View Full Version : Top Iraq general: U.S. army 'must stay' until 2020

darth los
12-Aug-2010, 04:56 PM
And the goalposts move yet again. Is anyone really suprised by that though?

Will this clusterfuck ever end?

And they've got to be kidding if they think that with all the finacial woes this country is in the midst of that the American people will co-sign this.



12-Aug-2010, 05:11 PM
At this point they should just throw their hands up and claim permanent residence....

darth los
12-Aug-2010, 05:27 PM
At this point they should just throw their hands up and claim permanent residence....

And don't think they won't. The U.S. almost never leaves anywhere they plant their their military.


12-Aug-2010, 06:05 PM
We may as well make Iraq the 51st state right now.

The moment we leave - HUGE Civil war, what's left'll become part of Iran.

So what the Hell, let's just stay. Let's start building subdivisions and McDonalds and megamalls.

Any Al-Queda/Taliban caught coming over the border will now be shot as illegal immigrants.

We can ship our Evangelicals over there - tell 'em it's close enough to the Holy Land. They can get their undies in a wad if a mosque gets built in downtown Bagdad. We can put all of their wasted energy to use.

And the oil. We get the oil. It's ours now.

There's probably more material there but I'm lazy...

darth los
12-Aug-2010, 06:18 PM
The moment we leave - HUGE Civil war, what's left'll become part of Iran.

And the thing about it is that that's going to happen whether we leave in 10 days or 10 years, so ultimately all the american blood and tresure we're sending over there is in vain.


12-Aug-2010, 10:10 PM
Well, duh. If you were an Iraqi military official (or actually, anything else for that matter), wouldn't you like it if you could get someone else to do your job for you for the next decade? Why bust your ass, when you can get someone else to bust theirs? Can't blame the guy.

darth los
13-Aug-2010, 04:02 AM
Well, duh. If you were an Iraqi military official (or actually, anything else for that matter), wouldn't you like it if you could get someone else to do your job for you for the next decade? Why bust your ass, when you can get someone else to bust theirs? Can't blame the guy.

and the funny thing is our military is streched so thin alot of the security for the country is beng provided by what are basically hired mercenaries like blackwater.
