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View Full Version : The Whining/Complaining/General Grievance Thread

20-Jun-2010, 01:43 PM
So, this is an idea I had last night about a new thread dedicated to nothing except our whining/complaining/general grievances. Feel free to post anything you want (within terms of membership of course, we want to keep this thread alive after all) but please ensure that it's a general whine/complaint/grievance you have about a subject that you wish to articulate.

I'll start off. I hate most films today that claim to be "horror" films. Because, 1.) they aren't scary and 2.) they suck. There are maybe three horror films made a year (conservative estimate) worth watching (one of which might be really good) and all the other 100 or so films generally suck. Is it really so difficult to make a horror film worth watching? Really?

Then again, you have to figure that 80% of new studio horror films are re-boots or re-makes which explains why they generally suck. There are a few minor exceptions to these re-makes/re-boots, etc., sucking -- but even then they don't generally hold a torch to the original (examples: Zombie's Halloween and Snyder's Dawn of the Dead).

This is a common thread around here about bitching about new horror films and re-makes/re-boots generally sucking. Please feel free to whine/complain about entirely too many posts on the issue being posted far too often. This is what this thread is about -- any whining/complaining/general grievances that you may have.

This could be fun if no one screws this up by getting into a "my dick is bigger than yours!" war below.


20-Jun-2010, 02:47 PM
i'm irritated by people that don't understand the absolute prime importance of time. my biggest pet peeves in the universe are people that cannot be on time for things and people that waste my time.

time is one of the few things with real value to it because when it comes right down to it, time is the only thing that any of us really have.

20-Jun-2010, 03:12 PM
Is it time for bassman to "cry like a bitch" again?:D

Well, I may as well take this chance to gripe myself. I'm sick of the entertainment industry (points mostly at Hollywood) trying to relive the 1980s. It's great in theory. Life was good in the 80s. Life sucks now. But if you want to relive that time, fuck movies and tv. Let me get gasoline for 80 cents a gallon again, and I'll show you good times. Until then, fuck off.

20-Jun-2010, 03:57 PM
Is it time for bassman to "cry like a bitch" again?:D

Dude....we've discussed this already. I no longer respond to this name.:p

20-Jun-2010, 04:31 PM
I cannot stand people who snap their bubble gum!


20-Jun-2010, 04:35 PM
Dude....we've discussed this already. I no longer respond to this name.:p

OK CUNT, then PM Neil and have your name changed

BassyMcCunty LMAO

On Topic:
I agree with Mike70, people who don't understand how to be on time and keep to schedules piss me off too, but I also do allow for small deviations such as caught in traffic or something of that nature, but yeah... how fucking hard is it to be on time?

20-Jun-2010, 05:11 PM
So, this is an idea I had last night about a new thread dedicated to nothing except our whining/complaining/general grievances.
In other words, a thread just like all of the others on this message board? Fantastic!

20-Jun-2010, 06:15 PM
arrogant rednecks who do things like change the name of french fries to america strips or freedom fries, because food really has a fucking national identity and agenda.

My silent, fierce intensity at this asinine foolishness is almost palpable.

the lights in the room have dimmed. the room temperature has gone down and the birds are all silent. The window cracks, my fingers dig into the wood of my desk- drawing such dark blood- and the lawn outside begins to wither and die.

such is the pressure of my rage.

20-Jun-2010, 08:09 PM
In other words, a thread just like all of the others on this message board? Fantastic!

Dubious, strangely enough they only end up being that way soon after your arrival. Hmm... coincidence?



21-Jun-2010, 07:24 PM
here's an example of the type of luck i have at times:

i drive a black trans am with black leather interior. it's very sunny and humid out right now, and when i open my car (no garage at my apartment) it's like opening an oven.

my motor on my driver's side window is about to go out, window stops rolling up/down in about 3 seconds, then wait 5 min to try it again. takes 10 minutest roll my window all the way up/down.

a/c suddenly stops working, had compressor replaced just last summer. it's still under warranty, but the mechanic that did the work is a small business back home so i've gotta wait till i head home in a couple weeks to have it fixed.

forecasted high temps all this week hitting the 90's. i live in the mid-west, where the humidity can be a real bitch, causing triple-digit heat indexes.

fuck. my. life.

could be worse, i guess i've bitchin' ride at least...and it's got t-tops, so that helps...but man, it's supposed to get up to 97 tomorrow....ugh.

Ghost Of War
22-Jun-2010, 07:20 AM

Why, when I'm stuck in an office Monday to Friday, is the sun cracking the flags, but at the weekend it fucking pisses down? It's as if this big rain cloud is waiting for about 12.55pm on a Friday, then going "hey, he finishes at 1pm, let's rain on the bastard all weekend". Bloody weather.

Go Compare advert (Brits will know what I'm on about)

Fuck. Right. Off. It's a wonder I don't put my foot through my telly every time this fat fucker comes on, and why can I never find the remote to turn the bastard over? Go Compare my size 9's with your head, you annoying twat.

22-Jun-2010, 03:44 PM
I really hate people who cant drive, the type who do 30 or 40 mph on a straight road where you can legally drive at 70mph (like on my way back from manchester at the weekend), those who cant use their indicators when they are going to turn off, and those who think sticking the front end of their car out into oncoming traffic at a junction means they can force me to stop and let them out when I actually have the right of way, and those who come flying round blind corners on country roads on the wrong side, nearly causing a head on collision, tossers! :mad:

22-Jun-2010, 03:51 PM
Stupidity. That's my biggest grievance of all, and it seems it's contagious. :rolleyes:

The "Know it all" - Yeah, we all know one. The bozo who thinks he knows everything, has all the facts (when he really has no clue), etc. He also has done everything you have (supposedly) but somehow manages to do it bigger, better, faster or whatever. Annoying as hell.

Loudmouths in theaters - do I even need to go any further with that one?

Misc. complaints & grievances:

People who stand in line at a store and talk on their cellphone even when they're trying to be helped by the store clerk/employee. Hang the FUCK up and join civilzation, dickhead. Same with people who have both headphones in their ears listening to their ipod and doing the same.

People who don't use their blinkers when they drive. Might as well throw in tailgaters while we're on the subject.

The US government and all politics that go on here. I can't believe the people in this country don't see it for the farce that it is - and even if they do, they do nothing about it.

Teenagers who wear their pants so big you can see their boxers/underwear. Cover that shit up, "homey" - last thing I wanna see is your fucking skid marks, ya got that?

OMG, I could go on for pages. Does that mean I'm just a curmudgeon? Damn..

22-Jun-2010, 04:09 PM
I really hate people who cant drive, the type who do 30 or 40 mph on a straight road where you can legally drive at 70mph (like on my way back from manchester at the weekend), those who cant use their indicators when they are going to turn off, and those who think sticking the front end of their car out into oncoming traffic at a junction means they can force me to stop and let them out when I actually have the right of way, and those who come flying round blind corners on country roads on the wrong side, nearly causing a head on collision, tossers! :mad:

Yes, all of those....plus...(?)

dangerous truck drivers who swerve due to tiredness....(this happens quite a lot to me it seems, overtaking in the middle lane and suddenly an entire articulated lorry starts swerving in his lane and crossing the lines)

truck drivers who overtake - sorry, it's f**king SELFISH. They're limited to 60mph - so one massive truck is doing 59mph and suddenly the truck behind decides, "you know what, I can over take him" cue a mass of cars in the right hand land whilst the trucks are battling each other over in the left and centre lanes - usually one has to drop right back to get them back in line. Sometimes I've joined a row of 40 cars in the right hand lane, trying to get past literally 4 or 6 trucks right on top of each other, all going barely as fast as each other.

People who don't check their BLIND SPOT!!!! I had a VW golf pull into my front end at 80mph because he just didn't look!!! He missed because I saw what he was doing even though he didn't indicate. Cue a pissed off horn rapping session from me.

People who don't know how to use roundabouts properly - they are a staple part of driving and admittedly probably one of the most complex things you can do - but I've seen cars going the wrong way around roundabouts! Also there's a technique to indicating to show you are getting off - which I'm sure most UK drivers know about but you're supposed to indicate at the bollard that separates the lanes on the exit before you leave, so if you're going straight on, you turn as though you're going left but curve it around and when you reach the bollard separating the traffic on the left side you indicate to signal the next exit is the one you're taking - and FFS why do people UNDERTAKE on roundabouts!??! If you're in the right hand lane by mistake, go fully around the roundabout and come back around - don't cut me the fuck up by going left or straight on when you clearly shouldn't!!!!!

Aggressive overtakers - sure we all speed, and that's OK - but when you're a 1000cc motorbike and you "thread the needle" between me and the central reservation at over 150mph, you deserve nothing more than what'll probably happen to you eventually, which ends with a shovel and a half full body bag.

Road bullies: OK, so we all speed a little bit, at night, when it's safe and unlikely to be seen - but when it's broad daylight, and I am legitimately overtaking a car in the right hand lane, and a massive van or sports car pulls right up my arse and flashes me to speed up so he can overtake, NO...sorry...I'm not breaking the law just so you can break the law - if and when it's safe to go back into the central or left hand lane I will do so, but I'm not simply going to exceed my speed limit simply to allow some moron in a BMW to push his way through traffic at 120mph, it's not on. he can wait it out until I safely overtake and get into my own lane.

Central lane politics - sorry but if you're driving at 60mph on a 70mph motorway you should be on the left lane - I have no problem with that, but occupying the middle lane because you're a shit driver who can't control your car is not on if there is clearly space over on the left side - it's illegal to drive like that and those people deserve a slapping. Sure if the left lane is full of vehicles going 40mph then by all means overtake them, but don't make the middle lane your central driving lane for such slow, stupid speeds...

phew...what a rant! :)

22-Jun-2010, 04:23 PM
Good post Symph - Also those who attempt to overtake when theres something coming the other way in the distance, their car is clearly not quick enough to do it, and they then try to push their way back in front of you when they realise they arent going to make it so you have to jam your brakes on to let them back in, then as soon as the vehicle coming the other way has passed they try and do it again to the car in front! :rant:

22-Jun-2010, 04:29 PM
Good post Symph - Also those who attempt to overtake when theres something coming the other way in the distance, their car is clearly not quick enough to do it, and they then try to push their way back in front of you when they realise they arent going to make it so you have to jam your brakes on to let them back in, then as soon as the vehicle coming the other way has passed they try and do it again to the car in front! :rant:

Yeah I made that mistake once in Scotland - stupid moment but there was literally miles of straight, clear roads ahead of me - car just wasn't going to do it, it felt like an eternity - I vastly underestimated the shitness of my car, made it eventually but the truck driver coming towards me wasn't too impressed when I finally managed to get in front of the car I was overtaking - that was certainly a stupid mistake that I haven't repeated since! I was quite new to driving at that time so I forgave myself for it, but yeah, fucked if I do that again in a hurry!

22-Jun-2010, 05:05 PM
WOMEN...just bloody women :annoyed::annoyed:

22-Jun-2010, 07:03 PM
WOMEN...just bloody women :annoyed::annoyed:

^This! Add this to my list. :lol:

23-Jun-2010, 02:41 AM
The "Know it all" - Yeah, we all know one. The bozo who thinks he knows everything, has all the facts (when he really has no clue), etc. He also has done everything you have (supposedly) but somehow manages to do it bigger, better, faster or whatever. Annoying as hell.

Are all of them really bad?



Nah, I just couldn't resist that one...


23-Jun-2010, 02:48 AM
Dubious, strangely enough they only end up being that way soon after your arrival. Hmm... coincidence?

You must be new.

Okay here's a grievance: Your signature photo is stupid and perhaps a just a tad homosexual.

How'm I doin'?

23-Jun-2010, 03:07 AM
You must be new.

Okay here's a grievance: Your signature photo is stupid and perhaps a just a tad homosexual.

How'm I doin'?

Point proven, Dubious. You make an asinine statement like that (although not nearly as witty as you generally are -- give credit where credit is due) and then disappear to see how the dominoes fall.

Oh wait, no... I'm supposed to whine in my whining thread about how my signature isn't homosexual and how you're an idiot for thinking that and blah blah blah...

I certainly give you credit on doing a great job of proving your point. You're a great addition to this forum, Jimmy. Like Lee and others, you make people think and I respect and appreciate that.

(I was just busting your chops after all, and you know that). :p


25-Jun-2010, 03:45 PM
OK after 780 miles driving around this green and pleasant land I have definitely added one major gripe that overshadows ALL of my other driving complaints...

BMW drivers. They're all w**kers. No exception.

25-Jun-2010, 04:09 PM
BMW drivers. They're all w**kers. No exception.

HEY! I drive a BMW 330ci.. what are you trying to say?! :lol:

It's like the saying/joke goes:

Q: What's the difference between a BMW and a porcupine?
A: The porcupine has the pricks on the outside.


25-Jun-2010, 05:08 PM
hahahahahaha exactly :)

lol nah it's nothing personal man, but honestly on this mad journey I was "road bullied" by more BMWs than I could count....female and male drivers, shoot up behind you at such a speed that it's almost scary then tailgate someone til they either do a dangerous manueover or speed up themselves and risk getting busted for speeding - they just don't seem to care and have this "I'm driving a tank, I can fuck you up" attitude...

and look at the size of your Beemer!!!! you could drive my car inside your car!!! :D :D

25-Jun-2010, 05:58 PM
hahahahahaha exactly :)

....and look at the size of your Beemer!!!! you could drive my car inside your car!!! :D :D


Dude, I can't agree with you more. Most BMW drivers are MAJOR pricks! I feel sorta bad driving this thing - well, that is 'till I step on the gas :lol: but seriously, I have to agree - I think "most" BMW drivers are assholes, but I can't say all 'cause I'm one of them, and it's a self-preservation thing or something.. :D

My 330ci isn't that big - but those 7 series BMW's are like cruise ships on land! They are pretty huge.

27-Jun-2010, 01:03 PM
So, this is an idea I had last night about a new thread dedicated to nothing except our whining/complaining/general grievances. Feel free to post anything you want (within terms of membership of course, we want to keep this thread alive after all) but please ensure that it's a general whine/complaint/grievance you have about a subject that you wish to articulate.

Wow! What an utterly pointless thread! In all my years I really can't recall a bigger waste of time! I mean, when I think of all the people who have contributed over the years, and think about the effort all those people have made, this thread really just spits in their face!

Sheesh! Grrrr! It makes me mad! :rant:

27-Jun-2010, 02:29 PM
Wow! What an utterly pointless thread! In all my years I really can't recall a bigger waste of time! I mean, when I think of all the people who have contributed over the years, and think about the effort all those people have made, this thread really just spits in their face!

Sheesh! Grrrr! It makes me mad! :rant:

Why? Are you being sarcastic?

C'mon Neil, everyone has a general grievance/complaint, and I think it's valuable for people to be able to 'flesh out' their issues/complaints in a reasonable way -- so far this thread has not broken into a "which penis is bigger" thing like so many threads in the general discussion have over the past -- people here have been logical in what they've said, and everyone has made valid and insightful posts. I'd call that a good thread I suppose, then again I don't own the site. :p

Actually, you're honoring the nature of the thread by your post if you think about it. Maybe that's your point? :sneaky:


27-Jun-2010, 03:20 PM
Wow! What an utterly pointless thread! In all my years I really can't recall a bigger waste of time! I mean, when I think of all the people who have contributed over the years, and think about the effort all those people have made, this thread really just spits in their face!

Sheesh! Grrrr! It makes me mad! :rant:

that's way too paradoxical for me...

28-Jun-2010, 11:29 AM
This is about the best thread these forums have seen in several years.

28-Jun-2010, 01:01 PM
This is about the best thread these forums have seen in several years.

i agree Mo...its not like we have a secret forum to air our greviances....

28-Jun-2010, 01:30 PM
i agree Mo...its not like we have a secret forum to air our greviances....

Haha! + 1 for the laugh, I needed one. My day has started off excellent so far. :)


28-Jun-2010, 01:39 PM
I tell you what else really annoys me, when you go into a bar for a drink, and the bar staff just blatantly ignore you and keep serving their friends that are in there or the people either side of you, fair enough it happens everywhere sometimes when its busy and you have to wait and thats ok, but when you've been stood for over 20 minutes while people who only just came to the bar keep getting served ahead of you it really grinds my gears! :mad:

30-Jun-2010, 11:57 AM
I got a few more:

cyclists!!! Ok I admire their green credentials but when you are cycling down the middle of a 40mph A-road when there is clearly a cycle path on the footpath, then you deserve a splatting!!

noisy kids: yep, I'm getting old. Particularly good example last week of arriving to the quietest, most serene service station on the M6 and then being audibly assaulted by 30 teenagers who chose literally to stand right up against the back of my neck, (whilst queuing for food) screaming and being loud, annoying c**ts, without any regard for any other human in the place.

30-Jun-2010, 12:59 PM
I got a few more:

cyclists!!! Ok I admire their green credentials but when you are cycling down the middle of a 40mph A-road when there is clearly a cycle path on the footpath, then you deserve a splatting!!

Even worse, those cyclists (usually chavs with their shirts off at this time of year) who ride down the middle of the main road none handed while texting on their phones! Just asking to be knocked over! or those who think normal road rules dont apply to them so they just go straight through red lights!
I saw an old bloke get killed on a push bike just outside my work a few weeks ago, it wasnt a pleasant sight after a 40 ton truck with trailer went over him

30-Jun-2010, 05:16 PM
ok heres another of mine.....kids on public transport who insist on playing music out loud on their phones....your phone came with earphones so bloody well use them....i dont want to listen to your shitty music :rant::rant:

30-Jun-2010, 05:37 PM
ok heres another of mine.....kids on public transport who insist on playing music out loud on their phones....your phone came with earphones so bloody well use them....i dont want to listen to your shitty music :rant::rant:

yep, that's a major one....

Those things should be banned, they're a menace. The speakers are shitty anyway, who wants to play music with that kind of sound?

I always theorised that their music's shitty anyway so they probably don't care.

---------- Post added at 06:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:35 PM ----------

Even worse, those cyclists (usually chavs with their shirts off at this time of year) who ride down the middle of the main road none handed while texting on their phones! Just asking to be knocked over! or those who think normal road rules dont apply to them so they just go straight through red lights!
I saw an old bloke get killed on a push bike just outside my work a few weeks ago, it wasnt a pleasant sight after a 40 ton truck with trailer went over him

ouch....that's gotta hurt.

Cycling is dangerous enough without people deliberately endangering themselves and others around them!

I was on a road up to Virginia Water, it's a single lane 60mph road with no street lights, and no pavements....so I'm bombing down there fast but carefully only to be shocked at the random appearance of a cyclist with NO reflectors on the bike or his/her clothing, no helmet, no flashers, nothing - WEARING BLACK!!!!!! at 11pm!!!!!!!!! FFS!

30-Jun-2010, 05:38 PM
And what is the deal with Airline Food? I mean, Hey, are we supposed to eat this? Who were the marketing geniuses who came up with this?
