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View Full Version : KROKUS is BACK!

17-Jul-2010, 07:26 PM


they still sound the same, and its the original lineup we all saw once they made it big

19-Jul-2010, 07:33 AM
Awesome band. I've got Metal Rendezvous through The Blitz on vinyl.

19-Jul-2010, 07:20 PM
lucky bastard, they werent in the lime light long enough when i was a kid for me to grow up watching them. but i listened to alot of their songs after i heard the hoodoo cd and marc storace sounds no different. its kinda scary

19-Jul-2010, 07:37 PM
I liked everything from their debut 'till The Blitz. After that I kinda lost interest.

Headhunter, however, will forever remain my favorite Krokus disc.

Screaming in the Night? Headhunter? Eat The Rich? fuckin' classics...

major jay
19-Jul-2010, 08:23 PM
I'm not that big a fan, BUT two of their songs (Celebration & Easy Rocker) are on the soundtrack of one of the screwiest exploitation movies I've ever seen. MAD FOXES!

Here's the trailer with Easy Rocker playing in the background.


Btw, the lead actor is the same guy who starred in HELL OF THE LIVING DEAD.

19-Jul-2010, 08:23 PM
they double billed a concert with ac/dc recently, and all this time people said "the bands sound nothing alike" :rolleyes:

19-Jul-2010, 08:36 PM
they double billed a concert with ac/dc recently, and all this time people said "the bands sound nothing alike" :rolleyes:

That was my first thought when I first saw this thread but I was decided to be nice and keep my mouth shut.

Sounds like an AC/DC rip off. Which is a bad thing, imo.

19-Jul-2010, 11:33 PM
That was my first thought when I first saw this thread but I was decided to be nice and keep my mouth shut.

Sounds like an AC/DC rip off. Which is a bad thing, imo.

most people dont know marc was almost the lead singer for ac/dc when bon died. it was between him, brian and one other person. in the end,marc decided to go with krokus instead.

theres a few bands that sound just like ac/dc. u got jackyl,accept,krokus, and rhinobucket which has former ac/dc drummer simon wright.

some of those bands just have a sound alike singer, the others have that and the same kind of chord progression.

see journey and giuffria also

20-Jul-2010, 02:59 AM
Thread moved.

20-Jul-2010, 03:34 AM
theres a few bands that sound just like ac/dc. u got jackyl,accept,krokus, and rhinobucket

Don't forget Rose Tattoo, far more AC/DC-esque than those bands.

20-Jul-2010, 12:40 PM
theres a few bands that sound just like ac/dc. u got jackyl,accept,krokus, and rhinobucket which has former ac/dc drummer simon wright.

Rhino Bucket.. wow.. those guys, if you wanna hear bon scott era vocals and almost a carbon-copy of AC/DC's songs, they're the band to listen to. If I didn't know any better, I'd think their singer (Georg Dolivo) was bon scott reincarnated. I dig 'em. "Get Used to It" was a fantastic disc.