View Full Version : Angry Dad Throws Toddler into Oncoming Traffic - WTF!?

16-Jul-2010, 08:13 PM
I only wish I was making this up...


OAKLAND, Calif. -- A 21-year-old man was arrested over the weekend after Oakland police said he threw his 18-month-old daughter into oncoming traffic.

Police said the horrific incident started around 5:30 p.m. Saturday when an off duty police officer witnessed John Taylor pick up his daughter, shook her and then tossed her into moving traffic.

The child, who lives with her mother but was visiting her father for the weekend, was hit by a Volkswagen Jetta; however, she was not seriously injured.

Authorities say Taylor then fled on foot and the off-duty officer gave chase while neighbors assisted the toddler.

Police said as he ran, Taylor smashed the windshield of many vehicles.

When on-duty officers arrived witnesses said they had to Taser Taylor in order to control him.

WHAT....THE....FUCK?! :mad:

16-Jul-2010, 08:33 PM
This is the kind of shit that makes my stomach turn.:|

puts that dog kicker thread to shame...

16-Jul-2010, 08:36 PM
There really is an Anger Management issue in this country, isn't there?

16-Jul-2010, 08:54 PM
puts that dog kicker thread to shame...

Where do you think this guy most likely honed his skills for abuse of defenseless creatures?

16-Jul-2010, 08:56 PM
The dog kicker just needs to be smacked around. This piece of shit needs to shot in the back of the head and thrown into a garbage dump.

16-Jul-2010, 10:04 PM
wow, my california people are going nuts. welp, at least it wasnt so cal.

16-Jul-2010, 10:13 PM
This is the kind of shit that makes my stomach turn.:|

puts that dog kicker thread to shame...

That's what I was thinking when I read it.

When I read things like this, it just... I don't know. It certainly shakes my faith in humanity. Well, at least some of humanity.

That bastard should be put away for attempted murder - no trial, no questions asked, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

16-Jul-2010, 10:17 PM
incidents like this make think that some people ought to be banned from reproducing. what a fucking loser.

16-Jul-2010, 11:32 PM
I dunno....children are really annoying.....


17-Jul-2010, 01:20 AM
Some people just fail at life. Throwing a toddler into traffic... Jesus. There is a certain segment of society that just seems incapable of dealing with problems or adversity in life by means of anything other than animal aggression. They have no planning abilities, critical thinking and communication skills, or even any semblance of intelligent willpower and self-awareness. They are led through life from moment to moment by unpredictable base urges (say, the urge to fuck their girlfriend's sister/friend, the urge to punch their girlfriend's lights out, the urge to take a shotgun and go on a suicidal rampage, etc.) which they can neither control nor responsibly account for after the fact. The worst thing you could do with one of these walking shitstorms is to leave them to care for a crying, shitting proto-human 24/7, but the sad thing is that these emotionally stunted cretins are usually just as incapable of controlling their sexual urges, or using contraception (or indeed making any conscious choices regarding long term outcomes), and are therefore more likely to find themselves in that very situation than anyone else.

Hence, the Baby Peters and traffic tossed toddlers of this world. :(

By the way, what's with the journalist moving between past and present tense like that? Weird. I could do a better job.

17-Jul-2010, 03:02 AM
Unfortunately, it seems that proper English (or American-English) is slowly becoming less and less important to the educators of the children of the USA.
If people take over like this child-abusing maniac in this country (like the film Idiocracy seems to think they will), then God help us all.
Good film, I thought. Makes a point.

17-Jul-2010, 05:09 AM
wowwww and I just posted in the abused dog thread today.

This guy needs to have his balls cut off so he cant procreate again and put in jail where they "take care of people like him!!"
ooooh I am sooo pissed give me five minutes with this turd of a subhuman!!
If he couldn't handle keeping his child even for alittle while then WHY take her????
18 months old oooh my goodness:mad::mad::mad:
I hope he is put in jail with some guy affectionally called "Big BUBBA" and he kicks the piss right out of him!!! There is no excuse for this type of behavior by ANYBODY!!!
yes children can get to you, that is when you take them somewhere safe or you leave room!!! or take them to grandparents or some friend, if you can't even handle yourself to do that than you adopt them out, not throw them into traffic!!!!