View Full Version : Seth Rogen's superhero - The Green Hornet

23-Jun-2010, 11:04 PM
Not to be confused with DC comics' hero, Green Lantern, Seth Rogen is playing the lead in The Green Hornet. I definitely wasn't sure what to think about him playing the part when it was first announced, and i'm still not sure what to think after the trailer. I had assumed he was trying something serious, but this looks closer to his usual game.

I like Michel Gondry's previous work, though. So i'm still on the fence...


Actually now that I think about it....the trailer makes Kato look like the lead superhero and Rogen is the annoying goofy sidekick.

What do you think? Maybe? No faith at all?

23-Jun-2010, 11:20 PM
Eh... what the hell, it'll cost me less than a buck to rent it, I'll give it a shot when it comes out for rental.

The only thing Seth Rogen has ever really done that I liked was "Observe and Report" and "Fanboys" -- everything else by him pretty much stinks (not necessarily because of him, but because the movies just sucked). I'm not counting Donnie Darko (one of the greatest films ever, IMO) because he's not really 'himself' in it.

I'll give it a shot.


23-Jun-2010, 11:39 PM
meh....looks like seth rogen being seth rogen. he's funny and all, but it's like the will ferrell discussion from earlier: he just seems like the same character in most of his roles.

and in 3D? wow, what a concept...:bored:

24-Jun-2010, 12:38 AM
Yeah, I read about this, but I havn't seen the trailer yet. . .check it out when I get home. From what they were saying in the article. . . Kato IS the real hero in the movie. . .and the Green Hornet is sort of a selfish ass that slowly comes into the superhero role.

I dunno. . might be good. Gotta see the trailer to get a real feel.

24-Jun-2010, 02:11 AM
Eh... what the hell, it'll cost me less than a buck to rent it, I'll give it a shot when it comes out for rental.

The only thing Seth Rogen has ever really done that I liked was "Observe and Report" and "Fanboys" -- everything else by him pretty much stinks (not necessarily because of him, but because the movies just sucked). I'm not counting Donnie Darko (one of the greatest films ever, IMO) because he's not really 'himself' in it.

I'll give it a shot.


dood really? pineapple express was the fucking bomb, saw it 9 times at the theaters. i've disagreed with you on many a thing(mostly in my own head), including your silly hat, but still...
he is today's role model. cool as a muthafucka...

24-Jun-2010, 02:47 AM
including your silly hat, but still...

:lol::lol::lol: Man you have been getting a lot of flak about your Profile pic recently JD!

24-Jun-2010, 02:54 AM
dood really? pineapple express was the fucking bomb, saw it 9 times at the theaters. i've disagreed with you on many a thing(mostly in my own head), including your silly hat, but still...
he is today's role model. cool as a muthafucka...

:lol::lol::lol: Man you have been getting a lot of flak about your Profile pic recently JD!

Pineapple Express is stupid juvenile drivel. In layman's terms for people under the age of, oh, 21 or so that don't understand words that are more than one syllable or aren't slaughtered into .TXT: It fookin' sux! :)

My fedora belonged to my grandpa who bought it back in the 40's. It's a great fedora and just because idiots today don't know taste doesn't mean I'll not appreciate it. :p

This distraction has been brought to you by a hijacked thread, now we return to Basscunt's discussion on "The Green Hornet"...


24-Jun-2010, 03:04 AM
Pineapple Express is stupid juvenile drivel. In layman's terms for people under the age of, oh, 21 or so that don't understand words that are more than one syllable or aren't slaughtered into .TXT: It fookin' sux! :)

My fedora belonged to my grandpa who bought it back in the 40's. It's a great fedora and just because idiots today don't know taste doesn't mean I'll not appreciate it. :p

This distraction has been brought to you by a hijacked thread, now we return to Basscunt's discussion on "The Green Hornet"...

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. i have more taste in my penis, try it sometime. i think you like to be louder than the rest. you are nothing more than a windbag personally. 29 and you think you know more about anything than the rest of us. i have shitstains older than you. nothing to be proud of, but still...
nice asshat.
in reality, you are nothing more than another voice in the void. like i said, i agree with you on some things but sometimes i think you are speaking out of your asss....
like i said... nice hat.

24-Jun-2010, 03:13 AM
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. i have more taste in my penis, try it sometime. i think you like to be louder than the rest. you are nothing more than a windbag personally. 29 and you think you know more about anything than the rest of us. i have shitstains older than you. nothing to be proud of, but still...
nice asshat.
in reality, you are nothing more than another voice in the void. like i said, i agree with you on some things but sometimes i think you are speaking out of your asss....
like i said... nice hat.

Louder than the rest? That would be impressive. Unfortunately, no, I think quite a few people here have me beat.

A windbag? Probably. Won't argue with you on that. I'm opinionated and often an ass.

More know about everything than the rest of you? Not hardly. Just very opinionated. Opinions and asses, we all have one and they smell about the same.

Another voice in the void? Agreed. That's all any of us are. The only time I ever speak out of my ass though is when I roll out of the bed in the morning after having Krystals the night before. It's not a pretty sight.

So, I say a movie you wasted your money on to see 9 times in a theater (you could have just bought it when it came out and saved a fortune ya know?) sucked and you become pissed off at me? What's the logic in that? And then throw cheap insults at me? C'mon Ron, what's up with that?

Anyway, before we both end up getting a citation for hijacking this thread, let's take it to PM if you'd like, I don't mind discussing this issue with you but on someone elses thread isn't really the best place for it. I invite you to come yack at me more over in the Lounge on my whining thread or PM me and we can continue this if you want.

On the subject at hand...

I hope it is true that Kato is the superhero here with Rogen being only a side-kick. It will be nice to see that sometimes the sidekicks are more integral and important than the actual 'hero'.


24-Jun-2010, 03:18 AM
Meh, rogans kind of hit the will ferrell comedy barrier. in which a comedian goes from being funny to pointless, happened with ferell just after talladega nights, happened with this guy just after observe and report.

I predict this bombs epically and then we see rogan try 2 or 3 serious roles and then either does a serious flick every 5 years or goes back to comedy sidekick roles.

24-Jun-2010, 03:24 AM
:lol::lol::lol: Man you have been getting a lot of flak about your Profile pic recently JD!

Weighing in here in favor of the profile pic. Gotta respect a man who can pull a fedora off.

24-Jun-2010, 07:10 AM
Weighing in here in favor of the profile pic. Gotta respect a man who can pull a fedora off.

Yeah, I can't wear any hats. . . like at all. . . I think it's a head/body proportion thing. And JD, You know I wasn't laughing at you, but laughing at the fact that in 2 days you have for some reason had an assault on your profile pic.

And now that I have seen the trailer. . I say. . .looks good. And Hellz, jaded much? :D