View Full Version : Rare Announces Crackdown 2, Perfect Dark XBLA Crossover

darth los
02-Jul-2010, 05:19 PM
Pretty cool. However, I hope it's not just a skin and there are actual advantages to playing as agent 4.



02-Jul-2010, 05:27 PM
lovely. take a great game like crackdown and flood it with shit from perfect dark. the worst xbox launch title.

darth los
02-Jul-2010, 05:34 PM
lovely. take a great game like crackdown and flood it with shit from perfect dark. the worst xbox launch title.

I agree. I hadn't played it at launch so I recently bought it and Kameo.

Kameo I enjoyed very much. However, this game feels like some goldeneye ripp off that belongs in 1997.


02-Jul-2010, 07:49 PM
Unless I'm mistaken, I'm pretty sure they're talking about the XBLA version of Perfect Dark, not Perfect Dark Zero.

Edit: nevermind...says so right in the thread title!

02-Jul-2010, 08:58 PM
I agree. I hadn't played it at launch so I recently bought it and Kameo.

Kameo I enjoyed very much. However, this game feels like some goldeneye ripp off that belongs in 1997.


i loved kameo, first current gen game i played. still kind of impressive today. Though platformers are kind of dead on the xbox.