View Full Version : At last! Simpler tax in the UK!?!

20-Jul-2010, 11:16 AM
This has been one of my bugbears for MANY years now! How stupid our taxation system is!

How much money must we waste administering such a complex system. Add this, unless this is the case, but then you take this away, unless that needs to be added, in which case you take this away... It's just a huge complicated pit into which so much money must be wasted!!

Make it simpler!!!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-10691779

20-Jul-2010, 12:29 PM
A simplification would be most welcome. I can't understand the tax form I have to fill in, so I get my Dad to help out with it. The whole thing is nonsense - as you say - needlessly complicated and fiddly.

It should be made brick-simple and left alone. Why does everything have to be meddled with all the time? All that meddling just means that eventually it'll get so bad that someone will have to come along and spend a bunch of time and money simplifying it all over again, rather than just keeping simple things ticking over year-after-year while investing time, effort and money into something new and useful.

I see there's a group of people up in arms about "how dare Jeremy Hunt challenge the BBC's £3.5billion-a-year!" ... I mean wtf. To think that something like the BBC - a (compulsory) publically funded corporation - couldn't use simplification, stream-lining, and being capable of achieving more-for-less, is nothing short of tribalist bullshit.

They make some of my favourite shows, but seeing as the compulsory license fee is always increasing, and that spending on programming output has fallen, while spending on managers and bureaucracy has increased, then well ... it's a piss take that some feel it shouldn't be looked at openly, honestly and properly to see how you can streamline the service generally, provide a better service for the tax payer, as well as provide a better deal for the tax payer.

A bit unrelated, but it just sprung to mind.