View Full Version : NIST Re-Creation of The Station Night Club fire

17-Jun-2010, 03:33 PM
So I was rooting around on another forum and they were discussing the Great White/Station Night Club fire, and someone posted a link to this video.

I have to admit, when I first clicked "play" I figured I would be disturbed by what I saw, but what this video shows is almost beyond words. It starts out slow, but within one minute... well, watch and see for yourself...



Fires can seem harmless or not so threatening at first, but within a minute or two, you and everyone around you could be dead.

17-Jun-2010, 03:41 PM
Fires can seem harmless or not so threatening at first, but within a minute or two, you and everyone around you could be dead.

I think the lesson here is to avoid going to see Hair Bands.


That Aqua-Net is some flamable @#$%....

darth los
17-Jun-2010, 06:33 PM
Damn dude, that's gotta be a horrible way to die. :dead:


17-Jun-2010, 07:44 PM
Wow, that's horrifying.

But you know what's a bitch? A building can engulf in seconds with no problem, but when you're camping in the middle of the woods and darkness is falling - you can't get that god damn campfire started!

darth los
17-Jun-2010, 07:48 PM
Wow, that's horrifying.

But you know what's a bitch? A building can engulf in seconds with no problem, but when you're camping in the middle of the woods and darkness is falling - you can't get that god damn campfire started!




18-Jun-2010, 12:22 PM
Whoa, Darth, that was just wrong! :lol: and BillRay - it's a shame it wasn't at a poison show! :shifty: :lol:

I showed this vid to my wife last night, who stared at the screen astonished that by 1:30, the entire room was engulfed in smoke down to the floor. From spark to engulfed, a minute and a half.. ho-ly shit. :stunned:

I can only imagine how horrific it was to be inside that place when it happened. I'm shocked ANYONE made it out of there alive.

18-Jun-2010, 12:52 PM
And brought to you by the Government agency 2 miles from my home.

18-Jun-2010, 01:34 PM
That wasn't your house they used for this, was it Dj? :lol:

18-Jun-2010, 04:29 PM
That wasn't your house they used for this, was it Dj? :lol:

I could only wish.... They would have done me a favor.

I swear if I hit the lottery I am burning this mutherfucker to the ground and pissing on its ashes.