View Full Version : New Interview and Review from DeadlyIndie Blogspot

07-Aug-2010, 12:09 PM
THE INTERVIEW (http://deadlyindie.blogspot.com/2010/08/1.html?spref=fb) - I even list my ABC's of indie film making, including my qualms about overuse of gore.

THE REVIEW (http://deadlyindie.blogspot.com/2010/07/deadlands-2-trapped-me-into-wanting.html) - Awesome 9.5 out of 10, I even like the headline. I used an excerpt on the box for Deadlands 2 Extended and Unrated.

Side note, been talking to the owner of the website and he too is an indie film guy like me. We shared our horror stories of working within the indie horror realm, quite funny to hear almost identical versions of stories and shit that happened to us while making our films.

Anyway, he is a cool guy with a cool site, check it out.