View Full Version : Another case of animal cruelty...

20-Jul-2010, 01:54 PM
From the Russians this time..
http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Donkey-Parasails-Over-Russian-Beach-Cruel-Video-Of-Abusive-Publicity-Stunt-In-Golubitskaya/Article/201007315667950?lpos=World_News_Carousel_Region_4&lid=ARTICLE_15667950_Donkey_Parasails_Over_Russian _Beach%3A_Cruel_Video_Of_Abusive_Publicity_Stunt_I n_Golubitskaya

Reading the comments below that story, theres the usual tossers saying "its only a donkey, it probably enjoyed it" or "why are people getting so wound up about this when its just an animal" etc, well I say "fuck you" to those people, "only a donkey" is no excuse for doing what they did. Im fully aware there is animal cruely going on all over the world at any given moment, but that doesnt mean its acceptable & shouldnt be stopped. Grips my shit :mad:

20-Jul-2010, 02:07 PM
From the Russians this time..

Can't say I'm surprised.

20-Jul-2010, 02:37 PM
Must've read this story before the stupid comments - it's sickening, how could anyone do that to an animal? and for a publicity stunt?

No such thing as bad publicity? Ha, we've found the exception to the rule.

As for people's comments - one thing I've realised when reading them is people always divert their opinions to the most extreme scenario they can think of - when they are angry at a murder they will instantly scream and bash their chests for the death penalty, for instance - usually the kind of murders that provoke a huge public response - no one ever rucks up to a news site and says "yeah it's a shame this happened and I'm very glad this person has been imprisoned for this amount of time"