View Full Version : maybe they need fireworks safety for adults

05-Jul-2010, 01:36 AM
Police say a man lighting fireworks has blown off his arm at a party on New York's Long Island.

Suffolk County police say 36-year-old Eric Smith was using a 3-foot long metal tube to shoot mortars from the street near his Islip (EYE'-slip) Terrace home around 5:45 p.m. Saturday.

Police believe he leaned over the device to ignite it and didn't get out of the way before an explosive shot out of the launcher. His left arm was severed at the shoulder.

Smith was taken to Southside Hospital in serious condition while friends packed the lost limb in ice to try to save it. Police believe doctors will try to reattach his arm.

Police say another person at the party also was taken to a hospital, but it's unclear why.
(Copyright ©2010 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)


05-Jul-2010, 01:23 PM
i honestly believe they should ban fireworks being sold to the public....full stop
these are explosive devices and not suitable for anybody to use without training and safety equiptment....

think about it, if you wanted to buy a grenade you wouldnt be allowed but pack explosive into a cardboard tube, give them a silly name and anybody with the money can buy them over the counter....:mad:

05-Jul-2010, 01:38 PM
i honestly believe they should ban fireworks being sold to the public....full stop
these are explosive devices and not suitable for anybody to use without training and safety equiptment....

think about it, if you wanted to buy a grenade you wouldnt be allowed but pack explosive into a cardboard tube, give them a silly name and anybody with the money can buy them over the counter....:mad:

It would be a bit much to ban them, after all myself & my friends usually let loads off at new year & bonfire night with no problems, as with anything its when idiots & people lacking in common sense get them that things get dangerous. maybe rather than a ban, they should introduce a low grade pyrotechnics license where the general public can easily and cheaply take the course, and must produce the license to buy fireworks, then with any luck only competent people could get hold of them...

05-Jul-2010, 01:51 PM
think about it, if you wanted to buy a grenade you wouldnt be allowed but pack explosive into a cardboard tube, give them a silly name and anybody with the money can buy them over the counter....:mad:

I really do wish it were legal to buy grenades.


People are always going to do dumb shit...making "doing dumb shit" illegal isnt going to stop people from being dumb.

05-Jul-2010, 02:03 PM
People are always going to do dumb shit...making "doing dumb shit" illegal isnt going to stop people from being dumb.

I agree. They're not going to do away with gold spray paint because there are morons out there huffing it.

Fireworks are perfectly safe if you treat them with respect. If you get drunk and start shooting them at your friends, the result will be different.

05-Jul-2010, 07:01 PM
You have to realize this guy was acted like a dumbass and was probably drunk. I know his type and have seen people such as this guy act like fools with explosives. You do not need a homemade mortar or bazooka to enjoy rockets and other projectiles. There is a reason why some fireworks are made with sticks that post into the ground. And you never underestimate a fuse, especially, a firecracker.

darth los
06-Jul-2010, 04:14 PM
i honestly believe they should ban fireworks being sold to the public....full stop
these are explosive devices and not suitable for anybody to use without training and safety equiptment....

think about it, if you wanted to buy a grenade you wouldnt be allowed but pack explosive into a cardboard tube, give them a silly name and anybody with the money can buy them over the counter....:mad:

Fireworks are illegal. Atleast here in New York anyway.

But like with alcohol, drugs or anything made illegal that there is a demand for one of the unintended yet unavoidable consequeces is that you will create a black market for it and everything that goes with it.

Moral of the story, if people want to get their hans on it it's not too hard.


06-Jul-2010, 07:16 PM
see thats the thing. they're illegal in certain counties here, but we're so close to the state line that we get em there and police never follow up on fireworks calls unless ur doing a superbowl pyro display