View Full Version : Snow 2010...

23-Jul-2010, 12:40 PM
Seeing as it was the summer, I thought I'd be all seasonal and cut together a little video of when it snowed quite heavily (for Britain) back in January. :D


23-Jul-2010, 12:56 PM
Snow is White Satan, if I never see snow again I'll die a happy person.

I HATE snow. Thank God I live in east Tennessee and I very rarely ever have to see it.


11-Aug-2010, 08:05 PM
Wait, you wanna talk about SNOW?!

This is how it started back at the beginning of this year on an unsuspecting January/Friday night near Baltimore, Maryland in the U.S. (yeah, that's my Beamer in the lower-left of the pic.. :lol:):


Then it progressed to this the next day (2+ FEET of snow! Where'd the BMW go?!):


Then a few days later, guess what? ANOTHER two feet of snow before the previous two feet were even plowed or removed!


Mind you, in that last pic, it was a day after the 2nd snow (first hit on a Friday into Saturday, then another storm his us on Tuesday through Wednesday - this pic was taken on Thursday) - and that fence you see? a 4 foot fence that divides my neighbors yard from mine. :stunned:

All I can say is... FUCK SNOW! I like the cold weather, and I do like snow, but this shit was off the hook.

11-Aug-2010, 09:26 PM
Got pretty bad down here too.


not that i care, i love me the cold weather, built for it. fucking hot weather like the last few months has me hanging over my desk with a foul mood and a partial jewfro. :lol:

11-Aug-2010, 09:32 PM
Living in the south we don't get too much snow, but once or twice a year we get a nice coating of ice on everything and the locals go nuts.

"How do we survive for a few days while ice is on the road?!?!?" :dead:

11-Aug-2010, 11:11 PM
I only live around 1.5 hours from Lou and Deej, so I got about the same as them, if not more.


That was before it even got bad.

This is one week later...


And this is one MONTH later...


11-Aug-2010, 11:56 PM
Living in the south we don't get too much snow, but once or twice a year we get a nice coating of ice on everything and the locals go nuts.

"How do we survive for a few days while ice is on the road?!?!?" :dead:

Ah, Bass, living in Georgia you know the answer to this...

We all rally at the local grocery store to buy eggs, bread, and milk -- because the best way of getting through having to be possibly trapped at home for awhile is to buy the stuff that goes bad faster than anything else you could buy.


12-Aug-2010, 10:44 AM
Lou - well I did say it was bad for Britain. :p

hellsing - same here, I'm a cold weather person, I can't stand heat and especially humidity. It's easier to keep warm than to keep cool, especially as household air conditioning isn't really something we do here in the UK.

Mike - I love your garden snow fridge! :D

12-Aug-2010, 12:41 PM
Lou - well I did say it was bad for Britain. :p


True... I think I told you about the horrific snow (I think it was one of the delays for the TIDOZM score, wasn't it? Or is my short-term memory short-circuiting again?!) we had this year, so you just knew I had to bring out those pics.. :D We've had some BIG snows here in Maryland, but nothing like THAT and not two of them a few days apart! That was the most wicked snowstorm I've ever seen in my 39 years as an air-breather. :D

Mike - that's pretty amazing, the month later pic. I wish I would've taken some pictures of the snow that was still in my front yard weeks after those two storms. I think the pile of snow on the corner of my yard (we live on the corner of an intersection here) was still piled up from the plows at least 6 weeks after the snow.. just unreal. Those same snow piles from the plows were at least 10 feet high, if not higher. I have a few pics of the stop sign out in front of my house and the snow is piled up to about 3" from the bottom of the sign. Now that I think about it, are most signed 10 feet high or 12? Either way, a shit-ton of snow, and I never ever want to see snow like that again. :lol:

12-Aug-2010, 01:20 PM
We all rally at the local grocery store to buy eggs, bread, and milk -- because the best way of getting through having to be possibly trapped at home for awhile is to buy the stuff that goes bad faster than anything else you could buy.


You nailed it man. Same shit happens here too. I'll go just to get one of those products because I actually need them....and it will all be gone. They'll buy them out just if they hear a thunderstorm is on it's way. Its insane.

Then if there is ice on the roads, some people will try driving that have no business driving on ice! It's not that difficult if you know what you're doing, but the roads will be litered with wrecked cars in the ditch....

Fuckin southerners.:p

12-Aug-2010, 08:16 PM
It's easier to keep warm than to keep cool

heh, all the time i say "It's easier to warm up than cool down". :lol:

12-Aug-2010, 08:19 PM
well I did say it was bad for Britain. :p

Hell yeah, that satellite view of the Isles, all snow-coated, someone posted this winter was insane given what's average for you all.