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View Full Version : New Scottish low budget Zombie movie

09-Aug-2010, 03:33 PM

In the late summer/early autumn of 2010, Orkney Islands Films are hopefully starting shooting their micro budget movie 'The Odinsay Incident'. We are looking for individuals and companies to sponsor the movie, from as little as £10. Take a look at our website and look at 'Projects' and click on the Odinsay link for more info.

The Odinsay Incident full synopsis/pitch:

The cause

In 2005 Military Forces quarantined a village in Cambodia that was at the epi-centre of an outbreak of what was described as “zombism”.
The culprit was discovered to be mosquitoes native to that region carrying a super strength Malaria parasite which killed it's host almost instantly and later re-animated the host, causing it to find human blood.

The British Military obtained a sample of the parasite and researched it to develop a biological weapon. The British Government helped to cover up the story, claiming it was a hoax.

It was unsure where the new parasite came from. There are 2 theories: One is that the parasite is alien and came down on a meteriote and the other theory is that the mosquito came from deep in the cambodian jungle and had never been in contact with humans before, but due to mass de-forestation of the area it did so.

The Project

The British Military Secret Biological Warfare Unit studied the parasite and with minor re-structuring of the parasites DNA they were able to re-animate dead soldiers. They immediately put into place Project Promethius and began testing it's new biological weapon.

The re-animated soldiers would be sent to a hostile area and pass on the parasite to any living human by means of a bite. The parasite would then enter the new host via the bite and immediately work it's way to the brain of the host laying billions of eggs which would hatch within a couple of hours. The parasites would all then link together and cover the brain and the rest of the central nervous system and feed on this, which would kill the host. The parasite would then re-animate the host by using electro-chemical signals and the parasites would become the new central nervous system. The parasite would need fresh blood to survive and the host would be the vehicle used to obtain the fresh blood. In doing so some parasites would be passed on through bites, creating more re-animated corpses.

The Military decided to use re-animated soldiers rather than using the original mosquitos because they could control the spred of the parasite using the soldiers and once the hostile area had been cleared then the military could go in and destroy all the re-animated corpses. The only method of destroying the corpses is to destroy a large area of the brain or severing the head from the spinal column. Once the parasite has left the carrier or the host and cannot find fresh blood or brain it only has a couple of hours to live.

The Test Location

Odinsay is a remote island off the North coast of Scotland. It is around 120 miles away from John O'Groats. It has around 80 residents and it relies on agriculture and a small fishing fleet to boost it's economy. During the summer it also relies on a small amount of tourists. To get to the island there is a ferry service which goes once a week to the island every Friday. It leaves John O'Groats at 6am every Friday and arrives at 11:30am in Odinsay where it stays until 6pm then returns to John O'Groats.

There are 2 registered fishing vessels, no private planes and 2 or 3 small boats with outboard motors. There is a small telephone exchange, a very small mobile phone mast and one radio antennia on the island.

There is a small school with around 20 pupils in, ranging from 4-16 years.

During the Second World War Odinsay was used as the last outpost of the UK for the British Forces and still has 2 bunkers which were used to help protect the British fleet before it went into the vast open seas. Although the British Army never had any reason to use Odinsay again, for some reason they secretly maintained these bunkers and they are still live and operational today.

The reason for the Military chosing Odinsay as a test area for the Project Promethius:

The operational bunkers
The fact that the ferry visits once a week
They can distrupt the islands communication and cut them off from the outside world.
They can destroy any means of escape from the island (scuppering the fishing fleet and other vessels)
Odinsay measures 3 miles by 2 miles and has around 80 residents which could represent a village in Afghanistan controlled by the Talliban.
Odinsay is not well known, even to the UK.
The Military could go onto Odinsay covertly posing as tourists

The Cover Up

Due to it's position and it's role in WW2 the military could say that terrorists had overtook the island, planning to use it as a base to fire nuclear weapons at the British mainland and British oil fields. Military intelligence realised this and the military went to liberate the island, but the terrorists had killed all of the inhabitants when the army had arrived, before killing themselves.


If you like the sound of this story, please help us by sponsoring our movie.

Many thanks

Orkney Islands Films



