View Full Version : Kinect to recognize American Sign Language

darth los
09-Aug-2010, 02:28 AM
Talk about all inclusive and expanding the market huh?



09-Aug-2010, 05:17 AM
it's nice to see more games console peripherals being playable for the disabled, but honestly i still cannot find myself to give a shit about kinect, even with child of eden, which is basically rez 2.
It just has too many faults with the basic idea, like when lightguns first came out for the nintendo and needed receiver stuck to 3 corners of the screen.
It's a novel idea, but the more i see the more the man behind the curtain is revealled and therefore so is the illusion if you get my meaning.

Im not too excited about either but if i had to lean to one it would be move. I've had friends try and argue against it with "but its just wii controls with playstation games" and my mind boggles why that would be a bad thing. because you know hideo kojima is gonna do something with it that will blow everyones minds.

09-Aug-2010, 07:30 AM
I've always believed every video/conference they've had on Kinect to be complete hogwash. Totally fake, if you ask me. Just watch any of the videos (live or not) and try to believe it's not choreography along with a CGI movie.

darth los
09-Aug-2010, 02:15 PM
it's nice to see more games console peripherals being playable for the disabled, but honestly i still cannot find myself to give a shit about kinect, even with child of eden, which is basically rez 2.
It just has too many faults with the basic idea, like when lightguns first came out for the nintendo and needed receiver stuck to 3 corners of the screen.
It's a novel idea, but the more i see the more the man behind the curtain is revealled and therefore so is the illusion if you get my meaning.

Im not too excited about either but if i had to lean to one it would be move. I've had friends try and argue against it with "but its just wii controls with playstation games" and my mind boggles why that would be a bad thing. because you know hideo kojima is gonna do something with it that will blow everyones minds.

Perhaps they are just frightened that if they go the "wii route" and are successful then they will pretty much abandon hardcore gamers as nintendo did.


09-Aug-2010, 02:20 PM
Perhaps they are just frightened that if they go the "wii route" and are successful then they will pretty much abandon hardcore gamers as nintendo did.


doubtful, it's essentially being marketed as the "wii for big boys" using games like heavy rain, uncharted and metal gear instead of bullshit ala carnival games.
My guess is they reckon all the crowds brought into the game sales market by the wii will see this as some sort of more adult progression or something like that. it's certainly being marketed that way.

darth los
09-Aug-2010, 02:27 PM
doubtful, it's essentially being marketed as the "wii for big boys" using games like heavy rain, uncharted and metal gear instead of bullshit ala carnival games.
My guess is they reckon all the crowds brought into the game sales market by the wii will see this as some sort of more adult progression or something like that. it's certainly being marketed that way.

That's cool with me if that's the case.

Nintendo used to be my fav company and in my heart it probably always will be.

I will defend the gamecube till the death. Every multi platform game that was released if it came out for the gamecube I would get it over the ps2 version everytime. And they repaid me for that loyalty by going the route they went which I don't have to explain to you.

I just hope they don't do it to us again.


09-Aug-2010, 03:26 PM
That's cool with me if that's the case.

Nintendo used to be my fav company and in my heart it probably always will be.

I will defend the gamecube till the death. Every multi platform game that was released if it came out for the gamecube I would get it over the ps2 version everytime. And they repaid me for that loyalty by going the route they went which I don't have to explain to you.

I just hope they don't do it to us again.


They'll always be the king of handhelds dude, thats where they gorram shine.

09-Aug-2010, 03:45 PM
i still cannot find myself to give a shit about kinect

Yeah, to me it's just steppingstone technology. We'll see where it takes us in the fullness of time, but I'm quite happy with my current gaming experiences (generally speaking), and don't need change for the sake of change.

darth los
09-Aug-2010, 03:56 PM
Yeah, to me it's just steppingstone technology. We'll see where it takes us in the fullness of time, but I'm quite happy with my current gaming experiences (generally speaking), and don't need change for the sake of change.

But alot like 3 D you can bet your as they'll do everything they can to shove it down our throats.

Think about it. No one was exactly clamoring for this to begin with. We're just being told that it's the next big thing and that we need it. :rolleyes:


11-Aug-2010, 03:03 PM

may have signed too soon about this.:|

darth los
12-Aug-2010, 01:47 AM
Yeah i just saw it on g4.

I wish they would make up their minds.

They're making me look bad. lol
