View Full Version : Rambo first blood real life...

08-Jul-2010, 10:32 AM
Dont know if you americans are hearing about this over there, but the UK news is swamped with the story of this pumped up steroid head bouncer who has gone beserk! He got out of prison last week, shot his ex girlfriend and badly wounded her, killed her new boyfriend, then next day shot a police officer who was parked up doing traffic duties, he's now gone on the run after declaring war on the police & is currently being hunted in the countryside by a huge police force with armoured landrovers, special firearms units & now even the SAS have got involved as well :eek: he claims he will keep on killing police officers until he is dead, hopefully they will bring him down without any further loss of lives.
The worrying part is the amount of plastic gangsta wannabes who are cheering him on & saying he's a legend etc :stunned:

08-Jul-2010, 12:02 PM
Sounds more like The Devil's Rejects to me. Hopefully they get the bastard.

08-Jul-2010, 03:54 PM
Sounds more like The Devil's Rejects to me. Hopefully they get the bastard.

More Like Eat the Rich:


darth los
08-Jul-2010, 04:09 PM
The worrying part is the amount of plastic gangsta wannabes who are cheering him on & saying he's a legend etc :stunned:

Ah yes, the Scarface syndrome. :rolleyes:

I'd love to see these wannabees go a couple of weeks with police protection. Just let anarchy reign for a while.

I'd bet anything it would give them a new appretiation for what it is they do.

I'm not exactly pro cop but i do appreciate the fact that they protect my mom, sisters, my property etc.,. It allows me not to worry about that stuff every second of the day.


08-Jul-2010, 04:28 PM
I often refer these anarchist sorts to places like Darfur and the Congo.

Real, total lawlessness must be fucking terrifying.

As for Roal Moat (Rambo wannabe), I look forward to the police gunning him down like the scum he is.

08-Jul-2010, 05:58 PM
Whens the last time you guys saw first blood? Rambo was persecuted. There was nothing wrong with him at all. :p This is more like hunted with benecio.
That sux though.

08-Jul-2010, 06:05 PM
Whens the last time you guys saw first blood? Rambo was persecuted. There was nothing wrong with him at all. :p This is more like hunted with benecio.
That sux though.

This bloke claims to be persecuted, although its only because he's obviously had a dodgy past & been in a bit of trouble previously! When will the scum of society ever realise that if they behave themselves the police will normally leave them alone?

09-Jul-2010, 07:39 PM
Well they've finally found him, he's now sat with a gun to his head while the police are trying to negotiate with him...watch this space :stunned:

09-Jul-2010, 07:49 PM
Well they've finally found him, he's now sat with a gun to his head while the police are trying to negotiate with him

I only have one thought for this guy...


Ghost Of War
10-Jul-2010, 09:20 AM
Well, he blew his brains out. Good.

10-Jul-2010, 10:28 AM
Yeah the man was clearly an arsehole! Thing is im really suprised by how many people (especially on facebook) are sympathising with him & claiming he was a legend, or that he was the wronged party in this & that his actions were justified :rolleyes: the scrotes always look after their own I suppose, criminals, scum from rough estates & plastic gangsters who have seen too many danny dyer films I reckon...

10-Jul-2010, 03:14 PM
It's just not that simple unfortunately...criminality is rife in certain parts of the country and with certain groups of people - chemical imbalances in the brain and social influence can conspire to create monsters. This is just another one. The idealogy that they should "just behave" isn't indicative of the reality of each individual's route to crime. An unfortunate distraction amongst all of this lies in people who dismiss the causes of criminality as something that's second best to justice.

And it would be prudent to consider justice as a CURE rather than a prevention. That's the problem right there. You've got one half of society who believe that punishment is prevention, and the other half who believe analysis to be the preventative measure. I am part of the latter, I firmly believe that the incentive of prison isn't enough to a human mind that's so strong as to not be affected by it, or to be made worse - and even worse is that some who hold a similar opinion to that see harsher justice as the answer. Just turn it up to 11.

Unfortunately what is needed isn't provided by government or police - it's provided by us, as a society. With strong, ethically minded communities, you stand a much better chance of nipping criminality in the bud, rather than letting it flourish into something like Roaul Moat, or John Venables, or Robert Thompson, or Josef Fritzl. Now even more unfortunate in all this, is further up the ladder of our history as a species, things have gone WAY too far right now, and big societal changes do not remotely happen overnight. Years of hard work is needed - the average human simply has to bring a decent child into the world, but unless massive imbalances in culture, society, law and economics are addressed - we don't stand a chance.

10-Jul-2010, 06:54 PM
Well, he blew his brains out. Good.

And now, allow me to react:


10-Jul-2010, 07:27 PM
This whole incident took a wholly sureal turn when Gazza pitches up at the armed siege with a fishing rod, some food, a few beers and a dressing gown in an attempt to try and talk the guy down...:D


(how the fuck do you post YT vids on here now...I tried using the tab but it just turns out a mess!) :mad:

Edit: s'ok, I've figured it out now, different system to other boards I use. :o

10-Jul-2010, 07:55 PM
Well, he blew his brains out. Good.

Yeah, fantastic isn't it? I know I'm always cheering for someone to kill themselves. It's great excitement.


---------- Post added at 03:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:27 PM ----------

I don't even give them that much credit. It's not playing "God" (like there is one), it's playing SOCIETY. As in, a whole group of people have come together and agreed to live under certain rules. No one person is bigger than the society. When one person thinks they are, and break the rules of that society, fuck them. They should be eliminated immediately.

And now, allow me to react:


Here's your sign...


Wow, you're on a roll aren't you SR?

Oh wait, SR, do you want some popcorn and a coke before watching how this unfolds? I'd hate for you to have to do the snoopy dance at watching someone being killed without some refreshments.

After all, I'm sure she deserved to be killed by the established and valid government that society set up -- after all, she must have broken some crime worthy of capital offense and should be eliminated for her actions.


---------- Post added at 03:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 PM ----------

Unfortunately what is needed isn't provided by government or police - it's provided by us, as a society. With strong, ethically minded communities, you stand a much better chance of nipping criminality in the bud, rather than letting it flourish into something like Roaul Moat, or John Venables, or Robert Thompson, or Josef Fritzl. Now even more unfortunate in all this, is further up the ladder of our history as a species, things have gone WAY too far right now, and big societal changes do not remotely happen overnight. Years of hard work is needed - the average human simply has to bring a decent child into the world, but unless massive imbalances in culture, society, law and economics are addressed - we don't stand a chance.

Extremely well said. I'd replace the bolded word above from "right" to "wrong" but otherwise I agree 100% with what you say here. Things are a complete mess in society.


10-Jul-2010, 08:16 PM
Oh wait, SR, do you want some popcorn and a coke before watching how this unfolds? I'd hate for you to have to do the snoopy dance at watching someone being killed without some refreshments.

After all, I'm sure she deserved to be killed by the established and valid government that society set up -- after all, she must have broken some crime worthy of capital offense and should be eliminated for her actions.

That has what to do with a guy that has publicly engaged in murder? Pretty sure it was him, not the one-armed man. Don't need Scooby and the gang to solve this one. It is blatant, and there is zero "what if" to it.

10-Jul-2010, 08:30 PM
That has what to do with a guy that has publicly engaged in murder? Pretty sure it was him, not the one-armed man. Don't need Scooby and the gang to solve this one. It is blatant, and there is zero "what if" to it.

So it's good to feel joy at the death of a person? That's the point. It's not you individually but in general what's part of what is fucked with the world. A world in which anyone's suicide is celebrated with joy is pretty much a world beyond redemption.


10-Jul-2010, 08:53 PM
So it's good to feel joy at the death of a person?

Damn right. This jackass would have killed you, me, our parents, our fucking dog if he had the chance. He chose to go on a murderous, public rampage. And for no other reason than "my pussy hurts".

"My pussy hurts" is not a reason for a fucking murderous rampage. For fuck's sake, there's not a single one of us here that wouldn't rather be in Star Trek World or whatever, where everyone's beautiful and the only trouble you have is deciding which orgy of joy to participate in today. But you don't see us "declaring war on the police" and going around murdering people. Why? Because we're not lazy, shiftless shitbags, so we simply continue on and attempt to make things better through our own effort, rather than trying to punish everyone else for our shortcomings.

In short, I have no - absoultely ZERO - sympathy for people that think life is like Grand Theft Auto. None. Fuck this guy, and all the others like him. I'm just pissed that they always kill themselves last instead of first.

11-Jul-2010, 09:44 AM
Extremely well said. I'd replace the bolded word above from "right" to "wrong" but otherwise I agree 100% with what you say here. Things are a complete mess in society.


Thanks bro, actually though I meant "right now" as in immediately - not that things have gone "right, now". hehe

---------- Post added at 10:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 AM ----------

So it's good to feel joy at the death of a person? That's the point. It's not you individually but in general what's part of what is fucked with the world. A world in which anyone's suicide is celebrated with joy is pretty much a world beyond redemption.


Yeah I'm with you on that one - its attributable to fox hunting, the pro-fox hunters will claim it's for the good of society - but they're making a fucking sport of it and regularly take enjoyment from seeing a fox terrorised then torn to pieces.

I think what SRP is feeling isn't joy so much as relief that there's one less dangerous scumbag knocking around on the streets - however he's shrouded it in maybe a bit of machoism and bravado (no offence, SRP:)) - and that's a natural thing in humanity it seems. Harks back to gladatorial days...

Trouble is, as part of a progressive society, having people beat their chest in anger about such issues can be detrimental to progress....sorry, just saying.

---------- Post added at 10:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 AM ----------

Damn right. This jackass would have killed you, me, our parents, our fucking dog if he had the chance. He chose to go on a murderous, public rampage. And for no other reason than "my pussy hurts".

"My pussy hurts" is not a reason for a fucking murderous rampage. For fuck's sake, there's not a single one of us here that wouldn't rather be in Star Trek World or whatever, where everyone's beautiful and the only trouble you have is deciding which orgy of joy to participate in today. But you don't see us "declaring war on the police" and going around murdering people. Why? Because we're not lazy, shiftless shitbags, so we simply continue on and attempt to make things better through our own effort, rather than trying to punish everyone else for our shortcomings.

In short, I have no - absoultely ZERO - sympathy for people that think life is like Grand Theft Auto. None. Fuck this guy, and all the others like him. I'm just pissed that they always kill themselves last instead of first.

I know what you're saying - basically you're a fundamentally GOOD person, who believes in peaceful society - so you are blatantly, out and out rejecting this guy and whatever he thinks he stands for because it's just NOT appropriate in society whatsoever, and if he doesn't want to play ball - then get the fuck out. I can dig that, and when analysed in his context then yeah - you're right.

However the approach you can take towards an individual can set yourself up to be pretty close to whatever it is you're rejecting - for instance the nutty christians who kill abortion doctors out of some attempt to preserve life...it's a fine line but ultimately if you let your sense of shock, outrage, and hate take over then you're closer to him than you should be morally in this situation - and that comes to a head when you start singing "ding dong the witch is dead" when someone gets offed - although I agree we've one less wanker filling up the co2 quota but ultimately your well intentioned outrage at the insult to society in general that Roaul Moat displayed can sometimes only be percieved as an outrage that's prepared to meet fire with petrol...!

Ghost Of War
11-Jul-2010, 10:22 AM
Yeah, fantastic isn't it? I know I'm always cheering for someone to kill themselves. It's great excitement.

It's one less murdering scumbag on the streets, as far as I'm concerned. I'd much rather he'd shot himself than carried out his threats of killing members of the public at random. Excited about it? No. Did I cheer when he did it? No. Am I glad he killed himself? Yes, because he was an unhinged murderer who most likely would have killed more people had he had the chance.

11-Jul-2010, 11:06 AM
It's one less murdering scumbag on the streets, as far as I'm concerned. I'd much rather he'd shot himself than carried out his threats of killing members of the public at random. Excited about it? No. Did I cheer when he did it? No. Am I glad he killed himself? Yes, because he was an unhinged murderer who most likely would have killed more people had he had the chance.

Yeah I think that's the most moderate point of view someone can take in this situation, and I agree.
Ideally though I'd like to have seen him give himself up and face the penalty for his crimes.
One thing that I realised is, barely a few weeks after Derick Bird, we get this guy - and I've always believed that mass media hype around these kind of killers just provokes more of them to surface...

11-Jul-2010, 07:58 PM
It's just not that simple unfortunately...criminality is rife in certain parts of the country and with certain groups of people - chemical imbalances in the brain and social influence can conspire to create monsters. This is just another one. The idealogy that they should "just behave" isn't indicative of the reality of each individual's route to crime. An unfortunate distraction amongst all of this lies in people who dismiss the causes of criminality as something that's second best to justice.

Im not really talking about monsters like Moat here though, what I mean is that most of these people who cheered Raoul Moat on because they hate the police, are people who regularly get banged up in the cells on a saturday night for fighting, damaging property while drunk or getting caught with drugs. Or people whose homes get regularly raided by the police because they are involved with drug dealing or theft etc. If they kept out of trouble & learned how to behave themselves then the police wouldnt have to keep intervening & they wouldnt have any reason to hate the police. Sure theres times when us normal law abiding folk dislike the police for not catching people who commit crimes against us, or if we get caught speeding and it seems unreasonable etc, but on the whole I never have any problems with the police because I dont go out deliberately breaking the law. My mate is a police officer & he says most of those with the "all coppers are bastards" attitude are just shit criminals who keep getting caught!

14-Jul-2010, 05:14 PM
Im not really talking about monsters like Moat here though, what I mean is that most of these people who cheered Raoul Moat on because they hate the police, are people who regularly get banged up in the cells on a saturday night for fighting, damaging property while drunk or getting caught with drugs. Or people whose homes get regularly raided by the police because they are involved with drug dealing or theft etc. If they kept out of trouble & learned how to behave themselves then the police wouldnt have to keep intervening & they wouldnt have any reason to hate the police. Sure theres times when us normal law abiding folk dislike the police for not catching people who commit crimes against us, or if we get caught speeding and it seems unreasonable etc, but on the whole I never have any problems with the police because I dont go out deliberately breaking the law. My mate is a police officer & he says most of those with the "all coppers are bastards" attitude are just shit criminals who keep getting caught!

ah right, yeah those meatheads that rally around these type of situations are the very kids out on the street edging on fights that they'll never be a part of - bored trouble makers on their way to jail....

Again though their sense of right and wrong is probably as distorted as Moat's himself - those nasty little chav twats have no sense of empathy, and no sense of respect - and that's the problem with society today - the lack of those two things and also shame, have lead us down a dark path - and asking them to "learn" to behave is like asking a nun to show you her sex toys - aint gonna happen, well it might, then it'd be awesome - so the analogy stands :)