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View Full Version : Stephen McHattie Still Rules!

07-Aug-2010, 01:22 AM
Well, I was going to go on about both Dead Air & Pontypool ( both of which I finally got to see in their entirety this past July ) but evidently they were well reviewed earlier.
For the record, Dead Air was good, but I really thought Pontypool was abit better.
So rather than there again, I just wanted to say how thrilled I am to see Stephen McHattie still rocking the screen.
Decades ago I got hooked on this little limited series called Centennial (78-79), about the eventual founding of a Colorado town. Among the many stars to grace the twenty plus episodes was McHattie who played a half breed indian named Jacques Pasquinel.
Alot of fair to decent performances here, but Stephen really hit a homer with his intense portrayal of a renegade with good reason to hate.
Afterwards, he was the go to guy for countless appearances ( Largely on TV ) but would show up in such recent films as 2012 and as the Nite Owls old man in the kick-tale superhero movie Watchmen.
But definitely his down yet unbowed rebel in PontyPool proves the old man still got it. I was impressed.

Wayne Z

07-Aug-2010, 01:57 AM
i understood maybe a dozen words in this context. from which i could garner no meaning.:|

07-Aug-2010, 11:53 AM

I am with hellsing on that one dude, I tried to de-code whatever is you're trying to say and my brain just overloaded and shut down and is now telling me I have BSOD (goddamn DOS operating system)

08-Aug-2010, 04:04 AM
Hellsing, DJ...update the prescriptions on your nerdfocals. Wayne's post was damned easy to follow, and though I haven't seen the earlier mini-series I have liked McHattie in the few things I've seen him in. I didn't really know him by name till this last year.

08-Aug-2010, 10:04 PM
Hellsing, DJ...update the prescriptions on your nerdfocals. Wayne's post was damned easy to follow, and though I haven't seen the earlier mini-series I have liked McHattie in the few things I've seen him in. I didn't really know him by name till this last year.

Thanks Ace.

I just figured I'd made a Ponty Post( where it starts out incomprehensible, but once you finally understand it drives you insane. )

How's that for Stream of Consciousness?

Wayne Z
"Sidney Briar is Alive. "

08-Aug-2010, 10:36 PM
Hellsing, DJ...update the prescriptions on your nerdfocals. Wayne's post was damned easy to follow, and though I haven't seen the earlier mini-series I have liked McHattie in the few things I've seen him in. I didn't really know him by name till this last year.


SOB, he was the FBI cop in Beverly Hills Cop 3. I wonder how looks upon that moment.