun-2010, 08:52 AM
Well, as I advocated years ago when this site was young, you can't go wrong with the greased pig defense. Strip down, oil up and just walk among the zoms as the slip off of you. A ball peen hammer is about all you need for those grease resistant gnawers.

If you want to barricade up, then break out the barbed wire and water defense. Example: country house. String barbed wire (all over the place in the country) around the house and plug it into the wall socket to fry the zoms. And just think of how easy Dawn would have been had they simply used the fire hoses to put an inch of water on the 1st floor of the mall and then dropped a stripped/live wire out of an electrical socket from the 2nd floor.

It ain't that hard.

14-Jun-2010, 10:28 AM
If you want to barricade up, then break out the barbed wire and water defense. Example: country house. String barbed wire (all over the place in the country) around the house and plug it into the wall socket to fry the zoms. And just think of how easy Dawn would have been had they simply used the fire hoses to put an inch of water on the 1st floor of the mall and then dropped a stripped/live wire out of an electrical socket from the 2nd floor.

It ain't that hard.

That's a pretty cool idea, until the power goes out. So you'd definitely need backup plans if the outbreak gets really bad.

21-Jun-2010, 06:33 PM
I'd be headed to the Cold Steel factory...The staff are fucking lunatics who love destroying things and they make great swords, war axes, machetes and many other deeply unpleasant melee weapons. :)


21-Jun-2010, 06:45 PM
I'd just want somewhere warm, safe and comfy to live out my last remaining days in some semblance of bliss.


21-Jun-2010, 06:47 PM
I'd just want somewhere warm, safe and comfy to live out my last remaining days in some semblance of bliss.


Yum! :cool:

21-Jun-2010, 07:41 PM
The one without zombies :p

21-Jun-2010, 07:55 PM
I'd just want somewhere warm, safe and comfy to live out my last remaining days in some semblance of bliss.


Well, she'd certainly be in no danger from the Living Dead.

(Not much meat on her) :lol:

fulci fan
21-Jun-2010, 09:07 PM
I'd be headed to the Cold Steel factory...The staff are fucking lunatics who love destroying things and they make great swords, war axes, machetes and many other deeply unpleasant melee weapons. :)


Good company. But the owner is one of those types that think the bible is real. :rolleyes:

22-Jun-2010, 12:59 AM
Good company. But the owner is one of those types that think the bible is real. :rolleyes:

As opposed to someone who thinks the Bible isn't real / doesn't exist? :rolleyes:

As far as survival situations...

My best plan for surviving a zombie apocalypse is to hopefully never be in a zombie apocalypse. I give this about a 99.9% probability rating (with a repeating line over the .9). :D

As far as desired location: People would be more dangerous than the ghouls well into the spread of it. Crowds of people would be more dangerous and FAR less predictable than the ghouls -- the ghouls just want to eat you, the people... oh contrair, they have far more sinister motives generally speaking. I'd prefer a place where people tend to never think about going and try to stay to myself as long as possible. It's usually better to be a loner than a hero if you're trying to survive. The big downside to this is that once you do get into a position where you 'need' to be around other people (because it will eventually happen) they will have formed into "cliques" that may not be all that welcoming to new members.

Favored weapons: My preferred weapon is to never hopefully have to use one. I don't mean this to say I'm a pacifist (I'm not but I'm not Patton either). It just means I'd prefer to be in a local where every five minutes you aren't having to check your rifle/gun to ensure that it's loaded and ready to rock'-n-roll. Loud noises would attract ghouls. You stand up on your porch and start blasting at ghouls it's basically saying: "Hey, other ghouls in the neighborhood! Here I am!". Your best weapons are silent but effective and deadly weapons.

Who I'd like to be with: Megan Fox, Winona Ryder, and Clint Eastwood. Hey, it's about as likely to happen as the zombie apocalypse. Why not? Dream big. :D


23-Jun-2010, 09:12 AM
Throwback to the old times. If its Romero zoms then a baseball bat and the ability to power walk is about all you need. Stay away from scenarios where you will get trapped by numbes and you are fine. A big parking lot with you and your ball bat vs 300 shuffling zoms = 15 minutes of swinging for the fences and an empty parking lot.

23-Jun-2010, 05:44 PM
i've said it before and i'll say it again - folks that want to board themselves up somewhere will all be dead. period.

i'd take to the river. i live about one mile from the ohio river, a straight shot down a very large hill, a few curves and you are there. my kayak will hold everything i need for short term survival. the water offers mobility, and protection. southern ohio and northern ky are very, very sparsely populated, so finding safe day shelters wouldn't be a problem.

which brings me to another point: that scene in land where the zombies walk UNDER the river is one of the stupidest things that has ever been put on film.

23-Jun-2010, 05:52 PM
i've said it before and i'll say it again - folks that want to board themselves up somewhere will all be dead. period.

i'd take to the river. i live about one mile from the ohio river, a straight shot down a very large hill, a few curves and you are there. my kayak will hold everything i need for short term survival. the water offers mobility, and protection. southern ohio and northern ky are very, very sparsely populated, so finding safe day shelters wouldn't be a problem.

which brings me to another point: that scene in land where the zombies walk UNDER the river is one of the stupidest things that has ever been put on film.

Hey Mike, just make sure you don't actually drop a match into the Ohio river or, to quote from "DAY": "You're bound to have a lousy afternoon." :D

I agree completely about the scene from "LAND" not being realistic at all. I don't accept "LAND" as being part of the Romero cannon anyway, zombies can't walk under water so I just ignore it. That's silly.


24-Jun-2010, 04:28 PM
Your Desired Location? (Whether On A Roof, In A Country Home, In A Basement...)

Your Desired Weaponry? (Firearms, Close Range Makeshift Weapons, Or Both...)

Your Decision Whether To Be Alone Or With A Specific Group? (Friends, Loved Ones, Hystericals, Know-It-Alls...)

Reply With Your Preferred Zombie Survival Situation And/Or Comments. :).

Mine Would Have To Be On A Roof With Easy Access To A Gun And Supply Store a.k.a An Extremely Close Neighbour Store So I Can Jump To It's Roof (But When The Hell Would That EVER Manage To Happen! Lol), And I Would Prefer To Be Alone.
Mainly Because If Im In A Group Of, Say, Loved Ones Or Friends, Being With Them For A Long Time And Knowing Them For A Long Time, Would Probably Drive Me To Physically Saving Their Lives With Mine. And Thus In The Process Killing Me And Hurting Them Emotionally Aswell. And Plus It Would Be A Teamwork Kind Of Situation, Having To Take Someone Elses Decision On Board And My Friends Take An Extremely Long Time To Decide, So By The Time We Finally Make One, It May Already Be Too Late. Lol.
So Being Alone Means I Can Do Whatever I Need To Do To Survive, Put Across My Decisions Alone And Change Them At Will, And I Can Take Care Of Myself. If I Was In An Actual Zombie Situation, I Think My Compassion Would Be Zero And My Survival Skills Would Be Maxed. I Find It Extremely Difficult To Balance The 2.

In a nutshell if things got really grim and i knew i was gonna go soon...id like to be knee deep in some good poon & booz pass out in my own jucies...then the undead can feast on my liver with some lima beans 4 all id giv a shit by then! quote Jack Nicholson as the Joker..."If you gotta go...go with a smile"!!! ;):moon::stunned::dead:

25-Jun-2010, 07:48 PM
Your Desired Location? (Whether On A Roof, In A Country Home, In A Basement...)

My job. A GIANT warehouse with over 100 trucks and 200 trailers in the yard. The has no entrance or exit, and the front has a whole dock with 50 some doors. But they could be plugged with trailers for easy way to get out, and no zombies can get in. Tons of food and water since we supply a local grocery chain, and multi-billion dollar business (Giant Eagle). Trailers can also be used to reinforce the fence that runs along the property. And trucks could loaded for it's time to move. I wouldn't stay there forever, but like others said, keep on the move. But they got enough supplies to reinfroce trucks into a mobile base easily.

Your Desired Weaponry? (Firearms, Close Range Makeshift Weapons, Or Both...) I would want an good stockpile of long range and close range weapons. I'd want high powered firearms to help keeps crazed groups of survivors at bay (religious fanatics that WOULD arise and what not). ANd bats, swords and what not for zombies, to not waste ammunition.

Your Decision Whether To Be Alone Or With A Specific Group? (Friends, Loved Ones, Hystericals, Know-It-Alls...)
I'd like to keep my family and close group of friends around. My dad and grandfathers are all combat vets. My cousins are just tough as fuck, and you always need that stuff. My brother is athletic and computer smart. Two good friends are truck drivers, and another a mechanic. Of course, keep my other friends and family, too.

26-Jun-2010, 07:41 PM
Lundy Island

Population: 28


If you could stock up on supplies and keep your survivor group at low-ish numbers, you could weather the storm for a few years until the stenches rotted away on the mainland. There is even a small farm and a fortified house/castle there. :)


26-Jun-2010, 09:55 PM
Your Desired Location? (Whether On A Roof, In A Country Home, In A Basement...)

Your Desired Weaponry? (Firearms, Close Range Makeshift Weapons, Or Both...)

Your Decision Whether To Be Alone Or With A Specific Group? (Friends, Loved Ones, Hystericals, Know-It-Alls...)

OK, since you asked!

Desired location?
The Batcave. Hardly anyone knows of it's existence, much less how to access it. I could sleep comfortably in there!

Desired weaponry?
The Iron Man armor. 'nuff said.

Alone or with a specific group?
Alone would get....well, lonely, so I would say with a specific group. My group of choice? The (original) A-Team, MacGuyver, the Professor (from Gilligans Island), Sydney Bristow (from Alias) and Dina Meyer as Batgirl because she was hot as Batgirl.

Heck, I wish I was in this situation now! :lol:

28-Jun-2010, 04:25 PM
Lundy Island

Population: 28


If you could stock up on supplies and keep your survivor group at low-ish numbers, you could weather the storm for a few years until the stenches rotted away on the mainland. There is even a small farm and a fortified house/castle there. :)


fuck that! going there one should brush up on his scrabble skills or get a gnarly bingo team together! lol id rather live on a constant rush surviving the main land...@ least u can take wut ever u can get ur hands on, blow the piss outta the undead and not be confined with most likely the assholes that survived the plaque......i'll quote the the good professor in Dawn(78)....."FOR ALL I KNOW THE BRAINS ARE ALREADY DEAD...IT'S THE IDIOTS THAT ARE STILL ALIVE!":moon::hyper::clown::annoyed:

Rancid Carcass
28-Jun-2010, 07:31 PM
id rather live on a constant rush surviving the main land...@ least u can take wut ever u can get ur hands on, blow the piss outta the undead

I'm guessing you're not planning on surviving for very long then? :D

28-Jun-2010, 07:48 PM
i've said it before and i'll say it again - folks that want to board themselves up somewhere will all be dead. period.

i'd take to the river. i live about one mile from the ohio river, a straight shot down a very large hill, a few curves and you are there. my kayak will hold everything i need for short term survival. the water offers mobility, and protection. southern ohio and northern ky are very, very sparsely populated, so finding safe day shelters wouldn't be a problem.

which brings me to another point: that scene in land where the zombies walk UNDER the river is one of the stupidest things that has ever been put on film.

Other than currents on a large river why is it so ridiculous? The fact that corpses usually float due to air that is trapped in them?

I am curious as to why you think so.

---------- Post added at 03:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:46 PM ----------

i've said it before and i'll say it again - folks that want to board themselves up somewhere will all be dead. period.

i'd take to the river. i live about one mile from the ohio river, a straight shot down a very large hill, a few curves and you are there. my kayak will hold everything i need for short term survival. the water offers mobility, and protection. southern ohio and northern ky are very, very sparsely populated, so finding safe day shelters wouldn't be a problem.

which brings me to another point: that scene in land where the zombies walk UNDER the river is one of the stupidest things that has ever been put on film.

Lundy Island

Population: 28


If you could stock up on supplies and keep your survivor group at low-ish numbers, you could weather the storm for a few years until the stenches rotted away on the mainland. There is even a small farm and a fortified house/castle there. :)


An excellent choice in my opinion.

28-Jun-2010, 08:04 PM
Other than currents on a large river why is it so ridiculous? The fact that corpses usually float due to air that is trapped in them?
As a veteran scuba diver I can tell you first off, going river diving at night is a complete navigational impossibility. The things would have absolutely no way to tell left from right from up from down. Even with sophisticated compasses and lights it is very difficult to keep bearings.

The fact that they walk on the bottom doesn't just imply that they don't float, it implies that they are extremely negatively bouyant. A normal human would take several pounds of weight just to reach the bottom, and significantly more to actually gain friction against it to walk.

And, as we know, in Diary zombies become inert under water even when there are humans easily visible above water. :rolleyes: :barf:

Then look at the plot logistics of the situation. The assertion is that the zombies have always been too stupid to cross the river, but with Big Daddy in charge he leads them past an obstacle they never could get past before. I'm not sure that assertion holds up. What was keeping the zombies from attempting to cross the river? They'd get to it and stop? Not one of them shambled along, fell in, and kept walking? There was never a press of zombies against the riverfront that caused the front row to get pushed in?

I'd contend that the zombies should've been too stupid to NOT cross the river before.

I was led to believe that the river served as barrier due to the impassable nature of rivers. So I found it irritating that the river served as a barrier for years only because the zombies never tried.

28-Jun-2010, 08:04 PM
I'm guessing you're not planning on surviving for very long then? :D

in a world over run by the undead? dont think id wanna live 2 long...but id definitly have a blast and go out in a blaze of glory (just like Roger).......i would do myself though aint no zombie gonna have me 4 brunch! :moon::hyper::blood:

28-Jun-2010, 08:14 PM
As a veteran scuba diver I can tell you first off, going river diving at night is a complete navigational impossibility. The things would have absolutely no way to tell left from right from up from down. Even with sophisticated compasses and lights it is very difficult to keep bearings.

The fact that they walk on the bottom doesn't just imply that they don't float, it implies that they are extremely negatively bouyant. A normal human would take several pounds of weight just to reach the bottom, and significantly more to actually gain friction against it to walk.

And, as we know, in Diary zombies become inert under water even when there are humans easily visible above water. :rolleyes: :barf:

Then look at the plot logistics of the situation. The assertion is that the zombies have always been too stupid to cross the river, but with Big Daddy in charge he leads them past an obstacle they never could get past before. I'm not sure that assertion holds up. What was keeping the zombies from attempting to cross the river? They'd get to it and stop? Not one of them shambled along, fell in, and kept walking? There was never a press of zombies against the riverfront that caused the front row to get pushed in?

I'd contend that the zombies should've been too stupid to NOT cross the river before.

I was led to believe that the river served as barrier due to the impassable nature of rivers. So I found it irritating that the river served as a barrier for years only because the zombies never tried.

Excellent points. I think you and I have discussed this before, and I agree believe me I think the river thing is a farce I just like to hear peoples thoughts on the subject.

28-Jun-2010, 09:13 PM
fuck that! going there one should brush up on his scrabble skills or get a gnarly bingo team together! lol id rather live on a constant rush surviving the main land...@ least u can take wut ever u can get ur hands on, blow the piss outta the undead and not be confined with most likely the assholes that survived the plaque......i'll quote the the good professor in Dawn(78)....."FOR ALL I KNOW THE BRAINS ARE ALREADY DEAD...IT'S THE IDIOTS THAT ARE STILL ALIVE!":moon::hyper::clown::annoyed:

"Where would you go, Captain? Do you really think you can 'blow the piss out of 'em', all of them? I ask again, Captain, where would you go?".



28-Jun-2010, 10:54 PM
"Where would you go, Captain? Do you really think you can 'blow the piss out of 'em', all of them? I ask again, Captain, where would you go?".



where ever the poon & booz flow like wine....@ least what ever is left of it! ;):D:moon::eek:

29-Jun-2010, 11:52 AM
::raises hand to join the "Zombies crossing a major waterway at night = Impossible Idiocy" Club::

As I've said before in various threads related to this subject, not only is the idea of instinct-driven reanimated corpses crossing water ludicrous, Romero can't even avoid contradicting himself from one movie to the next. In Land he has Big Daddy leading the Undead Exodus across the river to the Zombie Promised Land, but in Diary a few dozen zombies can't even find their way out of a pool where the water is clear, illuminated and BARELY OVER THEIR HEADS, WTH!?!?!?

I refuse to believe a zombie has any chance of completing a physical task that an untrained but otherwise healthy human couldn't perform.

29-Jun-2010, 12:00 PM
Well if you wanted to get technical about it, Land and Diary are two different series and at different times of the event. Land is "advanced" zombies while Diary is the beginning. So to compare the two isn't really fair.

29-Jun-2010, 03:33 PM
::raises hand to join the "Zombies crossing a major waterway at night = Impossible Idiocy" Club::

As I've said before in various threads related to this subject, not only is the idea of instinct-driven reanimated corpses crossing water ludicrous, Romero can't even avoid contradicting himself from one movie to the next. In Land he has Big Daddy leading the Undead Exodus across the river to the Zombie Promised Land, but in Diary a few dozen zombies can't even find their way out of a pool where the water is clear, illuminated and BARELY OVER THEIR HEADS, WTH!?!?!?

I refuse to believe a zombie has any chance of completing a physical task that an untrained but otherwise healthy human couldn't perform.



darth los
29-Jun-2010, 03:46 PM

Preach Brotha!

I'll go a step further and say the whole smart zombie thing has ruined the series. :dead:


29-Jun-2010, 04:10 PM
Well if you wanted to get technical about it, Land and Diary are two different series and at different times of the event. Land is "advanced" zombies while Diary is the beginning. So to compare the two isn't really fair.

That and the fact I do not think they are from the same "universe" really. While I am not sure if George has weighed in on the subject, I have a hard time placing a modern day movie like Diary back in the setting of Night and just suspending my disbelief.

29-Jun-2010, 04:31 PM
That and the fact I do not think they are from the same "universe" really. While I am not sure if George has weighed in on the subject, I have a hard time placing a modern day movie like Diary back in the setting of Night and just suspending my disbelief.

its almost like zombie films are being made into video games being made into zombie films....fuckin retarded if u ask me!

ill tell ya these days i get more enjoyment washing my underwear than watching new zombie flicks! if only duche bags would leave the genre alone like in the old days the real fans can enjoy some decent flicks!:mad:

ill quote Jack Black in School of Rock "but oh no the man had to ruin that too!" :moon:

hense that new commerical with the scene from Zombi (shark vs. zombie) i cant believe how deep those fuckers went to expose more of a zombie fans goods and acting like its something they came up with when back in the day people like GAR and Fulci couldnt get any movie house to choke their chicken more or less finance their movies to save their life! :eek::barf:

---------- Post added at 09:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 AM ----------


can u say...i've got a problem with the bottle! lol:clown:

he looks like a cracked out Eddie Van Halen...."i didn't think that was possible!"

almost expecting him to shread some PANAMA!:lol::hyper::clown:

30-Jun-2010, 08:31 AM
Yeah, the "pure motorized instinct" zombie is the definitive zombie IMO.

Any follow up to "Land" probably would've opened with Riley, Big Daddy and some Daniel Jackson knock-off sat around a fire, hammering out a peace treaty or something. :p

30-Jun-2010, 01:53 PM
Yeah, the "pure motorized instinct" zombie is the definitive zombie IMO.

Any follow up to "Land" probably would've opened with Riley, Big Daddy and some Daniel Jackson knock-off sat around a fire, hammering out a peace treaty or something. :p

Zombies demand admission into the New UN... news at 11!

Zombie Reagan to be the first representative!
