View Full Version : Cinemassacre (AVGN) visit the NOTLD cemetery...

13-Jul-2010, 10:04 AM

Enjoy. :)

13-Jul-2010, 12:07 PM
So the AVGN is a huge Ghostbusters fan AND a Romero fan? Seperated at birth?:p

Great Video.

13-Jul-2010, 12:15 PM
Nice video. Visiting that location is on my bucket list.

13-Jul-2010, 03:46 PM
i still have a sneaking suspicion he post's on here, or at least lurks...

13-Jul-2010, 03:51 PM
i still have a sneaking suspicion he post's on here, or at least lurks...
Well if he does, then allow me to say that I love watching his videos, not just AVGN but his other things too like tours (the GB one was excellent), the one about their (James and Mike) film collection (e.g. 8mm, 16mm films etc), and "Board James" (that Mr Bucket one creeped me out big time).

This is a spiffing video tour for all us GAR fans - the B&W was a nice touch, as was taking shots from the movie and positioning it side-by-side with their footage so we could properly orient ourselves. :)

I also liked how they showed how they shot the sequence in such a way that's totally different to the geography of the location. I've personally not seen that tidbit commented on before.

13-Jul-2010, 03:55 PM
Needs moar motherfucker mike though.:lol:

13-Jul-2010, 03:56 PM
i still have a sneaking suspicion he post's on here, or at least lurks...

Wait, if you don't mind my asking, what Screen Name did he used to post under?

13-Jul-2010, 03:57 PM
(the GB one was excellent),

It really was. I think they covered every exterior New York location for BOTH films. Dude really does his homework...

13-Jul-2010, 04:02 PM
It really was. I think they covered every exterior New York location for BOTH films. Dude really does his homework...

Tip-ruddy-top, so it was. Very impressive and filled with fan-love that I could totally relate to and geek out over. :thumbsup:

Needs moar motherfucker mike though.:lol:

Gotta love Motherfucker Mike! :cool:

fulci fan
15-Jul-2010, 06:05 PM
I was actually standing right next to Mike and James at Monster Bash. I didn't even remember he was a big monster fan so I wasn't really looking for him. :(

15-Jul-2010, 09:31 PM
Just watched this myself this morning... great video. This guy is super cool.
I wonder which gravestone Johnny really hit his head on...

(apply directly to the forehead)

16-Jul-2010, 02:32 AM
I wonder which gravestone Johnny really hit his head on...

If you watched the Locations of the Dead supplement on the Autopsy of the Dead DVD you would know :D All the locations from the film are visited and compared in detail then/now.


21-Jul-2010, 07:40 PM
This is a spiffing video tour for all us GAR fans - the B&W was a nice touch, as was taking shots from the movie and positioning it side-by-side with their footage so we could properly orient ourselves. :)
You fellers are easily amused.

The exact same location coverage (except in far more detail and sans bumbling commentary) can be found in Autopsy of the Dead.

Here's a sample:


Look at that! We actually found the basement, too:

Who better to have as your tour guide than Kyra? :D

21-Jul-2010, 07:55 PM
Booooring. Bumbling commentary for the win!:lol:

21-Jul-2010, 08:14 PM
No doubt that you would prefer watching two males over a female. :p