View Full Version : Why were they looking for survivors in "DAY"?

30-Jul-2010, 05:42 PM
While the opening scene ("Hello?" "HELLO?" "HELLLLOOOO!!!") is pretty cool for an opening sequence to show the practical effects of the Zombie Apoc on society and the complete overturn of society by zombies, I've always wondered why exactly the survivors were looking for other survivors.

Sure, it's a great humanitarian thing to save people from the ghouls. But, what's the practical purpose? Say for example by some act of fate some guy came running down the street in the opening sequence yelling: "Help me! Here I am!" and they picked him up. They'd end up taking him back to the facility where he'd eat their food and use their low supplies. What information could they really get from the survivor? "Yeah, there's zombies everywhere killing people. I'm lucky to be alive." Right. That would have been helpful. :rockbrow:

I've just always scratched my head at why they were using their fuel and taking the risk to look for other living people out there. The only thing that could make somewhat sense of would be the rare chance they would find a survivor that says: "Hey, I know a safe place where we can all go!". But that would be about as likely in a survivor as finding a survivor at all (nil to none).


30-Jul-2010, 07:24 PM
They may have been looking for rationale to continue the work. Or looking for help. Or looking for information.

If you were to find survivors out there like that the chances are you'd find a fortified group, not just some guy who runs out of the quik-e-mart.

Since they lacked good radio equipment and had lost contact with Washington they may have thought they could hook back into the world through other survivors.

But my standout reason is just to see that they were not the last remaining humans. Without other humans their entire effort was futile, and that's the underlying conflict of the entire movie.

Wrong Number
30-Jul-2010, 07:32 PM
My thinking on this was that the group did not have every survival skill covered and even if they did they did not have "backup" people with all the skills they needed. True, more people would be an additional drain on limited resources, but if you got lucky and found someone like for example my husband (a scientist with a chemistry back round), survival could be a whole lot easier.


30-Jul-2010, 08:10 PM
All good points, as always.
Personally, I believe they were really lonely and starting to lose it. So anything to break the tedium and claustrophobia of life at the base, no matter how unlikely to get results or how draining on resources, would've been welcome. More people also means more guns on the undead, which remember, they were losing people at this point thanks to Logan.

30-Jul-2010, 10:47 PM
They are all good, valid answers IMO.

Hell, maybe they just wanted to get away from thier bunker, Rhodes and his obnoxious bunch of goons for a few hours...imagine being stuck with those idiots for months on end! (brilliant characters, horrible people to be stuck with...GAR's last great cast IMO).

Oh and JDFP, you are right, wonderfull opening scene, fantastic way to introduce us to the PA world. :cool:

31-Jul-2010, 12:46 AM
Great point!

Had wondered about that a few times over the years. Especially if they did find a group of more than 2 or 3 survivors,how would they possibly get them out on that little chopper. Say a full family of survivors plus their friends / neighbors? Yeeeeah,that evac aint gonna happen!

But that is a good point also on them searching for survivors just for the sake of getting out & doing it.

Rancid Carcass
31-Jul-2010, 01:02 AM
It might have been part of their mission brief - they where there on orders so I'm guessing that the government strategy was to send out these scientific/military teams to find a possible solution to the crisis and, wherever possible, locate and rescue any survivors with a long term view to re-establishing civilisation at some point in the future when the situation had been brought under control.

I could be wrong of course... but the chances of that happening are something like four hundred thousand to one by my calculations... :D

31-Jul-2010, 04:01 AM
They needed somebody new to play Uno on Friday night. You see, it is kind of bad seeing Rhodes holding his gun while waiting for the first person to yell "UNO!" :D

31-Jul-2010, 04:17 AM
They needed somebody new to play Uno on Friday night. You see, it is kind of bad seeing Rhodes holding his gun while waiting for the first person to yell "UNO!" :D

I could just see this scenario played out...

Steele: I'm gonna fuckin' get a fuckin' Uno first...
Rickles: <maniacal laughter> You show that Uno, Steele!
Logan: Father never allowed me to play this game...
Rhodes: Look here people, I'm here to play some Uno and I intend on playing it, so show your card, Steele.


31-Jul-2010, 04:51 AM
Biggest UNO in the cave.

01-Aug-2010, 07:53 AM
They may have been looking for rationale to continue the work. Or looking for help. Or looking for information.

If you were to find survivors out there like that the chances are you'd find a fortified group, not just some guy who runs out of the quik-e-mart.

Since they lacked good radio equipment and had lost contact with Washington they may have thought they could hook back into the world through other survivors.

But my standout reason is just to see that they were not the last remaining humans. Without other humans their entire effort was futile, and that's the underlying conflict of the entire movie.

Agreed. Since they had no radio contact, theyneeded to make these excursions just to see if society was surviving in any form, hoping that they would run across a survivors compound so that they could hook up and rebuild society. At the core, they also have a very human need to hook up with other humans, and the discovery that they were not the last people on earth would have boosted their outlook on a large level.

01-Aug-2010, 09:44 AM
Simple, really: only one female, many dudes. The penis to vagina ratio was all off. And not only that, but the weirdest, creepiest dude got that tail, I'd be pretty pissed at that fem too. Can't even walk a zombie correctly, and HE gets the last pussy on earth? :rockbrow:

01-Aug-2010, 03:44 PM
Excellent point!

01-Aug-2010, 08:34 PM
Excellent point!

I can see them all fighting to go on the missions, perhaps before they starting losing so many men and realized how bleak the situation really was.

"I wanna go look for survivors!"
"No I'M gonna look for survivors!"
"As 2nd in command its an ORDER that I get to leave this monkey farm and find some hot piece of ass to pl...I mean, find some survivors to rescue."

02-Aug-2010, 04:06 PM
While the opening scene ("Hello?" "HELLO?" "HELLLLOOOO!!!") is pretty cool for an opening sequence to show the practical effects of the Zombie Apoc on society and the complete overturn of society by zombies, I've always wondered why exactly the survivors were looking for other survivors.

Sure, it's a great humanitarian thing to save people from the ghouls. But, what's the practical purpose? Say for example by some act of fate some guy came running down the street in the opening sequence yelling: "Help me! Here I am!" and they picked him up. They'd end up taking him back to the facility where he'd eat their food and use their low supplies. What information could they really get from the survivor? "Yeah, there's zombies everywhere killing people. I'm lucky to be alive." Right. That would have been helpful. :rockbrow:

I've just always scratched my head at why they were using their fuel and taking the risk to look for other living people out there. The only thing that could make somewhat sense of would be the rare chance they would find a survivor that says: "Hey, I know a safe place where we can all go!". But that would be about as likely in a survivor as finding a survivor at all (nil to none).


All i can say bout this is that if i wer locked up with a bunch of assholes like Rhodes and his butt buddies believe me i'd b lookin' for anything better!;)

Remember what Mc Dermott said: "You know sometimes i make an extra effort to raise someone in hopes of gettin away from your nasty mouth Steele!" :moon:

And on the other hand maybe their just gettin' out for some fresh air! lol:clown:

personally i'd b lookin' for some new trim...but thats just me!:D

02-Aug-2010, 04:58 PM
I always figured they were out on some kind of government-approved mission and on their way back Sarah talked them into looking for any survivors.

"I'll set it down, but i'll leave the engine running...blah blah blah"

02-Aug-2010, 05:24 PM
I always figured they were out on some kind of government-approved mission and on their way back Sarah talked them into looking for any survivors.

"I'll set it down, but i'll leave the engine running...blah blah blah"

lol i guess John wasn't as stupid as he looked or seemed to be!;)

Isn't it just like a women to get a man into some shit!:hyper:

goin' back to an older thread...maybe John was tired of all the racist remarks and was hoping to find someone else to pass the torch onto! lol:shifty:

darth los
02-Aug-2010, 06:12 PM
All i can say bout this is that if i wer locked up with a bunch of assholes like Rhodes and his butt buddies believe me i'd b lookin' for anything better!;)

Remember what Mc Dermott said: "You know sometimes i make an extra effort to raise someone in hopes of gettin away from your nasty mouth Steele!" :moon:

And on the other hand maybe their just gettin' out for some fresh air! lol:clown:

personally i'd b lookin' for some new trim...but thats just me!:D

Shit. Just the fact that you used the word "trim" makes this the post of the day! :lol:

It might have been part of their mission brief - they where there on orders so I'm guessing that the government strategy was to send out these scientific/military teams to find a possible solution to the crisis and, wherever possible, locate and rescue any survivors with a long term view to re-establishing civilisation at some point in the future when the situation had been brought under control.

I could be wrong of course... but the chances of that happening are something like four hundred thousand to one by my calculations... :D


Best and most plausible explination so far, imo.


---------- Post added at 02:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:08 PM ----------

I always figured they were out on some kind of government-approved mission and on their way back Sarah talked them into looking for any survivors.

"I'll set it down, but i'll leave the engine running...blah blah blah"

Very good explanation as well.

They never said they were looking for survivors. Steele asks, 'what did you find" but it's never specified what that was'.

As was pointed out if they were looking for survivors they certainly had no room in the chopper if they found one or more so what was the point?

That's probably the biggest flaw with that theory.


02-Aug-2010, 06:20 PM
They never said they were looking for survivors. Steele asks, 'what did you find" but it's never specified what that was'.

Real Estate at close-out prices!!!

As was pointed out if they were looking for survivors they certainly had no room in the chopper if they found one or more so what was the point?

That's probably the biggest flaw with that theory.

You kidding? You leave Miguel behind. No big loss. :elol:

02-Aug-2010, 06:23 PM
Shit. Just the fact that you used the word "trim" makes this the post of the day! :lol:


Best and most plausible explination so far, imo.


---------- Post added at 02:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:08 PM ----------

Very good explanation as well.

They never said they were looking for survivors. Steele asks, 'what did you find" but it's never specified what that was'.

As was pointed out if they were looking for survivors they certainly had no room in the chopper if they found one or more so what was the point?

That's probably the biggest flaw with that theory.


im sure John was willing to put a bullet in Miguel had he found a nice piece of ass out there!;)

as far as there being no room in the chopper im sure the'd be playing an early version of survivor and would have all voted Miguel's ass off if something better was found!:cool:

after all they all had a purpose except for that lump!:moon::dead:

02-Aug-2010, 07:58 PM
im sure John was willing to put a bullet in Miguel had he found a nice piece of ass out there!;)

And Bill was probably willing to cap him if he come across a few crates of Gin. :D

darth los
02-Aug-2010, 08:07 PM
Well, let's see.

We have Miguel over here and liquor an babes over here.


Let me mull that one over and get back to you guys. :lol:


02-Aug-2010, 08:32 PM
they could have used some more people and probably went to search for people who might have hid until now just like them

02-Aug-2010, 08:41 PM
they could have used some more people and probably went to search for people who might have hid until now just like them

Yeah but once the 'hiders' came out to see who was yelling...they would be zombie chow pretty quick. The whole damn city was full of them. At least the military base had that top notch barbed wire fence! :lol:

02-Aug-2010, 08:43 PM
they could have used some more people and probably went to search for people who might have hid until now just like them

If this were true and there were people hiding in that city....they would be pissed.

"How the FUCK are you going to come looking for us and use a god damn bull horn?!? Sure...okay. Let me walk over to your helicopter now that you've lured EVERY zombie in the area to it. Good thinking. Bitch." :lol:

Edit: Ohh....Mr G beat me to it by a split second. Great minds think alike. ;)

02-Aug-2010, 08:55 PM
If this were true and there were people hiding in that city....they would be pissed.

"How the FUCK are you going to come looking for us and use a god damn bull horn?!? Sure...okay. Let me walk over to your helicopter now that you've lured EVERY zombie in the area to it. Good thinking. Bitch." :lol:

This would be a GREAT additional scene in the 30th anniversary edition! :lol:

02-Aug-2010, 09:04 PM
I always figured they were out on some kind of government-approved mission and on their way back Sarah talked them into looking for any survivors.

"I'll set it down, but i'll leave the engine running...blah blah blah"

i leave at the first sign of trouble. if ya not onboard........ya liable to have a lousy afternoon.......:lol:

02-Aug-2010, 09:17 PM
Well, let's see.

We have Miguel over here and liquor an babes over here.


Let me mull that one over and get back to you guys. :lol:


seriously huh! yeah ill take a mumbling, pissed off, potential child molester over some big tits and a case of J.D. any day of the week! lol:moon::D

02-Aug-2010, 09:18 PM
i leave at the first sign of trouble. if ya not onboard........ya liable to have a lousy afternoon.......:lol:

Of course doesn't really explain why they are in a commercial chopper instead of a military chopper.

Hey, while we're on that topic...

Where'd all the supplies (medical/food/etc.) come from exactly? Was it already there as a pre-existing Soviet-era base or did a bunch of military personnel bring it in (during the film Sarah mentions: "This operation was put together in a matter of days") and then go off to do their own thing somewhere else?

Hmm... :)


02-Aug-2010, 09:46 PM
Of course doesn't really explain why they are in a commercial chopper instead of a military chopper.

Hey, while we're on that topic...

Where'd all the supplies (medical/food/etc.) come from exactly? Was it already there as a pre-existing Soviet-era base or did a bunch of military personnel bring it in (during the film Sarah mentions: "This operation was put together in a matter of days") and then go off to do their own thing somewhere else?

Hmm... :)


some silos are still stocked with stuff. when iw as in high school about 10 years ago, we had a fallout shelter filled with stuff that would neither decay or expire.

it literally had to be taken out of there when they tore down my school to build the new one.

i doubt the military had an extra chopper hangin around, so it was probably john's to begin with

02-Aug-2010, 10:06 PM
i doubt the military had an extra chopper hangin around, so it was probably john's to begin with[/QUOTE]

yeah im sure John was a hot wiring thug b4 the zombie take over!;)

02-Aug-2010, 10:12 PM
i doubt the military had an extra chopper hangin around, so it was probably john's to begin with

That's the impression I got. They hired him and his chopper. I think something about it is mentioned in the film, actually. "You're only here to fly the bird" or something like that.

That brings up another point....why did nobody else in the group learn to fly? :confused:

02-Aug-2010, 10:33 PM
i doubt the military had an extra chopper hangin around, so it was probably john's to begin with

yeah im sure John was a hot wiring thug b4 the zombie take over!;)[/QUOTE]

RIGHT! and we're out doin traffic reports!

wake up,sucker! we're thieves and we're bad guys.

02-Aug-2010, 10:41 PM
That's the impression I got. They hired him and his chopper. I think something about it is mentioned in the film, actually. "You're only here to fly the bird" or something like that.

That brings up another point....why did nobody else in the group learn to fly? :confused:

true they had all the time in the world to learn...Rhodes could have pulled the old fake friend routine and then jacked the chopper and wouldnt have had to waste time watching Steele beat his Jungle Bunny brains out! lol:annoyed::stunned:

02-Aug-2010, 11:06 PM
true they had all the time in the world to learn...Rhodes could have pulled the old fake friend routine and then jacked the chopper and wouldnt have had to waste time watching Steele beat his Jungle Bunny brains out! lol:annoyed::stunned:

most CO's arent that smart.

03-Aug-2010, 02:16 AM
That brings up another point....why did nobody else in the group learn to fly? :confused:
I think I have a decent answer for this.

Day was a great movie about showing people faced with enormous stress retreating into their own little world. They all had terrible tunnel vision. No one was looking outside their own little sphere of responsibility. No one was taking in the big picture.

And worse, no one wanted more responsibility. Why would the scientists want to learn to fly the chopper? That was someone else's job. They had enough to do conducting the research. Same for the military. Can you imagine asking Steele or Rickles to learn to fly the chopper. "I ain't doing my job and his job too."

The whole idea of someone learning to fly the chopper undermines the conflict of the movie. It would have shown empathy to another's position. It would have shown acknowledgement of another group's value.

darth los
03-Aug-2010, 02:34 AM
That's the impression I got. They hired him and his chopper. I think something about it is mentioned in the film, actually. "You're only here to fly the bird" or something like that.

That brings up another point....why did nobody else in the group learn to fly? :confused:

Perhaps there wasn't time.

It's not clear how long they were there at the start of the film or how much time elapsed during the film.

However, Sarah does say that the it was all very rushed and put together in a matter of days.

Maybe it all just went to shit too quickly. :dead:


03-Aug-2010, 02:41 AM
Perhaps there wasn't time.

It's not clear how long they were there at the start of the film or how much time elapsed during the film.

However, Sarah does say that the it was all very rushed and put together in a matter of days.

Maybe it all just went to shit too quickly. :dead:

Perhaps, but I've always assumed they were down there for a while judging by the pot cultivation and amount of graves at the cave entrance. If Fran can learn as quick as she did in Dawn, i'm sure someone else could have learned during the time it took to grow that pot.

It seems like having your option of more than one pilot would be a priority. But....maybe they were just busy.

darth los
03-Aug-2010, 02:45 AM
Perhaps, but I've always assumed they were down there for a while judging by the pot cultivation and amount of graves at the cave entrance. If Fran can learn as quick as she did in Dawn, i'm sure someone else could have learned during the time it took to grow that pot.

It seems like having your option of more than one pilot would be a priority. But....maybe they were just busy.

Oh, i definitely agree. But there are many things in the trilogy that are inexplicably boneheaded such as that paper mache' wall flyboy and Peter put up. :lol:

That bothers me to no end man.


03-Aug-2010, 02:51 AM

"Flyboy....We've got conceal and protect this wall in case hordes of ravenous zombies come to tear us limb for limb and ferociously eat your unborn child....

...grab the balsa wood and cardboard."

03-Aug-2010, 03:00 AM
It seems like having your option of more than one pilot would be a priority. But....maybe they were just busy.
We know they were busy. They were at the end of their ropes busy. Can you imagine when Rhodes says, "What are you doing with my time?" if they respond, "Well, we were all learning to fly the chopper cause we figure this place is gonna implode, and not with my ass here it isn't."

Fran had all the time in the world by comparison.

And let's also consider Logan's statements. "Where will you go?" The basis of the situation in Day was that they had a job to do where they were, they were living in relative safety, and there was nowhere else to go anyway. They had one pilot who was in no danger, and his contribution to the end goal was minimal. Compared to Dawn where their only concern was day-to-day survival, and moving around was a fact of life. Transportation was paramount to their survival.

A better question might be why no one else was learning to do research, or finding better, safer ways to round up zombies, or build better fences/walls outside. If they were worried about transportation a better use of their time would be to scour the area for usable trucks since they had so many people and so much stuff. The military guys had tons of things they could be doing and yet they were sitting around.

Oh, i definitely agree. But there are many things in the trilogy that are inexplicably boneheaded such as that paper mache' wall flyboy and Peter put up. :lol:

That bothers me to no end man.
I mentioned this in another thread awhile back. My local mall has been under construction recently and they walled off a section to do it. I got to see as they did it and it looked remarkably like what Peter and Flyboy did. Very thin, little more than 2x4's and covering. Painted to match.

It looked like wall from one side but from the other looked flimsy. It made me wonder if Peter and Flyboy were using the materials they had on hand, you know, doing what would be typical inside a mall to create a temporary wall. If nothing else I felt good because what they did was EXACTLY what my actual mall did.

darth los
03-Aug-2010, 03:13 AM
It looked like wall from one side but from the other looked flimsy. It made me wonder if Peter and Flyboy were using the materials they had on hand, you know, doing what would be typical inside a mall to create a temporary wall. If nothing else I felt good because what they did was EXACTLY what my actual mall did.

That's probably true but you would think they would put something sturdy behind it, a file cabinet! something ! :mad:


03-Aug-2010, 03:25 AM
It seems like having your option of more than one pilot would be a priority. But....maybe they were just busy.

One of my most favorite Rhodesisms is when he makes the comment to Steel: "Get out of there Steel, we've got more important shit to do!"

I always laugh when I hear that phrase, because I just yell out: "Like what?"

What the hell is it they did (military personnel) when they weren't rounding up ghouls for Dr. "Daddy never loved me" Logan? We know some of them smoked pot and they fought alot. Who knows? Maybe Miller was a genius and he was working on preparing for the taking the Bar exam and Johnson and Torrez were having a secret sordid affair with one another.

I think one thing they should have touched on the film that was left out was what exactly the military personnel did when they weren't smoking pot or Miller wasn't studying for the Bar. :)

Then again, Romero has never been one for military people who actually think -- one of his weaknesses me thinks as there are a lot of fine folks in the military.

On a side note, weren't Rickles and Steel a bit too old to just be privates? What's up with that?


03-Aug-2010, 04:18 AM
i think it went like this "hey, u can fly right?"

then thats all it was. they all had jobs. his job was to fly da whirl lee bird

---------- Post added at 12:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 AM ----------

On a side note, weren't Rickles and Steel a bit too old to just be privates? What's up with that?


i think the epidemic was in full swing, no time to promote

---------- Post added at 12:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 AM ----------


"Flyboy....We've got conceal and protect this wall in case hordes of ravenous zombies come to tear us limb for limb and ferociously eat your unborn child....

...grab the balsa wood and cardboard."

LOL. ud think they woulda grabbed bags of quik rete and some water

03-Aug-2010, 04:19 AM
On a side note, weren't Rickles and Steel a bit too old to just be privates? What's up with that?

They were fuck ups. But then again, maybe this was after a long enough time to lower the bar as far as letting guys like these guys in.
And in such top physical shape, no less, guys...
Maybe they thought, "Hey, joinin' up with the Army might be better than standing behind this toolshed all day buttfucking each other. Let's give 'er..."
Maybe I've had one toke too many...
It's a toss up, really.

03-Aug-2010, 11:49 AM
I think it was to still have Hope, that they were not the last people left alive, without hope they wouldn't have been a reason to carry on the work they were doing, or even carry on in general.

darth los
03-Aug-2010, 01:29 PM
On a side note, weren't Rickles and Steel a bit too old to just be privates? What's up with that?

A while back Dead Beat said that Rickles and Steele looked like they turned wrenches for a living and I must say that's a very apt description of their physiques. :lol:

But yeah, they looked kinda old and out of shape to be in the service.

But as someone else pointed out, at that point in the outbreak they might have been accepting anyone who was willing to sign up.

That would also explain why they were privates.


03-Aug-2010, 01:48 PM
I've always wondered about a comment Dr. Fisher made....when talking about the Beef Treats, he says "that the government supplies us with so generously." SupplieS? As in repeated deliveries?:shifty:

03-Aug-2010, 02:03 PM
One of my most favorite Rhodesisms is when he makes the comment to Steel: "Get out of there Steel, we've got more important shit to do!"

I always laugh when I hear that phrase, because I just yell out: "Like what?"I always figured that was more a posturing statement as opposed to a statement of fact.

I've always wondered about a comment Dr. Fisher made....when talking about the Beef Treats, he says "that the government supplies us with so generously." SupplieS? As in repeated deliveries?:shifty:That seemed to me to be a statement regarding the large amount of really crappy food the government stocked the place with. Like it was some kind of an emergency shelter and they stocked it with an endless supply of crap. Kinda like, "I've got nothing to work with to do the actual research but I have 15 crates of beef treat."

03-Aug-2010, 02:13 PM
I always figured that was more a posturing statement as opposed to a statement of fact.

No....their "more important things to do" was practice their wrestling skills in the hallway. When this whole end of the world thing blows over, they're going to join the local wrestling league.

Here's an idea about the whole looking for survivors situation....why even set the chopper down? Attach some sort of speaker system or use the horn out the window. That way the dead can't swarm to one area, any survivors have the opportunity to flag them down, and then they can land in a "safe" area to pick them up....

03-Aug-2010, 02:25 PM
Here's an idea about the whole looking for survivors situation....why even set the chopper down? Attach some sort of speaker system or use the horn out the window. That way the dead can't swarm to one area, any survivors have the opportunity to flag them down, and then they can land in a "safe" area to pick them up....

Great idea. It really isn't smart to land in an urban area (I realize the chopper is still on) in case of mechanical issues or other problems. But it was a hell of an opening shot.

darth los
03-Aug-2010, 02:36 PM
Great idea. It really isn't smart to land in an urban area (I realize the chopper is still on) in case of mechanical issues or other problems. But it was a hell of an opening shot.

Best opening sequence to a zombie film.


03-Aug-2010, 02:44 PM
Best opening sequence to a zombie film.


I love harrison's score for what it is, but could you imagine that sequence with a full orchestra? Man that would be legendary...

03-Aug-2010, 02:51 PM
I think it was to still have Hope, that they were not the last people left alive, without hope they wouldn't have been a reason to carry on the work they were doing, or even carry on in general.

yeah if the goal isn't saving humanity in some context there'd be no point in the movie....

03-Aug-2010, 03:56 PM
Perhaps, but I've always assumed they were down there for a while judging by the pot cultivation and amount of graves at the cave entrance. If Fran can learn as quick as she did in Dawn, i'm sure someone else could have learned during the time it took to grow that pot.

It seems like having your option of more than one pilot would be a priority. But....maybe they were just busy.

I'm sure they were down there a long time...why do you think Rhodes and the men were so pissed off!

I'd sure as hell would be with nothin' but a 24/7 sausage party goin' on and 1 prude of a women around!:annoyed:

I guess an eternity of jacking off was beginning to settle in!:eek::dead:

oh and "BASSMAN" if i knew i was just spinning my wheels going on living through a non hope situation like they were....u better believe i'm gonna be smokin' my ass off on some good shit rather than learning to pilot a helicopter to nowhere...anyday! lol

03-Aug-2010, 04:05 PM
I'm sure they were down there a long time...why do you think Rhodes and the men were so pissed off!

I'd sure as hell would be with nothin' but a 24/7 sausage party goin' on and 1 prude of a women around!:annoyed:

I guess an eternity of jacking off was beginning to settle in!:eek::dead:

I'm certain they'd eventually start in on the "Beef Treats"...

03-Aug-2010, 08:01 PM
On the cardboard wall situation, it was my understanding that the wall was put up to hide the stairwell from LIVING threats, i think they knew the wall wouldnt hold back the zeds

and if Flyboy hadnt been zombiefied would the zeds have ever known that concealed doorway was there...

03-Aug-2010, 08:31 PM
On the cardboard wall situation, it was my understanding that the wall was put up to hide the stairwell from LIVING threats, i think they knew the wall wouldnt hold back the zeds

and if Flyboy hadnt been zombiefied would the zeds have ever known that concealed doorway was there...True. In case "someone comes messing around... I don't even want them to know that stairwell exists."

People talk about a cinderblock wall or other grand endeavors. Bricks? Concrete? Where are they going to get that kind of stuff? "One does not simply walk into mortar."

And what happens if they wanted/needed to bust through it themselves? If all they wanted was a zombie-proof barrier they could've found a length of chain link fence and put that up. Great zombie proofing and peter/flyboy could still climb it in a second. But so could anyone else that was living.

darth los
03-Aug-2010, 08:56 PM
I'm certain they'd eventually start in on the "Beef Treats"...


On the cardboard wall situation, it was my understanding that the wall was put up to hide the stairwell from LIVING threats, i think they knew the wall wouldnt hold back the zeds

and if Flyboy hadnt been zombiefied would the zeds have ever known that concealed doorway was there...

I don't believe so. But accidents do happen. It's not far fetched that zombies would evenyually wander down that hallway and maybe lean into it...


03-Aug-2010, 08:59 PM
True. In case "someone comes messing around... I don't even want them to know that stairwell exists."

People talk about a cinderblock wall or other grand endeavors. Bricks? Concrete? Where are they going to get that kind of stuff? "One does not simply walk into mortar."

And what happens if they wanted/needed to bust through it themselves? If all they wanted was a zombie-proof barrier they could've found a length of chain link fence and put that up. Great zombie proofing and peter/flyboy could still climb it in a second. But so could anyone else that was living.

exactly trin, the wall was there for concealment not defense

as for my second point, does anyone think that if flyboy hadnt zedded and led the zeds straight to it , would that wall have ever been discovered....thoughts guys

03-Aug-2010, 10:18 PM
I'm not saying the wall was put up for defense, but it damn sure could've been a bit more sturdy! Watch the scene with Stephen and crew busting through that thing. A 1x1 balsa wood for the frame(with pre-cut slices to make it easier:lol:) and quarter inch drywall(cardboard).

As for no bricks and mortar.....between the few bricks we see on the roof and the truck yard being within range, I'm sure they could have thrown together something with things found in the area. For that matter, they could have taken a sledgehammer from the store and broken some out of another location.

All that wouldn't be needed, but they could have at least made the wall sturdy enough to hold the weight of someone leaning against it. Stack some of those civil defense boxes. Something...

04-Aug-2010, 12:47 AM
Not much I can add to this thread, other than this...
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Bl7amsRQCgA&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Bl7amsRQCgA&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

04-Aug-2010, 01:40 AM
Not much I can add to this thread, other than this...
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Bl7amsRQCgA&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Bl7amsRQCgA&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Ahh so they were looking for you Philly but found an alligator instead, no wonder it all went tits up, what with the disappointment and that. :lol:

04-Aug-2010, 03:16 AM
As for no bricks and mortar.....between the few bricks we see on the roof and the truck yard being within range, I'm sure they could have thrown together something with things found in the area. For that matter, they could have taken a sledgehammer from the store and broken some out of another location.I think the question here becomes whether whatever they threw together would serve as both concealment and defense. Bricks or cinderblocks broken out of another wall is going to be hard to blend into the rest of the architecture. Given their rather low priority attitude about it I doubt you could sell a trip outside the mall to find better materials. And without knowing the stores better I still think the idea of concrete or mortar being available is unlikely.

but they could have at least made the wall sturdy enough to hold the weight of someone leaning against it. Stack some of those civil defense boxes. Something...Yes, I agree on this one. A lattice of wooden beams or 2x4's or even scrap plywood behind the paper thin wall would've sufficed. They had tools. They could've broken furniture or display cases or whatever to get wood.

I've also wondered why they just sat there after the bikers left and Flyboy was unaccounted for. I may be wrong, but it seemed like a long time between the battle ending and Flyboy leading the zombies up. If I was Peter I'd be either going on the hunt or barricading the shi-ite out of something between the fake wall and the staircase. I guess they were just planning on flying away anyway, so it didn't really matter to them.

Heh, heh... I said "get wood."

04-Aug-2010, 11:49 AM
I've also wondered why they just sat there after the bikers left and Flyboy was unaccounted for. I may be wrong, but it seemed like a long time between the battle ending and Flyboy leading the zombies up. If I was Peter I'd be either going on the hunt or barricading the shi-ite out of something between the fake wall and the staircase. I guess they were just planning on flying away anyway, so it didn't really matter to them.

He could've easily went back through the air shafts to look for Stephen after it had all cooled down. He wouldn't have been in any immediate danger.

I can imagine Peter looking down into the elevator saying "shit....he's gone", and then he and fran calmly walk to the chopper. The end.

darth los
04-Aug-2010, 03:07 PM
I think the question here becomes whether whatever they threw together would serve as both concealment and defense. Bricks or cinderblocks broken out of another wall is going to be hard to blend into the rest of the architecture. Given their rather low priority attitude about it I doubt you could sell a trip outside the mall to find better materials. And without knowing the stores better I still think the idea of concrete or mortar being available is unlikely.

Yes, I agree on this one. A lattice of wooden beams or 2x4's or even scrap plywood behind the paper thin wall would've sufficed. They had tools. They could've broken furniture or display cases or whatever to get wood.

I've also wondered why they just sat there after the bikers left and Flyboy was unaccounted for. I may be wrong, but it seemed like a long time between the battle ending and Flyboy leading the zombies up. If I was Peter I'd be either going on the hunt or barricading the shi-ite out of something between the fake wall and the staircase. I guess they were just planning on flying away anyway, so it didn't really matter to them.

Heh, heh... I said "get wood."

He could've easily went back through the air shafts to look for Stephen after it had all cooled down. He wouldn't have been in any immediate danger.

I can imagine Peter looking down into the elevator saying "shit....he's gone", and then he and fran calmly walk to the chopper. The end.

Fran clearly says, "He hasn't answered his radio for hours."

And about the Peter looking for flyboy thing.

We make Peter out to be this noble hero but when you look at the film he left Stephen to die. I don't believe he would have done that to Roger but that's besides the point.

He knew exactly where Stephen was (the elevator). He heard him screaming and gunshots, so he knew exactly what was happening to him.

While he was going back up to their "loft" he hears the gunshots from Stephen's gun (he actually admits this to fran) and there's a moment where he's torn between going back to help him and just heading upstairs. As we see, he chooses the latter.

So There's our hero.

A suicidal man who left his friend to get chewed to death. I can't imagine a more horrible way to die. :dead:

Shame on you Peter.


04-Aug-2010, 04:07 PM
Not much I can add to this thread, other than this...
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Bl7amsRQCgA&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Bl7amsRQCgA&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Absolutely priceless! :lol:

04-Aug-2010, 04:23 PM
He could've easily went back through the air shafts to look for Stephen after it had all cooled down. He wouldn't have been in any immediate danger.

I can imagine Peter looking down into the elevator saying "shit....he's gone", and then he and fran calmly walk to the chopper. The end.

yeah he wouldn't have been in any immediate danger only about a thousand zombies eager to rip his nuts through his tonsils!:stunned:

and im sure Peter was bettin' on Stephen not comin' back so he could have a crack @ Fran's crack!:sneaky::moon:

04-Aug-2010, 04:26 PM
I agree with the Benny Hill avatar...Peter was in a bad position, he wasn't liking having to abandon Flyboy at all.

04-Aug-2010, 04:31 PM
yeah he wouldn't have been in any immediate danger only about a thousand zombies eager to rip his nuts through his tonsils!:stunned:

Read the post. In the air shafts he would've been in no danger at all. The only danger would've been if they were Super Snyder zombies....

04-Aug-2010, 04:41 PM
Read the post. In the air shafts he would've been in no danger at all. The only danger would've been if they were Super Snyder zombies....

as in Zack "WHO" Snyder? lol:p

interesting foot note i found out yesterday about Day....if any of you are fans of The Cramps there original guitarist from the first 2 albums had a part as a zombie in the movie!:cool:

darth los
04-Aug-2010, 04:55 PM
yeah he wouldn't have been in any immediate danger only about a thousand zombies eager to rip his nuts through his tonsils!:stunned:

and im sure Peter was bettin' on Stephen not comin' back so he could have a crack @ Fran's crack!:sneaky::moon:

I agree with the Benny Hill avatar...Peter was in a bad position, he wasn't liking having to abandon Flyboy at all.

Read the post. In the air shafts he would've been in no danger at all. The only danger would've been if they were Super Snyder zombies....

Well that's funny self preserving behavior for someone who was suicidal a little while later docnha think?

Whether he liked it or not he left him to his fate. There's no debating that. It's clear as day.


04-Aug-2010, 05:05 PM
Well that's funny self preserving behavior for someone who was suicidal a little while later docnha think?

Clearly he was an alcoholic. He has a drink every spare moment where he's not fighting off the dead. He must have not had a sober grip on the situation.:p

You do bring up some great points on the "hero" angle. For a hero, Peter is pretty shitty....

darth los
04-Aug-2010, 05:21 PM
Clearly he was an alcoholic. He has a drink every spare moment where he's not fighting off the dead. He must have not had a sober grip on the situation.:p

You do bring up some great points on the "hero" angle. For a hero, Peter is pretty shitty....

And let's not forget how he did wooley, one of his "own". He didn't seem to show much remorse for it either.

Although from all that racist shit he was spouting I'm sure Peter wanted to get at him for a while.

Also, he never said he was a hero. He said it himself, "we're thieves and we're bad guys".

We're the ones who elevated him to hero status.

And now that you mention it there are 4 seperate instances off the top of my head where Peter is drinking. :lol:


04-Aug-2010, 05:34 PM
And now that you mention it there are 4 seperate instances off the top of my head where Peter is drinking. :lol:


Obviously Peter became an alcoholic due to the guilt he had in Wooley's demise and how the situation was handled. By the way, was that Carl Winslow from "Family Matters" who shouts out: "Not that room, not that room!" in the apt building? I always get a kick when I see him.

Just the same way Ben wanted to die due to the guilt he felt about stealing the pickup truck and facing the impending criminal charges stemming from said action in NOTLD. :D

04-Aug-2010, 05:43 PM
Let's remember that Peter was pretty pissed at Flyboy for starting the war they were in. He heard screams of pain first, then shots later. The bikers knew he was in the air shafts. Exactly how safe was he?

And while that was happening pregnant Fran is upstairs alone while zombies and bikers are swarming the mall.

Do you go try to save the probably dead guy who went batshit and started the war or do you go protect the totally sane girl who is upstairs alone? Dude had a choice... he made the right one.

darth los
04-Aug-2010, 05:48 PM
Let's remember that Peter was pretty pissed at Flyboy for starting the war they were in. He heard screams of pain first, then shots later. The bikers knew he was in the air shafts. Exactly how safe was he?

And while that was happening pregnant Fran is upstairs alone while zombies and bikers are swarming the mall.

Do you go try to save the probably dead guy who went batshit and started the war or do you go protect the totally sane girl who is upstairs alone? Dude had a choice... he made the right one.

Shit man. Remind me never to get in a bunker with you. :p

He felt safe enough to snipe at the biker's with a smile on his face so he couldn't have felt he was in that much danger.

Remember, this is the same guy who just threw himself down into the mall when they first got there without knowing the layout, having keys to anything or knowing how many ghouls he'd have to contend with or how they were going to get back for that matter! :stunned:

Not to mention the whole truck mission. So judging from his previous behavior I wouldn't say safety was first on his list of priorities.


04-Aug-2010, 05:53 PM
And let's not forget how he did wooley, one of his "own". He didn't seem to show much remorse for it either.

Although from all that racist shit he was spouting I'm sure Peter wanted to get at him for a while.

Also, he never said he was a hero. He said it himself, "we're thieves and we're bad guys".

We're the ones who elevated him to hero status.

And now that you mention it there are 4 seperate instances off the top of my head where Peter is drinking. :lol:


ha that is a good 1 dude never thought about all the racist shit wooley was spittin' out and zombie plaque or not he still let his ghetto self put a hole in that pig with pleasure im sure!:eek:

As they say in the Ghetto "twist dat ni@##@'s cap back!":D

plus he was a fuckin' drunk now that u metion it seemed anytime it should him not fightin' of the dead he was gettin' tanked...plus i think he changed his mind in killing himself cause he was thinkin' bout the booty he could get off Fran now that flyboy was outta the way..matter of fact thats probably why he let Stephen go!:hyper:

darth los
04-Aug-2010, 06:50 PM
plus i think he changed his mind in killing himself cause he was thinkin' bout the booty he could get off Fran now that flyboy was outta the way..matter of fact thats probably why he let Stephen go!:hyper:

You think it wasn't when it was homeslice? :p :lol:


04-Aug-2010, 10:31 PM
You think it wasn't when it was homeslice? :p :lol:


ha! im sure you can tell from the moment he met Fran he wanted to tap dat!;)

remember when she first got into the chopper Peter turns to her and gives her that face like...oooooo!:hyper:

05-Aug-2010, 01:09 AM
As far as the Peter leaving Flyboy question, I always took it this way. Peter knew, KNEW, that Flyboy was dead. He heard him being attacked while he was running back to the hideout. The only thing he didnt know was whether or not he would reanimate and become a zed, or just be dead, a final meal for the zeds. Peter was dispondent, and considering suicide (and he almost succumbed to those feelings). He had not discussed this with Fran, and did not know what she would/should/could do.

I thought he was wanted to wait to see if Flyboy came up there or not. Peter was smart, and probably figured that if Flyboy had turned he would lead the zeds up to the hideout. And if that happened, he wanted to kill the Flyboy-zed, so his friend wouldnt be walking around like that. In case he decided against suicide, obviously a pregnant Fran would want/need his help, so he would serve no purpose by running amok putting his life in danger. If they waited and Flyboy never came up, then could have stayed there longer, left in a safer manner, etc.

I think that there was absolutely no doubt in Peters mind that Flyboy was toast. He was not cowardly at all for not "trying to save him", he knew (as did we the audience) that Flyboy was beyond saving.

05-Aug-2010, 01:24 AM
Do you go try to save the probably dead guy who went batshit and started the war or do you go protect the totally sane girl who is upstairs alone? Dude had a choice... he made the right one.
Save the piece of ass and any weed/alcohol/ammo you can get your filthypaws on!!!

I think that there was absolutely no doubt in Peters mind that Flyboy was toast. He was not cowardly at all for not "trying to save him", he knew (as did we the audience) that Flyboy was beyond saving.
He already knew what a bite or two could do, thanks to Roger.
Flyboy was what is known as a lost cause. Especially when you can console/tap the ass of the chick he USED to have...

darth los
05-Aug-2010, 03:35 AM
As far as the Peter leaving Flyboy question, I always took it this way. Peter knew, KNEW, that Flyboy was dead. He heard him being attacked while he was running back to the hideout. The only thing he didnt know was whether or not he would reanimate and become a zed, or just be dead, a final meal for the zeds. Peter was dispondent, and considering suicide (and he almost succumbed to those feelings). He had not discussed this with Fran, and did not know what she would/should/could do.

I thought he was wanted to wait to see if Flyboy came up there or not. Peter was smart, and probably figured that if Flyboy had turned he would lead the zeds up to the hideout. And if that happened, he wanted to kill the Flyboy-zed, so his friend wouldnt be walking around like that. In case he decided against suicide, obviously a pregnant Fran would want/need his help, so he would serve no purpose by running amok putting his life in danger. If they waited and Flyboy never came up, then could have stayed there longer, left in a safer manner, etc.

I think that there was absolutely no doubt in Peters mind that Flyboy was toast. He was not cowardly at all for not "trying to save him", he knew (as did we the audience) that Flyboy was beyond saving.

No one is debating whether flyboy was toast or not because there is no debate. The ghouls got to him and he was going to turn and no amout of "black thunder" heroics was going to change that.

My point is he could have saved him from alot of suffering instead of being chewed to death.

That was supposed to be his friend. Stephen is the reason why he was alive and enjoying a mall while the rest of the world was for all intents and purposes dead.

Instead of that he chose to leave him to his death.

So if a rape is in progress should we not stop it because it's already happened so it's to late? Of course not. You stop the suffering when you are aware that it's happening.

Do we let cancer patients go through pain because they're going to die anyway so let's just save the money?

No, those things are inhumane and so is what Peter did to Stephen.


05-Aug-2010, 03:53 AM
No one is debating whether flyboy was toast or not because there is no debate. The ghouls got to him and he was going to turn and no amout of "black thunder" heroics was going to change that.

My point is he could have saved him from alot of suffering instead of being chewed to death.

That was supposed to be his friend. Stephen is the reason why he was alive and enjoying a mall while the rest of the world was for all intents and purposes dead.

Instead of that he chose to leave him to his death.

So if a rape is in progress should we not stop it because it's already happened so it's to late? Of course not. You stop the suffering when you are aware that it's happening.

Do we let cancer patients go through pain because they're going to die anyway so let's just save the money?

No, those things are inhumane and so is what Peter did to Stephen.


Nahhh, it is human nature. Your parallels make no difference. I never made any connections, as neither did he. War is hell, even with the dead. At some point, your reasoning will be turned upside down. Fact will become fiction. You have no idea, as nor do I, what kind of HERO we will become: to ONLY ourself, or to everyone else... if even we do.

05-Aug-2010, 02:24 PM
Let's all stop dancing around the issue.

When Stephen screamed on the walkie-talkie Peter's reason for living was extinguished. He couldn't face the pain of seeing his dreams crushed in Stephen's bitten, lifeless body. He retreated to the apartment to escape reality.

Sure their relationship was tumultuous at times, but while building physical walls together they were breaking down emotional ones. Things were going so well. After the death of Roger he thought he'd never love again, but in Stephen he found hope.

Once he bore witness to the truth of Stephen's fate all he wanted was to join him the only way he knew how. Worse, could he face a life with the woman who had always stood in their way? What kind of expectations would be on him, as a man, when they were the only two left?

I actually agree with Philly...

darth los
05-Aug-2010, 02:34 PM
Let's all stop dancing around the issue.

When Stephen screamed on the walkie-talkie Peter's reason for living was extinguished. He couldn't face the pain of seeing his dreams crushed in Stephen's bitten, lifeless body. He retreated to the apartment to escape reality.

Sure their relationship was tumultuous at times, but while building physical walls together they were breaking down emotional ones. Things were going so well. After the death of Roger he thought he'd never love again, but in Stephen he found hope.

Once he bore witness to the truth of Stephen's fate all he wanted was to join him the only way he knew how. Worse, could he face a life with the woman who had always stood in their way? What kind of expectations would be on him, as a man, when they were the only two left?

I actually agree with Philly...

Ah, why didn't i see that? :rolleyes:


05-Aug-2010, 02:35 PM
We all read way too much into these flicks.:lol:

darth los
05-Aug-2010, 02:36 PM

As evidenced by the fact that we have atleast 3 alternate explanations to every scenario. :lol:


05-Aug-2010, 02:38 PM
As evidenced by the fact that we have atleast 3 alternate explanations to every scenario. :lol:

"End of time" is like our "Who shot first, Han or Greedo?". :lol:

05-Aug-2010, 03:42 PM
Ah, why didn't i see that? :rolleyes:


hey darth looks like what were lookin' @ is a clear case of butt buddies the way this scenario was explained bout Peter & Stephens relationship!:D

plus i dont think Peter owe Stephen a fuckin' thing how many times did he save his ass during the movie!:cool:

darth los
05-Aug-2010, 03:53 PM
hey darth looks like what were lookin' @ is a clear case of butt buddies the way this scenario was explained bout Peter & Stephens relationship!:D

plus i dont think Peter owe Stephen a fuckin' thing how many times did he save his ass during the movie!:cool:

Oh, it was definitely a dependent relationship.

Both of them wouldn't have gotten that far without the other.

It's just me I guess. I'm big on loyalty and don't believe you should leave men behind.


05-Aug-2010, 05:41 PM
Sure their relationship was tumultuous at times, but while building physical walls together they were breaking down emotional ones.

:lol: Thanks for that!

05-Aug-2010, 06:32 PM
Oh, it was definitely a dependent relationship.

Both of them wouldn't have gotten that far without the other.

It's just me I guess. I'm big on loyalty and don't believe you should leave men behind.


yeah i wouldn't do that to a friend...but in their case a friend doesn't point a rifle at a friend either! lol:p

"not to mention he wanted to tap his chick"!:hyper:

darth los
05-Aug-2010, 06:37 PM
yeah i wouldn't do that to a friend...but in their case a friend doesn't point a rifle at a friend either! lol:p

"not to mention he wanted to tap his chick"!:hyper:

You have a one track mind! LMAO :lol:

I like it.

It's all about the pussy.

Hi five! :thumbsup:


05-Aug-2010, 10:48 PM
You have a one track mind! LMAO :lol:

I like it.

It's all about the pussy.

Hi five! :thumbsup:


well im sure you've heard that joke....what has 2 thumbs and likes blow jobs?

"THIS GUY!":thumbsup:

darth los
05-Aug-2010, 11:38 PM
yeah i wouldn't do that to a friend...but in their case a friend doesn't point a rifle at a friend either! lol:p

In all fairness, Stephen did shoot at him first.


05-Aug-2010, 11:47 PM
In all fairness, Stephen did shoot at him first.


true but i think had they met @ another time minus zombie plaque im sure they wouldn't have been friends...Stephen looks like a racist mother fucker!:D

darth los
05-Aug-2010, 11:54 PM
true but i think had they met @ another time minus zombie plaque im sure they wouldn't have been friends...Stephen looks like a racist mother fucker!:D

Did you see the way he looked at Peter when he first saw him?

He was like "who's he?" In other words, I know this big black guy isn't coming with us right? :lol:


06-Aug-2010, 12:03 AM
Never thought about any of them being racist, but I always thought Fran's innocent way of saying "Real brother or Street brothers?" was kinda funny....

06-Aug-2010, 12:06 AM
Never thought about any of them being racist, but I always thought Fran's innocent way of saying "Real brother or Street brothers?" was kinda funny....

I always wondered about Peter's brother. Didn't he say he was a football player? You'd think Peter would have tried to call his brother up or something. Of course, if the film was made today they all would have been in the chopper trying their cell phones every ten minutes and texting people. :rolleyes:


darth los
06-Aug-2010, 12:27 AM
Never thought about any of them being racist, but I always thought Fran's innocent way of saying "Real brother or Street brothers?" was kinda funny....

I always wondered about Peter's brother. Didn't he say he was a football player? You'd think Peter would have tried to call his brother up or something. Of course, if the film was made today they all would have been in the chopper trying their cell phones every ten minutes and texting people. :rolleyes:


I believe the novel sais he was a basketball player.

No, not racist but when she said it it reeked of someone who really didn't talk that way trying to be "down".


06-Aug-2010, 01:13 AM
Never thought about any of them being racist, but I always thought Fran's innocent way of saying "Real brother or Street brothers?" was kinda funny....

well werent they in philly to begin with? there are some hood white people out there,man

06-Aug-2010, 04:00 AM
No, not racist but when she said it it reeked of someone who really didn't talk that way trying to be "down".
Or when she says they need to secur-izzle the mall-izzle. One of my favorite lines in the extended edition.

06-Aug-2010, 04:09 AM
Or when she says they need to secur-izzle the mall-izzle. One of my favorite lines in the extended edition.

Then Peter would say "make me some foundue bitch!:hyper::clown: