View Full Version : half the internet is down

12-Aug-2010, 10:14 PM
anyone else having problems. doesn't appear to be any certain sites that are related, just odd that sites like facebook and espn are down but yahoo is still up

darth los
12-Aug-2010, 11:48 PM
i haven't noticed anything.

Oh, my god. My porn sites!



13-Aug-2010, 12:17 AM
i haven't noticed anything.

Oh, my god. My porn sites!




---------- Post added at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 PM ----------

its going on again............weird shit

13-Aug-2010, 12:22 AM
anyone else having problems. doesn't appear to be any certain sites that are related, just odd that sites like facebook and espn are down but yahoo is still up

Damn you Prince!


Wayne Z

darth los
13-Aug-2010, 03:52 AM
Damn you Prince!


Wayne Z


---------- Post added at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 PM ----------

its going on again............weird shit

lol guys

i'm glad everything is ok but it got me to thinking that we're so dependent on the internet that if it were to go down we'd be in real trouble.

I don't know how i would get through the workday. :stunned:


13-Aug-2010, 03:59 AM
lol guys

i'm glad everything is ok but it got me to thinking that we're so dependent on the internet that if it were to go down we'd be in real trouble.

I don't know how i would get through the workday. :stunned:


Can you believe that from around 1953 - 1993 people got by on just sitting on the couch watching television and actually had to rely on things like newspapers, books, magazines, and other forms of communication instead of the net? The horror that must have been!

Now instead of wasting time with these things we just collectively waste time on the 'net instead.


darth los
13-Aug-2010, 04:05 AM
Can you believe that from around 1953 - 1993 people got by on just sitting on the couch watching television and actually had to rely on things like newspapers, books, magazines, and other forms of communication instead of the net? The horror that must have been!

Now instead of wasting time with these things we just collectively waste time on the 'net instead.


imo, it's definitely an upgrade. None of that ink and stuff on your hands.

Everything you ever wanted to know, the entirety of amassed human knowledge is basically at your fingertips 24 hours a day.

There's no excuse for not knowing anything anymore.

It's really a miracle.

It makes what you said look like the stone ages.


13-Aug-2010, 04:41 PM
imo, it's definitely an upgrade. None of that ink and stuff on your hands.

Everything you ever wanted to know, the entirety of amassed human knowledge is basically at your fingertips 24 hours a day.

There's no excuse for not knowing anything anymore.

It's really a miracle.

It makes what you said look like the stone ages.


I dunno man, I agree with you that it's extremely convenient to have the world at your fingertips (face it, you could find just about any major movie made online to watch at any time, communicate with people around the world at any time, have instant access to knowledge, etc.) I also wonder if it's necessarily for the best in the long run to have this convenience for society/the world. It goes back to my ages old argument -- sometimes too much is just too much.

The internet is a great convenience but a "miracle"? Eh, I'd call a miracle the cure for cancer -- not the internet. :p


13-Aug-2010, 04:51 PM
Everything you ever wanted to know, the entirety of amassed human knowledge is basically at your fingertips 24 hours a day.

Beautiful, isn't it? I'll often be working on the house and run into something I'm not sure how to fix. The wife gets all worried with "What are you going to do, call someone to fix it?!?". "Nope....Google, bitch". :lol:

darth los
13-Aug-2010, 05:14 PM
Beautiful, isn't it? I'll often be working on the house and run into something I'm not sure how to fix. The wife gets all worried with "What are you going to do, call someone to fix it?!?". "Nope....Google, bitch". :lol:

Exactly my point.

You for some reason are having a dispute in a bar over Ted williams stats or what was it that started the hundred years war. Everybody calm down, pull out your smart phone and the matter will be settled in a couple of minutes.

Sadly, google can't help me figure women out though. :(

Now that would be a miracle JD! :D

I dunno man, I agree with you that it's extremely convenient to have the world at your fingertips (face it, you could find just about any major movie made online to watch at any time, communicate with people around the world at any time, have instant access to knowledge, etc.) I also wonder if it's necessarily for the best in the long run to have this convenience for society/the world. It goes back to my ages old argument -- sometimes too much is just too much.

The internet is a great convenience but a "miracle"? Eh, I'd call a miracle the cure for cancer -- not the internet. :p


I agree up to the extent that technology has made the human race lazy and dumb. Self reliance is now a relic of the past.

People will work only as hard as they have to. So if everything is mechanically done for them, they won't do what generations before them did.

Remember in the 90's when you had everyone's number committed to memory?

Wanna know why people can't readily give you even their own cell phone numbers nowdays? Because the machine does it for you.

However, i have to disagree with you about the internet. We are at a point in history where the access we have to information is unparallel. I don't believe you can ever have enough information, it can never be a bad thing, imo.

It's literally changed the game.

In our fav subject, politics for example. Politicians would routinely lie about something they said or position they held 10-20 years ago and get away with it.

They would tell a group of supporters one thing one night and different demographic something else at another different. The internet doesn't allow them to do that anymore.

I can't remember where i read at this time but there was a stat that said the average "peasant" in midevil Europe would only come across the amount of information available in a single issue of time magazine! Can you believe that?

Again, I'm not speaking in absolutes because i don't know every damn thing. It just seems as if it's a good thing to me.


13-Aug-2010, 05:29 PM

ITT: people born before the 70's ended.:lol:

13-Aug-2010, 05:38 PM
If half the internet is down, that just means that work productivity will go up by 200%.. :lol: :D

13-Aug-2010, 05:46 PM
Hey Los:

My major issue with the internet is the self-reliance on it that so many people have. I remember back when I was in college from 2000 - 2004 there was a collective gasp as our professors at the college informed all the students that they could not use the internet for sources on any college paper requiring sources with exception to periodical resources such as the "New York Times Online" or other periodical sources online. Even to this day, my alma mater bans the internet for online sources except for periodicals (this includes wikipedia -- you may not cite from or use it as a source for papers). This is a college-wide decision that affects all students in all courses regardless of the course -- and I personally commend it.

I remember laughing when I heard all the other students gasped as thinking: "Really? You rely on the internet to do all your thinking for you?" -- it just amazed me that so many people rely on it in such a way. Hey folks, go to the library -- do something called picking up a book or a newspaper (even though they, newspapers, are going bankrupt all through the country we still have them and they go back hundreds of years in some public libraries).

Yes, there is more access available to knowledge through the internet than has ever been available before -- but I have to ask, what type of knowledge? Do you think the majority of people use the internet for valuable knowledge or for the latest update on pop-stars? Just because there is a greater access to knowledge doesn't mean people are more knowledgeable (or knowledgeable about stuff that matters) more than ever before in the history of the world.

Schools are proof of this. You would think with all this ability for knowledge kids in America would be the most intelligent and articulated kids in the history of education simply because the knowledge is within anyone's grasp through the internet. However, we see the complete opposite taking place -- our children are becoming dumber and dumber (and dumberer :D).

I'd say this is due to a few causes -- people not going out in the world (public libraries for example) to attain knowledge. People not using the ability of the internet for the right purposes and instead wasting time on it (which I think is a major cause of it), and people saying to themselves: "Hey, I don't need to learn this -- if I ever need to know it I'll just look it up on the 'net."

Anyway, just some food for thought...


15-Aug-2010, 06:01 AM
I have to differ with you on this,
Growing up during the 2400 BAUD modem era, followed/parallel by the BBS and America Online phenomena, I clearly remember the divide between the day I gained access to Netscape (my 1st true web browser), and the day before.

Some of us ARE the exceptions which prove the rule. I read biographies/autobiographies of/by famous people, study significant world history as the mood takes me (I'm a bit biased toward Western civilization), research advances in the fields of astronomy, aeronautics, epidemiology & microbiology, and in my spare time I'm teaching myself a language or two via Rosetta.

Of course all this is in between playing Starcraft II, perusing my favorite adult entertainment when the mood strikes, and discussing anything and everything with you good people.

Other than taking tons of medication, sleeping, talking to the two friends who've stuck by me on the phone, and some interaction with my family, that's the sum total of my life, other than eating/drinking etc.

The Internet IS a MIRACLE to a shut-in. NEVER DOUBT IT. I would've lost my mind and gone on a murder spree followed by suicide-by-cop long since without all that knowledge and entertainment to help occupy my mind and distract me from the horrific, ever-intensifying pain.

Would a cure for the "chronically acute" (to coin an oxymoron) pain I suffer be MORE miraculous? Of course, but I'll take what I can get.

15-Aug-2010, 06:05 AM
Can you believe that from around 1953 - 1993 people got by on just sitting on the couch watching television and actually had to rely on things like newspapers, books, magazines, and other forms of communication instead of the net? The horror that must have been!

Now instead of wasting time with these things we just collectively waste time on the 'net instead.


yea i believe it, i was one of those people. still am. some people need the net, i can shut this monkey off and leave it off for days at a time.

15-Aug-2010, 02:37 PM
Some of us ARE the exceptions which prove the rule. I read biographies/autobiographies of/by famous people, study significant world history as the mood takes me (I'm a bit biased toward Western civilization), research advances in the fields of astronomy, aeronautics, epidemiology & microbiology, and in my spare time I'm teaching myself a language or two via Rosetta.

Don't get me wrong, Wyld, I commend the internet and love it just as much as the next guy/gal. I think it's great -- but you really hit on what I'm saying above here in bold. An exception as opposed to what I think is really the general rule of thumb.


15-Aug-2010, 03:37 PM
That sounds like doomsaying to me, in the same way you hear stuffy people say each generation lacks morales compared to the last even though 100 years ago it was still possible to get away with killing someone if they looked at you funny.
Just for future reference all these stupid people wasting time on the internet? how many took part in your census on the topic? what is the size of your sample groups?

The majority of people you talk to about "the general public" all have exactly the same sentiments. "they arent as educated or well read as i am" "they get dumber every year" "they all do drugs and live on wellfare" the lists go on an on when these people dont realize THEY are the general public as well they are not above them on a pedestal and they are nothing special.

Everyone who has the internet learns more using it than they do sitting on there arse grazing on television. why? because its the nature of it. there is no direction, no control. Everyone has been on wikipedia or tvtropes and lost an hour due to drift searching at least a few times. it is guaranteed to impart information because that is the primary function. not to sell something, or impart a message but to allow networking and archiving of information which people are free to choose to browse at there leisure. Now i am part of the general public and nothing special either and i learn a few new things every day form the internet. i don't watch television because it is base, mindless garbage made to advertise, make money and keep you there watching and having these advert bombs set up in your head.

Maybe it's the websites you visit, god knows there IS lazy people on the internet, mostly in the over 20 bracket who use the internet for forums, facebook and nothing else and these people are a problem, but i know there are many people who use websites to keep there lives interesting and give them knew things to do when AWAY form the computer.
all the television wants you to do when away from it is get around the watercooler and advertise the shows to other people.

for example, want some websites to use that dont involve "O.M.G THEY CHANGED THERE STATUS TO SOMETHING ENW!" (if you cant tell i hate websites like facebook and myspace, the only reason i have one is because i have uni friends who only converse using it)

http://www.ted.com/ - actual intellectually stimulating talks on subjects.
http://boingboing.net/ - neat diy science projects and things from around the world.
http://lifehacker.com/ - tips and freebies to make your life easier or more interesting.
http://makezine.com/ - webzines about making neat things.
http://www.theonion.com/ - clever comedy
http://www.howstuffworks.com/ - name kinda says it.
http://www.popsci.com/ - science news and technology.
http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ - photography adn articles form around the world.
http://www.rollingstone.com/ - entertainment industry news and articles minus the gossipy bullshit.
http://www.aintitcool.com/ - movies and dvd articles.

thats a handful of ways to spend your time learning something new on the internet instead of bitching on forums and stuff.

When people do the "most people are stupid and only do blank" this kind of thing always comes to mind.

darth los
16-Aug-2010, 06:04 PM
That sounds like doomsaying to me, in the same way you hear stuffy people say each generation lacks morales compared to the last even though 100 years ago it was still possible to get away with killing someone if they looked at you funny.
Just for future reference all these stupid people wasting time on the internet? how many took part in your census on the topic? what is the size of your sample groups?

The majority of people you talk to about "the general public" all have exactly the same sentiments. "they arent as educated or well read as i am" "they get dumber every year" "they all do drugs and live on wellfare" the lists go on an on when these people dont realize THEY are the general public as well they are not above them on a pedestal and they are nothing special.

Everyone who has the internet learns more using it than they do sitting on there arse grazing on television. why? because its the nature of it. there is no direction, no control. Everyone has been on wikipedia or tvtropes and lost an hour due to drift searching at least a few times. it is guaranteed to impart information because that is the primary function. not to sell something, or impart a message but to allow networking and archiving of information which people are free to choose to browse at there leisure. Now i am part of the general public and nothing special either and i learn a few new things every day form the internet. i don't watch television because it is base, mindless garbage made to advertise, make money and keep you there watching and having these advert bombs set up in your head.

Maybe it's the websites you visit, god knows there IS lazy people on the internet, mostly in the over 20 bracket who use the internet for forums, facebook and nothing else and these people are a problem, but i know there are many people who use websites to keep there lives interesting and give them knew things to do when AWAY form the computer.
all the television wants you to do when away from it is get around the watercooler and advertise the shows to other people.

for example, want some websites to use that dont involve "O.M.G THEY CHANGED THERE STATUS TO SOMETHING ENW!" (if you cant tell i hate websites like facebook and myspace, the only reason i have one is because i have uni friends who only converse using it)

http://www.ted.com/ - actual intellectually stimulating talks on subjects.
http://boingboing.net/ - neat diy science projects and things from around the world.
http://lifehacker.com/ - tips and freebies to make your life easier or more interesting.
http://makezine.com/ - webzines about making neat things.
http://www.theonion.com/ - clever comedy
http://www.howstuffworks.com/ - name kinda says it.
http://www.popsci.com/ - science news and technology.
http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ - photography adn articles form around the world.
http://www.rollingstone.com/ - entertainment industry news and articles minus the gossipy bullshit.
http://www.aintitcool.com/ - movies and dvd articles.

thats a handful of ways to spend your time learning something new on the internet instead of bitching on forums and stuff.

When people do the "most people are stupid and only do blank" this kind of thing always comes to mind.

Very apt and level headed response.

The other side of the argument seems to imply that when there was no internet, evey living human was a bookworm and that's far from the case.

There were just as many people slacking off then as there are now only with inferior technology.

There will always be people who are in the pursuit of knowledge and will use the best available medium to do so.

Conversely, there will always be those who want to use that nmedium to watch porn even though it can be used for a host of other things. This pertains to books a swell as the internets.


16-Aug-2010, 06:19 PM
When people do the "most people are stupid and only do blank" this kind of thing always comes to mind.

That's beautiful! Definitely reminds me of the inherent paradox of the astronomical number of people on the internet authoritatively claiming the world is full of idiots; always a bugbear of mine.

PS--Thank you for the links, will look at the ones I'm not familiar with over this week!

16-Aug-2010, 07:33 PM
That's beautiful! Definitely reminds me of the inherent paradox of the astronomical number of people on the internet authoritatively claiming the world is full of idiots; always a bugbear of mine.

PS--Thank you for the links, will look at the ones I'm not familiar with over this week!

you win points for using bugbear in a none d&d context.

16-Aug-2010, 07:38 PM
you win points for using bugbear in a none d&d context.

Ummm...many kobolds of thanks?

darth los
16-Aug-2010, 07:46 PM
Don't trip over your 20 sided die patting yourselves on the back guys. :lol:

16-Aug-2010, 08:15 PM
I remember back when I was in college from 2000 - 2004 there was a collective gasp as our professors at the college informed all the students that they could not use the internet for sources on any college paper requiring sources with exception to periodical resources such as the "New York Times Online" or other periodical sources online. Even to this day, my alma mater bans the internet for online sources except for periodicals (this includes wikipedia -- you may not cite from or use it as a source for papers).

When I went to school we were required to use the internet for sources.

Of course we couldnt use something like Wikipedia as source.

In terms of scientific articles, journals, etc. The best place to get them was from the internet from article Databases...so while these places are on the internet its not the same thing as just some website, they are the actual physical articles that end up getting published.

This being said it was for science classes...

Books and magazines were already obsolete by the time they had been printed. Additionally for the most part anything that was written in a book in terms of science was first originated in one of these unless terribly dated...and even if still relevant you could find copies of the old articles in these databases.

The main problem with people using the 'internet' as a source is most people dont actually know how to use it.

16-Aug-2010, 08:50 PM
When I went to school we were required to use the internet for sources.

Of course we couldnt use something like Wikipedia as source.

In terms of scientific articles, journals, etc. The best place to get them was from the internet from article Databases...so while these places are on the internet its not the same thing as just some website, they are the actual physical articles that end up getting published.

This being said it was for science classes...

Books and magazines were already obsolete by the time they had been printed. Additionally for the most part anything that was written in a book in terms of science was first originated in one of these unless terribly dated...and even if still relevant you could find copies of the old articles in these databases.

The main problem with people using the 'internet' as a source is most people dont actually know how to use it.

only difference between then and now? Its okay to use the internet because they can use software to search for students plagiarizing, back in the day the internet was a dark pit of grade a work waiting to be pilfurd, thats nigh impossible nowadays.
as it should be.

16-Aug-2010, 09:46 PM
Whether you like it or not Uncle George got it right with Diary.
I'll give you an example.

Im a member of a very large boxing forum and the sport, by its tough nature, attracts all sorts of people. Some of the people on this forum are batshit crazy and obsessed with particular fighters and will do or type anything to make their fighter look good and discredit said fighters nemesis. Sometimes this gets out of hand and can attract a lot of threads that in turn attract the looneys and it morphs into a big thing. Now the topic can be anything including false rumours. If enough people get on board it gets reported on boxing news sites and becomes almost fact. People brainwash themselves on this forum into believing stuff that has NO substance whatsoever. Its incredile.
In Diary, George is saying that the internet, and youtube in particular, create the news because everyone has a voice and its difficult to filter out the real facts amongst all the noise. The truth gets lost.