View Full Version : For F***'s sake... anything but this!!!!

08-Jun-2006, 08:21 AM

Why is New Line remaking BATTLE ROYALE???? Fine, remake The Grudge, Remake The Ring, but please, never remake Battle Royale!!!

08-Jun-2006, 09:01 AM
Ahhhhh geeeeeez, I don't understand why they bother wasting the time and money, I really don't. Battle Royale made a successful and mainstream Western release, so why on earth bother? Why try and mess with perfection? All they should do is add an English dubbed soundtrack - I prefer those.

You just know this is going to be splashed all over MTV and will be thrown in for the ADHD audience...geez.

Of course, wherever a remake goes, the original will follow - often referred to as a "cult classic" or "the better of the two". And of course, the originals only go down in cinematic history unless the remake was truly something great.

08-Jun-2006, 09:04 AM
I'm gonna bet that they will hire pretty hollywood actors and actresses who can't act and who don't know their a**holes from their elbows...

If they have to remake it though, please get Kenta Fukasaku (son of the original director) to direct and write it!!

09-Jun-2006, 12:09 AM
hollywood will of course mess up another cool flick

09-Jun-2006, 12:54 PM

Why is New Line remaking BATTLE ROYALE???? Fine, remake The Grudge, Remake The Ring, but please, never remake Battle Royale!!!

I know you will kill me Cykotic but I never heard of the movie:eek: