View Full Version : spanish football coach uses racial slur

08-Jun-2006, 07:19 PM
i was watching ESPN the other morning to catch up on baseball scores when a story about racism in football came up.

the coach of the spanish team was caught on video calling one of the members of the french team (i believe it was thierry) quote: "that black piece of s*it."
i wasn't shocked by the what he said so much as by what was done or better said, wasn't done. this guy was fined $5,000 and that's all. he is going to be allowed to coach spain in the world cup.

the piece went to to talk about how racism in europe (on the continent particularly) was getting totally out of hand - with players being harassed, hell sometimes players even participating in racial taunting, etc. the report was talking about a guy who plays for lazio in italy and how he has huge support in the facist "community" there, even going so far as to return the facist salute to his supporters.

this is crazy and i am not quite sure why it is tolerated in the way that it seems it is. if you made a racist comment about a player on another team in the us or canada, you would be finished - finished. turn in your kit and go. there wouldn't be any $5,000 fine, you'd be shown the door and that right quick.

08-Jun-2006, 07:32 PM
im excited to see what happens 60 years from now

08-Jun-2006, 07:43 PM
Sports reflect what's going on in the society around them.

Consider the 'N' word here in America. Five years ago it had limited use among anglos. It was ok for Blacks to use the word among themselves, and for rappers to exploit - but peril to any white who used that particular racial slur.

Then suddenly with the Dave Chappelle show suddenly everyone is Rick James Bitch, and the 'N' word is suddenly acceptable in conversation once again.

Racism is a relative thing.

09-Jun-2006, 03:23 PM
Then suddenly with the Dave Chappelle show suddenly everyone is Rick James Bitch, and the 'N' word is suddenly acceptable in conversation once again.

It is?

09-Jun-2006, 06:09 PM
The "N" word still isn't acceptable for white folk to say, it's just been 'taken by the black man, for the black man'...although with Dave Chappelle he made it funny through context ... Rick James *bitch* was great, but I prefer 'lil John myself, yeeeeaaaaaaah, whaaaat? ... okaaaaaaaay!

09-Jun-2006, 06:21 PM
The "N" word still isn't acceptable for white folk to say, it's just been 'taken by the black man, for the black man'...although with Dave Chappelle he made it funny through context ... Rick James *bitch* was great, but I prefer 'lil John myself, yeeeeaaaaaaah, whaaaat? ... okaaaaaaaay!

Arthur Bigsby all the way man. "Woogie Boogie! Ni**ers!....Woogie Boogie!":lol:

09-Jun-2006, 07:00 PM
The "N" word still isn't acceptable for white folk to say, it's just been 'taken by the black man, for the black man'...although with Dave Chappelle he made it funny through context ... Rick James *bitch* was great, but I prefer 'lil John myself, yeeeeaaaaaaah, whaaaat? ... okaaaaaaaay!
Like I tell my girlfriend (who is black) and anyone that questions my behavior -
a quote from the movie Basquiat - "I may be white, but I'm all nigger.":D :D :D :D

09-Jun-2006, 07:01 PM
wow! he said Black?! ...that's hardcore
LOL, I was thinking the same thing myself. I have seen many pieces over the years about the Euro soccer scene and how racist it is, but calling someone a "black piece of Shi*" is not really a racist comment in my book.