View Full Version : Admit it - you wish every game had a 'super easy' mode

21-Jul-2010, 12:52 PM

The "Duck Hunt" one had me cracking up. :D

21-Jul-2010, 01:07 PM
*awaiting mz's response...*


21-Jul-2010, 03:49 PM
Yeah, me too - c'mon MZ!

Lou ---> http://enderzero.net/smilies/poke.gif <---- MZ


21-Jul-2010, 04:46 PM
Yeah, me too - c'mon MZ!

Lou ---> http://enderzero.net/smilies/poke.gif <---- MZ


Quit poking the man.. its going to leave a mark.

DJ ----> http://enderzero.net/smilies/poke.gif <---- MZ


21-Jul-2010, 04:52 PM

I'm covered in poking dents! Lay off, ya damn pokey bastards!

Funnily enough, I was waiting for hellsing to come in and bitch me out - but you know what, not everybody wants to be challenged by a videogame. Some don't want to worry about health or ammo or whatever, they just want to enjoy the game for the story, the graphics, the gameplay and the things you get to see and do ... not for the challenge.

The point in having different difficulty levels is so that you cater for all sorts - those that just want to enjoy the game, and those that just play on normal, and those who have so retardedly masochistic desire to replay the same 10 second portion a million times before they manage to scrape by having only hurled their controller through the window three times in the last hour.


As for the video - fucking hilarious, but even I wouldn't want that easy a time of it in a videogame. :p

21-Jul-2010, 05:33 PM
As for the video - fucking hilarious, but even I wouldn't want that easy a time of it in a videogame. :p

c'mon man, who wouldn't want to play Duck Hunt with a freakin' massive machine gun like that! :lol:

Sorry 'bout all the poke marks, MZ. They'll heal up in a few weeks, no worries. :D

21-Jul-2010, 05:35 PM
c'mon man, who wouldn't want to play Duck Hunt with a freakin' massive machine gun like that! :lol:

Sorry 'bout all the poke marks, MZ. They'll heal up in a few weeks, no worries. :D
Okay to be fair, Duck Hunt turned into "Duck Genocidal Massacre" with a mini gun would be awesome. :D

21-Jul-2010, 05:38 PM
I liked the Mike Tyson's Punchout! parody.

21-Jul-2010, 05:49 PM
okay to be fair, duck hunt turned into "duck genocidal massacre" with a mini gun would be awesome. :d

Game on! :D

21-Jul-2010, 06:32 PM
:lol: "nine year old with leukemia" in MK.

If my games had this level of difficulty...I would play it. I like playing on easy, damn it.

21-Jul-2010, 06:44 PM
Back when I actually had a game system about 15 years ago (the Super Nintendo) I used to play "Sim City" all the time. It was my favorite game to play and I used the game genie all the time for unlimited money.

I used to build up these huge cities and then destroy them by earthquakes/Godzilla/fire, etc. It was like playing God, it was fun. :)


fulci fan
21-Jul-2010, 07:12 PM
Mortal Kombat and Punch out were the best. :lol:

21-Jul-2010, 07:13 PM
OMG, I haven't heard about the Game Genie since I had my Sega Genesis! I used it to cheat my way through so many games... and I don't think I ever played without it again after I bought it! :D

fulci - yeah, the mortal kombat was hilarious with the kid in the wheelchair - but I wanted to see his finishing move! :lol:

21-Jul-2010, 07:21 PM
but you know what, not everybody wants to be challenged by a videogame.

indeed. if i want to be challenged by something, i'll read henry james or huxley. video games are for mindless entertainment, simply that and nothing more.

21-Jul-2010, 07:55 PM
Back when I actually had a game system about 15 years ago (the Super Nintendo) I used to play "Sim City" all the time. It was my favorite game to play and I used the game genie all the time for unlimited money.

I used to build up these huge cities and then destroy them by earthquakes/Godzilla/fire, etc. It was like playing God, it was fun. :)


You should have tried the game Populous on SNES. You WERE God!

21-Jul-2010, 08:06 PM
You should have tried the game Populous on SNES. You WERE God!

Populous was an EXCELLENT game. I miss playing it now that you mention it. :(

22-Jul-2010, 01:30 AM
Populous was an EXCELLENT game. I miss playing it now that you mention it. :(

Mr. I have my own ARCADE Machine with 20,000,000 games and you don't have POPULOUS????


22-Jul-2010, 05:42 AM
"Well done, mortal". I think that is how the line went.

22-Jul-2010, 12:25 PM
Mr. I have my own ARCADE Machine with 20,000,000 games and you don't have POPULOUS????


My arcade machine plays ARCADE games. Populous was a PC game you dink! :lol: :D

btw, I only have around 6000 games on the arcade machine, so :p :lol:

22-Jul-2010, 05:59 PM
"super-easy"? right. because, for when easy is just a bit too hard you need this.

Why not just take away any challenge and risk of failure and just set up a screensaver instead. That way you dont even need your hands, just sit there and stare at a screen for an extended period of time, placated and truncated from any possible mental stimulation.

See, this is why we have games like demon's souls advertised as "OMG IS SOOO HARD" when it isn't.

People seem to forget back in the day where if you died it was an actual GAME OVER and you had to restart from the beginning. I dont exactly want that back but when you can save every second you want, reload whenever you want, have so much more creative freedom on how to deal with challenges in modern games simply through the use of modern environments no i don't need all the enemies in a shooter to die from one shot to the foot and be a walking tank who soaks up bullets.

If there is no challenge, there is no accomplishment, the story is more satisfying when you earned it than when you can sit half brain dead and just press buttons for a few hours to go through levels and beat a game and then just wait to restart the process all over again.

This is why we have xbox achievements for watching starting cutscenes and shit.:rolleyes:


22-Jul-2010, 06:17 PM
Why not just take away any challenge and risk of failure and just set up a screensaver instead. That way you dont even need your hands, just sit there and stare at a screen for an extended period of time, placated and truncated from any possible mental stimulation.

Isn't that called watching a television and/or movie?



22-Jul-2010, 06:28 PM
Isn't that called watching a television and/or movie?



no, the press the red button ads count as a quicktime event.:lol:

23-Jul-2010, 09:41 AM
Jesus hellsing, the video is a joke ... stop being so Al Gore super-serial.

23-Jul-2010, 10:06 AM
That sounds an awful lot like what a manbearpig would say....

23-Jul-2010, 12:01 PM
Hellsing, I understand what you're saying, but I also think games have changed a lot. Back in the day when games were basically red squares against blue squares, yeah it was all about the challenge.

Recently, games are becoming more and more cinematic. Rather than the older games where it was entirely about the challenge, now there is more of a movie-styled approach to telling a compelling story. It's also about the experience rather than JUST the challenge.

If I look back at the games i've personally been playing the last few years....they're really long movies. So in that sense, it's not that big of a deal whether you're on expert or easy. Set it on regular and enjoy the story without the frustration of having to start over and over again.

It also probably has to do with me being a more casual gamer and not giving a shit about the achievements, but that's my .02

23-Jul-2010, 01:32 PM
Bassman is right.

Y'know what I wanna know? What actually happened to game CHEATS? Not this "achievement" bullshit (which personally, i think is stupid and worthless. "catch 20 files in your mouth while riding your horse back to the whorehouse? achievement awarded!" What the FUCK kind of useless shit is that? I guess when you label it an 'achievement' you feel like you accomplished something. As far as I'm concerned, you accomplish something when you beat the game. I realize this stuff adds a bit more for you to do in the game and perhaps give it a bit of a longer life, however, I remember when you could enter a code and get unlimited ammo, unlimited armor, etc, etc. Where did all that go? Hell man, I thought video game companies made bank off that - make the game, put a shitload of codes in it, then sell books that had the codes and make even more $. I understand that might be harder to do in the internet age, but I STILL MISS MY FUCKING CHEAT CODES.

I know, I know, some of you are going to say RDR has cheats in it - yeah, and it shuts down everything else in the game while you play with the cheats on (not that I care about the 'achievements' ) but still, it's not the same. I wouldn't expect the stats to stick if you were playing on M$ Live or something, but I think that if I'm playing single player by myself, I see no reason why I can't mess with cheats. WTF?!

The whole 'achievement' thing needs to be thrown out a window and left 4 dead (*snicker*). Most achievements are fucking retarded anyway.

23-Jul-2010, 02:18 PM
I don't mind achievements, I'm just sick of people bitching about how they should be able to complete every single one.

Way to pull the bar down for the rest of the world! :lol:

24-Jul-2010, 10:28 AM

The "Duck Hunt" one had me cracking up. :D
Too fucking funny. Litterally LOL, and I am not kidding.

24-Jul-2010, 12:51 PM
*The point in having different difficulty levels is so that you cater for all sorts - those that just want to enjoy the game, and those that just play on normal, and those who have so retardedly masochistic desire to replay the same 10 second portion a million times before they manage to scrape by having only hurled their controller through the window three times in the last hour.


Yeah Dara o' Briain said it best himself - and basically iterated the same points as you - he doesn't want to play a game to be frustrated to fuck throughout, he wants to ENJOY it - and with no super easy mode, there's content that he just won't be able to see.

If you've bought a game then I say you're entitled to see the content even if you're the kinda person who's either not skilled at games or just doesn't play enough to become worthy of "veteran" mode.

Personally for me, I go for the hardest difficulty straight away - then I work down if it's too tough, like Dead Space - I like the challenge personally but I can definitely see myself in the past being frustrated with certain checkpoints in COD because I've been playing the same bit over and over and over - theme park level on Veteran? Still haven't managed that one!!

---------- Post added at 01:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 PM ----------

I have to say though, that video was absolute genius.

25-Jul-2010, 03:06 PM
Some games I like the challenge and sense of accomplishment (L4D2 on Advanced - yea baby) and some I just wanna play without any frustration (L4D2 on Easy - yea baby).

If ya want the duck hunt on super easy then pick up Serious Sam.