View Full Version : What else do you think deserves the walking dead treatment?

25-Jul-2010, 05:14 AM
I think the walking deads gonna be bigger than we expect and i think thats gonna open doors for other series' to be adapted into a tv show instead of the last decade of poorely reworked plots for movies.

Two thoughts i had was another attempt at 30 days of night, for one there was plenty more story after the movie, for two its vampires, thats gonna get them a baseline of ratings form the off.

What i would like to see is Y the last man. Which is rumored to be an unfortunate shitty one off starring shia laboufe when it deserves so much better.

For those who don't know its about Yorick brown and his pet ape ampersand. As he proposes to his girlfriend who is on vacation in the australian outback something happens. Something that causes everything with a Y chromosome to drop dead.
Except Yorick and his monkey.
Naturally the world goes into a panick. For every group of women trying to restore order as fast as possible you have groups like the amazons who all burn off there left breast and proclaim mother nature decided man was an abomination she has finally wiped out.
Yorick gets to his mother, a senator taking temporary role as the president and she sends him with the mysterious 'agent 355' to go find a cloning/feritlity expert to try and save mankind. But they have enemies who don't want this to happen.
Meanwhile yorick just want's to find his fiance who the last we saw was trapped in the outback.

It was a totally rad 60 issue series and a movie won't do it nearly as much justice that a series would and i think the reason all news on the project has gone silent is because there waiting to see how the walking dead will do in a few months.
I would bet good money that when it does HBO or someone else will pick it up for a series.

and i will schplirt myself.

25-Jul-2010, 04:38 PM
Comics..? Umm..... Bananaman?

25-Jul-2010, 05:29 PM
Comics..? Umm..... Bananaman?

nah, its gotta be DANGERMOUSE

25-Jul-2010, 05:56 PM

Seriously, what?

Okay, Looney Tunes.

25-Jul-2010, 07:35 PM
The Last American


Could be done as a 3 hour "mini series"


Metalzoic would also be a good shout, would need to be animated/CGI though

25-Jul-2010, 07:51 PM
Meh, I'm happy either way. . .my favorite book series is geing made into a show on HBO (Game of Thrones) and of course we all know about Walking Dead. I dunno. . . . .Novel wise I would like to see the Gunslinger made into a cable series. And then comic wise. . . well I think Kirkman's other series would be pretty cool. . .Invincible. It could be sort of a better Smallville with a sick twist.

25-Jul-2010, 08:58 PM
Meh, I'm happy either way. . .my favorite book series is geing made into a show on HBO (Game of Thrones) and of course we all know about Walking Dead. I dunno. . . . .Novel wise I would like to see the Gunslinger made into a cable series. And then comic wise. . . well I think Kirkman's other series would be pretty cool. . .Invincible. It could be sort of a better Smallville with a sick twist.

I would love to see an invincible series. but its gotten kinda violence heavy and american tv isnt known for being the most friendly in terms of censorship ya' know?

25-Jul-2010, 10:14 PM
Necroscope series by Brian Lumley

I've read them all I think they would make a fantastic TV series, Vampires, ESP, spying and lots more.

25-Jul-2010, 11:29 PM
I would love to see an invincible series. but its gotten kinda violence heavy and american tv isnt known for being the most friendly in terms of censorship ya' know?

Cable. . . . .

---------- Post added at 07:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:27 PM ----------

Necroscope series by Brian Lumley

I've read them all I think they would make a fantastic TV series, Vampires, ESP, spying and lots more.

Ohhhh. . . that would be nice!!

Another novel I would like to see made is Ender's Game. A movie for this novel has been in deveopment hell for years and years.

25-Jul-2010, 11:41 PM
Cable. . . .

is still a 15 compared to most of the rest of the world dude.

26-Jul-2010, 12:44 AM
is still a 15 compared to most of the rest of the world dude.

a 15? explain. . . .

Oh and I am not even going to try and say we are not censored. . cause we are. But I do find it amusing that the worlds largest Porn industry is in this censored country. Go figure.

03-Aug-2010, 08:07 PM
Sandman for a dramatic series possibly live action

Groo the Wanderer would make a great children's cartoon series

John Carter: Warlord of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs would make an epic series with the right director and writers. Just make sure that Syfy doesn't get anywhere near it, not after seeing what they did to Flash Gordon recently.

03-Aug-2010, 08:19 PM
John Carter: Warlord of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs would make an epic series with the right director and writers. Just make sure that Syfy doesn't get anywhere near it, not after seeing what they did to Flash Gordon recently.

Well, here you go (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Carter_of_Mars_%28film%29)...but it's Disney backed, so who knows...

Also, here's a really bad John Carter flick (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_of_Mars) that came out this last year. Utterly horrible from what I've read, but YMMV.


03-Aug-2010, 08:37 PM
There is meant to be an independant "Pirates of Venus" movie on it's way as well.


Carson Napier is my favorite ERB creation...probably because it was the first ERB book (and series) I read. :)

(oh, I caught a few minutes of the cheap-ass John Carter movie, the Tharks were pathetic, just dudes in hokey suits...no 12ft tall four armed savages). :mad:

fulci fan
04-Aug-2010, 04:57 AM
I know what shows should come back:

-Tales From The Crypt.
-The Incredible Hulk (and they should use a suit for the hulk; not bullshit CG)
-Mystery Science Theater 3000.

And I think Dylan Dog would make a great TV series.