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View Full Version : "Duke Nukem Forever" not dead?

12-Aug-2010, 08:22 AM

12-Aug-2010, 11:08 AM
Most weird.

Out of the two though, I'd rather have Colonial Marines.

12-Aug-2010, 12:59 PM
Most weird.

Out of the two though, I'd rather have Colonial Marines.

Have you tried Alien Swarm (free off Steam)? Played it with some friends last Friday and quite good fun!

darth los
12-Aug-2010, 04:32 PM
Most weird.

Out of the two though, I'd rather have Colonial Marines.

Oh no doubt. Colonial Marines all day! :thumbsup:

DNF is like a punchline already.


12-Aug-2010, 06:11 PM
Have you tried Alien Swarm (free off Steam)? Played it with some friends last Friday and quite good fun!
Have seen videos of it, but it's not really my kind of game ... plus I cannot stand Steam. :p

13-Aug-2010, 08:35 AM
plus I cannot stand Steam. :p

What's wrong with Steam? Keeps all your games upto date automatically, plus makes lpaying with friends far easier!?

13-Aug-2010, 10:09 AM
What's wrong with Steam? Keeps all your games upto date automatically, plus makes lpaying with friends far easier!?
But it means you have to have your gaming rig online - and not everybody wants to have their gaming rig online, nevermind the fact it's not in the same room (or floor, or side) of the house as the internet (and screw wireless, I like wires). It's the same reason I despise that "always online" DRM nonsense (which all that does is succeed in inspiring me not to buy games on the PC).

It takes an age to update anything too, so I've found.

I wanted to be able to download the PC demo of Mafia 2 - but no, I wasn't allowed, because it was only on Steam, rather than the good old days of not too long ago when you could just download an .exe from a kosher site and transfer it via memory stick to wherever you want.

13-Aug-2010, 10:16 AM
But it means you have to have your gaming rig online - and not everybody wants to have their gaming rig online, nevermind the fact it's not in the same room (or floor, or side) of the house as the internet (and screw wireless, I like wires). It's the same reason I despise that "always online" DRM nonsense (which all that does is succeed in inspiring me not to buy games on the PC).

It takes an age to update anything too, so I've found.

I wanted to be able to download the PC demo of Mafia 2 - but no, I wasn't allowed, because it was only on Steam, rather than the good old days of not too long ago when you could just download an .exe from a kosher site and transfer it via memory stick to wherever you want.

Fair enough... As for taking an age to update, surely that's down to your connection speed.

Personally I like it as it's make life super easy. Click of a button and a game is installed. And I know it's always upto date etc etc...

13-Aug-2010, 10:23 AM
Fair enough... As for taking an age to update, surely that's down to your connection speed.

Personally I like it as it's make life super easy. Click of a button and a game is installed. And I know it's always upto date etc etc...
Anytime I've used Steam to download something, it's always taken longer than what it'd take if I was just downloading an .exe file from a kosher website.

13-Aug-2010, 11:55 AM
I dont like steam either, I dislike the fact that you buy a hard copy of a game, and still have to activate it via steam which sometimes takes forever, and I hate it when you have a spare hour for a bit of gaming, try to start a game up, and the steam servers are down, or it tries to update on boot up & takes an age to do it without giving you the option of running in offline mode :mad: it has its benefits of course, but on the whole I find it a awkward & controlling way of playing your games & would rather not have it & just be able to download demos from the devs websites.

As for Duke Nukem, I lost interest a long time ago, its been in development for so long that the last load of screenshots that were released looked completely outdated,and that was well over a year ago! Duke 3D was a good blast when it came out, but I was a kid then, as an adult it probably wouldnt float my boat anyway...

13-Aug-2010, 01:23 PM
Yeah, I do wonder about that fact - that I'm not 13 anymore - would Duke Nukem still interest me? Duke Nukem 3D was the tits back in the day, but DNF for me aged 26? Who knows...

As for Steam - yes, it's a fiddly, faffy, and controlling way of gaming. I also rather disliked how it decided to change my settings, so I could no longer play in offline mode - so that stuffed me for playing Half-Life 2 (at least I'd played that game through like 5 times at that point though, so I'd had my fill) ... but yes, the controlling way of it I don't like at all. Fiddly and slow too. A right old faff.

darth los
13-Aug-2010, 02:25 PM
They have released Duke Nukem': the Manhattan Project on x box live and it defnitely has a sega Genesisy, side scroller feel to it. Decent enough game if you like that sort of thing.

So it might fly with as an x box live title but a game in that mold wouldn't as a retail release, imo. Not for 60 dollars atleast.


13-Aug-2010, 02:30 PM
At this point I wish this new game and character would just die.

They seem just as confused about this game as Anne Heche is about her sexuality. "I'm gay!" "I'm straight!" Just fucking decide something already...

01-Sep-2010, 10:56 PM
I am playing it now. It is a cross between Metroid and Ninja Gaiden.

01-Sep-2010, 11:02 PM
So... it kicks ass, then? I mean, from that description... yeah.
"I'm getting one" - Peregrin Took

02-Sep-2010, 07:12 AM
I am not claiming it is a buy. In fact, I read it is short. It is also, linear for a Metroid game. The game is good so far, but IMO, a renter. I will discuss the game more, after I beat it.

02-Sep-2010, 01:56 PM
Okay, I'll rent it then...

02-Sep-2010, 11:09 PM
I am closer to the end, so far, a great game for a renter. A plot twist. There are Metroids in the game. Also Ridley is back and so is Mother Brain. Say it ain't so. Say it ain't so. *L* Oh yeah, this game picks up right after Super Metroid.

03-Sep-2010, 04:44 PM
Spotted at PAX today - DUKE IS BACK!


The game is being finished by Gearbox Software and will be published by Take-Two Interactive, maker of the “Grand Theft Auto” series. The game is being shown to consumers and the press for the first time at Penny Arcade Expo today. Gearbox hopes to release the game next year.









03-Sep-2010, 10:16 PM

03-Sep-2010, 11:46 PM
I completed the game with 100 % item collection. Overall, a very good game, but not worth the $50. By no means does this game suck. I completed it in a short amount of time.

The boss battles are impressive for a typical Metroid game. The last required boss is the Metroid queen from Metroid 2. The last boss, which is optional, is some sort of cyclopic alien *not Mother Brain*.

You are given the option to re-explore the game, after completion. It is the only way to achieve 100% completion and fight the optional final boss.

The controls are a little bit fustrating. The graphics and sound are excellent. But it is kind of weird to have dialogue and personality in a Metroid game. It feels out of place. Rent it or wait for a price drop. But do play this game.

Overall: 8/10

03-Sep-2010, 11:49 PM
Sounds cool, I'll rent it. Thanks for the review.

04-Sep-2010, 05:15 AM
Always bet on duke

04-Sep-2010, 09:56 AM
I watched a video on YouTube the other day, one of those "All Your History" videos, and it was about 3D Realms. The fourth episode of that run was all about the arse up that was the development of Prey, and Duke Nukem Forever. By the sounds of it the lead on DNF was a complete and utter twat with no focus or leadership, and it was a sinking ship.

It's good that the project is now in the hands of people who have actually released some games recently and actually have some capability ... although I'm sure the programmers etc on DNF must have been pulling their hair out over the piss poor leadership of the project.

I wonder how the game will change from what it currently is, to what it will be next year. I am quite interested to see how it all pans out ... even play it.

04-Sep-2010, 03:54 PM
Why are Metroid and Duke threads merged? Two diffrent games.

06-Sep-2010, 11:58 AM

---------- Post added at 12:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 PM ----------

Why are Metroid and Duke threads merged? Two diffrent games.

Oops! Tell which post numbers (eg: #12) should be in a dedicated (Metroid) thread and I'll chop 'em out...

04-Oct-2010, 01:15 PM


04-Oct-2010, 04:17 PM
I'll totally play that. :)

Quite a disorganised showing though, buggering around with "let's switch it back" - I bet it must have been a right old tease/annoyance at the actual thing, and this was an edited down video cutting (most of) that crap out.

Anyway, it looks like jolly good fun though. Old school shooter, campy fun, gory, bewbs, one liners etc ... plus it's looking quite nice too. It's about time they got a team (and a director) in charge of the game that knows what they're doing. Looks like it'll just be a good slab of old school fun to me - nevermind your serious dramatic games, or intensely horrific games or whatever - this just looks like innocent (or not so innocent ;)) fun - I mean come on, it's a game where you can take a really long wazz at a urinal. :lol:

04-Oct-2010, 06:49 PM
@ 8:20 lmfao!!

05-Oct-2010, 09:47 AM
@ 8:20 lmfao!!

Can't be bothered to re-load the video, what's at 8:20?

I loved the line about, something like, 'if I had this right, that guy would still have his arm' :D

05-Oct-2010, 11:57 AM
Can't be bothered to re-load the video, what's at 8:20?

I loved the line about, something like, 'if I had this right, that guy would still have his arm' :D

No... It will be lost in translation... You need to see it :)

You can move straight to it with Youtube...

05-Oct-2010, 03:08 PM
Oh yeah that bit. hehe, yeah I liked that bit. ;)

That's exactly the sort of stuff I want to see in DNF. Balls out humour and just a ruddy good fun time ... I love the thing after defeating that monster where you kick a field goal with its giant eye.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that boss battle the climax of Duke Nukem 3D? Perhaps this is some sort of 'picking up where it left off, but in a really meta kind of way' thing that they're doing. Whatever really, the footage looks good to me. Looks like good fun.

05-Oct-2010, 03:35 PM
Oh yeah that bit. hehe, yeah I liked that bit. ;)

That's exactly the sort of stuff I want to see in DNF. Balls out humour and just a ruddy good fun time ... I love the thing after defeating that monster where you kick a field goal with its giant eye.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that boss battle the climax of Duke Nukem 3D? Perhaps this is some sort of 'picking up where it left off, but in a really meta kind of way' thing that they're doing. Whatever really, the footage looks good to me. Looks like good fun.

What I don't understand is, it wasn't long ago that the game was canned, yet here they are showing a working game... So clearly it was in a reasonable state, and yet it/they went belly up... No wonder Bioware jumped in!

And given Bioware's track record I'm hoping the games lives up to the expectations!

05-Oct-2010, 04:32 PM
Bioware? It's Gearbox isn't it?

*has a look at Wiki*

So the DNF team got laid off as there was no money, Take Two still had the publishing rights though, a bunch of leaks of footage and shots happened as a sort of "goodbye and sorry", then Take Two sued 3D Realms for buggering it all up considerably, and then this year the lawsuit had been settled and dismissed between 3DR and TT.


Gearbox revival, 2009–

Despite the discontinuation of internal game development at 3D Realms, development of the game did not cease entirely. Nine ex-employees including key personnel like Allen Blum, who later became Triptych Games - an independent studio[63] that is currently housed on the same building as Gearbox collaborating with them,[64] continued game development throughout 2009 from their homes.

After ceasing internal game development, 3D Realms approached noted game developers Gearbox Software[65] and asked them if they were interested in helping Triptych Games polish the nearly finished PC version and port it to the consoles.[66][67] Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford, who had worked on an expansion to Duke Nukem 3D and very briefly on Forever before he left to found Gearbox, felt that "Duke can't die" and decided that he was going to help "in Duke’s time of need".[68] He started providing funding for the game and contacted 2K Games' president to persuade his company that Gearbox and Triptych can complete the development of the game and get it released on all platforms in time. Piranha Games was contracted to do additional work for the game, which at this point has not been specified.

The game was officially re-announced at the Penny Arcade Expo 2010 on September 3, 2010.[69][70][71] It was the first time in the game's development history that gamers were able to actually try the game - according to Pitchford, "the line has gotten up to four hours long to see the game".[68] On the final day of the Penny Arcade Expo during the Gearbox Software panel it was announced that the company has bought the Duke Nukem intellectual property from 3D Realms and 2K Games now holds the exclusive long-term publishing rights of the game.[72][73]

It has since been officially confirmed that development has been almost completed with only minor polishing to be done,[74] before the game is released in 2011.[73][75] Pitchford has stated that a playable demo will be released once they figure out the timing.[68] Mikey Neumann, creative director of Gearbox, has revealed on the Avault podcast Episode #100, that the game is going to be released in early 2011.[76] Software retailer GameStop and online shop Amazon.com list a February 1, 2011 release date.[77][78]

On October 1st, Randy Pitchford showed for a second time realtime gameplay footage from the game, at the Firstlook gaming convention in Amsterdam.[79]. A few levels of the game were available for play for visitors, showing at least one level with distinct similarities to the boss level of Duke Nukem 3D.

On that last note - a-ha! - my memory did serve me well! :cool:

So it seems that they were quite far ahead with it - for PC - but needed Gearbox to ruddy well sort it the hell out and then port it to consoles in addition, and now 2K had the publishing rights. As some have been speculating, there was probably a load of wanked-up code to sort-out to bash it into shape.

So all-in-all, the people actually doing the building of the game generally did a good job - the real problem was Broussard, and his idiotic chopping-and-changing and demanding for new features everytime he saw something cool in someone else's game, so it appears.

21-Jan-2011, 01:56 PM

Releasing May 3rd in NA, May 5th elsewhere. I still remember the PC Gamer with DNF as the cover story in 1997. Buying this game on principal alone. :D

21-Jan-2011, 02:15 PM

21-Jan-2011, 02:23 PM
New trailer as well:


21-Jan-2011, 05:53 PM
I may be the best part of 15 years older since I was playing Duke Nukem 3D, but I still dig big guns, insane violence, and videogame bewbs ... so I'm up for this.

The graphics aren't going to be up-to-standard, but that's hardly surprising - although most of it looks pretty decent.

What is most important though is:

1) Stability
2) Gameplay

Now ... whether to get it for PC or 360... *ponders*

21-Jan-2011, 06:03 PM
PC I'd say dude, the modding community will go mad over this & you'll get shitloads more extra content!

22-Jan-2011, 11:27 AM
PC I'd say dude, the modding community will go mad over this & you'll get shitloads more extra content!

Hmmm ... duno ... maybe ... although I've never been all that fussed about mods, myself. I've rarely been bothered enough to venture into that world, but I do respect it, and the big thing is - online activation. I fucking hate that shit, and forces me to either not get a game, or get it on 360. I also hate how XP gets shat on in the graphics department now - I still use XP, because I fucking despise Vista, and I can't stand Win7.


22-Jan-2011, 12:09 PM
Hmmm ... duno ... maybe ... although I've never been all that fussed about mods, myself. I've rarely been bothered enough to venture into that world, but I do respect it, and the big thing is - online activation. I fucking hate that shit, and forces me to either not get a game, or get it on 360. I also hate how XP gets shat on in the graphics department now - I still use XP, because I fucking despise Vista, and I can't stand Win7.


Remember you said this when the 'fuzzy patches' are removed by a simple hack on the PC, but the same doesn't apply to the XBox :)

---------- Post added at 01:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 PM ----------

I may be the best part of 15 years older since I was playing Duke Nukem 3D, but I still dig big guns, insane violence, and videogame bewbs ... so I'm up for this.

The graphics aren't going to be up-to-standard, but that's hardly surprising - although most of it looks pretty decent.

What is most important though is:

1) Stability
2) Gameplay

Now ... whether to get it for PC or 360... *ponders*
As long as it's got plenty of Duke un-PC gameplay etc, it'll be a riot :)

Wonder what certificate the game will be?

22-Jan-2011, 01:36 PM
Its bound to be 18, the first one was and that was the days when they couldnt do half the things they can now do visually, there will be bouncing boobs & full length porn booths, the lot! not to mention extreme gore & risque jokes...

22-Jan-2011, 02:04 PM
Here's the ESRB rating, don't think I've ever seen such an epic listing of awesomeness:


22-Jan-2011, 02:46 PM
Here's the ESRB rating, don't think I've ever seen such an epic listing of awesomeness:

For the trailer? Or for the game?

22-Jan-2011, 03:24 PM
The game.

22-Jan-2011, 03:41 PM
Isn't it funny how the ESRB labels gags about piss, farts and knockers "Mature" Humour? Mature? Really? If that's the case then my sense of humour is as subtle and dry as Frasier Crane's! :lol:

22-Jan-2011, 04:48 PM
Remember you said this when the 'fuzzy patches' are removed by a simple hack on the PC, but the same doesn't apply to the XBox :)

---------- Post added at 01:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 PM ----------

As long as it's got plenty of Duke un-PC gameplay etc, it'll be a riot :)

1) Damn, you're right about that. That's a ruddy good point. :sneaky: Although are the pixellated asses and bewbs just for the trailer though? Mafia 2, for example, has Playboy magazines as collectibles and those feature unblurred butts and bewbs (best. collectible. ever. ;))

2) Oh aye, plenty of un-PC nonsense. Quite frankly I'm rather looking forward to going to the toilet in the game, haha! I loved the sense of silliness and crudeness in Duke Nukem 3D, so this is going to be a laugh riot. :D

Its bound to be 18, the first one was and that was the days when they couldnt do half the things they can now do visually, there will be bouncing boobs & full length porn booths, the lot! not to mention extreme gore & risque jokes...

Aye, Duke Nukem 3D (actually the third game in the series - there were two side scrolling platformers before DN3D) was rated 18 all those years ago, so this is guaranteed to be an 18 ... in fact the artwork on websites is already predicting that.

I can't find an entry on the BBFC's site, but they won't have gotten onto it yet (the hand over to PEGI for videogame rating hasn't happened just yet).

But I'm 100% sure it'll be an 18. There's no way it'll be anything less.

Isn't it funny how the ESRB labels gags about piss, farts and knockers "Mature" Humour? Mature? Really? If that's the case then my sense of humour is as subtle and dry as Frasier Crane's! :lol:

I do love those ESRB labels. They just make me want a game more. :D

Same for the BBFC info that they sometimes put on the back of DVDs etc. :cool:

22-Jan-2011, 06:05 PM
I can't find an entry on the BBFC's site, but they won't have gotten onto it yet (the hand over to PEGI for videogame rating hasn't happened just yet).

But I'm 100% sure it'll be an 18. There's no way it'll be anything less.

Might be a 15, but I doubt it.. The BBFC (compared to the US) can be quite liberal these days :)

Mr. Clean
28-Feb-2011, 04:16 AM
Coming out in May....Anyone else getting this?

28-Feb-2011, 04:24 AM
Nope. As someone who didnt play this series when they were young and has no nostalgia to tint my opinion i will say this:

"it doesnt look like a great game"

I dont care about the fact that people seem more excited about it including strippers than doing things the originals were lauded for doing so many years ago. It just does not look like a great videogame. not shitty. not amazing, just eh. Honestly a lot of people are letting themselves up for a big dissapointment. im talking phantom menace here.

Mr. Clean
28-Feb-2011, 04:30 AM
For 2011, the pickings have been slim so far...I've been counting on Homefront to be a hit....A buddy of mine posted the trailer in this post on my facebook page and I didn't even know it was sooo soon of being released. Figure it was going to be like Diablo III and hide under an f-ing rock....

28-Feb-2011, 04:35 AM
well 2010 was one of the best years for games releases in a long time, its gonna be a year or two before the next projects see fruition. theres stuff ill get like dragon age 2 but gears of war 3 is the only thing im really excited about this year and ms shoved it back to september from may so it wouldnt have anything to compete with...

28-Feb-2011, 10:27 AM
Definitely looking forward to it, as Duke 3D was one of my first forays into PC gaming, but you can tell DNF is running on an older engine (probably the same as Prey). Not sure if I'll buy it at launch, but I'm hoping for a great game after all these years.

theres stuff ill get like dragon age 2 but gears of war 3 is the only thing im really excited about this year and ms shoved it back to september from may so it wouldnt have anything to compete with...

2010 was great, but are those really the only games you're interested in this year?

What about:

-Mass Effect 3
-Dark Souls
-Elder Scrolls V
-Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon
-Mortal Kombat
-Battlefield 3
-Batman: Arkham City
-Forza 4
-Tomb Raider
-Silent Hill Downpour
-Child of Eden
the launches of 3DS and NGP...and E3 is still 3 months away! :D

Also, I thought you said Dragon Age 2 was dumbed down crap. :p

28-Feb-2011, 10:49 AM
Battlefield 3 is going to kick arse this year, I'm well pumped for that one! may need to further upgrade my PC though...
LA Noir looks interesting too! Maybe even Zombie island if it lives up to the trailers

28-Feb-2011, 01:02 PM
Coming out in May....Anyone else getting this?

May is all about L.A. Noire for me, so I think I'll get Duke Nukem Forever at a later stage when it's a bit cheaper. I don't particularly fancy paying £40 for a game I was talking about with fevered anticipation when I'd just started my GCSEs (which was sodding ages ago now). I'll definitely play it, and I'm looking forward to it, but I'll come in at a later date personally.

Mr. Clean
28-Feb-2011, 01:44 PM
May is all about L.A. Noire for me, so I think I'll get Duke Nukem Forever at a later stage when it's a bit cheaper. I don't particularly fancy paying £40 for a game I was talking about with fevered anticipation when I'd just started my GCSEs (which was sodding ages ago now). I'll definitely play it, and I'm looking forward to it, but I'll come in at a later date personally.

I always keep forgettings to look up LA Noir. It just came on my radar.

---------- Post added at 07:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 AM ----------

forgettings? I know I'm hungover but damn...I must be still somewhat trashed too...:barf:

28-Feb-2011, 02:25 PM
2010 was great, but are those really the only games you're interested in this year?

What about:

-Mass Effect 3 kind of a given but lack of news bar the one trailer has gotten me excited.
-Dark Souls still not gotten demons souls
-Elder Scrolls V im getting it, but after the oblivion gates storyline of the last game a dude fighting dragons has me less than enthused
-Catherine not getting a release outside japan
-Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon NOPE
-Mortal Kombat NOPE
-Battlefield 3 NOPE
-Batman: Arkham City NOPE
-Forza 4 NOPE
-Tomb Raider NOPE
-Silent Hill Downpour ill get it but its a genre thats being slowly killed off so my hopes are very low
-Child of Eden will never own kinect

Also, I thought you said Dragon Age 2 was dumbed down crap. :p so is mass effect 2 but i enjoyed it enough, just not as much as its predecessor.

Theres things ill get, but the only one i really am interested in is gears 3, because i have no doubt in mass effect and dragon age and the like you will win everything forever at the end. gears has always had more glass half empty endings for the most part and the characters seem genuinely tired of having to still be fighting, that draws me in a low more than the generic protagonists we get in most games who, regardless of history or deed find no problem with 'yay more fighting, back in the saddle!', i just like a story where the characters aren't so easy to switch roles in a plot as easy as some do.
but its still not an amazing series but i am just more excited to see that storys fruition than a few other because i cant say how its going to end really but with most others on your list thats kind of a given from the off.

24-Mar-2011, 06:02 PM
Release delayed to June 10th/14th


24-Mar-2011, 06:22 PM
You think games enthusiasts would have learnt from daikatana....

Somewhere john romero is laughing, madly.

24-Mar-2011, 09:15 PM
Release delayed to June 10th/14th

LOL! Classic!

Mr. Clean
26-Mar-2011, 02:06 PM

I'm offended! Make it stop now! LOL

26-Mar-2011, 02:11 PM
to be fair, it IS a duke nukem game, some people are gonna be offended.

26-Mar-2011, 04:12 PM

I'm offended! Make it stop now! LOL

What's the bet the "slapping" part is removed before launch?

26-Mar-2011, 04:52 PM

I'm offended! Make it stop now! LOL

Strange how they don't mention the slapping of the woman is on her rear (from what I've heard)!?

Mr. Clean
27-Mar-2011, 05:15 AM
What's the bet the "slapping" part is removed before launch?

Dear God, I hope not....Thought it was pretty sad how EA folded like a bitch on Medal of Honor over the multiplayer team called Taliban....

15-Apr-2011, 09:57 PM
Very VERY un-PC and not work friendly :)


15-Apr-2011, 10:16 PM
tig ol' bitties :)

16-Apr-2011, 10:08 AM
*rubs hands* :D

I still won't get it on release day, but I'll definitely play it sometime in the near future.

13 year old boys the world over can't wait for this one, I bet. :lol:

16-Apr-2011, 04:41 PM
*rubs hands* :D

I still won't get it on release day, but I'll definitely play it sometime in the near future.

13 year old boys the world over can't wait for this one, I bet. :lol:

Count me as a 13yr old boy on this one :)

16-Apr-2011, 04:47 PM
Count me as a 13yr old boy on this one :)

I think I'll have to agree with you on that one. ;)

It looks joyously purile ... did you see the short video of, I kid you not, Duke picking up a turd from a toilet and throwing it around a bathroom? :lol: How utterly, utterly daft ... but I just know I'd spend ages doing just those sort of silly things when I eventually get DNF. :p

18-Apr-2011, 01:10 PM

18-Apr-2011, 06:05 PM
And more screenies here:


18-Apr-2011, 06:06 PM
Surely a single screen shot which features "Cock Block" is more than enough for anyone? :)

19-Apr-2011, 09:39 AM
Surely a single screen shot which features "Cock Block" is more than enough for anyone? :)

hehe, well true, it was the best of that batch of screenshots. :D

04-May-2011, 11:08 AM
System requirements...

Minimum Specifications
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 @ 2.0 Ghz
Memory: 1 Gb
Hard Drive: 10 Gb free
Video Memory: 256 MB
Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7600 / ATI Radeon HD 2600
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible

Recommended Specifications
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 @ 2.6 Ghz
Memory: 2 Gb
Hard Drive: 10 Gb free
Video Memory: 512 MB
Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS / ATI Radeon HD 3850
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible

Initial installation requires one-time internet connection for Steam authentication; software installations required (included with the game) include Steam Client, Microsoft DirectX, Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (ATL), Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable, and AMD Dual Core Optimizer. (AMD optimizer required only for specific AMD processors to run the game correctly, but installs for all of them.)

My games machine is above 'recommended' so I'm a happy boy ;)

05-May-2011, 09:52 AM
Initial installation requires one-time internet connection for Steam authentication; software installations required (included with the game) include Steam Client, Microsoft DirectX, Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (ATL), Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable, and AMD Dual Core Optimizer. (AMD optimizer required only for specific AMD processors to run the game correctly, but installs for all of them.)

My games machine is above 'recommended' so I'm a happy boy ;)


F*cking Steam!!!!! :mad:

My rig is decidedly over the Recommended Requirements, but bloody bastarding Steam gets in the way - YET AGAIN - you know, gaming industry, not all of us have the PC, on which we sometimes game, connected to the internet - nor do we all have Wireless (in my area Wireless is next-to-utterly-useless) - and so just to install the game, I'd have to unplug the entire computer, drag it downstairs (it's a big arse heavy Quad Core rig), plug it all in, update all my security software, install the game - and do the "one time" activation, then unplug it all, drag it back upstairs again, plug it all back in, and then play it.

What a piss take. :mad: If Steam is so good, why have they not bothered, in the 7 years of its existence, been bothered enough to introduce a system that allows people in my position to install a damn game without having to go online on the same rig?! :mad:

05-May-2011, 10:41 AM

F*cking Steam!!!!! :mad:

My rig is decidedly over the Recommended Requirements, but bloody bastarding Steam gets in the way - YET AGAIN - you know, gaming industry, not all of us have the PC, on which we sometimes game, connected to the internet - nor do we all have Wireless (in my area Wireless is next-to-utterly-useless) - and so just to install the game, I'd have to unplug the entire computer, drag it downstairs (it's a big arse heavy Quad Core rig), plug it all in, update all my security software, install the game - and do the "one time" activation, then unplug it all, drag it back upstairs again, plug it all back in, and then play it.

What a piss take. :mad: If Steam is so good, why have they not bothered, in the 7 years of its existence, been bothered enough to introduce a system that allows people in my position to install a damn game without having to go online on the same rig?! :mad:

Ummm dude? Pair of (200mbps) homeplugs so you've got a lan connection to your router? Then you have internet access all the time?

The other thing about Steam is it should keep Duke (& all Steam related games) upto date with patches automatically etc

05-May-2011, 12:50 PM
you know, gaming industry, not all of us have the PC, on which we sometimes game, connected to the internet

I'm pretty sure everyone does except for you, Minion :p

05-May-2011, 02:30 PM
but bloody bastarding Steam gets in the way - YET AGAIN - you know, gaming industry, not all of us have the PC, on which we sometimes game, connected to the internet

technically most computers outside of eastern europe do dude, just sayin'.

Gotta give up on your neo luddite 20th century zealotry sometime guy. technology won't wait for you forever :p

05-May-2011, 03:16 PM
The hell is a "homeplug"? I've got a modem, not a router, too.

Hellsing - oh dear, I don't like being forced into this "connectivity" and "DRM" nonsense. :rolleyes: Plenty like me don't care for it.

05-May-2011, 03:42 PM
The hell is a "homeplug"? I've got a modem, not a router, too.

Hellsing - oh dear, I don't like being forced into this "connectivity" and "DRM" nonsense. :rolleyes: Plenty like me don't care for it.

I assume you are plugged into ADSL? The modem (router) has Ethernet Lan plugs in the back? So you can plug 2-4 computers/devices into it, therefore giving them all connectivity to each other and the internet?

Homeplugs use your homes power leads to transmit data over...

So all you do is buy a pair of homeplugs for £40-50... Plug one into the wall near your modem/router, and put an ethernet cable from the modem/router into the homeplug. You then put the other homeplug up in your room next to your PC, and connect an ethernet cable from the homeplug into your computer.

What you've basically done is created a super long ethernet lead from your modem/router to your computer.

And welcome to the 21st century!

05-May-2011, 03:51 PM
Hellsing - oh dear, I don't like being forced into this "connectivity" and "DRM" nonsense. :rolleyes: Plenty like me don't care for it.

-Pic related.


05-May-2011, 04:09 PM
Well I object to being forced to either go to the all the trouble of lugging my rig around the house for a one time online activation, or otherwise splash out £40-50 on this "home plug" stuff.

So the internet travels from one plug to another how? Also, our ADSL modem doesn't have an ethernet socket in it, it's a basic one that Windows 7 doesn't recognise (naturally ... bloody Windows 7 ... how hard is it to provide proper backwards compatibility, like, have a mode than runs alongside Win7 called "XP Mode" so it does all the shit you used to do just fine without any ruddy hassle) ... I object to being hassled by all this forced connectivity and upgrading, and I object to having to pay for all the little accoutrements that end up coming along with it.

So I'd have to buy a modem - a wired one - that also works with Windows 7 to future-proof it (and I've got no idea if they even exist, I've not found any such wired ADSL modems online so far), and these homeplugs things ... and all so I can do a one-time activation on a game? That's a piss take.

If Steam is so amazing, why doesn't it provide a workable option for those who don't have their gaming rig online - for the numerous reasons I've laid out multiple times in recent years - how hard is it? Say you have Steam installed on the gaming rig, and on the rig you've got online, and you do some sort of challenge and response code from one to the other that you simply type in that's unique to your system and Steam account? I'm not particularly fond of Steam either.

And I'm in the 21st century, thank you very much. I even got a ruddy Blu-Ray player and HDTV last year, but I object to being bullied and hassled into splashing out cash and wasting my time on having to figure out yet another bloody work around for some stupid, remmo version of "connectivity", that's been cobbled together by people who pay sod-all attention to backwards compatibility, ease-of-use for the consumer, nor the size of their strained wallets. This constant fiddling and farting around that rarely makes anything truly better, it just makes it more complex, more stressful on a system, and more expensive. Norton Antivirus is a prime example of the sort of nonsense I'm rallying against - that sort of blundering forth without any real thought. These people should be making their product as widely accepting of all variations of their potential consumers as possible - so it's this sort of stupid crap, this DRM "one time only online activation" garbage, that gets in the way of that.

So Hellsing The Contrarian Hipster can holster his all-too-predictable Meldrew pic. :elol:

05-May-2011, 04:23 PM
My gaming rig has been hooked up to the net for the past 4 years now, never had any viruses or problems relating to the net (barring shite stone age Yorkshire connection at times), I have AVG free edition on for protection & it seems to do its job well. I couldnt be without it really for modding my games, updating drivers etc

05-May-2011, 04:25 PM
If Steam is so amazing, why doesn't it provide a workable option for those who don't have their gaming rig online


this is the maddest thing you have ever said. period.

-bear in mind, i totally think you are valid to be pissed about the online activation thing if you cant do it. but steam is like xbox live or psn, downloadable direct to drive games, friends and messaging and online multiplayer. complaining about it needing online is the same as complaning that cars need gas.

a valid complaint though it may be that shit aint logical son.

05-May-2011, 04:35 PM

05-May-2011, 06:13 PM
It's quite logical.

I wouldn't be using "direct to drive" games, I wouldn't be wanting to update my game constantly if it works just fine, I wouldn't be playing it online - so I don't need the gaming rig to be connected to the internet (I prefer downloadable .exe files for updates that I then install myself) - so therefore there should be an option for those like me, and surely, with all the things that Steam can do, it's not at all hard to have such an option for those out there like me. Not crazy at all - it broadens the scope and capability of the product to include another type of consumer, and the focus should always be about making it an inclusive service/product for every type of consumer of the service/product itself.

These people rarely ask themselves the "what if..." question - "what if they don't have their rig online?" - "what if they don't have wireless in their area?" - "what if they have little time, or don't have the appropriate understanding of the background tech, for this update/change/new OS/whatever?" etc.

Very logical, in fact.

---------- Post added at 07:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:35 PM ----------


haha! That looks fun as hell! :cool:

06-May-2011, 07:49 AM
^^ lol :)

06-May-2011, 07:57 AM
Once again, I feel like Nick knows loads about computers but 0.02% about the internet/modems.

06-May-2011, 08:27 AM
Well I object to being forced to either go to the all the trouble of lugging my rig around the house for a one time online activation, or otherwise splash out £40-50 on this "home plug" stuff.

So the internet travels from one plug to another how? Also, our ADSL modem doesn't have an ethernet socket in it, it's a basic one that Windows 7 doesn't recognise (naturally ... bloody Windows 7 ... how hard is it to provide proper backwards compatibility, like, have a mode than runs alongside Win7 called "XP Mode" so it does all the shit you used to do just fine without any ruddy hassle) ... I object to being hassled by all this forced connectivity and upgrading, and I object to having to pay for all the little accoutrements that end up coming along with it.

So I'd have to buy a modem - a wired one - that also works with Windows 7 to future-proof it (and I've got no idea if they even exist, I've not found any such wired ADSL modems online so far), and these homeplugs things ... and all so I can do a one-time activation on a game? That's a piss take.

If Steam is so amazing, why doesn't it provide a workable option for those who don't have their gaming rig online - for the numerous reasons I've laid out multiple times in recent years - how hard is it? Say you have Steam installed on the gaming rig, and on the rig you've got online, and you do some sort of challenge and response code from one to the other that you simply type in that's unique to your system and Steam account? I'm not particularly fond of Steam either.

And I'm in the 21st century, thank you very much. I even got a ruddy Blu-Ray player and HDTV last year, but I object to being bullied and hassled into splashing out cash and wasting my time on having to figure out yet another bloody work around for some stupid, remmo version of "connectivity", that's been cobbled together by people who pay sod-all attention to backwards compatibility, ease-of-use for the consumer, nor the size of their strained wallets. This constant fiddling and farting around that rarely makes anything truly better, it just makes it more complex, more stressful on a system, and more expensive. Norton Antivirus is a prime example of the sort of nonsense I'm rallying against - that sort of blundering forth without any real thought. These people should be making their product as widely accepting of all variations of their potential consumers as possible - so it's this sort of stupid crap, this DRM "one time only online activation" garbage, that gets in the way of that.

So Hellsing The Contrarian Hipster can holster his all-too-predictable Meldrew pic. :elol:

So your ADSL modem has no ethernet sockets? Does it just plug into a phone socket and then USB into a PC? Wow! That's v.old style! My modems (routers) as far back as I can remember have plugged into the phone socket (for ADSL) and then had FOUR ethernet sockets in which you can plug any device (eg: PCs, XBox, etc etc).

Homeplugs send data over your mains power cables in your house. So basically use your power cables as an ethernet lead, hence means you can get a network from one side of your house to another, with no additional wiring!

And as for being in the 21st century, you can splurge out on a blu ray player, a HD TV and high spec PC, but throw your toys out the pram about a few tens of pounds to sort our your internet connectivity? Hmmm... Seems somewhat irrational? Any modern PC, with modern apps, expects an internet connection...

06-May-2011, 09:58 AM
Yeah it's a pretty old school ADSL modem as you described, provided by our ISP ... might have to investigate if they have any other, more up-to-date, options available.

It's this drip-drip-drip of spending I cannot stand. This thing of "to do that you'll need this, and this, and quite possibly this, and that'll cost you..." - just because we can't use wireless in our area, essentially. They should do a more careful job of opening up their services to all possibilities and configurations of hardware that their consumers own.

The home plug thing though, just as an idea in itself, sounds like a good idea though. Like a mix between wireless and wired ... I do prefer my data to travel through a wire, not be farting around in the air where some bugger could get at it.

Mike - it's the connecting to the internet that's always baffled me. Not entirely sure why, but that's the situation. However when it comes to Mobile Phones, I've really got very little idea - I know how to operate them just fine, and txt frequently, but contract phones can fuck right off, and as for the handsets themselves, I can't be doing with this culture of touchscreens (particularly iPhones) with everybody who owns one glued to the screen like a iSlave constantly - my phone has proper buttons, and it's several years old, which is a plus because no fucker will want to steal it. Then again, I'm not a big fan of phones anyway ... I never like talking on them.

I don't like being forced in directions by technology, particularly when all you end up doing is spending more money you don't really have on something that won't really improve anything, and I dislike - for example - missing out on Day One free DLC on a game just because I don't have an Xbox HDD and the appropriate internet connection for XBL, when it should just be on the fucking disc in the first place. Indeed DLC is a whole issue unto itself - paying for a handful of code that should have been on the disc in the first place? Fuck that.

Another example that's okay though - my Blu-Ray player - you can update it via an ethernet connection, but you can also download an .exe from their website, bung it on a flash drive (I do love flash drives), plug the flash drive into the player, and install the update that way. Now that is providing options for the various situations of your consumers.

So circling back to bloody Steam and DNF on the PC - they should have an option for people like me to still do this stupid online registration (even though I'm purely a Single Player kinda guy) via a separate computer that is connected to the internet, by employing some sort of challenge and response code that is personal to your computers and your account.

Furthermore - DX10 and DX11 - is Windows XP actually incapable of running those, or is it deliberately 'locked off' to XP users by games companies, to try and force you into getting Vista, or nowadays, Windows 7? If that's the case, that is also a ruddy piss-take!

06-May-2011, 11:57 AM
I'm sure your prodiver would offer an ADSL router these days... As I said, for many many years, that's all I've received from providers... If you can get that, then just a pair of (200mbps) homeplugs should mean you can get a connection elsewhere in the house...

ps: Homeplugs are not guarenteed to work. If you have very old wiring, or lots of circuit breakers etc then this can upset them. That said, I've not met anyone for whom they did not work!

06-May-2011, 05:51 PM
Do homeplugs have to go directly into the wall, or can they be plugged into extension units?

Might investigate what my ISP does for replacement ADSL modems, just out of interest at least. This one works just fine, but it is quite old school nowadays.

06-May-2011, 06:09 PM
As for DX10 & 11, they wont work on XP dude, Vista/windows 7 only unless theres a hack, plus your graphics card needs to be DX11 capable. I'm debating upgrading my MoBo, processor & OS at the moment but just dont know if I can justify spending the cash to do it.......

06-May-2011, 09:36 PM
Do homeplugs have to go directly into the wall, or can they be plugged into extension units?

Might investigate what my ISP does for replacement ADSL modems, just out of interest at least. This one works just fine, but it is quite old school nowadays.

I've tried them in extension plugs, and they work. If there's surge protectors in them that might cause a problem!?

I believe some homeplugs have pass through? So you don't in effect lose a wall socket?

07-May-2011, 10:36 AM
As for DX10 & 11, they wont work on XP dude, Vista/windows 7 only unless theres a hack, plus your graphics card needs to be DX11 capable. I'm debating upgrading my MoBo, processor & OS at the moment but just dont know if I can justify spending the cash to do it.......

So is that because of something XP doesn't have that Vista and 7 do have, or is it just some conspiratorial fix to force people to 'upgrade' their OS? My card is definitely capable of all the latest DX stuff, but I regularly use pieces of software that don't work on Vista or 7, hence sticking with XP.

07-May-2011, 10:58 AM
So is that because of something XP doesn't have that Vista and 7 do have, or is it just some conspiratorial fix to force people to 'upgrade' their OS? My card is definitely capable of all the latest DX stuff, but I regularly use pieces of software that don't work on Vista or 7, hence sticking with XP.

It's M$ trying to force you to upgrade I believe. I think some hackers have managed to get versions of DX running on XP that were not supported, clearly showing it could be done...

07-May-2011, 01:00 PM
To be honest there is very few games actually using DX11 at the moment, but I expect over the next 12 - 18 months it will start cropping up a lot more till it eventually becomes the standard. Those Battlefield 3 trailers are what is making me seriously consider upgrading at the moment, I bet the specs are going to be pretty high to get the most out of it...

07-May-2011, 04:48 PM
It's M$ trying to force you to upgrade I believe. I think some hackers have managed to get versions of DX running on XP that were not supported, clearly showing it could be done...

To be honest there is very few games actually using DX11 at the moment, but I expect over the next 12 - 18 months it will start cropping up a lot more till it eventually becomes the standard. Those Battlefield 3 trailers are what is making me seriously consider upgrading at the moment, I bet the specs are going to be pretty high to get the most out of it...

There was a hack to get DX10 on Crysis for XP, and I used that - although I barely noticed the difference from DX9 to DX10.

However, there was a huge difference on STALKER: Call of Pripyat (and I couldn't find a hack to enable DX10 for XP) ... it was rather annoying as the Clear Sky (the preceding game) looked rather nice on DX9, so they deliberately made it look shit in DX9 when they came to CoP. That reet pissed me off. Solid game, mind.

Yeah, I figured it was a stitch up to force people to upgrade. What a piss take, again. Wankers.

10-May-2011, 12:04 PM
It's now available for pre-order on Steam...

*ducks and waits for the MZ bomb :) *

10-May-2011, 04:07 PM
It's now available for pre-order on Steam...

*ducks and waits for the MZ bomb :) *

*stomps around like a grumpy godzilla*

F*ckin' Steam... :shifty:

I'll end up getting this on 360, methinks. However, not until it's at a cheaper price. Besides, on May 20th L.A. Noire comes out - and I'm so up for that game.

17-May-2011, 10:41 AM
Demo details...


25-May-2011, 09:00 AM
It MUST be the end of the world after all!

Duke is gold! http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/news/60417/Holy-Shit-Duke-Nukem-Forever-Is-Golden

25-May-2011, 01:22 PM
I pre-ordered this yesterday, and have been having a blast with Duke 3D in the meantime. It still holds up excellently!

27-May-2011, 04:07 PM
I pre-ordered this yesterday, and have been having a blast with Duke 3D in the meantime. It still holds up excellently!

How you playing that?

02-Jun-2011, 02:24 PM
The XBLA version, I think it's 800 points.

It features a rewind/quick save feature that makes for a much snappier experience. I forgot how good the level design was, Hollywood Holocaust is a classic.

---------- Post added 02-Jun-2011 at 10:24 AM ---------- Previous post was 27-May-2011 at 01:27 PM ----------

Launch trailer:


02-Jun-2011, 05:47 PM
This looks like a blast ... although I've got a videogame backlog at the moment, so it'll have to wait a little bit before I get around to it ... I'm also waiting for a price drop and feedback from friends. :D However, the teenage version of myself is all smiles. :D

03-Jun-2011, 11:23 AM
I'm a pre-order whore on this one :)

---------- Post added 03-Jun-2011 at 12:23 PM ---------- Previous post was 02-Jun-2011 at 09:05 PM ----------

I'm a pre-order whore on this one :)

Any of you lot getting the demo? I should be getting it as soon as I can (today/tomorrow) :)

03-Jun-2011, 06:10 PM
I'm a pre-order whore on this one :)

---------- Post added 03-Jun-2011 at 12:23 PM ---------- Previous post was 02-Jun-2011 at 09:05 PM ----------

Any of you lot getting the demo? I should be getting it as soon as I can (today/tomorrow) :)

Do give us your impressions as soon as you can - I'm quite eager to hear what it's like. :)

Personally I've still got L.A. Noire to finish, and then after that I've got RDR: Undead Nightmare to do.

03-Jun-2011, 06:36 PM
Do give us your impressions as soon as you can - I'm quite eager to hear what it's like. :)

Personally I've still got L.A. Noire to finish, and then after that I've got RDR: Undead Nightmare to do.
Not very impressed :(

Maybe it's a poor demo of what will appear in the game itself? But I am tempted to cancel my pre-order and order in a few months when it's cheaper!

03-Jun-2011, 07:15 PM
Not very impressed :(

Maybe it's a poor demo of what will appear in the game itself? But I am tempted to cancel my pre-order and order in a few months when it's cheaper!

Unimpressed how/why?

03-Jun-2011, 07:51 PM
Hmmm so the wait wasnt worth it? They havent released a PC demo, or I cant find one on Steam anyway, so I guess I wont get to judge for myself!

03-Jun-2011, 08:36 PM
I waited up for the demo last night, and couldn't be more disappointed.

Everything about this game feels like it's being held together with a few pieces of twine and some chewing gum. Graphical hiccups, weapons with no kick, lame blood/gore effects...I wasn't expecting GOTY material with DNF, but this is pretty terrible.

I might cancel my preorder, but I'll keep my fingers crossed that the demo is just really old code and they've improved the technical issues.

03-Jun-2011, 09:02 PM
I waited up for the demo last night, and couldn't be more disappointed.

Everything about this game feels like it's being held together with a few pieces of twine and some chewing gum. Graphical hiccups, weapons with no kick, lame blood/gore effects...I wasn't expecting GOTY material with DNF, but this is pretty terrible.

I might cancel my preorder, but I'll keep my fingers crossed that the demo is just really old code and they've improved the technical issues.I've created my cancellation, and just need to press "SUBMIT"...

Can always re-order if +ve comments come in!

05-Jun-2011, 10:29 AM
I've created my cancellation, and just need to press "SUBMIT"...

Can always re-order if +ve comments come in!

Just checked out the demo ... on YouTube ... where some collossal idiot was playing it (seriously, I was amazing at how he took ages to figure out a basic environmental challenge) ... ... and I definitely wouldn't pay full price for it. I'll definitely play DNF at some point (and at sale price), but I'd definitely not pay full-whack for it, and I've maintained that for quite some time now. Still looks fun, but I'd also wager that the demo isn't the best stuff in the game by far.

05-Jun-2011, 06:42 PM
I've had a watch of the demo on youtube (how come on every video of a game on there, you have to get a running commentary from some moron who thinks their silly voices & lame jokes are funny??), anyway I think it looks ok, a lot of the problem in my opinion is an extremely rose tinted view of the original Duke 3D by a lot of fans who are now a lot older than they were when they played it. I was 14 when I first played Duke 3D, my sense of humour & expectations of games were very different then to how they are now, if I could be 14 again now then this new Duke would probably seem every bit as good as I thought the original was...

Sure we all hold it in high regard because we're gamers from a bygone era, but if that was released now it wouldnt be held in anywhere near as high regard

06-Jun-2011, 09:47 AM
An element too is that it's taken so long - so there's a storm of nostalgia, hanging around waiting for so long, and being out-dated from the get-go. It should have been out years ago really, but I'll play it once it's on sale.

As for the gameplay videos, I found one that was 27 minutes long and featured no commentary - however the guy playing it was a collossal moron who couldn't figure out the most basic environmental challenges, so I ended up screaming at the screen half the time ... like "YES! THERE! THE GLOWING GAS CANS! REMEMBER, THAT'S YOUR GOAL FOR THIS LEVEL. GAS-UP YOUR MONSTER TRUCK!" and he'd be looking everywhere but the obvious glowing gas cans. :rolleyes: So it was an extremely frustrating video to watch, and while it looks dated-out-of-the-box, it was always going to be. It's good that they've actually got it together, but then as well I'm sure the demo is only a mere taster and that the best stuff isn't anywhere near the demo - it'll be in the actual game.

I'm wondering though, if putting out that demo, has been a last minute own goal. :shifty:

06-Jun-2011, 11:55 AM

seeing this everywhere, guessing thats not a good sign?

06-Jun-2011, 02:02 PM
I switched my preorder over to Child of Eden yesterday. I'll pick up Duke when it hits $20, much as it pains me to say it.

09-Jun-2011, 04:18 PM
There's some interesting talk out there regarding the demo. Folks looking at it recon it was a demo create last year for PAX (game show).

People can see in the demo's files PAX related definitions, and also in screen comparisons between the demo and the proper game some (minor) differences in graphics.

So the guess is the demo is purely an advert for the game from last year, and hopefully not a true reflection of the game itself...

---------- Post added 09-Jun-2011 at 05:18 PM ---------- Previous post was 06-Jun-2011 at 03:32 PM ----------

Well, all those years of waiting are nearly over!

09-Jun-2011, 05:38 PM
A friend of mine has been playing the full game today and seems to be really enjoying it (he's got a cracked/leaked version from somewhere) so maybe theres hope yet!

09-Jun-2011, 05:43 PM
A friend of mine has been playing the full game today and seems to be really enjoying it (he's got a cracked/leaked version from somewhere) so maybe theres hope yet!

LOL! Someone playing the cracked version before us legit owners even get their copies switched on :)

ps: Don't forget XBox owners can play as soon as they get it! Has he got a 360?

09-Jun-2011, 05:50 PM
LOL! Someone playing the cracked version before us legit owners even get their copies switched on :)

ps: Don't forget XBox owners can play as soon as they get it! Has he got a 360?

He's got it on PS3, downloaded the game (and probably paid for it) but somehow got round the activation thing, his facebook has been full of Duke one liners all afternoon!

09-Jun-2011, 06:17 PM
I'll still play it when it's on the cheap, but I figured the demo (which did seem awfully familiar) wouldn't be a true reflection of the game itself - even if the game doesn't end up being particularly great.

09-Jun-2011, 09:34 PM
A friend of mine has been playing the full game today and seems to be really enjoying it (he's got a cracked/leaked version from somewhere) so maybe theres hope yet!

Just heard someone else's opinion, and they're horrified at the quality of it :(

14-Jun-2011, 08:20 AM
I dont know what people are moaning about or what people were expecting, I think this Duke game rocks! I bought it at the weekend & have been having great fun on it, its old skool Duke with the one liners, the boobs, the gags, the over the top action. Some reviewers have been saying the graphics are old, but it still looks pretty current gen to me, graphically very similar to Bad Company 2. PC gamer seem to like it anyway http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/06/10/duke-nukem-forever-review/

14-Jun-2011, 09:18 AM
Yep... I'm enjoying it too!

The only thing that annoyed me were the terrible attempts at titillation, which failed badly due to the poor graphics and animation (compared to modern engines). The women were actually slight scary to look at :o

Personally, I hope they do another Duke game with a modern engine...

14-Jun-2011, 09:32 AM
I love the opening credits, when Duke rolls the dice & then starts blasting aliens to the original soundtrack, I was almost punching the air!

14-Jun-2011, 10:09 AM
I love the opening credits, when Duke rolls the dice & then starts blasting aliens to the original soundtrack, I was almost punching the air!

That was the one bit of the demo video that I saw online that I really dug.

I've heard that the early portion of the game isn't much cop, but it gets better as it goes along. One day I'll play it, as I keep saying, but I ain't paying £40 for a game that should have been out a decade ago. Besides, I'm all about Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare at the moment. :)

14-Jun-2011, 10:47 AM
Here's a list of some reviews:-
AusGamers 5/10
bit-gamer 50%
Eurogamer 3/10
D-Pad 2/5
GameReactor (German) 5/10
GameStar (German) 68 / 100
Guardian.co.uk 2/5
IGN 5.5/10
PalGN 5/10
PCGames (German) 81%
PC Gamer 80/100
TheSixthAxis 5/10
Thunderbolt 8/10

The lower ones I'd suggest are unfair!

14-Jun-2011, 11:51 AM
I'd say they were unfair too, its a decent solid shooter & more fun than most. I put Duke Nukem 3D from '96 in my PS2 at the weekend just to remind myself what the original Duke FPS game was like, and its actually not as fun as I remember, I was reminded that I always hated the spaceport levels, and some of it was too hard to be fun. The first chapter and the plug & pray levels being the best. I think Duke Nukem Forevers only crime is that it has been released at a time when its extremely difficult to impress with games. Highly interactive and explorable environments, bad language, good graphics and decent AI have all become the norm in any modern game, and these were all pioneering features that made Duke 3D stand out among the crowd back in the 90's.

16-Jun-2011, 09:46 AM
Over 1.5M copies sold so far...

http://www.videogamer.com/news/duke_nukem_forever_to_sell_over_1_5m_says_analyst. html

Let's hope this merits a properly managed sequel!

darth los
20-Jun-2011, 02:48 PM
Here's a list of some reviews:-
AusGamers 5/10
bit-gamer 50%
Eurogamer 3/10
D-Pad 2/5
GameReactor (German) 5/10
GameStar (German) 68 / 100
Guardian.co.uk 2/5
IGN 5.5/10
PalGN 5/10
PCGames (German) 81%
PC Gamer 80/100
TheSixthAxis 5/10
Thunderbolt 8/10

The lower ones I'd suggest are unfair!

I'd suggest that the two that gave eights are on the payroll. :lol:

I haven't played it but i have watched about 10 minutes of GP footage and it was unwatchable.

Over 1.5M copies sold so far...

Nothing more than a testament to the power of name recognition.


11-Jul-2011, 09:20 PM
Well I just completed this, fuck the haters, I had a blast! Its still a proper Duke game as far as I'm concerned :cool:
Some cool features unlocked after completing the game too, like a Duke soundboard, development history, and loads of trailers dating back over 15 years showing various builds of the game on different engines

12-Jul-2011, 03:46 AM
I'd suggest that the two that gave eights are on the payroll.

I haven't played it...

So you haven't played it... Which makes you more qualified how?

-- -------- Post added at 04:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 AM ----------

Well I just completed this, fuck the haters, I had a blast! Its still a proper Duke game as far as I'm concerned :cool:
Some cool features unlocked after completing the game too, like a Duke soundboard, development history, and loads of trailers dating back over 15 years showing various builds of the game on different engines

Yeh, it's a pretty fun ride isn't it :)

12-Jul-2011, 08:08 AM
Definitely, I really enjoyed it and will probably have another play through very soon! "I'm gonna rip your eye out and piss on your brain!" :cool:

02-Sep-2011, 04:06 PM
Sounds like another game is on the way! I'm all up for another as long as the quality is better than "Forever", which was OK'ish...


02-Sep-2011, 06:16 PM
Still haven't played DNF - I'll get to it eventually, but there's so many games on the 'to do list'.

I welcome the news of a properly made Duke game from Gearbox though - best of luck to them.

02-Sep-2011, 07:42 PM
Still haven't played DNF - I'll get to it eventually, but there's so many games on the 'to do list'.

I welcome the news of a properly made Duke game from Gearbox though - best of luck to them.

Do it before Battlefield 3 comes out and takes over your life :p or Deus Ex if thats your flavour! Dukes a top blast!

01-Nov-2011, 06:45 PM
Duke Nukem Shouldve stayed in the 1980's-1990's era and away from todays game developers. This game has literally pissed and shit in everyones face. It is a Bad Game.

01-Nov-2011, 07:09 PM
I disagree with the above post. I especially liked the boss fights. Felt as if I was in an action film. The one on top of Hoover Dam was particularly fun.

01-Nov-2011, 07:25 PM
I disagree with the above post. I especially liked the boss fights. Felt as if I was in an action film. The one on top of Hoover Dam was particularly fun.

Agreed, I thought DNF was a decent game, I had a blast playing through it!

02-Nov-2011, 04:52 PM
Love this game. Am currently a lvl 37 out of 42 on duke nukem online.

02-Nov-2011, 11:45 PM
Can't wait for a solid (well managed) sequel!