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View Full Version : Dance of the Dead

10-Jun-2010, 03:52 PM
Ok. So I've known about this film for a while now, but never got around to watching it for the simple fact that I thought it would be utter crap. Turns out, the movie wasn't half bad.

The plot centers around a small town on the day of the high school prom. You get introduced to the wide variety of teenager misfits, each with their own group or just weird in their own way. The one thing they all have in common, they can't get a date to the prom, so they each decide to do other things to fill out the night. But apparently, the local power plant has been dumping some kind of special toxic waste into the nearby land which of course causes the dead to return to life.

I won't go into excessive details in case anyone else wants to watch it. But as far as B-rated zombie movies goes, this was definately one of the best I've ever seen.

Although the acting isn't phenominal, I feel that the right people were cast for the right parts. You've got all the kinds you would typically see in a high school situated movie, a couple of nerds, a bunch of gothic style punk rockers, a bad ass redneck bully, ect.

Zombie makeup wasn't great, but it wasn't bad either, so I give the creators points for making do with what they had.

What really threw me for a loop was who lives and who doesn't. Where you can normally take a good guess who's going to make it in most horror flicks, you can't do that in this one. Some characters that I figured might as well have walked around with little signs on them saying, "Hey smart asses, guess what, I'm going to survive this crazy shit.", don't. And others that you would figure might as well dump their asses in barbaque sauce for the hungrey dead survive.

There were some pretty funny moments too. One being where the bad ass football coach/army vet tells the survivors to stock up on weapons at his house, takes away a gun that one of the nerds finds and states something along the lines of him not being a responsible adult by allowing an underage kid to carry a firearm. Another was where the punk rocker bad, who play solely heavy metal, are forced to play a rendition of "Running with the shadows of the night" at the prom (for good reasons).

As far as zombie films in general go, I'd probably rate this at a 7 out of 10. Nothing phenominal, but a worthwhile entertaining 90 minutes.

17-Jun-2010, 12:24 PM
Eh, I'd rate it a 2 or 3. I didn't like it. But considering I can watch Children of the Living Dead at least once a year, I doubt my opinion is held in high regard! :)

19-Oct-2010, 11:01 AM
Haven't seen this film.

Thought this thread was about the Masters of Horror episode Dance of the Dead.

19-Oct-2010, 02:14 PM
Thought this thread was about the Masters of Horror episode Dance of the Dead.

That's what I thought when you bumped it, but I recall hearing about a film like the one Rightwing described. Whether it was Dance of The Dead or not, I don't know. I want to say it was Prom of the Dead, but who knows.