View Full Version : Theory of International Politics and Zombies

08-Jun-2010, 05:40 PM
Just found this areticle on International Relations theories, and how they'd each approach an uprising of the Living Dead:


It's a pretty dense article, but worth a look-see.

08-Jun-2010, 05:54 PM
It's a pretty funny read actually!

the United States would likely respond by creating the North American F*** Zombies Agreement -- or NAFZA -- to handle the problem regionally. Similarly, one would expect the European Union to issue one mother of a EU Directive to cope with the issue, and handle questions of zombie comitology. Indeed, given that zombies would likely be covered under genetically modified organisms, the EU would trumpet the Catragena Protocol on Biosafety in an "I told you so" kind of way. Inevitably, Andrew Moravcsik would author an essay about the inherent superiority of the EU approach to zombie regulation, and why so many countries in Africa prefer the EU approach over the American approach of "die, motherf***ers, die!!" Oh, and British beef would once again be banned as a matter of principle.


08-Jun-2010, 07:00 PM
Fascinating article,
Also rather damning when viewed as a critique of our policy-making institutions when you try to seriously consider their actions in regards to an uprising of zombies.

Definitely got a kick out of it.