View Full Version : Rocky IV

04-Aug-2010, 03:00 AM
Is this the greatest movie ever created in the history of cinema?

Yes, I think it is. It's up there as one of the best and most shining examples of Americanism.

I just finished re-watching this film for about the 4,174th time. I never grow tired of watching this movie. It's a flick about a man (Rocky) who loves his country, what he believes in as a person, taking on the enemy with all his heart and might. No matter how powerful the adversary, you fight with all you have. The film is a symbol for the greatness within all of us to accomplish with our hard work and dedication as a people. You never stop fighting, NEVER give up.

The scene with Apollo saying to Rocky: "Don't you stop this fight no matter what!" really resonates with me -- even though he knew he (Apollo Creed) had no chance in the world of winning, he kept on fighting. He kept going because that's the American way -- you go with all your might, your spirit, all inside you. Even if it kills you in the end, the point is that you fought into that 11th hour with all you have. I truly respect that.

Honestly, I think this is one of the greatest American (patriotic, love your country, etc.) films ever made. It's up there as a great American film like "Patton" for me. It should be played the 4th of July every year (like "Patton" and a few other films).

Now, I'm going back to getting drunk. :D:p


04-Aug-2010, 05:45 AM
yeah, rocky 4 is the shit, for all the reasons you mentioned. rocky's training montage is fucking classic 80's cheese, but pretty motivating nonetheless. plus ivan drago is a fucking force to be reckoned with, as apollo found out. "if he dies, he dies." best line ever.

been a while since i've seen this one, will have to sit down and watch it again sometime. i recall having it recorded on vhs and as young kids, my brothers and i would watch it and then try to imitate the fights and end up busting each other up, occasionally resulting in a bloody nose or lip. i think my parents "misplaced" that tape on purpose...:lol:

04-Aug-2010, 11:42 AM
"I must break you"

IV is pretty good, but I think my favorites are probably the first three. And I've always thought that I, II, and VI are basically the same film. I guess if it isn't broke....

04-Aug-2010, 01:20 PM
Wow, I was really soused last night when I wrote this (ended up watching Rocky IV and Rocky V back to back before passing out, I didn't make it to "Rocky Balboa" but will probably re-watch it tonight). Fantastic stuff.

Is it possible to listen to "Eye of the Tiger" and not feel motivated / want to do your best at whatever your doing? It's one of those songs that just inspire you in a way that only the best 80's stuff can do (It's like "The Final Countdown") -- it just pushes you in all the good ways. :)


04-Aug-2010, 01:23 PM
Is it possible to listen to "Eye of the Tiger" and not feel motivated / want to do your best at whatever your doing?

Not so much Eye of the Tiger, but the Rocky theme tune always gets my blood pumping...

darth los
04-Aug-2010, 02:41 PM
Has anyone ever tried to work out to rocky theme music?

It's like taking roid's man. Motivating as hell.

Try listening to "Going the distance". It's from the first film and used in the fight with apollo.

Great stuff.

I love all the Rocky films for all the Reasons JD mentioned. My fav is the first though. The washed up underdog getting a shot at the title. Everyone makes fun of him and takes him as a joke. Everyone but Adrian.

Two lines from the series stick out for me.

The First is from rocky 4 before he goes off to Russia to train he's talking to his kid. The kid asks, "do you ever get scared?" He tells him yes. It's not verbatim but he tells him "Sometimes I'm all achy and my hands are hurting and I have this guy just beating on me and I don't want him do beat me anymore and I wanna just stop, but when you push yourself to go that one more round when you don't think you can, it can make all the difference in your life."

The second is from the first film. He goes to the spectrum the night before the fight with Apollo because he can't sleep. Iwouldn't be able to either.

He comes home and as he lays in bed Adrian wakes up. she asks him what's wrong. He answers her, "I can't beat him."

Again I'm paraphrasing. He goes on "No one has ever gone the distance with Creed. If I can go the distance and that bell rings and I'm still standing I'm gonna know for the first time in my life that I'm not just anther bum from the neighborhood."

Great stuff. :thumbsup:

Although, I have to disagree with Bassman in his post where he says the first three are basically the same movie. Yes, on the surface it would seem that way. some personal problems, an upcoming fight, training montage' and him beating someone he has no business beating. Because let's face it. Rocky is not a great fighter. It's his steel will, determination and Heart that beats his opponents, not his skill.

The first is Rocky's movie, it's all about him, where he's come from, his aspirations and his redemption.

The second is Rocky and Adrian's movie. It's about their struggle to make ends meet among other things.

The third is Rocky and Mickey's movie. (with some apollo peppered in there). Adrianis hardly in it at all.

If anyone tells you Rocky is a boxing movie they really haven't watched it at all. It's about so much more than that. Yes there's some boxing in it but only about 10-15 minutes worth.

Can you tell I love these films? :lol:


04-Aug-2010, 02:46 PM
Actually...I meant one, two, and six(balboa) are very similar. That's not to say they're bad.....I love the rocky franchise but those three are a bit too similar, imo.

The only one I don't like too much is five, and I'm sure most would agree on that. Four is great, though. Much better than First Blood 4 or "Rambo".:rolleyes:

darth los
04-Aug-2010, 02:50 PM
Actually...I meant one, two, and six(balboa) are very similar. That's not to say they're bad.....I love the rocky franchise but those three are a bit too similar, imo.

The only one I don't like too much is five, and I'm sure most would agree on that. Four is great, though. Much better than First Blood 4 or "Rambo".:rolleyes:

5 was a let down. or me it was just heartbreaking that a good guy like Rocky who does things the right way, lose everything he had built up.

But again that's the way life fucks you over sometimes. Gotta love the way these films accurately portray life like that.


04-Aug-2010, 02:57 PM
The Rocky movies...weren't those with Tony Danza?

04-Aug-2010, 10:28 PM
I love all the Rocky films for all the Reasons JD mentioned. My fav is the first though. The washed up underdog getting a shot at the title. Everyone makes fun of him and takes him as a joke. Everyone but Adrian.

I never took the first movie that way. The ones that took him as a joke were Jurgens, Creed, and the others that didn't know anything about him other than his fight record. Mickey himself hit the nail on the head with his lines during their argument.

It wasn't so much "washed up underdog", as much as "apply yourself". Everyone around Rocky knew he had the tools - especially Mickey (and if he hadn't, Creed would have killed him). But Rocky, like most people, just never was motivated enough for the right reasons to do anything with his life. So he just kind of wandered through a loser's life without focus. That was until he was offered the Creed fight. That gave him a focus. As soon as that happened, everything in his life picked up - his relationship with Mickey, Adrian came around, the works. All because he finally applied himself.

05-Aug-2010, 01:27 AM
I think I once explained how Teen Wolf was the best movie ever made, drunkenly, to my kid one night.
Anything Rocky...
Not so much.

05-Aug-2010, 02:13 AM
I love the whole series...But.... I think the first and the last as "films" actually work the best.

If were talking lines...One of my favs if from Rocky Balboa when he is tellin his son that life is not about how hard you can hit..But how hard you can get hit and keep on goin. Also his scene in the hearing for him to get licensed was touching to.

Call me gay but the Rocky films tug at not just the heart string,nor simply patriotism but more so the human experience. I dig em... They get me pumped and even sometimes choked me up. Stallone is a champ in my book and no amount of trash he did from time to time can take that away.

All that said Rocky IV is not the greatest film of all time let alone of the series...

05-Aug-2010, 02:20 AM
I love the whole series...But.... I think the first and the last as "films" actually work the best.

If were talking lines...One of my favs if from Rocky Balboa when he is tellin his son that life is not about how hard you can hit..But how hard you can get hit and keep on goin. Also his scene in the hearing for him to get licensed was touching to.

Call me gay but the Rocky films tug at not just the heart string,nor simply patriotism but more so the human experience. I dig em... They get me pumped and even sometimes choked me up. Stallone is a champ in my book and no amount of trash he did from time to time can take that away.

All that said Rocky IV is not the greatest film of all time let alone of the series...
Though I'm gay as fuck myself, heart strings are heart strings...
Pull the shit outta them...

darth los
05-Aug-2010, 02:51 AM
I never took the first movie that way. The ones that took him as a joke were Jurgens, Creed, and the others that didn't know anything about him other than his fight record. Mickey himself hit the nail on the head with his lines during their argument.

It wasn't so much "washed up underdog", as much as "apply yourself". Everyone around Rocky knew he had the tools - especially Mickey (and if he hadn't, Creed would have killed him). But Rocky, like most people, just never was motivated enough for the right reasons to do anything with his life. So he just kind of wandered through a loser's life without focus. That was until he was offered the Creed fight. That gave him a focus. As soon as that happened, everything in his life picked up - his relationship with Mickey, Adrian came around, the works. All because he finally applied himself.

Very good take. I like it.

To your point, Rocky wanted to know why Mick was always shitting on him. Mick tells him, " Because you had the tools to become a great fighter and instead of that you became a second rate loan shark, a lamebrain."

I agree. Sometimes in life we need something to live for, we need hope, motivation and in turn that allows us to fucus and reach our true potential.


05-Aug-2010, 04:21 AM
I'm personally perplexed how anyone can talk any kind of smack over a GAR movie, when they can argue WTF is going on with any type of Rocky movie.
I know Mr. T. was in one of them, and Draco was in another...
Yes, I've seen them all, even parts of the new one. There is a reason why Arnie is a Guv'nah, and Sly is rehashing the past...

darth los
05-Aug-2010, 03:32 PM
That doesn't suprise me at all.


05-Aug-2010, 03:46 PM
Yes, I've seen them all, even parts of the new one. There is a reason why Arnie is a Guv'nah, and Sly is rehashing the past...

In all fairness, Ah-nold isn't a very good Governor...

darth los
05-Aug-2010, 03:56 PM
In all fairness, Ah-nold isn't a very good Governor...

He wasn't a good actor either.

But yeah, it might have happened with someone else in his place anyway but on his watch California has gone to shit.

You just keep on electing celebs reps! :thumbsup:


05-Aug-2010, 09:35 PM
In all fairness, Ah-nold isn't a very good Governor...

Lol, admitted.