View Full Version : Creepiest zed

10-Jun-2010, 01:07 PM
IMHO the creepiest zed would be:


Doesn't look as freaky here without the motion but certainly creeps me out

10-Jun-2010, 01:46 PM
flyboy from dawn. it's the kind of look that makes u wanna stare at him like "WTF!" then after a few moments u blow his head off

11-Jun-2010, 09:26 AM
The zombie in The Gate. He reminds me of Fred Gwynne (Herman Munster) only super creepy.


11-Jun-2010, 10:57 AM

This bitch always creeped me out for some reason.

11-Jun-2010, 11:50 AM
The police officer at the liquor store in Land. Something about the way that guy walks freaks me out. Coolest zombie walk since Stephen's.

11-Jun-2010, 07:01 PM
I wanna say "Father's Day" from Creepshow (the first and best)

11-Jun-2010, 08:08 PM
The Poster Boy from Fulci's Zombie always had just the right ammount of rot for my tastes:


Dude! There's maggots coming out of his eye sockets an' everything!!!

11-Jun-2010, 10:57 PM
IMHO the creepiest zed would be:


Doesn't look as freaky here without the motion but certainly creeps me out

Was that a prosthetic? I always thought it was an actress with a strange eye condition or talent.

TBH, I always found her kinda funny. I mean, I actually laughed out loud when I first saw her (even though it's a pretty tense scene): close ups of all these festering, skeletal corpses and then BOOM - some bint with a lazy eye. :lol:

Also, it raises the issue: alomst 50% of the zombies in Zombie Flesh Eaters were white, despite Doctor Menard calling Mattais "the only other white man on the island".

Actually, that assertion doesn't make sense even if we disregard the white zombies, since we also met Menard's Spanish groundskeeper earlier in the film. Does Dr Menard have such a racially-exclusive definition of "white" that Spanish people are not included!? :confused:

fulci fan
12-Jun-2010, 01:44 AM
The Poster Boy from Fulci's Zombie always had just the right ammount of rot for my tastes:


Dude! There's maggots coming out of his eye sockets an' everything!!! Worms* ;) The only zombie that had maggots was http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_tngWMToWtCc/SI8Rq9-iBRI/AAAAAAAAFME/_bJmqtZ5NGE/s400/Screenshot58.png

Was that a prosthetic? I always thought it was an actress with a strange eye condition or talent.

I am going to research this.

TBH, I always found her kinda funny. I mean, I actually laughed out loud when I first saw her (even though it's a pretty tense scene): close ups of all these festering, skeletal corpses and then BOOM - some bint with a lazy eye. :lol:

Also, it raises the issue: alomst 50% of the zombies in Zombie Flesh Eaters were white, despite Doctor Menard calling Mattais "the only other white man on the island".

Actually, that assertion doesn't make sense even if we disregard the white zombies, since we also met Menard's Spanish groundskeeper earlier in the film. Does Dr Menard have such a racially-exclusive definition of "white" that Spanish people are not included!? :confused:
No, it was not a prosthetic. And I just found a photograph of a black zombie with an afro during the final battle.:eek: http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2009/5/29/1243607621564/Zombies-Zombie-Flesh-eate-002.jpg

I never noticed this! Look at that 70's afro! I am the biggest Zombi 2 fanboy and I never noticed this. If this is photoshopped, it was done nicely. I highly doubt it, though. :lol:

Oh, as for creepiest zombie, I think NOTLD 90 wins. All of the makeups were creepy, but this one moved me the most.

12-Jun-2010, 01:44 AM
Sharon hill's Nurse Zombie always freaked me out, as did Russo's "don't look at it" zombies from NOLD.

Funny Thing: Have had nightmares with them in it for years until I had the occasion (separate) to meet both Hill and Russo and nightmares promptly stopped.

12-Jun-2010, 06:23 PM
Actually, this fecker here is currently giving me the creeps...


12-Jun-2010, 10:13 PM
Ahhh, this one always gave me the willies.

This thread makes me giggle. I like the NotLD90 one mentioned, but the Return of the Living Dead guy they revived in the lab is something that if he ever came around the corner on me, I'd probably turn to jello on the spot. I can guarantee I'd be the shittiest tasting meal he's ever had...

12-Jun-2010, 10:31 PM
Actually, this fecker here is currently giving me the creeps...

Thats the first ive seen that one and it looks like a pretty good zed, what film is that from?

Personally for my creepiest Z, i could say any from notld'90 seeing as it has the best zombies ive seen in any movie, but the prize has to go to :


13-Jun-2010, 01:14 AM
My vote is on Keith Richards as creepiest zombie I've ever seen. Hell, he looks like he's about to come after someone to attack them here...


Wait, was this supposed to be a ghoul from a film? :)


13-Jun-2010, 02:19 AM
You got to wonder if they ever looked in the mirror made up and scared themselves.:D


fulci fan
13-Jun-2010, 02:41 AM
My vote is on Keith Richards as creepiest zombie I've ever seen. Hell, he looks like he's about to come after someone to attack them here...


Wait, was this supposed to be a ghoul from a film? :)


If he stopped using cocaine, he would die. :lol:

13-Jun-2010, 03:52 PM
No tarman? lol

I think the two kids in Survival were pretty creepy.

13-Jun-2010, 10:19 PM



13-Jun-2010, 10:25 PM
Wow. Is that Dr Tongue figure available anywhere? Looks great...

Rancid Carcass
13-Jun-2010, 10:58 PM
I always find something quite disturbing about a small child trying to bite your face off:


14-Jun-2010, 01:20 AM
Thats the first ive seen that one and it looks like a pretty good zed, what film is that from?

It's from the Walking Dead series that's coming in a few Months Andy.

fulci fan
14-Jun-2010, 03:44 PM
Wow that doctor tongue is great.

14-Jun-2010, 06:27 PM
I see, that supposed to be the female zombie with the bike, one of the first rick see's since leaving the hospital?

That looks pretty damn cool actually..

darth los
14-Jun-2010, 06:36 PM
Wow that doctor tongue is great.

Easily the best one.

In the film, was that a puppet or something?

Great, nonetheless.


14-Jun-2010, 08:30 PM
In the film, was that a puppet or something?

It was a puppet from about the waste up. You can see more of it in Savini's/Nicotero's home videos on the Day DVD/BR.

darth los
14-Jun-2010, 08:38 PM
It was a puppet from about the waste up. You can see more of it in Savini's/Nicotero's home videos on the Day DVD/BR.


I'll check it out tonight. Thnx buddy. :thumbsup:


14-Jun-2010, 08:43 PM
Don't forget the 1st zed from Return of the Living Dead 3. He really looks like a dead man...shutters.

15-Jun-2010, 04:06 PM
I see, that supposed to be the female zombie with the bike, one of the first rick see's since leaving the hospital?

That looks pretty damn cool actually..

Aye, I reckon. I just checked the first issue. She's lying on her back in the comic. Maybe she flips over in the show?

Either way, it's damn good makeup regardless. One of the few zeds that's made me go "wow" in a long time.

I have high hopes for this series. Something I also haven't been able to do for a long time either. :D

17-Jun-2010, 11:49 PM
Aye, I reckon. I just checked the first issue. She's lying on her back in the comic. Maybe she flips over in the show?

Either way, it's damn good makeup regardless. One of the few zeds that's made me go "wow" in a long time.

I have high hopes for this series. Something I also haven't been able to do for a long time either. :D
Yeah i hear you, i really hope this gets a UK release, has anyone heard if it has or not?

I was asking DJ the other day but we're not sure.

18-Jun-2010, 03:20 PM

I have to agree with fulci on this one - there's something about that scrawny little bastard sticking himself through the window and stretching out those spagehtti-noodle arms.. *shudders* I don't know why it creeps me out that much, but it does. :D

Tarman was a kickass, creepy-as-hell zombie too.. "BRAINS!" :lol:

18-Jun-2010, 06:04 PM
I always find something quite disturbing about a small child trying to bite your face off:


I agree with this, there is something about seeing a small child that is corrupted, or evil that just creeps me out. I as a grown man have a hard time still watching the Exorcist. It is not as if the FX are all that amazing. They did do a good job with make-up though.

That and the ring (I think that is the one with the chick in the well)

Both creep me right out.

That said the kid zombies in Dawn don’t bother me, neither does the girl in the Night remake (she isn’t really all that young either), but in the Original night… yeah she creeped me out a bit.

18-Jun-2010, 06:06 PM
Indeed! I heared on a documentary or interview that this zombie with the speghetti arms was originally a cab driver that got promoted to be in the film because of his skeletal appearance! Lucky guy!:annoyed:

22-Jun-2010, 04:45 PM
My favorite creep zed has always been that long-haired dude in the center from Day:


Also love the overall creepy look of that scene as well.

22-Jun-2010, 08:16 PM

Let's not 4get the other boy in the band! Matter of fact this guy has recently found fame in that new computer commercial!;)

22-Jun-2010, 09:51 PM
Indeed! I heared on a documentary or interview that this zombie with the speghetti arms was originally a cab driver that got promoted to be in the film because of his skeletal appearance! Lucky guy!:annoyed:

I guess sometimes it pays to be skinny as a rail. :D