View Full Version : Self hypnosis..

24-Jul-2010, 10:37 PM
Has anyone here ever given it a go? I downloaded an app for my new phone a couple of nights ago which said it would help me sleep (I've had problems sleeping for years which really affects me at times when I'm getting by on a couple of hours a night), I was sceptical as to whether it would work, I just thought I'd give it a whirl for the hell of it really while im playing with my new phone! anyway it put me out like a light & I slept undisturbed for hours longer than I ever do normally! I remember putting my headphones in to listen to it but dont even remember feeling sleepy,next thing I knew it was morning! The recording it plays is a bloke talking through relaxation & breathing & telling you that you feel sleepy over some relaxing music, nothing more than that. Weird how these things work & how the mind is open to suggestion :confused:

24-Jul-2010, 10:46 PM
I've been dealing with a bit more stress than normal, either stuff thats work related, or still dealing with things like my mothers attempt at committing suicide a while back so ive been more into zazen meditation than usual and ive found the iphone sleepmaker apps are full on putting me to sleep instead of just calming me down and letting me focus. They were like streams and thunderstorms and stuff and it gets me a little paranoid about suggestion and stuff.
I know someone who got a white noise machine for his wife and being a sound engineer noticed there was a second, repeating sound below what she was hearing in this white noise machine. You can bet he stopped her using it fast. :lol:

24-Jul-2010, 11:04 PM
Yeah, I've tried most of the stuff mentioned here already. None of it worked for me. I've tried the soothing voice thing over calm music, didn't help. I even tried buddhist meditation, like Hellsing mentioned. It's all placebo as far as I'm concerned.

What puts me to sleep? The same thing that's put people to sleep for hundreds of years. Excercise. Go out, take a stroll, jog. Your muscles will loosen, your stress levels will lower and your body will thank you for it. But people today are just out for the quick fix. Sigh... Damnit. I hate new age bullcrap.

24-Jul-2010, 11:11 PM
Yeah, I've tried most of the stuff mentioned here already. None of it worked for me. I've tried the soothing voice thing over calm music, didn't help. I even tried buddhist meditation, like Hellsing mentioned. It's all placebo as far as I'm concerned.

What puts me to sleep? The same thing that's put people to sleep for hundreds of years. Excercise. Go out, take a stroll, jog. Your muscles will loosen, your stress levels will lower and your body will thank you for it. But people today are just out for the quick fix. Sigh... Damnit. I hate new age bullcrap.

aint that the truth. im not the most athletic guy but i know you do no exercise whatsoever you are doing no good to your health, troubles is nowadays people only think of exercising for one reason, to lose weight and look better' and then they still dont do it when they will just eat a yoghurt and drink a yakkult or something instead of just walking a few miles a day or even doing a few sit ups.

24-Jul-2010, 11:17 PM
It's not only bad for your fitness, it's also bad for your bone and muscle structure. Eating some new shitty yoghurt ain't gonna save your back and shoulders from poor maintenance, bitches! (I yell this to everyone I see buying yoghurt)

25-Jul-2010, 07:19 AM
Exercise doesn't do a lot for my sleep to be honest,I weight train almost daily and go for long walks with my dogs (5 - 6 miles) every other night but as much as I look and feel better for it,it doesn't switch my brain off! I've used sleeping tablets plenty of times in the past when I've got to the point of being too tired to function,but they always make me feel like crap the next day. I don't think the sleep app actually puts you in a hypnotic trance,but it does seem to coach you to shut down all that brain chatter so you can just drop off