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02-Aug-2010, 05:13 PM
It is coming out this month. Anyone catching it? This is one 3D movie I will watch.

French Poster

02-Aug-2010, 05:17 PM
When I first heard about it I wrote it off as complete shit but the more I hear about it, the more I want to see it. Looks like it could be a fun tongue in cheek kind of thing. And they say the gore is off the charts, so I got that going for me:D. Huge positive reaction from comic con, too...

02-Aug-2010, 05:36 PM
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

Not interested unless I hear it's some unorthodox, fun ride from multiple people.

02-Aug-2010, 06:07 PM
Yeah, I'll see it, even with Elizabeth Shue.

02-Aug-2010, 06:41 PM
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

Not interested unless I hear it's some unorthodox, fun ride from multiple people.


I saw the trailer for it the other night - wasn't impressed. If I hear it's good I'll check it out, but for now, pass...

I'm finicky like that. :D

02-Aug-2010, 06:43 PM
Already in my Netflix queue for when it comes out to rent.

Should be good for a laugh or two, and a film with scantily clad gals in it already has my vote of confidence.


02-Aug-2010, 07:13 PM
I just watched a 9 minute clip that was very graphic. There are some spoilers in the clip, but it is worth seeing. I will not post it on here, since it was a shit-cam recording and it being removed from websites. But it is around for those who are interested.

03-Aug-2010, 03:48 AM
I guess I'm ready for a nibble...
(glub glub)

17-Aug-2010, 05:47 PM
3 more days, until it is released in theaters. I am definately watching this movie, because I have a strong feeling it will be one of the bloodiest new movies made in a while. I may catch the earliest showing on Friday, so I can watch the film in peace.

darth los
17-Aug-2010, 07:06 PM
3 more days, until it is released in theaters. I am definately watching this movie, because I have a strong feeling it will be one of the bloodiest new movies made in a while. I may catch the earliest showing on Friday, so I can watch the film in peace.

Tell me about it.

Between Obnoxious kids, crying babies and cell phones going off, it's gotta be a real event to get me to the theater. :dead:


17-Aug-2010, 07:08 PM
I've never understood that complaint. Maybe i'm just in a lucky area, but if you avoid the usual Fridays and Saturdays after 7pm.....it's all good. Going to a late screening on a weekend is asking for trouble...

It's actually MY kid that's keeping me from seeing all the new films these days. Finding the time and a sitter is an act of friggin congress...

darth los
17-Aug-2010, 07:16 PM
I've never understood that complaint. Maybe i'm just in a lucky area, but if you avoid the usual Fridays and Saturdays after 7pm.....it's all good. Going to a late screening on a weekend is asking for trouble...

It's actually MY kid that's keeping me from seeing all the new films these days. Finding the time and a sitter is an act of friggin congress...

Well, I am in New York.

All things all the time.

It's the blessing and the curse of this place.


17-Aug-2010, 07:18 PM
Even matinee showings are packed? Wow, that must suck. I used to be able to catch matinee showings around here and I would be the only person there. You need to move out to the sticks, man. :D

darth los
17-Aug-2010, 07:25 PM
Even matinee showings are packed? Wow, that must suck. I used to be able to catch matinee showings around here and I would be the only person there. You need to move out to the sticks, man. :D

Nice dawn reference.

But there are over 8 million people around me. If there's an empty theater there's probably something wrong with it.


17-Aug-2010, 10:17 PM
Finding the time and a sitter is an act of friggin congress...

Thanks for the birth control reminder! ;)

19-Aug-2010, 04:58 PM
I decided to post this one in my thread. People really are stupid. Read this bullshit. Some people actually believe there are killer fish lurking in that lake.


darth los
19-Aug-2010, 05:24 PM
Thanks for the birth control reminder! ;)

Oh, having children is a full time/lifetime job.

If you're gonna have one you'd better be REEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY sure that you've gotten everything you wanna do out of your system because once you have 1 things will never be the same.


20-Aug-2010, 04:48 PM
I am leaving in a little while to catch the 12:30 pm showing.

20-Aug-2010, 06:04 PM
Yeah, I still gotta see Scott Pilgrim and the Expendibles, but this is on tap for today. Feels like a movie better seen in a semi packed house for the fun to be had. Sometimes loud is fun when it's aimed at the movie. Talking on cells, arguing with spouses, or pinching your kid until he wails...
I better remember to wear a hat, though. For some reason they don't dim the lights down enough, especially the side ones that guide you out of the room. They don't have to kill them, but they give me alot of glare on my glasses. The hat helps...

20-Aug-2010, 07:52 PM
Hey, I just got back from viewing it. Not a bad popcorn movie. I will add to this later on, because I have a friend at the house with me who watch it, also. I will say this. Lots of nudity, gore, and the entire movie is 3D. The only complaint is the fact I spent $9.50 for the ticket, but the 3D glasses are diffrent. They are not the old paper blue and red one, but a clear and hard plastic pair. But I am sure some of you already know that from watching other 3D movies , which were recently released. One last thing, I think there will be a sequel.

20-Aug-2010, 07:55 PM
I will say this. Lots of nudity...and the entire movie is 3D.


20-Aug-2010, 09:06 PM
They are not the old paper blue and red one, but a clear and hard plastic pair.

I believe they dropped that 3d technology years ago....

So it's NOT worth the price of admission? Wait for dvd?

20-Aug-2010, 09:37 PM
I believe they dropped that 3d technology years ago....

So it's NOT worth the price of admission? Wait for dvd?

The last 3D movie I watched prior to this was Freddy's Dead back in '91. *L* I still have the red and blue glasses. I will say the technology was far superior to what I watched during the 90's. I have not watched Avatar, which I have been told the 3D is good. So, I cannot compare and contrast those two.

I thought it was worth it, IMO. But it may not be for everyone. I would discuss this further, but I still have company over.

The only gripes are the fact the movie lighting was dark in some scenes and it leaves you hanging at the end for a sequel. But the movie does not suck, IMO.

20-Aug-2010, 09:41 PM
The only gripes are the fact the movie lighting was dark in some scenes

Yeah...this is because of the 3d glasses. They tend to dull or darken the contrast of the picture. One of the downsides to the technology.

Hey...I can't compare the two because I've yet to see Piranha, but you should check out Avatar when it's re-released soon. AWESOME 3d.

21-Aug-2010, 12:00 AM
My guest is gone for now. This will have spoilers.

Do not expect an award winning movie. It is pretty much a tits and gore movie in 3D. The movie has its flaws, but it is entertaining.

I scanned around for nudity and was not disappointed. One scene that comes to mind is the underwater mild lesbian scene and it was beautifully shot. I am glad the fish did not interupt them. I do not think there was a bad looking female body in the movie. There is girl with painted breasts that bounced everywhere around the 1/4 of the movie for a few seconds. She will not be hard to spot.

My guest is back. I will talk about the gore and 3D effects later on. Sorry about cutting this short.

21-Aug-2010, 06:41 PM
The gore effects were pretty good. They used CGI in some of the scenes, but it did not ruin the movie. One girl cut in half by a cable and another is pulled in half. A girl gets her hair caught in a trolling motar only to get her face pulled off when the motar starts. Eli Roth's head is destroyed after it is smashed by a motar boat. Jerry O'Connell gets eaten up from the waist down. There is even a penis gag in that scene. There are so many gory moments that I could fill up a page or two talking about it. The violences was well done and not for the weak of heart. I actually watched an elderly couple leave during the last carnage scene. No joke. The old man acted like he wanted to stay. I think it was his wife. *L*

The 3D was not bad, but I have only viewed two 3D movies. So, I cannot compare it to what is out today. Some scenes stood out. The underwater shots were kind of claustrophobic. When as the camera travels through the underwater vegatation you feel boxed in. Kind of like a tunnel. When you see it, then you will know what I am refering to. Most of you probably watched the trailer in which Ving Rhames picks up a trolling motar and chops up fish. When he points the blades toward the viewer it really does appear to come out of the screen. It looked like you could reach out and touch it. I was surprised. Also the background in each scene looked 3D.

For those who are fans of Richard Dreyfuss, he gets killed during the first 5 minutes of the movie. In fact, he is the 1st victim. They tear his ass to shreads. Christopher Lloyd is pretty much Doc from Back to the Future. It was great to see him.

As for the ending, reader beware, because I am about to spoil the entire ending. They did not even kill them all, in fact, they did not even put a dent in the population. The lake is still swarming with them. And it leaves you hanging for a sequel. In fact, one of the trailers shows the ending like Quarentine. The big fish that grabs the guy on the boat is the ending. After killing a number of them, Lloyd's character calls and warns them of bad news. He pretty much tells them he could not find any reproductive organs on the fish they brought him, which leaves him to believe that the fish who were attacking are juveniles. Then it shows the large fish attacking the guy, then it goes straight to the ending credits.

Overall, I enjoyed the movie and can say I have watched all 4 Piranha movies. The story from the '78 version is better, but it beats Piranha 2 hands down in every way. And it is more graphic than the 1995 remake.

It is up to you guys if you want to view it in the theaters or not. Personally, I have no regrets. score: 8/10

22-Aug-2010, 02:19 PM
Saw it last night and was predictably disappointed. Bad acting from most, and you know the 3-D effect is for naught when it makes special effects by Nicotero and Berger look hokey. I suspect they used 3-D to make the piranha look more realistic. It didn't work. It was made by the same guy who did the Hills Have Eyes remake and High Tension, so I guess two out of three ain't bad.

22-Aug-2010, 04:47 PM
Wow, the gore factor was superb. Amazing, with the names they had in it.
Was the story and acting Academy award winning stuff?
Probably not, but the one of two theaters even showing it in northwest Arkansas that I was at was packed to the gills.
I'm glad I saw it like that, because everyone was whooping it up and having a good time. I think I would've enjoyed it alone, even.
The chick getting pulled apart was my favorite part. How she just kind of slumps down in his arms afterwards had everyone in the room completely silent for a few seconds before they all erupted with WTF's.
I'd be down for a sequel, and even though the 3D wasn't the best, I didn't find it too shabby at all.
One thing: keep your genitals out of the water as much as possible. I kept waiting for Ving's junk to get bitten off.
Great saturday afternoon flick to see right before heading out to your local swimspot...

23-Aug-2010, 01:57 PM
Was the story and acting Academy award winning stuff?Probably not, but the one of two theaters even showing it in northwest Arkansas that I was at was packed to the gills.


darth los
23-Aug-2010, 02:14 PM
Do not expect an award winning movie. It is pretty much a tits and gore movie in 3D.

So ima have tits in my face the whole movie?

And the downside would be?


23-Aug-2010, 02:26 PM
Great saturday afternoon flick to see right before heading out to your local swimspot...

That does sound fun!

23-Aug-2010, 03:46 PM
So ima have tits in my face the whole movie?

And the downside would be?


I never claimed it was a downside. :D Believe me, I was scanning each crowded scene for it.

23-Aug-2010, 04:10 PM
score: 8/10
8/10 sounds like award-winning movie territory, yet everything posted seems to indicate Girls Gone Wild meets Jaws.

23-Aug-2010, 04:32 PM
8/10 sounds like award-winning movie territory, yet everything posted seems to indicate Girls Gone Wild meets Jaws.

That 8/10 is for tits and gore. ;) I will admit the gore was excellent. If anything, they may get an award for the special effects. Not an oscar, though.

darth los
23-Aug-2010, 04:36 PM
I never claimed it was a downside. :D Believe me, I was scanning each crowded scene for it.


Just checking. :lol:

Not that it was you're reason for going to see it but just in case someone thinks the movie blows you don't walk away with nothing. :lol:

Thinking about it, being a remake and all, tits, ass and bush was a staple of 70's and 80's movies.

Ah, bush, where have you gone?

Shit, on ocasion you would get traeted to opening credit bush! :lol:

Ah, the good old days.:(


24-Aug-2010, 04:54 AM
The two chicks I saw were bushless. Very chic.

24-Aug-2010, 07:29 PM
A sequel has been anounced. No surprise considering how it ends.
