View Full Version : Abu Musab al-Zarqawi Dies in Bombing Attack

08-Jun-2006, 08:25 AM

Its been a while since we got a big fish. bin laden would be a nice encore.


08-Jun-2006, 01:08 PM
Several more to go.

Till the war is over...

08-Jun-2006, 03:23 PM

Its been a while since we got a big fish. bin laden would be a nice encore.


1 down 250 to go.

i'm glad they pasted his sad despotic ass, but this is more than likely going to cause an increase in violence and just kill more innocent iraquis.

08-Jun-2006, 06:25 PM
So he blames bush because his money grubbing son decided to go to a NOTORIOUSLY instable(unstable?) area of the world to grab high $ for his telecommunications business? what a dick... newsflash: your son gambled and LOST! his choice, his fault, his mistake, his life...end of story... Bye Mitch, use your son's death to further your career, you prick...

I agree with you. It was unfortuate Nick Berg had to die so horribly, but he made the choice to go into a region overflowing with American hating terrorist @$$holes. I would have quit my f**king job before being forced to take a 50/50 chance of survival. Then for his father to try and further his career over his son's death, in one word... sick.

:dead: Dawg

08-Jun-2006, 07:15 PM
Then the father of nick berg (who happens to be running for office)

Isn't he running on some third party "Committee to live our lives on our knees" ticket?


08-Jun-2006, 09:53 PM
WooWoo!! I heard this at work and I gave the next customer's order for free. She didn't know who the guy was, of course, but it's OK. Now no one else needs to learn this scumbag's name.

09-Jun-2006, 12:47 AM
I try not to take joy in anyone's death...but...what the hell :evil:

That felt good.

I do agree that this will, unfortunately, cause an up tick in violence.

09-Jun-2006, 05:45 AM
Douchebag gets pwned! I wonder if he heard the bombs before the wiped his subhuman a-- from this planet?

10-Jun-2006, 01:31 AM
Supposedly the bomb had a delay. It was a penetrating weapon, so I figure the scumbag had at least a second to go "JIHAD JIHAD!" before it turned his lower body into hamburger. Good. I wish he'd have had a little longer (say an hour or so) and was slowly turned into hamburger by one of those sausage-making machines.

10-Jun-2006, 02:43 AM
I wish something would've happened during the bombing which would have decapitated his head clean off the body. That would've been ironic enough to my liking.